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  1. Mysty
    Been good. Been good. How have you been?
    Profile Post Comment by Mysty, Mar 23, 2015
  2. Mysty
    ~Namek Group~

    The group arrived to Planet Namek all safely. Around them was nothing. There was no one really either. This world seemed dead so why would a tyrant be here to claim it? Something was amiss.

    In the sky, two figures could be seen flying across. One was a small boy with purple clothes holding a strange orange ball in his hands. Another was a small bald man wearing an orange-red jump suit. They both looked down to see the group. They both stopped for a few seconds, speaking to themselves about something. They flew down to the three.

    "How on Earth did three other humans get here? All of you have really high power levels too." The bald man asked to them. There was a lot of confusion in his voice.

    "Krillin, what if they were sent here by my dad? Hi, I'm Gohan, and this is Krillin."

    "I don't think so, Gohan. I've known your dad for years and have never met these people before. Maybe their partners with Frieza!"

    "No way! They'd have attacked us by now since we have a Dragon Ball."

    "Guess your right. Hey, so who are you guys exactly?"

    ~Fake Namek~

    With the three of them all meeting together. Star simply waved at them. At least they were familiar. The group spawned next to a giant castle. It was unlike the materials around the blue and green planet. "Should we got and take a look? I doubt anyone is going to come and welcome us?" Star asked.

    Regardless of their answer, she was going ahead. Not the most patient of people. Once inside the castle, the rooms were all filled with normal things one would expect to see in a castle. The only strange thing was there was nobody within. Star entered the Dining Hall. The entire table was filled to the roof with food. "I guess a quick bite wouldn't hurt, right guys?" She said, saliva running down her chin.
    Post by: Mysty, Mar 22, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Mysty
  4. Mysty
    Name: Ana Bahebak
    Age: 16
    Appearance: ~
    Faction: The Union
    Race: Human
    Pact Partner: Ra
    Pact Price: Sense of direction
    Weapon: Desolate Sands
    • Weapon Magic: A rod that controls the power of sand. It can even harden sand to act as a shield. However, once hardened, it can no longer be manipulated.
    • Sharpness: None
    • Weight: 2 KG
    • Reach: Long
    • Material: Jewel of Ra, Sandstone
    • Weapon Lore:
      A weapon that is said to be forged by the dragon of the desert. This weapon can only come into the hands of those who have made a bond with the dragon, a feat to say the least. It has only been seen once in a time long ago by one of the Pharaoh's, a man claimed to be a god. He had the right to claim this for her decimated battlefields with this weapon at hand.

      The weapon is made of the jewel of Ra, this jewel is the main factor as it is the heart of the dragon itself. Piercing the dragon's skin to claim its jewel is no easy feat to say the least, however some say that the jewel can be given to one that Ra finds worthy.

      Once the jewel has be claimed, the next step is to find sandstone and mold it into a rod. This sandstone is then heated into a glass that will be used to hold the orb and cast the spells that only the dragon himself can do. Is it a weapon to be feared, but it is a weapon created from fear of Ra.

      There is a unique power that this rod possesses that has never been discovered by any wielder thus far. Ra himself would never tell them this power, although, he hopes for the day it is used.
    Ana was an ordinary girl. She lived in a nation that was aligned with the Empire for some great time. However, after time went by and she grew older, she could see the kinds of things the Empire did to those who did not agree with their own ideologies. Ana was not one for harming those who do not deserve such a fate.

    When she was older, Ana ran away from her homeland, in search of a way to fight back. She heard of the Union and wanted to join it to maybe turn things around. She was weak, it was true, but she didn't have to fight. The Union needed more than just fighters. Who was there to take care of the injured or feed everyone when it came time for supper? She wanted to support to her best capabilities.

    The desert she had to cross though was nothing simple. She packed water but it was not enough to sustain herself for the long journey ahead. Ana eventually found her way to an oasis where she was able to refresh and restock. She rested for 3 nights at this place. Before she was able to move on, she noticed that things were too peaceful here. Not one single creature decided to make its way to this oasis. Creatures fled at the sight of it.

    Ana explored the oasis in more depth to find a cave. Within, she explored to find an old dragon, one that snarled and roared towards her once she was spotted. The girl did not run. She was afraid, but she noticed the dragon was in pain. Instead of going to run or fight, she stayed. She saw his leg was badly torn. Whatever fought it was strong enough to damage the dragon.

