Search Results

  1. Mysty
    With all the orbs placed together, they linked their minds and opened a portal together. They were warped back to the Connected Land. The planet that they were once on was now destroyed, completely gone. The world might have had little to no life on it, but it was still a world that had potential and needed protection. The group had failed to keep the world safe or defeat the angel threatening it...


    Party obtained 4 Star Orb

    MVP: Alkes - TwilightBlader

    Star stood at the stairs right outside the manor. She was annoyed and sad at the same time. They couldn't protect this world. They were so successful last time but now it was a complete failure. "Damn it. I'll get her, I'll kill that damn angel!" She hit the ground with her fist. "I hope the others are having better luck." She was forming some tears now. The other group hadn't arrived yet.
    Post by: Mysty, Apr 2, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Mysty
    The group had done significant damage to the angel. Aqua was not fond of the situation whatsoever. She ended the battle and glared at them all. "You are all no fun. I'm just trying to do my job. Oh well. I'll get it done here and then leave!" She yelled. The angel flew up to the large star orb in the center of the room and smashed it before anyone could do anything.

    "Well, that's that! Goodbye!" The angel surrounded herself with her wings and twirled around, vanishing, only leaving feathers behind.

    Party acquired attack: Hydro Bomb - This attack causes Soak on the enemy making them have a 15% chance of missing.

    Now that the orb to the world had been destroyed, the ground shook, the temperature of the world began to increase rapidly. The world was going to explode now that its orb had been broken. If an orb shatters, so does its world.

    Star tried to activate her orb to open up a portal back to the Connected World, but nothing happened. "Guys, we have a problem. I cant open a portal!" She said in a panic.

    As she continued to try, an orb appeared in front of them, Styme could be heard on the other side. "Listen, I know what the situation is. You must leave the planet at once! There isn't much time so listen to my instruction. All of you are going to have to place your orbs as close together as possible and link your minds to open a portal simultaneously. The world's imbalance is preventing most frequencies that allow teleportation. You must make haste!" The orb vanished.

    Star looked back at Zephine and Alkes. Her orb was in her hand and she put it forward. "Let's get out of here. Alive."
    Post by: Mysty, Apr 2, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Mysty
    Star saw as Zephine took a large amount of damage from that last attack. She wanted to help, but right now, all she could do was use a physical attack. She used Strong Attack, going all out!​
    Post by: Mysty, Apr 2, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Mysty
    Star used a basic attack​
    Post by: Mysty, Apr 2, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Mysty
    [DOUBLEPOST=1428009892][/DOUBLEPOST]Star used Strong Attack. This battle was going to be over soon, she could feel it.
    Post by: Mysty, Apr 2, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Mysty

    It looked like they had another opportunity to attack. Star used her basic attack since that was all she could do for now.

    Post by: Mysty, Apr 2, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Mysty

    Star noticed that Aqua used her attack that took some time to activate. This could be used to block, but the angel didn't do much damage with this attack. Star decided to use Strong Attack at the angel. They were getting closer and closer to winning.
    Post by: Mysty, Apr 2, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Mysty
    Post by: Mysty, Apr 1, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  9. Mysty
    Out of this info, the one one I actually cared about was the ones that had Fire Emblem in the title. I am so excited for these two games. The only issue I have with the crossover one is that I couldn't recognize anyone from Fire Emblem probably because of the clothes swap and Japanese voices. I'm sure when we get an English trailer, it'll be more clear or when someone decided to decode the video, which I know gametrailers probably will. Fire Emblem If looks freaking beautiful as well and I'm so stoked that we actually get a choice on which kingdom we get to be a part of. I'm curious to what the support system and actual gameplay is going to be but I am patient. Its coming 2016 so I'm going to be looking forward to more information.

    Oh, I am pretty ecstatic for Lucas coming back. He was one of my mains in Brawl and I missed that little blond kid. I cant wait to get Mewtwo on the 15th. I also voted for Issac from Golden Sun on that poll. It probably won't get enough votes, but I have hope.

    The only thing I'm really pissed about is that Nintendo is making DS games for the WiiU only. They really are pushing it way to hard VC wise. I don't want them on the VC. I want them on 3DS. It is a DS after all. I really want to get The World Ends with You on my 3DS and since I cant find the game, VC was one of my only hope, but that is ruined now. Thanks Nintendo and trying to force WiiU to be successful.
    Post by: Mysty, Apr 1, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  10. Mysty
    Nope. I already voted and it was for Issac from Golden Sun.
    Post by: Mysty, Apr 1, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  11. Mysty
    Star used Heal! She didn't know why but that last attack just seemed to ignore her defense completely.


