Star and company flew back to the two men after completing their mission and obtaining the 7 star orb. She counted the orbs and noticed they were missing something. "1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7. We are missing number 4. That must be the one their master talked about." "Yes, that is our master's. They are currently in the underground chamber of our castle." "Yes yes. However, I think you all should take a quick rest. You must be tired." "I agree with them. I feel something bad is going to happen. Let's catch our breath for a little bit." Star said agreeing to the two men. MISSION COMPLETE! Party Acquired Elements Ring! Star leveled up! Gained +2 STR +1 SPD Learned Heal! Learned Ability EX Alkes leveled up! Gained +2 STR +1 SPD Learned Heal! Learned Ability EX Zephine leveled up! Gained +2 HP +1 DEF Learned Heal! Learned Ability EX
Star continued forward with her slices until she noticed that the man had a tiara behind him with a strange glow. She looked over to see the orb that they needed inside it. "Guys, keep distracting him!" Star flew over to grab the ball. She forced it off the center of the tiara and flew back to the others. "Got it, let's get out of here, we need to knock him out or something!" 8/9
I rudely forgot to level everyone up in my last post. Let me do that now. Hunter leveled up! Gained +1 MP +1 SPD Gained a point! Galia leveled up! Gained +1 MP +1 SPD Gained a point! Renju leveled up! Gained +2 HP +1 SPD Gained a point! Star watched as the giant was apparently no good at talking things out and went straight for the attack. She leaped forward, taking flight and slicing at the giant in the back of the neck. That was probably going to hurt. "Way to go Zephine!" It must have been nice to be a tank and be ballsy like that. She looked over to Alkes to start his attack as well. Things in this world were strange but not difficult, yet.
Jeice, Burter, and Recoome were all beaten, or so it seemed. Jeice faked his unconsciousness, Recoome simply smiled, and Burter rose unharmed. The most beat up of the three however was Recoome, missing teeth and most of his clothes broken. "Damnit! We can't beat them!" Vegeta yelled out before he stopped in shock. Instantly, there was another man in front of them. He wore the same clothes as Kirillin, had spiky black hair, and had a resemblance to Gohan. "Kakarot? When did you get here?" "Dad!" Gohan yelled. "Goku!" Krillin yelled as well. Gohan and Krillin ran over to the man and were clearly happy to see him. "Hey guys, glad to see you are all okay. Here, take this." He opened up a bag which had beans in it. He gave one to each of them, threw one to Vegeta, then looked at the other three. He walked over to them, however Recoome seemed annoyed about this and attempted to attack. Within an instant of Recoom attacking, Goku punched him to the ground, crippling him instantly. "I didn't know others would be here. You guys are strong. Thanks for helping out my family. I'm Goku. You all look like you could use these too. They're senzu beans. They'll fix you up quickly." He handed one to each one of the group. "Goku! Liste-" Before Krillin could say anything, Goku placed his hand onto his head, reading his mind and being caught up to the events that happened on Namek. There was a lot to see. A lot had gone on. "Frieza looks like a real threat. I'll take on these guys, you go and get the dragon balls. I'll get Captain Ginyu after this as well." He turned over to Vegeta who looked like he was in shock. Something clearly had scared him when looking at Goku. "Help me out a bit." "I'll pass. I have something to take care of." He blasted away towards the dragon ball's location. "Guys, let's go. I'm sure Goku can handle it from here. Let's head to Frieza's ship. That's where that Ginyu creep went after all." Krillin stated. He and Gohan went over to the ship, letting the group follow them. MISSION START! Go to Frieza's ship to retrieve the dragon balls. They will be buried around the ship. 3 posts. Star flew off with the others and listened to Zephine. This time her plan sounded good compared to last time. Star nodded and let Zephine take the lead. Star entered the castle and found that not only was the person they were fighting going to be giant but so was everything else within it. That wasn't too shocking to say the least. She found that the giant was walking around, his footsteps echoing through the halls with each step. "Zephine, when you're ready, go and strike!