    He was impressed by her courage and need to aid him. He asked her who she was and what she was looking for. Ana told him everything about the world and what was happening. She didn't want to hurt anyone but instead help them through the worst of it. The dragon introduced himself as Ra, the dragon of the desert. He offered her his power, a pact in exchange for her sense of direction. Ana agreed, thinking this would help her in the long run for helping others.

    Once the pact was made, the dragon ripped out its own heart and placed it on a sandstone pillar. He breathed fire onto it to create the weapon known as Desolate Sands. He gave it to the girl and he died. His scales, bones, and everything else turned to sand, blowing away.

    Ana left the oasis and found herself lost, exploring the world for 2 years. She still has yet to find the Union. She hopes that the Union will someday find her instead. The current location she has found herself in is the Elf capital. She decided to stay in this city hoping that they would one day come.
    Theme: ~
    Other: Sorry, spoiler tag isn't working for the Lore
    Post by: Mysty, Mar 22, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Mysty

    The girl lost her legs from a pact. What she gained from it wasn't clear to even herself. The leprechaun wasn't much help either. Olivia snared a glare over to the little green man. Her tails were fluffed up at his comments against his pact partner. A pact was meant to be mutual agreement to one another. If he was going to complain about it, he shouldn't have made it, but he did so he was stuck with her. He was going to have to learn to accept it one way or another.

    Olivia turned back to the girl and smiled.
    "It might be harder, but just remember this, if you succeed you will feel like you accomplished something. You have to work twice as hard and you will feel twice as good in the end. Even if your partner seems to disagree with his choices, always know that the choice you made will eventually give you a smile. By the way, I'm Olvia. I'm glad to meet such a talented girl. What is your name?"

    She continued to run along, not really caring about the wheel chair. She was fine and their destination was set. Once they arrived at the Elf capital, Olivia placed the girl back onto her wheelchair and smiled. Olivia touched the girl's nose lightly and walked towards Jededaih, the king who willingly saw it right to let them in. That was a relief.


    He followed inside. He noticed how culture was so much different than his own. The trees were tall, the people were peaceful. Jedediah himself even seemed like a king of everyone, smiling to every person who came to him. Eon walked ahead to meet the king for some conversation.

    "Your highness, I am most grateful to your humbleness. I promise that we will not overstay our welcome. If there is even the slightest hint at danger to threaten your kingdom, we shall disappear. We do not wish harm on your people or your land." Eon then proceeded to whisper to the King, "Now, mind telling me a little bit about the girls you got around the kingdom? I'm sure the king gets to see the best of the best."
    Post by: Mysty, Mar 22, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Mysty
    Dawn was glad to see Lucia, truly she was. However her happiness quickly fell into fear as a large troll stood above them. He was huge. He was planning to eat them too! Dawn wanted to attack to defend herself, but she was too shooken up from fear to do anything. Fighting Aiden was one thing, fighting a giant troll was a fool's errand.

    The girl fell to her knees as he spoke. The smell coming from his breath was enough to make any normal person unconscious. Maybe the other's couldn't smell it like she could. Her sense were somewhat better since her voice had been taken away from her. She began to cough as the stench fumigated her entire body. Her eyes were watering from it, her skin was sweating from the heat. This felt like a boiling pot from hell.

    Trying to get up, she failed as the carrot being stepped on was far too slippery to regain her previous balance. She listened to the other's try and explain things to maybe save them. Dawn wanted to help, but sadly, she could never be heard. Even if she wrote her thoughts, the giant could never see it. The print would be far too small for any giant to see. She was once again stuck in a situation where she had to rely on others.
    Post by: Mysty, Mar 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Mysty
    Dawn was feeling pretty good after that last battle. She almost felt like she made that battle as easy as it was. Aero seemed to work pretty well in her favor, or the man they were against was very clumsy and easy to stun. Regardless, now that the princess and her little pony were free, Dawn followed down the slide to go and catch up with them. There were people missing from their group and she needed to find them.

    After a rather enjoyable ride from the slide, Dawn landed on top of a large carrot. Whatever was brewing smelled really good. She looked over to see the others that were missing. She saw Lucia and ran over to give her a hug without warning. She let go and gave a wide smile, her eyes glimmering with happiness. She didn't need to write anything to show that she was happy to see her friend.
    Post by: Mysty, Mar 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Mysty
  9. Mysty
    The guild was pretty empty. Lancelot leaned against the wall, looking around with one eye. His arms were folded as he spotted Edric ready to move people on a mission. There were others that were certain to join, he didn't really care though. If worse came to worse, he'd have to unleash his hidden power. Having more people would make the mission either easier, or make it so more casualties were possible. His scarf covered the rest of his face but there would have been no expression to show either way. There never was an expression to show.

