Name: Celsius Age: (18-25): 18 Personality: A very tomboyish girl. She is a bit of a troublemaker, outgoing, and proud History: A twin born a month after her other. She was raised alongside her sister as a normal every day girl. They were twins but they didn't share anything in common other than their gender. When both of the girls hit 16, they left their families and moved to a bigger city with a private school. Before this however, the girls discovered something from their parents. It seemed there was a third child that was born within the middle of their births. They were told it was a boy and that he went missing shortly after his birth. Celsius had good grades, though she was always known as a scoundrel who couldn't follow the rules given to her. The girl simply enjoyed living and she felt that listening to the rules in place always held her true potential back. Regardless of this, she is still a very kind girl and protective of her weaker, less cocky sister. Appearance: <(o.o<) Zodiac Sign: Scorpio Powers from Zodiac Water (ice) Minimal: Frost skin - Thin sheet of protective ice around skin and clothes Learning: Ice Gauntlets - transform area around hands to make frozen gauntlets Experienced: Snowstorm - can shoots blistering cold snow/ ice Hobbies: Pranks, anything outside during winter, competitions Strengths: Pride, Intelligence, fighting Weaknesses: fear of fire, cockiness, inability to follow rules Job: None, she makes money from winning tournaments. Side: College Student Name: Flora Age: (18-25): 18 Personality: Shy, peaceful, always worrying about others History: The older sister of the two. She was a month early unlike her sister and needed some extra care before she could be raised by her parents. She shares nothing with her sister other than gender. The girl grew up always relying and being protected by her younger sister. She didn't mind, however she only wanted her sister to be safe. She left at 16 to a private school. Before this however, the girls discovered something from their parents. It seemed there was a third child that was born within the middle of their births. They were told it was a boy and that he went missing shortly after his birth. She wasn't very good at tests, but tried her best. She always stayed out of trouble and tried to find ways to get her sister out of it. She loves her sister more than anything, however she is also a bit jealous of her. She also has a strange quirk where she refuses to eat any form of plant. Appearance: (>o.o)> Zodiac Sign: Virgo Powers from Zodiac Earth (vegetation) Minimal: Plant Communication - can talk to plants, kinda obvious Learning: Vine Ascension - can call upon the vines underneath the ground. 2 stages to learn this: 1st normal vices. 2nd thorny vines. Experienced: Regeneration - Can summon algae alongside vines to cure wounds of allies. Hobbies: talking to plants, Anything in the spring, reading Strengths: strong will, helpful, honest Weaknesses: fear of fire, doesn't like fighting, not very smart Job: Works at a Flower Shop Side: College Student[DOUBLEPOST=1433404052][/DOUBLEPOST]Name: Tonitrus Age: (18-25): 18 Personality: A boy who thinks logically, he tries not to let his emotions win the best of him History: A boy who was born among two sisters, however during the time after he was born and before he could be taken back with his parents, he disappeared. Where he is now is what he calls reality, a world unlike the one known to most. Appearance: ^(o.o)^ Zodiac Sign: Libra Powers from Zodiac Sign: Air Minimal: Low Pressure - The ability to push away using wind Learning: High Pressure - The ability to pull towards using wind Experienced: Thunderstorm - using both pressures results in the ability to shoot a lightning bolt Hobbies: Studying weather patterns Strengths: intellect and strong will Weaknesses: fear of fire, fear of death Job: N/A Side: The bad dudes!
After the young girl finished her episode, she looked around at the others to see what all the fuss was about. Things were a bit hectic and shaky from everyone gaining things from their families and friends. One received flowers and another a card. Emi began to wonder if she was going to receive anything from her own family. She definitely wanted something from her papa. He always loved her and treated her like the princess she was. Finally gathering the courage to do something, the girl walked over to a boy with blonde hair that seemed to be getting plenty of attention. The girl was short, far shorter than most people there. She tugged on his scarf. Before she thought she heard the name Mark, but wasn't certain to it. She tried to remain quiet as she was still afraid of all this. Once she finished tugging to get his attention, she looked down and away from his face, a frown forming and a red blush covering her cheeks. The red was only there because of the heat that was exerted from the crying she had gone through.
That was nice to see. Some successful attacks landing and doing some damage. However, during his onslaught of attacks, this Beuce fellow was showing just how lucky he was, striking the correct target and lunging Crybex up into the sky. He was stunned and was unable to dodge, however, he still had access to his hands so as a quick retaliation to make certain he didn't get blasted by that other person's wind attack, he flew his hands up to wards his face, closed his eyes, and a bright light was summoned blinding anyone who didn't close their eyes. This gave him enough time to readjust himself and escape being hit. "Luck is one of your strong suits it appears." Crybex vanished into the light. From the place he vanished, several figures came into sight. They were illusion clones of both Stratos and Beuce. They all mingled around to fill the area. Crybex lifted Stratos and dropped him off into a random place within the pile. All the clones vanished except for two. One clone for each person. "Who is real and who isn't? Maybe you'll end up fighting yourselves. Haha!"