Star couldn't even take a second swing and noticed that everything was dead. It was like the other two decided to play genocide and went all out berserk. She blinked, worried about them. "Yeah, I'm just gonna do the thing." Star jumped into the pool of "acid" and dove to the orb. The acid was just normal water like she original thought. She came back up completely drenched. "Got it." She hopped out of the pool and let the water drip off of her. "Now I know why it would be a good idea to bring a towel." commenting on Zephine's earlier statement. "Ah, you managed to grab the 6 star ball. Only two more. However, even though those creatures appeared, another task that is much more difficult is about to unfold." "That mountain over there has a large castle on the other end of it. There is a giant there. You must fight him for his orb." Star looked over to the two again. "Looks like we'll be fighting more. Let's head over." MISSION START! Go to the Castle and Fight the giant. He's a giant but he looks like a body building human so use your imagination for fighting him. 9 posts in total to infiltrate, beat, and acquire the orb. Reward: Ring
Star looked at the others who seemed to be enjoying themselves a little too much. Causing death to meaningless creatures in the most impacting way possible? That wasn't a sign for anything, no. Regardless, Star was going to do the same, slicing up two Umbra with her chakram and then punching another. She realized something from that punch. These things were made out of water but they came out of a pool of acid. That didn't add up in the slightest. Perhaps the two green men were wrong, or crazy, or trying to confuse them in some way. "Guys, I don't think the acid is really acid." She called out. 12/24
They had reached the tornado and Zephine came up with a plan that Star thought only Hunter would be dumb enough to think of. She sighed and played along. Going to the other side of the tornado since Zephine was "distracting"she went up to the tornado and flew within it. She saw how Alkes was distracted by his hair. She couldn't help but chuckle again at him. She grabbed the orb and flew out of the tornado, waving back to Zephine that the ball was acquired. Moving back to the two green men, Star had the 5 star orb in her hand. That made 4 out of 7 it seemed. "Okay oh wise men, please show us to our next location." They looked at them with the same expression as always. "Okay. Next you'll have to get to the acidic lake. Luckily for us, it's right there next to the castle." One of them pointed. The bubbles could be seen coming out of it. Star and company moved over to the lake. "This, doesn't look in the slightest bit safe. How exactly are we going to even get the orb." She peered down and saw that it was right there, staring at them. "So, Alkes, care to go for another dip?" She mocked, still finding it humorous given his situations. However, things weren't as smooth as they wanted it. The water was boiling up creatures that looked familiar to two of them. They were like the fire Umbra from Edolas, but this time they carried the element of water on them. "It looks like one of the angels are here. We're going to have to fight these things and find a way to get that orb later." Star summoned her weapon and looked down at the Umbra, reading to fight. MISSION START! Beat down the water Umbra. Can kill 3 per post There are 24 in total!
Star spends a point on Saber
Star looked at Alkes and began to laugh hysterically at his appearance. "You get a little wet? hahaha!" Regardless of that fact, she noticed her had the orb. Unlike hers, it had 3 stars. Zephine's had 1 star and Star had 2 stars. "Looks like we succeeded anyway." She looked over to the 2 green men. "So now what?" "Well, now that you found those three, the next one's are a tad more difficult. This is why we chose the easy ones first." "The next three will prove a challenge. One is in a tornado, another within a giant's domain, and finally within a pit of acid. You will most likely have to acquire some assistance from one another as well as us." Star looked back at the others. "Now that explains why it didn't take long. I'm not sure which one to go to first." "Might I suggest you all head towards the tornado. It is the easiest of all the tasks to complete." "Well, let's head towards the tornado then." Star said with a sigh. MISSION COMPLETE! Star leveled up! + 2 SPD Gained a point! Zephine leveled up! +1 SPD +2 HP Gained a point! Alkes leveled up! +2 SPD Gained a point! MISSION START Go to the tornado and acquire the next dragon ball. Complete is 3 posts.
Star walked through the cave, the water dripping from the ceiling and the strange creatures that inhabited it. Deeper within the cave, the walls began to be covered in blood. For a 13 year old girl, this was really getting more and more creepy at every moment. She finally came to find a casket surrounded by white cloth. It was the end of the cave so the orb had to be within the vicinity. The girl opened up the coffin to find a nothing but a skeleton. However, their was an orange ball with stars laying in its skull. Star gave a shriek as soon as she saw it. She closed her eyes and looked away, reaching into the skull and grabbing the orb. "I hope the other's had a better time than this." Once the orb was retrieved, she raced out of the creepy cave, gave flight, and went towards the castle to where they would all rendezvous.
