The Advance... no... She was born with that one innately. The master one yeah.
Code Name: Myst Full Name: Luna Dreamea Student I.D.: ~ Date of Birth: Jan 21, 2000 Age 15 Telepathist/Telekinetic?: Telepathist Personality: Quiet and reserved. She has trouble making friends except for the ones that she has made herself. Although she is shy, she is very kind and polite to everyone she meets. History: Luna was born on the day of a lunar eclipse, right at the moment it had reached its climax even. The family she grew up with was one of high class with many riches and power. The girl at a young age was seen to have special powers and talent. She could create objects with her mind and they would float around her. Unlike most Telepathsts, her imaginary friends had actual voices and could communicate with the rest of the world. Eventually, she grew old enough to attend the special school. She was frightened of the idea of leaving her comfort of home and being with strangers, but her parents knew it would also be good for her to experience more of the world instead of playing with her illusions for the rest of her life. A little history on her imaginary friends. Each friend she has is a reaction to her emotions. Each one of these can be killed because Luna feels they are real. If all of them die, her imagination becomes void and her entire person is blank. This has happened in the past before, an incident occurring where she almost drowned and her illusions came to save her, however, they died in her place. It took several months to make Luna regain any form of emotion. She does not lose the emotion if one dies, in example, if her imaginary friend of love dies, Luna will not lose the ability to love. It is only when they all die that she will become emotionless. Level of Abilities: Level 1 Abilities: - Basic: Telempathy, Telepathic Speaking - Advanced: Illusion Manipulation - Master (it fits with her character...) Psychosomatic Illusion Strengths: Reliable if someone is in danger, high IQ but doesn't like to show it, powerful imagination Weaknesses: Afraid of water, poor communication skills, physically weak Role in the Academy: Student Hobbies: Playing with her friends, reading books, watching fantasy cartoons/ anime, drawing. Other Things Not Covered: Her "familiars" might look a tad familiar. Hahaha... puns. Side: Good
As he was magically moved by Danni, he put a grin on his face. "You want me so bad you have to pull me in, or maybe its just the universe telling you that I'm the right man." She was ignoring him completely. "You know, ignoring me isn't ver polite. Look at Orphan guy, he would never ignore me. I like orphan guy." Still nothing from Danni. "Yeah well... **** you." As the simulation progressed, Noah just sat there thinking about some things. I wonder what a cat shelter would be like? There would be a lot of pussy. I could use some pussy right now. Especially the fluffy kind. I'm not sure if I'd like them white or black though. Both are pretty nice looking. I just love the way my hand feels when I pet them too. I need to get a cat. Oh the simulation was over it seemed. Looks like Lief didn't do too hot. "Well, you know what they say, father like son. Except this time you didn't leave a kid behind. Guess that makes you the better of the two evils. Anyway, you did a good job there Lief. It would have been perfect to if Danni wasn't manipulating it so you could fail every given turn." He looked at Danni. "You are a terrible person. Making orphan guy lose on purpose. It's kinda hot."
Banner coming soon As Noah sat there for what seemed like hours, he simply couldn't imagine what this girl was trying to achieve by making fireworks appear in his honor. It was nice but she really didn't have to come onto him like that. "Now listen here, the fire works are nice and all, but really you should just come out with it. I get confessions every day after all. I mean after all, look at me: I've got sexy anime brown hair, a smile that causes a puppy to be born every time, my eyes just glisten, no really, look at them closely, they actually glisten!. My voice sounds like Dan Green and Morgan Freeman had a baby together, and lets not forget my body, oh you can bet its well tuned under all these clothes. Why do you think I wear so much, to stop women like you getting nose bleeds and being rushed to the hospital." He pushed away the orphan and went into the testing chamber instead. "Instead of waiting the hours its taken to get the leaf who is surviving without the family tree get into the testing room, how about you just test me. Not like it will be a test though. It'll just be a demonstration." He winked over to Danni. He stepped into the room and allowed the matter in his arm container create a sword in front of him.