    The group had gathered together the dragon balls a distance away from the ship. All 7 dragon balls were alligned together. In the distance was Gohan and a little green man. They landed in front of them and the green man ran to the dragon balls.

    "Dende, we need to hurry." Gohan asked. "That is Dende. This is his homeworld. There were more Namekians but Frieza killed most of them."

    "Its a pleasure to meet all of you!" Dende said before chanting in his native tongue in front of the dragon balls. The balls began to flash, the sky became dark, which was odd given that there were 3 suns and night wasn't a thing. Dende called out and a large green dragon came from the dragon balls. The dragon was huge, as tall as the sky itself.

    The dragon spoke out in the Namekian tongue. Dende translated for the group. "He says what are your three wishes?"

    "We get three? That is much more than ours back home. Okay, tell him to wish back our friends." Krillin said to Dende

    "He cant do that he said. He can only bring one person back at a time."

    Gohan and Krillin began to think until they started acting strange and started talking to mid air. It was confusing to say the least for everyone else. "Dende, wish back Piccolo. Then, for the 2nd wish, send him to Namek."

    Dende spoke to the dragon. Its eyes glowed a bright red and then nothing happened.

    "Where is he?" Gohan asked.

    "He is on Namek, but you didn't say here specifically."

    "Use the last one to get him here!" Krillin yelled. But, before Dende could do anything, the dragon froze, his body turning to stone. The sky flash back to day and the dragon crumbled back into the 7 balls that were now complete stone.

    On a hill right above them stood a creature of white and purple. The look in his face was that of pure rage. "You primates... have taken away my mortality. You are going to suffer. I don't care who you are, you are going to die. I am Frieza, I am a god. You must suffer my wrath!"

    "Gohan and I are going to go get Piccolo. You guys stay here and hold him off. We believe in you!" Krillin said, shooting to the sky with Gohan. The battle had begun.

    Post by: Mysty, Apr 1, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Mysty
    It was that same attack again. The one where she gets everyone wet. What exactly was it supposed to do, Star wondered. Either way, she executed a Strong Attack. The Exceed was granting them greater power against this enemy!
    Post by: Mysty, Apr 1, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Mysty
    It looked like they had an opportunity to attack for a small bit. Star used a normal attack at the angel.​
    Post by: Mysty, Apr 1, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Mysty
    Star used Strong Attack!
    Post by: Mysty, Mar 31, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Mysty

    Star was amazed by the damage that they did already. However, she remembered they could do more. She was an angel and angels were flying type enemies. She rose to the air and summon the team's Summon! "I summon, Exceed!" Now they could all do more damage.
    Post by: Mysty, Mar 31, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Mysty

    Needless to say, that attacks that Renjunter did was devistating and left Ginyuku very heavily damaged. The others were far too confused at each other and battled themselves. Ginyuku sat on the ground, his body unable to move. Now that Goku had the chance, he repeated the same move that Ginyu did and forced everyone back into their original bodies.

    "Damn... I wish I had a few senzu beans left." Goku coughed up blood after being returned to his body.

    "Damnit. I need a new fresh body. Perhaps the one that beat this saiyan up will be perfect." Ginyu looked at Hunter and smiled, raising his arms and spreading his legs once again. He shot the blast at Hunter who now was probably gloating about something.

    Goku tried to stop him, but he couldn't lift himself up. It was then that a Namekian frog landed in his hand. With the last amount of strength he could muster up, he through the frog in between the beam and Hunter. Ginyu had become a frog. The frog who was now in Ginyu's body landed on his hands and feet and began to hop around after spotting a fly.


    Hunter leveled up!
    Gained +2 INT, +1 MP
    Lenard Heal
    Learned Ability EX

    Galia leveled up!
    Gained +2 INT, +1 MP
    Learned Heal
    Learned Ability EX

    Renju leveled up!
    Gained +2 HP, +1 DEF
    Learned Heal
    Learned Ability EX

    Vegeta stepped over Ginyu. His foot was about to crush him but he decided against it. "This fate is worse than death, isn't it Ginyu? How fun eating flies for the rest of your life." Vegeta looked over at the others and was ready to attack them with all his power. Goku was beat up, the others were weaker than he (except for Hunter, but he wasn't watching). "Now I'll crush all of you!"

    "You can't. You don't know the password to the dragon balls and you cant beat Frieza on your own." Gohan said to Vegeta. It was the truth really. "You''ll need us, and my dad."