    He walked up to Edric, his body giving the presence of a rolling boulder. He stopped and looked at the S class mage with a lifeless stare. "I'm in." Was all he said to the mission. Some extra experience wasn't going to hurt, nor was the practice with dealing with people in a party. He did not need to speak to them. Lancelot only needed to fight when needed, defend when needed, kill when needed.

    The mission was to steal a book. It seemed a little too mediocre to require such a large amount of people to do so. Stealing involved stealth, something not a large group could achieve. This only meant this was going to be a mission regarding beating people to a pulp to get the things you wanted. That sounded pretty good to Lancelot. He needed to let loose some steam by punching the noble class right in the groin. They deserved it, most of them did anyway. He was ready to move out.
    Post by: Mysty, Mar 19, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Mysty
    There was a mission to uphold. Sapphire, the goddess had given Eigo an order that must be followed. A man of pure light was terrorizing the world. Oh how the goddess loved her people, trying to protect them. Eigo nodded his head in response to Sapphire's request. "It shall be done, my lord. This man shall be put to a stop." He was about to open a dark corridor to track this man down, but there was another door that opened. A small rabbit came hopping in. Eigo stood their in confusion as the little rabbit made his way all the way to Sapphire's chambers.

    That was enough distractions for the day. Eigo summoned a corridor and moved within. Whatever the rabbit needed, he was sure the goddess could handle it. Moving through the darkness, Eigo appeared in the citadel. He looked around to see the world was dark, very dark. He looked up to see a large phoenix in the sky. Another one of Sapphire's creations it seemed. That would make things a bit more fun and easy.

    Meanwhile, Crybex was going across the city, killing more innocent people one by one. He laughed at each one of their deaths. He smiled when he witnessed a child run in terror as he slaughtered her parents. He appeared in front of her, a grim expression over his face. "Darkness is a virus that must be contained. I am the medicine to its spread. No longer will this infection exist." His light blade summoned in front of him as he stabbed the girl's chest.

    He looked up to the sky. This section of the world was still blocked out. When the goddess summoned something to stop him, she meant business. He liked a woman who was so forceful. It was a shame she didn't try harder he thought. Well, he thought that anyway, until he caught the sense of another close by. This being was strong, much stronger than those before him. He had darkness in his heart, as such, he was a virus that needed to be destroyed. Crybex went to find the man instantly, wanting to add another kill to his list.

    He stood their, looking at the horror in front of him. Bodies covered in blood were everywhere. A few remained, holding the bodies of the dead. They were spared in seems. This man who was killing them all really did need to be put to a stop. He felt the presence of a being holding immense strength. He couldn't tell where but he knew he was being targeted.

    He appeared, Crybex stood in front of Eigo. "I see you are much stronger than the rest. You must have been sent here by someone of great power."

    "The goddess demands your capture. I am here to abide to said wish. I, Eigo, guardian of the realms, shall put an end to your terror!"

    "You are quite lucky then! I've heard so much about this goddess. I'm willing for a fight. Be warned though, you will die." He was prepared to let himself lose this fight however. He heard the words one of the infidels said. She had the X-Blade. If he was going to create a perfect world, he needed that weapon. He would rather use that than strike against a man of pure darkness with keyblade to match. They together couldn't make the X-blade, but perhaps something different. He was a little impatient and now a lackey had come to capture him, the plan was going to well.

    Crybex began the fight by charging him. Before he struck Eigo, he vanish. Many more versions of himself appeared around Eigo. This was a battle and no time for talk or surprise could be used. Eigo summoned his blades and scattered to each one of the clones. The clones all vanished with Crybex coming from above and hitting Eigo to the ground. It was a powerful strike. Eigo could not play around in this fight. He had to be serious. The quicker he captured him, the better. He could use a gravity spell that could work but it would take time to actually charge. He was going to have to stall against Crybex for a little while so he could gather the necessary mana.

    However, time was short. He was going to die if he just sat there and charged the attack. Eigo got up from the ground and charged at Crybex, his armor was working in full force. He called upon his abilities and summoned the powers of his grandfather. He activated Titanium guard right before Crybex could stab him with his light sword. The sword did nothing against the super armor of Eigo. The abilities he inherited were top notch.