Unfortunate events seemed to be a common lately for the man of light. Perhaps karma was against him, telling him he was not achieving true peace quick enough. It was a shame to say the least. Crybex however shrugged it off and gave a chuckle towards the two who opposed him. "Let's have some fun." Before Stratos and Beuce, Crybex had disappeared. There was nothing there anymore. In fact, the entire world the two had stood on had now changed. The magic of illusions was all around the two. Like a scene from Bayonetta, angels of all different types had surrounded the two. They were all in attack position, shooting beams of light as well as forcefully rushing at the two. In reality, this was just Crybex moving at light speed, using the illusions to hide himself. Not all the attacks were real and this was meant to be used to confuse them both. "Do you know about the true realm of light? This realm that you all call light is a lie that has been excepted over the millenniums. You all live in a realm in between that of light and darkness, a realm at constant war for balance. Darkness is winning this war. I as a messenger of the light am here to balance it all." After the onslaught of attacks, Crybex stopped, still allowing the illusion to confuse the two. He used magic spells, calling out from different sections of the illusion. "Plasma, Plasmara, Plasmaga!" The attacks were all aimed at Beuce.
It was all a faded memory. Her life was only just beginning and it had ended so soon. She looked at the contents of the letter. Thankfully it was in her own native tongue. She was only visiting whatever foreign country it was with her father. She just knew she fell asleep and then awoke in this place, a place of white that blended with her own hair. She had died apparently. The usual smile had become a frown and the sadness was beginning to take hold of Emi. "How did I die? How will mama and papa handle this? I'm.. I'm scared." She began to shake as she felt all alone among this crowd of ghosts. Her gaze looked forward, looking through the bodies in front of her, only seeing her own memories poor into her. The people she loved, the friends she had made, the country she had now been separated from: all were gone within a flash. Emi lost her composure and let out a scream. Her hands covered the top of her head as she fell to the ground into a ball. Tears ran down her face as she cried in sorrow. Her mind was filled with negativity on how those she had interacted with would react.
As he walked around the city, murdering those who didn't walk in the light, he came across a strange man with a strange arm. He could sense the aura of the goddess. This was going to be a good test for him. If he could beat this man with little effort, he should be able to take on the goddess. However, the look the man gave stated otherwise. He couldn't sense any form of serious tone in him, even a strategy was fuzzy. An arena was formed by a strange twirl and blur effect. "Another servant of the goddess. Maybe you'll be as fun as the other one. Shame he is dead now." Crybex summoned two of his angel fighters and sent them forth towards Beuce. Crybex readied his light blade and charged forth as well.
Stats have been updated!
The group flew off and arrived at the space ship that Gohan and Krillin arrived on. However, things were suddenly different. The sky had turned black again and the dragon that was turned to stone reappeared in the sky. Everyone looked out to see the dragon. In the distance, a young Dende flew to the dragon and wished for everyone to be warped to Earth except for Goku and Frieza. Somehow, everyone on the planet was revived. Though, our heroes had no idea of this at the time or how it even happened. They were left out of the loop it seemed. Within an instant, everyone had been warped to a new planet except for Hunter, Galia, and Renju. The three were warped magically to the Connected Land. The frequency had been corrupted and was probably an accident, but it was good nonetheless. World Complete! Party earned summon: Vegeta - A Saiyan Prince that will shoot a large attack an an enemy. MVP = Renju Back at the Connected Land, now that everyone was together, Styme could finally address them all on what had happened. "You all have failed in your missions this time around. We have lost another 2 worlds. I apologize that I couldn't help. I'm still holding off this goddess. Please take some time to reflect on the past events. Your next mission will start soon..." Styme walked away, looking both in pain and frustrated.
Username: Myst Name: Emi Shizen Age at Death (Please be 10+): 12 Appearance (all must be human please): Perfection Cause of Death: Assassination in her sleep. How Cause of Death affects the Afterlife: Insomnia Reason they are Anchored(which your character doesn't know yet, but YOU do): how she died, who killed her, and if her people will be alright.
Some TWEWY stuff going on here. Making my OC later.