    "Fine." He grumbled. He went over to Goku's body and picked it up. "Get to the ship. There is a healing tank inside. We'll use that to heal him. All of you come with me. You're going to need better armor for the fight." Vegeta walked into the ship, put Goku in the healing tank, and handed everyone Saiyan Armor.

    Party Received Accessory: Saiyan Armor.

    "Now, I'm going to take a nap while we wait." Vegeta said, and off he wen to do so.

    "Gohan, go get Dende. We're going to need him for the dragon balls." Krillin told Gohan. And with that, Gohan was off to get this mysterious Dende character. "Dende is our friend. Don't worry. Let's take the dragon balls away from here. Gohan will be able to sense our power levels so he'll have Dende shortly.

    Take the Dragon Balls together to a secluded area.
    This will lead straight into a boss fight. This will be considered the resting period.
    3 posts

    Fake Namek

    "Okay, friends. Let's go see the master."
    "Yes, please right this way."

    The two green men asked the others to join them. The group followed, fully prepared for anything that was going to happen. They walked into the castle. A secret passageway was activated after the green men move one of the pots to the side.

    Walking down the stairs, the area around them was beginning to become more and more wet. The ceiling was dripping water and the stairs were turning into a small waterfall. Something felt off about it all. The water Umbra and now this, something was coming and they new it. They finally reached the bottom. The room was pitch black and the ground covered in a puddle.

    "Hello master. We brought them and the orbs."
    "Yes, the orbs are all gathered."

    Once they said that, the group's gathered orbs began to glow bright orange and levitated into the air. On the other end of the room, a single orb did the same. The orbs wen to the center of the room and merged into one large orb. It was glowing bright orange an was covered in stars. It lit the entire room. On the other en of the room was a woman dressed in blue and with long wings.

    "Thank you for gathering the orb for me. You have given me the heart to this world! I didn't want to get my hands dirty and do it myself. I promised these idiots that I'd let them off this planet if they forced you guys to do it. Have you seen their true forms yet? I doubt it." She gave a little laugh. She sounded like she was no older than a six year old. "They look like huge pink monsters under that green skin."

    The two green men transformed and so did the world around the group. All of it was an enormous illusion. All that looked alive was dead. In front of them were two tall pink monster-like aliens.

    "Now we can get off this miserable planet."
    "Yes, thanks to angel Aqua, we are free."

    "That's right you funny looking guys. Time for freedom!" Aqua threw a large bomb over at the aliens. It exploded and transformed their bodies into water. "There, saved from this world! Now you're turn!"

    Star stood in shock as the angel simply annihilated the two creatures. She new this was all a lie, but how big of one was underestimated. She was angry to say the least. They didn't have time to talk strategy, they were being thrown right into a fight. Star used Strong Attack to start things off.
    Post by: Mysty, Mar 31, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Mysty
    "Great. that's all the dragon balls. Now we can wish out friends back." Krillin said as he gazed upon the giant orange balls. "Thanks for helping us you guys. You've been a big help so far."

    "Oh wonderful, they are helpful, let's get on with it and wish me immortal already. Even if Kakarot is here, he still is no match for Frieza." Vegeta yelled, still panicking over the situation.

    Krillin nodded in agreement. He placed his hands above the balls and began to chant. Nothing occurred though. "That's strange. Usually a giant dragon is suppose to pop out of the dragon balls and grant our wish. Maybe these ones are different because they are Namekian."

    Meanwhile, Goku had defeated the the three remaining members and was seeking at their leader Ginyu. They had reached confrontation and it eventually lead them to Frieza's ship. The fight seemed to be going evenly matched. Vegeta, Gohan, and Krillin all knew that none of them would have lasted a second against Ginyu.

    Goku gained the upper lead as he punched through Ginyu furiously. The purple alien was losing now. He looked down to the group of 6 back on the ground, noting the dragon balls were scattered about and dug up from their previous locations. Ginyu landed onto the ground, taking opportunity of the moment. He grinned and punched himself in the chest. It was a devastating wound by the looks of it. He spread his legs wide apart, his arms thrust into the air. "Change Now!"

    A beam of light came shooting from Ginyu and everyone else. Everyone had changed bodies it seemed.

    Goku was now in Ginyu and vice versa, Vegeta in Gohan, Krillin in Vegeta, and Gohan in Krillin.
    As for the group, things were even more confusing. Hunter was now Galia, Galia was now Renju, and Renju was now Hunter/

    "Perfect. A much stronger body to fight in. Time to wipe you all out."

