Just dropping off some icons I made from a while back. I started watching House on Netflix, (No, I have never seen the show before now. :L) and I think Wilson has to be my favorite character, I'm not really sure. I'm up to Season 6. Trying to distract myself with other shows so I don't finish the whole series too soon. :c As always, enjoy and hope you use them somewhere. c: because I really don't tbh
You haven't seen Twister, have you?
It's crazy to think I've been a part of a website for almost 7 years. And my 21st birthday is on the 1st. Also, it's really awesome to meet so many loving, friendly, amazing, hilarious people on the web that share some of the same interests as me. And become close friends with some of them! Sorry for being sappy and stuff, carry on. x:
Drinking doesn't always have to result in you getting shitfaced. You can just drink one or two drinks and be done with it.
My experiences with my PS4 have only been good things.. I mostly play GTAV Online with it but y'know
My work schedule is every other day for the next couple of days and it's so annoying ugh
I had the biggest brownie ever at O'Charley's today omg
Dark. I've always liked the darker styles on this website. c:
This is really awesome! I loved Fallout 3, but didn't have the chance to play New Vegas. Bethesda better bring their A game.
Speaking of soda I heard the new Mtn Dew Dew-shine really sucks and tastes like an off-brand sprite lol
Warning: This video has a lot of profanity.
I found that out on tumblr, actually. I always knew to never mix in a metal bowl because of the instructions, but always wondered.