Oh man, if you only knew about the next update and how Crowns are going to change your stats entirely.
Ah testing day, a wonderful day, a day to just test your limits, something that almost all the students should have gone through. Noah was the very man to go through with it. He had to upstage everyone after all. Not even the level 4's could truly understand his swagger. However, sleeping in probably wasn't the best idea today. It didn't matter, though. Noah casually walked over to the testing area, going in with his hands behind his head. He was listening to Remember the Name by Fort Minor. This song defined him! "Settle down everyone, I've arrived." He spoke out loudly. "Danni! What in the world have you done with your hair? That is not a very good way to pick up guys. Just treat your hair and body like mine and I'm sure you'll get them all. You've got all the other features just right. Put some effort into it!" He stood there with a small smile, his face not appearing to be joking in the slightest. He walked in at a good time, seeing Colton on the ground. "Colton? Face down on the ground with a woman over your shoulder? Is it Tuesday already?" He gave a laugh and watched Christie take him away. "See what I mean, Danni. THAT is how you are supposed to dress, just like purple hair over there whose name I totally did not forget. Oh right now its that other guys turn. Good luck other guy! I'm sure your still married parents would be- Oh right... Well how about you're father will be prou- Hmm, I believe in you."
Thats a lot to take it right when I wake up. Glen and I were sitting there pretty sure he wouldn't get accepted right off the bat XD Anywho, I'll join the skype group please. I'll figure out something. Noah will just do what he always does, be awesome.[DOUBLEPOST=1428396415][/DOUBLEPOST]Code Name: Myst Full Name: Vladamir Stalin Date of Birth: December 18, 1978: Age 37 Photo I.D.: Totally not Darkrai Personality: Serious, dark, always wanting to succeed, straight to the point. History: Spoiler Vlad, a man of the late Soviet Union, growing up into a world that was unknown to him. His mother was a virgin, yet he was born by different means. There was a special development within the Communist party to bring back a man of greatness. They had frozen vial's of the sperm from Joseph Stalin. His mother was inseminated with the vials repeatedly until pregnancy could occur. Eventually, she gave birth to a boy. He was given the last name of the man he had been born from, a man dead far before his time. He had no father, and his mother was taken away soon after. They didn't want any influence of love to roam through the boy's mind. As he grew up, learning about Communism and its ins and outs, he developed a strange power with his mind. He began to use it in ways far exceeding even the adults around him. He was going to made a leader someday, and they could see his potential. Every day, before he was aloud to eat breakfast, those who took care of him forced him to kill an animal before doing so. He was going to have to be ruthless if he were to survive against the United States. After 10 years of doing the same thing over and over again, he had learned to tolerate death and do so at whim. Once he had turned 10, they stated he would no longer have to kill another living creature if he saw fit, after his last kill. They brought in a woman, his mother. Vlad was unaware of this woman's relations to him, but regardless, he killed her like any other. His mother shed a tear the moment before. Soon after this, Vlad listened in to a conversation by a few scientists. He discovered what he was, what he had done. He was terrified of himself. He fled the facility, his telepathy aiding him throughout it all. He was exposed to the real world, seeing what his nation had done, what the power of communism truly could do. He fled the nation, making his way to Berlin, a place that was divided for so long. He found the city he was in was torn in two, one of communism, another of capitalism. He escaped to the realm of light which he called it and found his way into America. Here, he was found by US officials, bringing him in for testing and questions. They weren't sure what they had found now. The Cold War was reaching its end and they first believed him to be a spy ready to unleash the ultimate fued between the two over powers. He promised nothing was to occur. He only wished to escape that land and learn more about who he was, what life was meant for, why he was so different from normal people. They promised him work as a scientist