To save time from Myst's busy life and inability to have posted the results of the next attacks, Goku decided to wake up and attack Frieza, now leaving Frieza to transform into his ultimate tiny form. However, things were not too good. With Frieza being beaten up and everyone else being tired, Frieze took this chance to summon a giant ball that radiated like the sun and sent it hurling into the planet. Nobody could stop it. It reached the core of the planet and destroyed the world's orb. "Quickly, you need to leave this place!" Goku yelled out to everyone. Before anyone could move though, Frieza lifted up Krillin with some sort of telekinesis and made him spontaneously explode. The sky began to get dark, Goku looked like he was in shock, his eyes glowing, his hair flashing to yellow. His power was making the very namek underneath him shake. He transformed himself and became a legendary super saiyan. He went after Freiza, leaving the others to find a way off. "There is a ship we can take to get out of here. Lets go, follow me!" Goahn yelled, flying off towards the ship that he and Krillin came on. Party Learned ability Kaioken! Mission Start! Follow Gohan and escape the exploding planet! Like Fake Namek, you cannot teleport. 3 posts
There it was. The moment of truth. He had imagined it, the ultimate battle between light and darkness! But before he could see a conclusion to this ultimate battle to defeat the chaos, he had to stop an incoming love tap. As Danni tried to punch him, he moved his head slightly to the left. He didn't even have to move that much, only a few inches and BAM! She hit the wall. He wasn't ready to give himself to her yet. She'd have to work harder. That kiss was only a gift after all. Now that she had run off and the boss man was all upset and trying to get angry and what not, he requested some papers. Oh little did he know. Noah pulled out two written documents that were in his writing and research. "I have them done already. You see, I prepare for this. I might have been in the virtual world for 3 weeks, but I write papers when I'm asleep. Some sort of sleep walking effect you know. Well, I'll leave them at your office." He was talking to thin air at this point. Either way, he went to deliver the papers and went to go have some fun. How you ask? By playing a child's card game! Noah reached into his pocket to find that his deck was gone though. That was right, he left it back in his room for safe keeping. It would be fine there. He would just have to find something e to do now that he couldn't play with himself. So, he went to the job board. - - - Luna was hiding behind the wall as more people came and went. She was too scared to say anything, too scared to say hello. What would they think of her? Would they find her annoying and unwelcoming? Would they tease her because she was short and dressed differently? It was so hard to interact with people. She didn't know how to handle these things. At least her friends were getting along with everyone. The other 3 even went to join Moony and the little girl.
She pushed him away, wiped her lips, and then, worst of all, she went to a teacher. "I guess its that time of the month again. But going to a teacher is such a low blow. You teacher's pet. I didn't even know someone could sink so low. However, I am willing to forgive you because of this time of month for you." He looked at the teacher who was glaring at him and he just returned a smile. The camera panned back to the glare and then back to the smile, a few times it did this. "I have nothing to worry about. I cant get in trouble at all. I'm just awesome like that. Oh you can bet teacher's have tried in the past. You know what happened when they tried to put me in detention? It became funtention. I didn't even have to do anything. It just happens by itself. It is like there is some god who writes the words I say and my actions and makes it so everything is just badass. If this is true.... thumbs up to you writing albino in the sky." Noah walked over to Danni and also put his hand on her shoulder. "You just need to lighten up a bit. Have you ever seen me in a bad mood? How is my life? The answers are no and awesome. You should maybe try to be like me... or be WITH me hahaha." - - - The blond girl looked over to see a little girl hiding from her. She knew what that was like. She knew the fear of people who approached suddenly. Luna knelled down to Moony and asked the bear something. "Go say hello to the girl. You're cute and maybe she'll have fun meeting you." The green bear sprite nodded and walked its way over to the little girl. It looked at her with a happy smile and then began to spin around, giving a silent laugh at the idea. It took the girls hand and bounced up, trying to be playful with her. It was sudden, but another person joined. Like the little girl, Luna panicked and hid behind the wall. She was still not good with sudden approaching and freaked out whenever it happened. She wanted to make friends, but the only problem was she was to afraid of the idea.