    "A guardian is right. My light can pierce through almost anything. Talk about talent." Crybex praised before he summoned a ring around Eigo, The ring did nothing however, for Eigo had jumped out of the way. Now it was an air battle. Eigo had used some mana to maintain his zero gravity floating as Eigo remained floating with his magnetism. "Light Firaga!" Crybex shot a ball of burning light, almost like a mini star at Eigo. He dodged but Crybex was right in front of him, his hands covering his eyes. He created a bright light, blinding Eigo. Eigo quickly floated away, covering his helmet with his hands. He could only see white light. He had to focus though. If he wasn't careful, it was game over. Crybex began to teleport around him, taunting him. Eigo was focused, listening to exactly where he was. When he heard the light fade in. Eigo struck with his fist, punching Crybex to the ground and knocking the wind out of him.

    The punch wasn't the end of the combo, he tracked down where Crybex went and continued. He manipulated the gravity around his arm to increase the weight. He punched Crybex into the ground, creating a small crater. He then released a rain of daggers, flying towards Crybex. The man regained his poise and used the magnetism against the gravity. The daggers were all floating in mid air, none of them moving. It was a battle of who could last longer. The two sat there for a full minute, not budging. Eigo stopped his control of the gravity and used medi-guard. Crybex used the light speed to dodge. The force of the two of them letting go made all the daggers scatter into random directions, destroying buildings and the already dead corpses alike.

    Eigo was healed by his own attack while Crybex was unharmed. Both were breathing heavy, but the battle wasn't close to ending. On one side, Eigo was almost ready to cast Graviza. The other, Crybex was beginning to enjoy himself almost to the point of not wanting to get captured and just kill this man where he stood. Crybex began to charge the light around him. Two sprites appeared. One had a sword, another had a bow. He pointed at Eigo and the two charged at him. "Go my angels, show him heaven's plight!"

    It was done though. Eigo was charged. He leaped forward, formed the daggers he had into swords, and stabbed the two angels. He then got close enough to Crybex. "Graviza!" He yelled. Crybex fell to the ground, unable to move. He felt like an entire planet was on his shoulders. If this were a normal man, they would have been crushed by the pressure. His magnetism was the only thing keeping him alive. Eigo stood next to him and allowed his daggers to form a box around Crybex. He forced all of the daggers to link together and be under the pressure of his gravity. Crybex was not going to escape.

    Eigo looked down to the bodies and buildings around him. "I'm sorry. I only wish I could have finished him sooner. May Sapphire bless your souls as you move on to the next world." He looked up to the sky and noticed the sun was there. The other group had managed to defeat the phoenix in the time he defeated Crybex. He opened up a corridor of darkness and went through.

    Crybex sat in the prison, a smile coming over him. He was pleased. He was going to meet the Goddess. There was nothing she could do to him either. He knew a secret that Hunter made him realize. He would wait for the moment to say what it was though. As he went through the corridor, he began to scream in pain. There was darkness everywhere. He hated it. He wanted it all gone. If he were to escape this prison and obtain the X-blade, he knew what he was going to destroy first. This tragic pain of his.... the realm of darkness.

    Eigo arrived back to Sapphires chambers, the box contained Crybex next to him. He bowed to the Goddess. "The job is done."
    Post by: Mysty, Mar 18, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Mysty
    A mysterious goddess and her angels descending onto the worlds. Her own world as well as many other's were in trouble. She wouldn't allow this to happen. She didn't care about the so called tyrant, she was more interested in stopping these angels from destroying the orbs. Though, Ignis said she wanted it, not that she needed to destroy it. Perhaps they were trying to obtain as many as they could.

    Either way, Star watched as Hunter went into the portal with the tyrant. Natural reaction kicked in and she went to the opposite portal. It was a world that contained a castle.

    Star arrived at the world to find a strange landscape. The ground was blue, the sky and water were green, but the most eerie of things was the lack of life that roamed the world. Whatever was going on, this world seemed barren. Star waited to see if any other people were going to join her in this world. She didn't care if they did or did not. It might be easier to use them as shields in the long run.
    Post by: Mysty, Mar 16, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Mysty
    Dawn was just stunning the man continuously. Her lack of grunts and spell vocals must have astonished him that badly. She used Aero once more.
    Post by: Mysty, Mar 15, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Mysty
    Dawn used Aero
    Post by: Mysty, Mar 15, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Mysty

    And thus, Precious lead Eldridge to a prison cell and locked him away. He set one of his knights to watch him. They currently were in the castle at the moment. When finally coming out of the dungeon, he met with Zita. "Now how about we get you to meet the princess?"