to explore these answers. He had to be supervised for many years until proven innocent. After his term, he continued his research. He wasn't afraid of anything anymore. He only wanted to find world peace, but his methods were dark and unorthodox. His past still haunted him. There was still thing he wished for more than anything though, to make those who caused him pain to suffer Damnation. Area of Study: Telepathic powers and their origins as well as studying the mind and how to brainwash. Employee Title: Abnormality Researcher Weapon(s): Claws Special Gadgets: N/A Strengths/Abilities: High IQ, Quick Mental Projection, Projective Omnilingualism, Mind Reading, Memory Reading, Psychic Shadow, Illusion Manipulation Weaknesses: The lack to fear, his inhuman methods, depression Hobbies: Research Other: Side: Good
Code Name: The guy running this entire thing is my pal Mysty Full Name: My full and completely awesome name is Noah Rebecca Nixon. Just ignore that middle name. Student I.D.: My gorgeous face Date of Birth: Febuary 29th Telepathist/Telekinetic?: I clearly have both. Why? Because. That's why. Okay fine, its Telekinesis. Personality: My personality is one that is just awesome. My pride is everything. There isn't a damn thing you can say about it either. To be honest, I really don't care what you think about it all. History: I grew up over in this town known as Nowhere, Oklahoma. It was a pretty quiet place but that is to be expected when you live in a place called Nowhere. So anyway, I grew up with some of the local boys, they kind of sucked, I kind of wish I knew what happened to those little animals though. Probably got lost in one of the corn farms. You get lost in that and your only hope of getting out is by getting abducted. Yes they exist. Anyway, I left the city of Nowhere and found myself Somewhere, here with a bunch of other freaks who use their minds for fun games! What do you mean I need to add more? I'm not a writer, don't expect much! Level of Abilities: This question is like asking how many pushups Chuck Norris can do. The answer is the same. All of them Abilities: Telekinetic Grip, Telekinetic Pull/Push, Psionic Strength, Levitation, Telekinetic Constructs, Telekinetic Blast Strengths: Yes Weaknesses: Is this a joke? Role in the Academy: My role is the role that kicks people's asses Hobbies: Kicking ass! Childish card games, Ignoring my peers, making fun of everyone that isn't meeting my standards, Oh and sometimes I just like to screw with those less fortunate. Other Things Not Covered: Well... I guess my face isn't covered. Neither is my neck. My body is pretty covered. As a whole its covered in greatness. Side: I-I'm Good. Why would you think anything else. Totally on the good guys team. Team player right here, yeah.
Frieza began to grow even more angry, revealing another form and knocking out Piccolo. Right now it was going to be just the heroes that would fight the tyrant. They wouldn't get anymore support, or perhaps there was something going on in the background that would assist them soon...
Olivia did now listen to Rachelle knowing that she was completely wrong. After the girl's apology, the little runt was beginning to talk about the Empire and his favor towards it. The white fox tails behind her went to him and rapped around his mouth. "This should shut him up for a while. Hey dragon, I have to ask you not roast him up, as sad as it is, we need him for the girl." She walked along and noticed that another girl had joined. She seemed alright excluding her origins. A girl from a nation that favored the empire, that was never good. For all they knew, she could have been a double agent. Olvia would keep an eye open on her. It was coming closer and closer to meeting the Hierarchy. She bowed down to the goddess and was grateful for the acceptance. "You are a goddess though. Your approval is all I ask for. Nobody knows better than you." She stated, lifting herself up to smile and show her excitement. The goddess was beautiful, as she thought she would be. Things seemed like they were going to be okay. Ana gave a look at everyone in the group. Some of them seemed nice enough, others a little strange. One girl even had foxtails. That girl in specific seemed to glare at her. The other man with white hair seemed innocent and kind. The girl in the wheelchair was honest and saw good in everything. The leprechaun was a bit annoying, but there always had to be that one annoying person in a large group. The others were just as strange and yet they were all giving her a feeling of relaxation.