Star was amazed with how easy flying really was. How was it nobody found a way in her universe to do such a thing? Regardless, it seemed the other girl was heading towards the tundra. Star decided to head for the cave. Apparently it was just a single cave in the world or else they would have specified. Well, she looked and saw a sign pointing towards it. "That's simple." She said to herself. She landed in front of the cave and found that it was a bit eerie and unpleasant. Nothing could be done about that. Nobody else lived on this planet except for three people so there shouldn't be any fear to have. Star moved her way into the cave hoping that everyone else was having this much luck.
Holy ravioli you are online for once. You are never online though! //glomps friend// HOW have you BEEN friend. How is college? Did you graduate?...
Fake Namek The two looked at each other. They knew they were being played but they would simply play along. "Yes, that is a good point. I mean, we are more curious to how you got on this planet?" "Yes, you are the first visitors in years. Maybe we can have a trade. We'll teach you a skill if you can tell us how you arrived on our quiet and peaceful planet." "As for the information you seek, this angel appeared and we don't know why. The orbs are our precious safekeeping. There are seven of them in all. We've been told to assist those who have pure intentions to allow them to gather the orbs together." The two walked past the table and past the group. "Please, come with us and we'll teach you something important." Star looked at Zephine and then back to Alkes. "I still am suspicious of this all. Let's just play along. Maybe they are telling the truth. Keep your eyes out for the angel also." Star escaped the conversation and followed the two green men outside. Whatever they were going to show them, it must have been important enough to trade information. When she arrived outside, she could see the two of them hovering in the air. They were flying! "Now we will teach you how to fly. Its simple. Really." "All life forms have energy. If you can move that energy to your feet and release it, you'll be able to fly. It takes some time to find that energy, so we will help you find it quickly." The green people placed their hands on each person's head and unlocked some sort of 6th sense of awareness. Star began to hover upright as she felt the energy within her pour to the bottom of her body. "This is, insane!? We can fly!" PARTY LEARNED ABILITY FLIGHT! "Now, we can show you where the orbs are. They are in 7 locations. Our master has one of them. He is the final test to see if you are worthy." "We know where three of them are. One is in a lake, hidden by a boulder. Another is in a deep cave within a coffine. A 3rd is in a frozen tundra. Go and find them, return to us when you do!" "You'll know what they look like. They are orange and have stars on them." MISSION START! Find the 3 Orbs that look like Dragon Balls. 2 posts per Dragon Ball Namek Now that the group could fly, Krillin led them to Vegeta and Gohan. They were still beginners so flying was slower than usual. With practice they could get much better! They arrived to where the seven dragon balls were gathered. Gohan and Vegeta seemed to be in a fight. "You rotten kid, give it to me, quick!" "No. I think we can fight these guys. We can't let you use them." Gohan said in anger. "Gohan, he might be right. I know its risky, but if Vegeta is scared of them, it might be our only chance." "That would be nice yes. But there is just one slight problem." A new voice behind them had appeared. The group looked back to see 5 men in strange clothes and strange skin colors standing there. "Burter, if you please." The one speaking was a muscular man with purple skin, seeming to be the boss of them all. "Right boss." The blue, snake like alien spoke. He vanished in an instant and had all the dragon balls in behind him. "Job well done. I'll be taking these back to Lord Frieza. You handle the trash." The purple one said. "Right, Captain Ginyu. We'll leave these bloats with only their ashes." The red one said. He had a heavy Australian accent. "Quickly, formation!" "Ginyu!" The purple one called. "Recoome!" The only human looking one called out. "Jeice!" The red Aussie stated. "Burter!" The tall blue scaled announced. "Guildo!" The short green one with 4 eyes said. The 5 of them began to do a small dance and wound up in a certain pose. It was embarrassing to say the least. Ginyu then waved off as the dragon balls hovered around him. Vegeta looked scared but at the same time ready for battle. He looked over to Guildo, the weakest of the bunch and blasted a large energy ray, killing him instantly. "That's one down. We're going to have to split into groups of two and fight them. I'll take the decent looking one with the scarf and go after Recoome. Baldy, take the big guy and fight Jeice. Son of Kakarot take the girl and take on Burter. We'll need to do this quick if we want to get the dragon balls away from Ginyu." MISSION START! Battle the Ginyu Force. Krillin + Hunter vs Jeice (Did this on purpose) Vegeta + Renju vs Recoome Gohan + Galia vs Burter This is a brawl mission. 3 posts for each person.