My guilty pleasure is characters that are lovey dovey and are voiced by Laura bailey
Eldridge was sitting in his prison, his mind racing from the things that could be happening with Zita. The girl was too powerful and the fool known as Precious was allowing her to roam free causing unneeded chaos among the kingdom. He tried to focus himself and breathe more. His stress wasn't going to free him or get Zita into safety any quicker. After some time, he began to hear prison cells being opened and the murder of many of the inmates. They were going to get to him soon enough. Usually he had composure, but the idea of dying right now was not helping him. If he died, Zita could destroy the world if left unchecked. As the voices grew closer and closer he could hear the familiar voice of a man. It was the blond man. They must have created a group to free him. Was it because he was falsely accused that they decided to free him? His door opened up, the sight of them put a smile on his face. "I'm pleased for the rescue attempt. As a token of my gratitude, I will switch my magic off on you all. However, I cannot stay." He walked out of the cell to see the others who had joined Vex in this journey. "I'm afraid that I must regroup with someone. You see, I was charged with taking responsibility of her. She could destroy the kingdom if I do not have her around myself to subdue her magic. Scary as you might be, friend, the children of this era are gaining magical abilities that are beyond compare." He walked towards the exit, grabbing a hat from one of the dead prisoners. "I shall regroup with you and discuss things about this rebellion. There is a hidden village in the forest south of Mooredoor. There are many who share your views but have been too afraid to stand up against the king. Meet me there in 3 days. The Revolution of Rivelle has begun. La rivoluzione di Rivelle" With those words said, and an Italian lesson later, Eldridge was off to get Zita back. He ran into some guards who were unaware of his capture and asked for the location of Precious. He was told so and headed out to the small city south of the capital. "I'm coming Zita!"
Now that Noah was free from that virtual world and had confronted himself on a personal level, he was ready to face the world and conquer it! The world of card games would be his! The only issue was that he needed... what was it again? A formal education? As lame as it was, it was true. Regardless, the boy flashed his new shiny card around. The card that would make him king, the green eyes gray dragon was now going to be his persona. The world he was in wasn't ready for such a power yet, so he'd save it for the future. There was business to be done. Noah walked to the bathroom and did said business. 3 weeks of crap had gone on and he needed to free himself. Once that was done, he needed to now find the girl that was just soooo attracted to him. He knew it, everyone else knew it, Danni just didn't know it yet. He went and found her pretty quickly. She wasn't hard to find after all. There was only like a few spots that she went to. "Danni!" He shouted towards her. He walked up to her and gave her a big kiss on the lips. "You're welcome." He stated with a smirk. "Its been 3 weeks. I'm amazed you haven't come to tears after seeing me survive that tragic test. I defeated it however! No need to praise me. I'll simply have dinner with you instead." - - - The short girl skipped over to the job board. She was new to this academy and didn't know anybody. She thought maybe a job would help her get to know someone. She was afraid to meet real people, but her friends told her to not worry and just try. "All these jobs look interesting, what do you think, Moony?" There were 4 small creatures around her. These were creatures of mediocre intelligence that Luna's mind had created. There was Moony, the sprite of happiness, Drippy, the sprite of sadness, Leafy, the sprite of anger and disgust, and finally Loopy, the sprite of fear and surprise. The small green bear-like creature looked over at Luna with a smile. The girl knew what it meant. The creatures could not speak, they could only move and make gestures. These were creatures that represented her emotions. They were all her friends. "Yeah, you're right. We should partner up with someone."
It was 3 weeks ago, the tests were coming to a close and the last person remaining was Noah. He walked into the room, an expression quite different from his normal normal smile had become one of seriousness. He reached for the device that would transfer him into the world of the test. Every world was different. Last time he did this test, the world contained nothing and no one. It was a world where nobody could appreciate him, nobody could be ridiculed, nobody and nothing. He had succeeded that test, overcoming his struggles. Now was the time for another test of his patience. He placed the mask on and entered the test. Spoiler His eyes had reopened into a world much different from his last testing experience. He was surrounded by people with names over their heads and a health bar in a semi-circle across their bodies. He had done it, he was now a video game character! A large monitor appeared in front oh him and the rest. It had written on it "WELCOME TO CGO!" A person appeared on the monitor. It was a tall man with blue hair and black armor. "Welcome to the game everyone. You have entered the world of Card Games Online! You might have noticed that there is no way to return back to your world. I have made it impossible. You will die instantly if you return. The only way to come back is to defeat me on the top of Level 10 with your card game skills. There are bosses on each level that you must surpass to reach me. Good luck... Oh and if your LP hits 0, you die." Noah stood there with a smile on his face. This was a test alright, this was a test to see how long he could take it to the end. He had to win. There was no such thing as losing to Noah. He was a winner. Anyone to face him would be a loser. After the announcement, a large ring appeared around his arm for where cards could be placed. This was a