    "Um, Commandant sir, the princess is currently not here. She is currently in Invinche. Balthar had accompanied her." A random knight had stated as to alert Precious of the situation.

    "Why does nobody tell me, the commandant, the bloody commandant about this sort of thing. I am made the commandant by the royal king himself. I should be informed of such knowledge regarding the royal family at every instant! Also, tighten up security! I have a bad feeling that a rebellion won't be too happy about capturing their leader. Although, I assume he is a liar. Keep him under surveillance!" The man was ordered to just that.

    "Um, mister knight man. Where is Eldwidge?" Zita asked, showing some concern now that Precious seemed angry.

    Precious hit her on the back of the head, forcing her to go unconscious. He sighed and picked her up by her hair. "I hate things like you. Women are one thing but children are even worse." He held her in a bridal carry position and headed down to Invinche to meet with Balthar and Thea.


    It wasn't too long of a trip, but Precious made his way off the carriage with Zita in hand.

    "Commandant Charming! It is a surprise to see you here!"

    "Situation report."

    "Thea is currently in confinement of her room after the death of a few people and injuries to others. The injured are safe, however Balthar is in critical condition."

    "That idiot. Always doing what is right in the end. The man is going to kill himself. I'll see him right away. As for this girl, she is a traitor and part of the rebel alliance. She has no magic abilities that I am aware. Throw her in with Thea. I'm sure Thea could use a friend. One as young as this shouldn't really mean to much when it comes to rebels.They don't even know this world yet." Precious handed the girl over. He began to walk to Balthar's location.

    He arrived there to see Balthar struggling against his own magic. "Ah, I love to see a man in misery. But alas, you are one of the finest knights so I cannot have you sitting out on a job to protect her majesty." Precious had the magic to make magic not as powerful, and at the same time, Balthar had magic to take in other's suffering. Precious toned down his magic to make the suffering become less of a struggle. "He should feel better quicker now. I'll be staying here until his recovery is complete. Where is his highness, I need to speak with him immediately."

    Meanwhile, Zita had awoken to find herself with a strange man carrying her. He was talking to himself about not being able to throw her into the princess chambers because of the king's order. However, before he knew it, he was thrown by a giant boulder. Zita only looked over at him in confusion but chose to ignore it. She forgot all about being hit in the head and skipped along the strange house.

    Eventually, after incapacitating a few guards accidentally, Zita came across a curious door. The little girl opened it to find a crying girl. She was beautiful enough to be a princess.
    "Hewwo? Are you okay? Why are you cwying?" Zita ran into the room to go and give Thea a big hug.
    Post by: Mysty, Mar 15, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Mysty
    The fox continued to run only to hear the little girl she was carrying calling her pretty and other questions about her. She was flattered actually. Hearing it from men was something she expected. They only said it for lust. But, if a little girl begins to tell you you are pretty, then it was enough to make Olivia blush. "Thank you little one." She said, trying to cover her face with a tail. It didn't work.

    Regarding her tails and all, she'd be glad to tell her. Eun was also taking a liking to the girl. She was sweet.
    "Well, I have these tails because of the pact I made. I am no longer a human because my partner made her and I as one. I am the first human-fox. I have to make the nine-tailed fox species continue on. I am proud of my tails. They are beautiful, just like you."

    Even though they were in a battle and trying to run for their lives, she still could make the little girl happy. It was the least she could do.
    "As for what is going on, the Empire is here for the goddess. They are bad people and we have to run from them. We're going to hide at the elf capital." Then a thought occurred to her, how would the elves take to a woman who has a demon fox inside her.


    "That might be, ma'lady, but time is little. Carrying you also gives me the chance to be your shield. I do not believe your blindness to be a hindrance, I only wish to make haste. You are younger than I, nor can I imagine you're as quick as I. I shall not take a chance. I will protect you, ma'lady." Eon stated, his expression serious as he continued to run forward.

    Once they exited the tunnel, Eon let the goddess down. He bowed politely.
    "Apologies for my rudeness. I only acted as I saw best." Next to him, a large lion came walking by. Eon looked at him with a glare. He knew Leon was opposed to the war, but he didn't have to run off.