    Battle Goku Ginyu in your new forms.
    9 posts in total.
    Post by: Mysty, Mar 31, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Mysty
    Eigo was walking around Riel, enjoying the peace and quiet that was given to him. After a long battle, he was glad to get some time. Only one thing bothered him, the many he fought had power beyond most. There was a time that his father spoke of another with such extraordinary power. He was the closest thing to a god before Sapphire came around. So why did Crybex feel so easy to him? Maybe there was a plan behind it all. Regardless, he was on Riel now. There was no way he could overcome the goddess and R.

    After a nice nature trail, he headed back to Sapphire's domain. He heard glass break and rushed over to check on the situation. He found Sapphire and a broken picture on the ground. "My lady. I must ask what is going on. You look to be in a great deal of emotional sorrow. Perhaps rest is in order?" Eigo grabbed the picture frame and put it back. He used his gravity to pick the pieces of glass up and back onto the frame.

    "I am uncertain to what your past with the others you find dear, so I cannot help. What I can do is say that as the goddess, you know what is best for the universe. Isn't every decision made by you for the greater good of the future?" He wasn't very good at comforting people. He always wore armor, never wanting to let other's in.
    Post by: Mysty, Mar 30, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Mysty
    On the way to the palace, the king impressed Olivia the entire way. He was a gentle soul and a great king it seemed. A man who was for his people, people that loved their king. That was a true ruler. He would probably be written down as one of the most beloved kings in history. It was admirable. He appeared to be a good father as well. This was a man who should have been ruling the entire world, let alone the elves.

    Listening to Stuart, Olivia began to grow agitated with him.
    "Hold on one moment, Rachelle. I need to take care of a little problem." And when she said little, she meant it in more ways than one. The fox girl moved to Stuwart and picked him up bu the beard. "Hey, watch your tone. So help me I will make you live a life of fear and agony. A cage won't even save you from me." She put him down after that small conversation.

    Running back up to Rachelle, she began to speak.
    "Sorry about that. I agree with you. This city is quite magnificent. Beautiful all around. The king is also quite the man of elegance. I feel like we are in good hands. Don't worry about what you said. He seems like a very understanding man. Just be yourself okay?" She smiled happily towards the girl as they continued on.


    "I'll hold you up to that one, your majesty." He said with a smile as he walked along. Eon quite liked this king. He seemed cool and calm about everything. He wasn't stuck up either like you'd expect a king to be. Listening to one man ask for a match, another for other things, even Eon's inquiry about women, it was all enough for the king to handle.

    The talk of the Heiarch caught his interest. Before he could speak up though, he noticed Lron climbing one of the large tree's and resting on a branch. Some things never changed. The damn lion wasn't interested in the slightest.
    "Leon, you know there is going to be food right!?" He shouted up to him. "Yeah, but I'll just go hunting in the wild lands later." Leon said without much care. "Suit yourself. I'll try to find some catnip for you or something." Eon shouted back. That was always a joke he said, but he had never actually gotten any. "Hey, Jedidiah. You don't perhaps know anyone around that actually sells that stuff do you?"

    Within the city was a girl who waited long for the union to arise and travel here. Today was that day. Ana was running through the city, completely lost as usual. She hated not having any sense of direction. She went left when she was supposed to go right. If she second guessed herself and went back, she was going the right way originally. She couldn't really navigate anywhere. She made landmarks around the town to help her, but some of them just slipped her mind.

    There it was though, in front of her. When you were looking for something, eventually you had to run into it. The locals were always glad to help her around, knowing her condition and the pact price she payed. The only thing that baffled them and her was how she continued to live while her partner apparently died. They all just thought she lost the partner really. Now, the king was in front of her, the man she had come to respect. She ran over and also saw the goddess. she stopped for a moment and closed her eyes. She gave a light bow before proceeding.

    "Hello, um, goddess, ma'am. I'm Ana. I've been trying to find the Union for a few years now. I would love to join if you would let me. I know you won't trust me right away, seeing as my home and the Empire are united together. But please, I want nothing to do with my home. I just want this war to be over." Ana plead her case to the goddess, hoping for mercy.
    Post by: Mysty, Mar 30, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Mysty
    Star saw the high five. She usually was against such a thing, but these two, they really weren't all that bad. Maybe she could actually call them friends. She felt some security around the both of them. Maybe spending so much time with someone did that. Star took part in the high five and laughed at the idea. With the thought of the angel coming up, she too gained a serious tone. "I'm still uneasy to why there are so few people on this world. Just 4 of them? That makes no sense. Maybe this is all an illusion of some sort. And you're right, the angel hasn't appeared. Last time, Ignis was there with the umbra. I feel uneasy about it all."
    Post by: Mysty, Mar 30, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home