Oi... I'm drooling at all the gameplay videos and information about ACU... I might cave and get the PS4 when I have the funds just for Unity. But Rogue, with the Naval missions, I'm not too excited for it. I hated the naval missions in ACIII and because Black Flag was based around those missions, (from what I read and investigated, sorry if I offend anyone) I didn't purchase Black Flag. I found the naval missions unenjoyable and annoying, quite frankly. Anyway, I'm really excited for ACU and Rogue, I hope I'm wrong and I'll purchase both! I've always loved Ubisoft and the AC series, but I hope they begin to tie in the Modern world more with the story, ACIII really made it confusing for the player to understand the story of "The world will end if you don't put the power adapters into the box thing and listen to my repetitive stories about how the alien race cannot stop fate" But with "You" being the modern P.O.I. makes it really difficult for me to tie in the "Assassin's vs Templar" plot-line. Are they going to give us a choice in being an Assassin or Templar? Are we going to have rankings through-out the game and every mission you complete will earn you points toward promotion? And how the modern world be tied in this time? The past games tied in Desmond by him learning how to be an Assassin through Ezio and learning where the pendent/key was buried in ACIII, but it just doesn't make sense... No competitive online play this time? Aw... I was really excited to see the improvements with the gameplay there. I loved the ACIII online play, to an extent. A lot of people exploited it and cheated/modded the game for their advantage, but I liked the idea of it. Speaking of which, do any of you still play the ACIII online play? Anytime I log into it, it says the servers are down. I'm coming to the conclusion that ACIII servers are closed.
>Notices pink text >finally dies with satisfaction
The only way for you to not bleed is if you died. Your heart is gonna try to pump blood to that limb. EDIT: You'd have to apply a tourniquet for at least a couple of days and it would still bleed if you were to cut off that limb, because of remaining blood in your arteries and tissue. That'd be painful beyond belief...
Where did the time go? ._.
Tove Lo's Habits is gonna be stuck in my head for days.. Please let me know if you'd like the resource for these stocks. (I don't feel like linking them atm.. ._.) Icons: And a couple gif-tags: C/C is greatly appreciated, and please source me if you're using any of these. Thanks~
I'd get rid of size requirements for photo uploads on websites.
Yeah, I've been messing around with the time-per-frames in some of these to make the gifs last a little longer and be a little smoother, but I was mainly just playing around with the video's main points and places that were my favorite. I haven't really even scratched the surface as far as looping goes, but I've been meaning to look into getting better at the placement of the loops and smoothing out the transitions between them. Thanks for the criticism! Much appreciated. c:
I've been trying to compress them... I'm going to have to investigate into how to do it correctly. Appreciate the comments though. =3
What I was listening to while creating these (and also the song in the trailer). Video I used to create these gifs. Decided to try out gifs again and see how well I can make them. I actually am really proud of these, but the only problem I have is that they're very large and I'm having trouble uploading them on sites. I'd really like one of them as my avatar, but it's around 900 KB and this site has a 235 KB maximum. ._. If anyone has any suggestions on how to compress gif files without losing the quality/animation please let me know, I'd greatly appreciate it. =3 Anyway, onto the graphics! Icons: Tags/Gifsets: C/C is greatly appreciated, and thanks for checking this thread out~
Shizzy! Hey!! I see you on PSN all the time. c: We should play GTAV or AC3 sometime. Anyway, nice to see a familiar face. Hope you stick around!
These are so awesome! I really like the pastel-y feel they give off, and the mood they give off. I just feel happy looking at these. c: Something I suggest you play with is darker colors. Contrasting colors could really set it off, and make the icon really pop. But, I really like how these came out. Keep it up!
Yeah, I somehow got through the first three dungeons and the Forest Temple rather quickly. Then I got to the fire temple and it started to get confusing. Rescuing all the Gorons are really annoying. @ .@ And thanks for letting me know! I'm going to look around for that the next time I play.
Oh yeah I forgot why this game is so fRUSTrATING. Already stuck on Fire Temple. ._. Oh yeah, and anyone else hate the tilt screen aiming shit?
Hope life treats you swell~
Just cook some bacon. Problem solved.
siiiiiiiick omg so awesome I don't know if I shown you guys my tattoo I got when I was 18 but I have a wolf's head too! o: Love the shading on it, it's really awesome. c: Spoiler: here's an updated picture of me idk I haven't posted here in a while so hi
There's no turning back. Hi everyone. c: Seen ACUnity's Trailer and half hyperventilated to death because the graphics are so sexy and it's assassin's creed and there's a chance that they're not going to have the animus in it and omg the story capabilities then and just ugh I'm so excited ok Here's some icons I made because dem graphics i mean come on Yes I know there's Black Flag in there too. c: Anyway, thanks for viewing. You can use these, just give credit please.