Problem children everywhere! That was all he could think of. "I did leave her for one of my men to put her into a prison, however she escaped him. Now I see why. I'll handle her for now. Let us go." He followed behind Strive and went to Thea's room. He used his magic to weaken her as well so no more interference would go on. "There. Now you should be able to spend some time with your daughter. I don't want to tell you how to be a father but locking a princess in a tower in a castle just doesn't seem too brilliant. A good father should always take care of their children, even if they are a threat to them. When was the last time you actually gave her a hug?" He finished those statements and left the room to go back to the lava moat. He stood there trying to think of a way across. Even if that man who canceled magic was here, this moat wouldn't go away. Perhaps if those young devils had more control they could get over easily. Thea could use her fire like a rocket and the other girl could do something with the earth beneath her. "What good is saboteur magic if it cant even let you cross a large gaping whole filled with excessive heat, oh that sounds good right about now. No! I must not think about such wondrous things. If only there were a long, pointy, thick tree branch-" Oh and there just so happened to be one right there. That was a huge tree that was on the other side. This was one of those situations where if he screwed up, he would be dead. Precious grabbed his whip and lashed it over to the tree branch. Like a whip from a Zelda game, he swung across the moat of lava and landed firmly on the ground. "Oh usually I am the one who enjoy putting other people in danger over burning rocks. No matter." Knights came running to him. He realized he forgot the girl and decided it would be best to leave her with Strive for now. "Listen men, there is a man locked in the prison of the king's castle. You must rush over and bring him here. He will be able to eliminate any sort of magic. This is an act of magic and should be suppressed in theory." He then sighed and looked at the moat, "And someone bring me a towel." He said in a charming voice.
Eigo bowed his head to the goddess. "As you wish, my lady. I apologize for the interruption." Regardless of permission or not, it was Eigo's job to be a guardian for the goddess. Even seals she placed had to be broken if it was meant for her protection. He left the room and went to seek out the prison cell that held Crybex in captivity. Meanwhile within said prison cell, Crybex was continuing to punch at the wall. It was strange, the wall's potency was deteriating faster than he originally assumed. A grin crossed his lips. "As I said before, the light of heaven truly does wish me freedom." The cracks were much larger than before. A few more strikes and he could be free. He gave it more energy than before, knowing that the light he sought for would fuel him once more. Eigo was on the other end, walking towards the prison of darkness. "Something is wrong..." The last strike came and the box shattered. Crybex smiled to see the man who imprisoned him right there. "Hey." He rushed forward and struck without warning, forcing Eigo to go unconscious. He took a few steps forward after Eigo fell to the ground. "So this is Riel. It has a familiar feeling to it. I almost feel like there is no darkness it the universe at all right here. Only if that were true." He looked down to Eigo. He blasted a lazer at him, digging into the ground. With an explosion of light and an earthquake to follow, Crybex walked away. "Time to find that chi-blade. I'm coming for you, devil." His body felt week, he had been shot down far into Riel's surface. He was in a cave that seemed to be untouched by any sort of outside forms. Eigo tried to move his body but couldn't. He had taken too much damage. The battle he had with Crybex was child's play for that man it seemed. He had let Crybex onto Riel. The goddess was in danger, it was all his fault. "Now would be a good time for that R guy that the goddess talks about to show up now." he coughed, blood coming from his helmet. He removed the helmet to reveal a face that looked almost identical to his grandfather Eon, the only difference was white hair.
Frieza had grown angry. In the distance was Gohan and another green man who looked tough enough to go toe to toe with most fighters like Frieza. "Let's go Piccolo!" Gohan said, appearing behind Frieza and elbowing him to the ground. Krillin hit Frieza to the side and Piccolo ended with a kick. In the distance, Vegeta could be heard, coming to partake in the battle. Vegeta pounded Frieza to the ground with the combo. "Come on Frieza, show me your other from, or are you going to let yourself be beat down by us?" Vegeta mocked. Frieza growled and transformed into a larger version of himself. He went over to Krillin, Gohan, and Vegeta, knocking them all out. Dende went to heal them. Piccolo had joined the team.
Update 1.03 -Added a SP stat. This is Special Points. You acquire these by completing a mission. You can spend them on certain world exclusive items. -The OP has been updated with such.