He stood over his lovely unconscious knight. Oh it woe'd him to see him in pain not caused by Precious himself. Agony was beautiful regardless. However, given Thea and her condition, Precious needed Balthar to be healed in quickly. Within the frame of him watching the man breathe heavy from the pain, his moans that were a simple delight to the ears, the father of the demon causing this whole catastrophe had arrived. Precious bowed in respect. He saw that Zita was in the hands of him as well. If the royals wanted the girl then they could have her. It was just another thought off his mind. The duke then requested Precious's precious time. However, given his rank, he had to obey, no matter the case. "Why yes, Duke Strive, I shall be honored to accompany you. To tell the truth, I found this lass in the capital. She was accompanying a man who claimed to be a leader of the rebellion we've heard rumors about. I highly doubt she could have be apart of it with her young age. I was letting one of my men watch her while I came to see Balthar, however it seems they let her slip away. She appears to be of high class so maybe looking among the nobles would be best." He finished his statement and looked over at Balthar. He began to think to himself in a sad way. I'm sorry, princess. I can no longer sit here and enjoy your pleasant moaning. It was a joy, the time we spent together. You really are just a cutie when you asleep. We won't be able to share that passionate kiss now. No, don't worry. I'm sure our paths will cross once more. Just promise me you'll survive. After his thought process, he opened the door for the Duke and Zita. Once they left the room, the ground began to shake furiously and the heat rose to uncomfortable heights. "First the ground now the heat. Its getting hot enough to open a sauna in here." Oh you can bet he was dreaming of that. Him stripping down to a small towel while watching how the strong and handsome men doing the same. Before this.... Zita was grabbed away from Thea and the strange talking hamster, which mind you was super adorable. She wanted to just pick him up and rub his cute little whiskers. However, the man saying to be her father locked him in a cage and then locked the girl's door. He told her she was very sick. "Oh. I don't want to get her cohd. But she seemed so sad, mister. She wooks wike she just needs a friend." She sad sadly. He introduced himself to her and then she nodded in agreement. "I'm Zita, mister. I don't know my wast name though." She continued to walk with the father, hand in hand. She was smiling about the idea of meeting her parents again. It had been so long in the girl's mind. She loved her parents. She loved Eldridge too and thought when she could see him again. This game was kind of fun. Once she saw Precious, she acted the same, thinking he was still playing knight and what not. As the two of them talked, she let go of Strive's hand and began to spin in a circle with her finger pointed out. "I get to see them again!" She exclaimed with great joy. As soon as Precious opened the door, she stopped and the earth began to shake them and the heat rose up. Precious ran outside to see what had happened. He fell to his knees in shock at to see what had happened. The ground had opened up, the house surrounded by molten lava. Was this part of Thea's power he wondered? Then he thought back to Eldridge. He said if the girl was left alone, disastrous things would occur. Maybe this was the same way she left the knight that was watching her. "Sir. I believe we might be in trouble. The man I imprisoned stated that he had to watch over this girl because of her power. I didn't believe him thinking he was going to use her to escape. Now I realize that mans magic is to negate all magic around him." Precious had to think for a second on what to do. "Is there a way we can send message to the other side about him. We'll need him if we are to get out of this situation." The boiling lava made it difficult to just yell at the knights. The moat was large as well so their chances of getting across through unconventional means was a bit impossible as well. "As for now, I'm going to weaken this girl's magic. If she get's anymore dangerous, we might have a problem on our hands. I can do the same for Thea if you desire. That might make you less stressed." He snapped his fingers and a transparent blue halo went around Zita. The little girl was standing at the ledge of the moat and simply was in aw. The red liquid shining in her eyes. "Woah, its wike that other time! After this happened around mommy and daddy's house they wet me meet Eldwidge!" The halo that went around her forced her to become tired now. "I feew sweepy." She yawned and then went to sit next to the Duke and fell asleep.