    "Looks like you all were almost purrtrified. You all ran so fast too! No time to paws eh?" He gave a long laugh.

    "Leon, we really could have used you back there. The Goddess could have been better protected."

    "Nonsense. She is still alive and purring. Don't get out of feline because I disagree with this needless conflict. Besides I was on the hunt."

    Eon just glared as the lion continued to pun relentlessly.
    "Let's just go to the elves." He sighed, walking forward.

    Post by: Mysty, Mar 15, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Mysty
    Things were going a little quietly. A little too quiet actually. The group was there but nobody else was. Within a few hours of relaxation. Suddenly though, there were loud bells that began to chime around the mansion. Something was clearly amiss. The entire group ran over to the entrance of the manor to see a portal open. Out of the portal came two people. One was Styme and another was a mysterious figure wearing only a white cloak, hidden away by a hood.

    "Get back!" Styme yelled out at the group. This figure attacked with its hand, the air ripping with her movements. The figure was literally cutting spacetime.

    The figure began to speak as they missed their attack. The voice was that of a woman. "The worlds have become corrupt by darkness. I shall make a new universe, one filled with balance. This land will be the beginning and shall allow nobody to protect the worlds any longer."

    "I shall not allow that!" Styme yelled at the woman, his orb being thrown onto the ground before the woman. A chain of energy swirled around her, trapping her in the orb. Styme looked at the group after picking up his orb. "Warriors. I must explain things to you now that you have proven your worth."

    He took a step back and sighed. "There is an enemy that I just have trapped within my orb. She shall not be contained for long however. This woman is not normal however. She is the closest being to a god that exists. More than likely, she could even be the Goddess herself. However, she believes that the worlds are unworthy, tainted by darkness. She has sent angels down to destroy the world's orbs one by one. I tracked her down in a place none of you can even hope to enter. This is why I called upon you. This is why you are here, to rescue the worlds from the angels and the umbra they summon. I know about the encounter with the Angel Ignis. There is another threat among two new worlds. One world is being faced against a tyrant who is terrorizing the universe, slowly but surely. Another has an angel we believe. You are to go to these worlds!"

    Styme finished speaking, however he fell to thr ground in pain. "Do not trouble yourselves with me. I am just struggling to contain her. Please make haste and defeat her angels, and protect the worlds. Once you are strong enough, we must defeat this woman. I cannot hold her forever!"

    Pick a world and go to it!
    Updating the OOC with them shortly.
    Post by: Mysty, Mar 14, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Mysty
    It seemed like things were going to just repeat themselves with this group of people. No matter how many times they stabbed him down, Crybex would just get back up after healin- and then a solar eclipse happened. Not by a moon though, by an ugly giant phoenix that could probably just engulf them all in a single bite, cause a gust with a single flap of its wings, create more world devastation then Crybex himself could in a matter of seconds. Normally this would be awesome, but right now he had a bunch of rugrats trying to defeat a seeker of light. Well, he could wish his healing factor to be gone. But, the battle was still not over. He had light on his side, always.

    Well now attacks were coming at him. He had been blessed with divine protection. Although the attacks were strong, he was still able to withstand some of the attacks. He had to actually fight back this time. His keyblade vanished without a trace. He had to summon his light blades in order to defend and cut away the attacks coming at him. Right now, he needed a counter measure to escape them. If only he had magic that could, oh that's right! If he couldn't get them to stop attacking him with his words, he would use physical matters.

    "Magnaza!" He called out, releasing one of his most powerful magnet spells. The spell worked to hold them still against the earth for some time. He wasn't going to kill them. He could if he really wanted to, but right now, their life was more important. He would simply stay away at a far enough distance. He was considering killing the beast that blocked the sun, but it was cost too much energy to destroy such a beast. The others weren't worthy to face his ultimate fury. Crybex left them, staying within the world, but nowhere near the group. He would keep his senses locked on them. Meanwhile, he would go and kill some more dwellers of darkness.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1426388722][/DOUBLEPOST]Eigo sat there, rethinking his strategy to deal with the traitors of the goddess. He had to ask himself questions that were hard to understand. Why was he fighting for the goddess? Why were they against her? Who was this hero exactly that everyone was so desperate in saving? He continued to ponder these things, judging right from wrong, light from dark. His father was a man that struggled with darkness while his grandfather was a man who sought the light with a body made of steel. He was a great man of legend of wished only to protect the light. His grandmother was another case of raw power and promise. It was only a shame that she vanished without a trace.