dream come true. The next day was a cold winter morning, at dawn, a time before the light of the world went over the world. Noah stood at the first boss of Level 1 ready to fight! He met several other people around him, some cool looking, some looking like absolute dweebs. There weren't any avatars so he could tell who the top classes were and who weren't. Usually it was the handsome men with outrageous spiky hair that would end up being the ones to win this game. The challenge for the first floor was that it could only be one on one duels. Noah had no problem with this and went forward to face the first challenger. "I'm here to face you in a dual. I'm more than likely to win though! I'm the protagonist of this video game!" Noah shouted out, completely ready to claim victory in this match. "I summon, the 1st Wall Master! I also place one card face down. I end my turn!" His opponent saw nothing of it. He did not speak and only acted. The man placed no cards face down but summoned the Key Hero on attack mode. The Key Hero attacked and destroyed the 1st Wall Master. "You've activated my creatures special ability! Now I can summon 2 creatures with of the same class. I summon 2nd Wall Master and 3rd Wall Master. I now play Hell's Rejection to summon back my 1st Wall Master. Luckily I also have this card, Fu-sion-ha! Together my monsters shall now make the 4th Wall Destroyer. Now, 4th Wall Destroyer, attack!" The creature attacked and knocked away half of the bosses LP. "Ha, now that my monster has destroyed yours and you have no other monsters on the field, I get to see your hand!" Noah studied the cards that the boss had on hand and noticed that some were very good, one could even defeat him, if he didn't have made a preparation already. He ended his turn and the battle continued. They went back and forth until Noah defeated him completely. "Now to Level 2." Level 2 was a town filled with springs and cat like people. He wouldn't lie to himself, he liked this level a bit, he couldn't really figure it out. It was around this time that he met a girl, another person trapped in this game. She was beautiful and had all the right features that a man could want. She was a bit sassy too and that was a bonus in Noah's eyes. The two of them worked together for the next several floors. It was time that they were on the 9th floor together. Time in the real world was probably now 2 weeks later. "Selena, you are truly the love of my life. I hope that some day, we can find each other in the real world. Let's head out and slay some monsters with our weapons to go and get some rare cards! We'll need them if we are to beat this death game. After all, there are only a few of us left." The two went to a dungeon together and took on a monster. It was huge, had scales, and a nasty temper. The two of them worked together, destroying the monster with their awesome skills. However, the monster entered a new form and as it did, it impaled Selena in one strike. "Selena! No! You cant die. Who else will I brag to, who else will listen to my awesomeness?" "It's okay Noah. I knew this would happen. I'm just a computer program, we could never... cough... be together. I love you, goodbye." "I refuse!" With a burst of psychic energy radiating from Noah, he turned towards the dragon and glared. "You have killed the only thing that I loved almost as much as myself. Real or not, we had a connection. You will pay!" Noah released his ultimate powers and slayed the beast, acquiring the card: The Green Eyes Gray Dragon. Noah moved his way to Level 10, the card that killed his friend at his side. This card had meaning, he knew he had to get out of this world! He climbed up to meet the man with blue hair and black armor. The two looked at each other with different expressions. Noah was filled with rage, the other filled with pride. "Who are you, why are you doing this!" Noah shouted. "Why, Noah, isn't it obvious. I'm clearly the ultimate boss, the one that will never lose and make your life a living hell. I'm the only one that can be a match for you... I am you. I'm the real Noah, look at me, the ultimate badass to ever live. Nobody can beat me, but truly on the inside I just want to be loved and have someone who cares about me more than myself. That is the only way to get rid of my ego, but I also don't want that because then I will lose this badassness. I'm weak! My weakness is my own desire to be strong and be the best that no one ever was!" "No, you're wrong! You're NOT me!" This was no longer a battle between card games, this was a battle to decide it all. Noah was the only survivor and this man was claiming to be him. Noah unlcoked a hidden skill, the monster summon skill. The dragon card had become a physical being and was beside him. The other Noah smiled and a dragon with gray eyes and green scales appeared behind him. "Let the game begin." Fake Noah charged towards Noah and the two had their weapons clash. The weapon was the same. Noah had created the weapon to be unique and impossible to copy. This man was his double. The two continued to fight with each other and dual, person to person, card to card. Eventually, Noah had fallen to his knees. "See that, me. I'm clearly better. I have nothing holding me back." "That is where you are wrong... I have something that you could never have..." "What is that?" "I'm real and a godmod!" He rose up and stabbed his counterpart, his dragon doing the same thing. The Fake Noah had fallen and as did his dragon. "I understand. You are me, and I need to accept that. But then again, Nobody is as awesome as me. You suck. You aren't me because you lost. Looks like I was right. I'm the protagonist and now the game is over. 3 weeks later. I bet Danni misses me. She probably is just in tears right about now. I'll show her that her majestic prince is alive and well." The game ended and the mask had fallen off, bringing Noah back to reality.
I'm always 1UPed by Libre! I was going to post this as soon as I woke up but nope, the game man got the scoop! Anyway, I loved 4, pretty sure I'll love 5. I'm disappointed its a Sony Exclusive, but what can ya do.