I said it in skype, but I'm leaving. I'm not enjoying this RP really at all. I love my character. Enjoy yourselves.
He listened to the Goddess as she proclaimed him as wrong, a man of evil. He chuckled. "They call you a Goddess, a user of darkness? I see no Goddess. It is no wonder they want to release the hero to kill you, the devil they all fear. You know nothing of a true goddess, you sit on a thrown of thorns and lies." He was then sealed away by the goddess into a chamber of pitch black darkness that he could not use magic in. He screamed again while being plunged through the corridor of darkness. Within his dark prison, his skin began to glow. It wasn't magic, but a blessing given to him by the light. She said only magic was blocked in this cage, not holy energy. If she truly wanted to contain him, she'd have to use the methods of Crystalis. "No devil can contain a saint of heaven. I don't need magic to free myself!" Crybex began to rapidly punch then box and lightning speeds. He would do this until he was tired, rest, and then repeat. His first set gave a small crack. It wasn't impressive, but it was a step forward. Now that he was tired after his set, which took him a a while to complete, he sat in the center of the box and created an illusion onto himself. "Arise, heaven's disciples." 6 figures appear in a circle with him being the 7th. All of them looked at him and cut off the connection. "I will be part of your union. Like my somebody before me, I will bestow light upon the universe! All I need is to destroy the realm of darkness, all I need is the X blade.
There are those who have a corrupt form of justice, believing it is justice to murder those who harm others. In other words, insanity.
Namek Krillin looked at Hunter with a look of suspicion, then to the others with a look of pity. Listening to Galia and Renju alone was indication they were on their side. "That tyrant is definitely Frieza. I'd point you guys in his direction if I weren't a nice guy, but for your sakes, I say you should avoid him at all costs. His power level would squash all of you." Gohan set the Dragon Ball down and looked away, sensing something horrible. "Krillin, do you sense that, Vegeta is coming." "Oh no. He can probably sense their power levels!" Krillin looks over to the three. "Listen, Vegeta is a prideful saiyan prince with some anger issues. He's probably coming because we took his dragon ball, and he's probably going to kill-" Before Krillin could finish his statement, Vegeta appeared. He was a short man with black spiky hair and a strange white and blue outfit that looked like armor in a sort. "Give me the dragon ball, quickly, their coming!" Vegeta sounded fearful of something. Gohan was reluctant and refused to hand over the dragon ball to Vegeta. "Look, the only way we can beat them is if I'm immortal now hurry up!" "Who are you talking about Vegeta, is it Frieza?" Krillin asked, doubting Vegeta. "Its Frieza's number one unit, the Ginyu Force. They are the strongest unit in all of Frieza's army! We need to hurry." "Gohan, go with Vegeta. I'll catch up with you. I need to check something with these guys." Gohan nodded and went with Vegeta, flying away. "So, I take it you guys don't know how to fly yet. I'm going to teach you so we can get over there. I know you guys are strong so you'll be able to help us." Krillin teaches the group the ability Flight! Use your ability and follow Gohan and Vegeta. Fake Namek Star looked at the food still hungry and glutton. "You guys suck." Across the table however, a door opened to reveal two men. They were wearing white silk and their skin was green. They both looked over at the visitors and gave a smile. The tall one began to speak. "Well, Raiti, it looks like we have guests." "Yes it does seem that way, Zaacro. They appear to be looking for the orb and angel." "Please, sit and eat. We prepared this food for you. We'll help you find what you seek in a second." "May I ask how you all got here?" Star looked back at the others. "Okay, now I don't want to. These guys are suspicious. They already know what we are after. What do you think we should do?"
Maybe, maybe not. Original username is Myst. I've gone into the YGO Dual thing once or twice but that was just a post and asking for advice in the...
Okay, so I know I may no longer be a part of this RP anymore, even though I'm hoping to return soon.... I'VE DEFEATED THE DEVIL KNOWN AS CHRISTOPHER LUCIFER ROBIN! May I edit my wiki page with the keyblade now please??? Spoiler