    It was then he realized he had been sitting in the same spot for a few hours, thinking about things maybe a little too much. He was shook out of the situation by the goddess herself. She had a task for him it seemed. He went to find her once more and question her on his task. "You highness, how may I serve thee. I apologize for my silence earlier. I was lost in thought."
    Post by: Mysty, Mar 14, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Mysty
    Guess Lancelot will join this group.
    Post by: Mysty, Mar 11, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Mysty
    And suddenly a big black dragon of fire came out of a man's hand. He was a little impressed that such power came out of a little body. Well, what was more impressive was his ability to see through Crybex's illusion he had cast. To the other's they would just see a dragon coming at him. However, once it hit him, the illusion disappeared. Another person threw a sword into his stomach, and last but not least of the perfectly executed combo attack was someone who was almost as fast as Crybex himself who stab him in the back.

    Crybex landed on the ground. So these warriors of darkness had some actual fight in them. It was just a shame their efforts were meaningless. The power of light was on his side. No longer would the light have to suffer the darkness surrounding it, reaching to every corner that the light expanded to. The light was ready for war, Crybex would initiate this war, a war of light vs darkness.

    The man stood up. His eyes lost pigment as he stared at them all.
    "Oh how the holy light as deemed me worthy to carry on. Nothing that has pierced me can harm me when I have light's eternal judgement placed down onto me." He waited for all of them to finally hit the ground. Crybex disappeared, or so it seemed. This wasn't even an illusion. He used his light speed and moved behind them. A ring of light appeared from his hands, it stretching over the group. He brought both hands together and the ring shrunk, binding everyone together in a tight squeeze.

    "Now listen you dwellers of darkness, I am not here to kill you as I have stated. I am only here to follow you. Just think of it is a knife always being pointed at your back. You'll never know if its rubber or not." He released the ring of light. Within his hand appeared a key blade. It was pure light energy put into solid form. "Damn this thing appeared again. Still cant figure it out yet. I think it's called a keyblade? Well, I am the ultimate light, maybe if I find the man who holds the ultimate darkness and we can forge this X-Blade of legend. A weapon that strong could destroy all darkness in one fell swoop. I shall await that day." Now he was just talking to himself. None of them, excluding Charloette, were worth his questions of curiosity.
    Post by: Mysty, Mar 9, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Mysty

    The fox-girl wasn't the only strange one among them now. A leprechaun, griffin, and even some other strange creatures appeared. They all had to be pact partners with one another. Olivia stood next to Eon as she watched the Goddess reveal a passage way. Her blindness was a hurdle but it appeared the girl had it down. She just needed to master a skill called echo location and her blindness would be a thing of the past. Thats what Eun was telling her anyway.

    Once the passageway was open, the only issue ahead was the girl in a wheelchair. The obvious solution was to pick the girl up and someone fold the chair and take it with them.
    "Look, I'll grab the girl in the wheelchair, someone else grab the wheelchair itself after its folded flat. We can get through this!" Olivia grabbed the girl and proceeded through the tunnel. Olivia's 9 long white tails brushed across those behind her for a short time before her large amount of agility let her run swiftly through and towards the exit in a quick fashion.

    Being human was one thing, having the abilities of a demon fox made life so much more interesting. And now that this was the case, Olivia never felt alone. She always had a friend to talk to. But at the same time, she was really never alone even in situations where one would want it to be just two for romantic endeavors. Eun never bothered until after the fact, so it was okay. People usually were open to the idea of romance given her beauty.


    The room was filled with those of many handicaps. Right now, Eon was just glad to be given a price that wasn't so bad compared to these. At the same time, in a war, his price was worst of all. Either way, with the goddess revealed and safe, the pathway shown by her. Eon simply waited for everyone else to leave. He would remain until the end. Once everyone had gone through the tunnel, Eon picked up the Goddess.

    "I apologize for this m'lady, but we must make haste if we are to survive this battle. Taking you myself will be much quicker than you on your own." He rushed through the exit with the goddess in his arms. He never saw this coming in his future. He also couldn't seem to find Leon. The damn lion probably already escaped. He must have known that danger was coming and left. Some partner. It couldn't be helped. Eon continued with the group.
    Post by: Mysty, Mar 8, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home