Between the drunkards and now strange flirting going throughout the entire bar escalating at stupendous levels, Dawn finished her drawing and decided to take a step out of the bar. There was nobody to talk to and the stench of alcohol was accelerating. If she stayed long enough, there was a feeling of second hand alcohol poisoning was going to occur. Did she know that it couldn't be spread that way? No, she was still far to young for such a thing. Once outside, the mute girl breathed in fresh air, it was soothing and relaxing to breathe in such purity compared to the evil toxicity of the inner works of the bar. Why they chose that to be the rendezvous point was beyond her. It was more than likely just an excuse to get drunk and be an idiot. Her guild members were among that rowdy group as well. Dawn was more than likely the only young one there who couldn't participate in this gathering. With this experience in her mind as well, the likelihood of her actually ever drinking alcohol was now put down to zero if it already wasn't low. There was a tree only a few meters away from the bar that Dawn decided to rest at. It was a large Oak tree twith beautiful leaves, flowing as the wind went by. The sun's rays weren't able to penetrate, as the tree absorbed all the nutrients it come from the heavenly body. Laying back, she decided to write within her poetry journal for the moment... <<Alas, I reunite with friends of old, their smiles warm, their actions cold. With the smells of toxin gone, the air blows out, playing a peaceful, elegant song. The leaves rustle, the clouds flow, the sun dances with nature not alone. My expression is bright just like the playing sun, but like under the tree, my sorrows know no fun.>> Her journal was placed into her pouch as she waited, watching the birds and wildlife moving by. A single tear shed from her eyes as she saw them play without any care. The ability to have freedom and expression, wishes that she had for a long time. However, she knew that the only ways she could ever express such a form of self, was through writing, and never through her voice. Dawn waited until it was time to move along. Maybe, hoping for a friend to join her under this oak tree.
What turned out to be a very disappointing reunion with little to almost no emotion whatsoever in reunited with an old friend of the guild, Dawn could only stare blankly as the other began to converse about things she hadn't a clue about nor did she want to. Instead of trifling for some sort of more heartfelt hello, the girl figured it would just be better to wait for them to move out back to the guild or something. It was clear that the thrill of seeing her was at a minimum. [THANK YOU CAL] Perhaps the others would be more excited to see her. Thomas perhaps would be more thrilled than the rest. He was the first friend she made and he seemed to have a romantic interest in her. Its not that she minded at all, but she needed to be shown more than just a flirt to share in his feelings. If he managed to win another girl within the time of separation, she would simply smile and congratulate him. Perhaps the others were all well. She had hoped so. If anyone had died, Dawn might go into a state of shock and become unwell from distress. [THANK YOU SARA AND AMANDA] With all those thoughts going through her mind, the pinkette sat down alone in the bar, taking out her drawing book and began to sketch the scenery of the bar. The drunkards and hairy creepy men were interesting in the least to sketch. They all wore such funny clothes. The same could be said about the women. Oddly enough, Zeph fit right in here. She looked like she could be one of those bar girls, serving drinks and making all the drunk men whistle for her. Dawn doubt she would pay them any mind however. After all, she gave no form of emotion towards a friend. The entire time Dawn sat, watching and sketching, she had a patch on her nose, plugging up the scent of beer and musk. It wasn't pleasant in the least so she had asked earlier for something to plug up the smells of careless mistakes. Now the girl was mute and smute. If only she had a way to block out the noise of wild men yelling and slurping to their hearts contents. Perhaps she should try and tinker with something when she got back to the guild. A device for music or something. There was normal jukeboxes but they were never small enough for personal travel. After this sketch, the girl would begin the schematics.
How long had it been since she had last seen the guild she was so in love with, one that she wanted to be a complete part of but was always afraid to be accepted completely. Now that time has passed and the events in that bewitched kingdom were past, she found herself with a different group, now placed in a tavern. Back then, she had vanished, nobody aware of her existence for some time. It must have been a magical spell that forced their memories to vanish as quickly as she did, or perhaps another side effect to that magic that saved her life so long ago before she could even comprehend the world around her. Regardless of such factors, she was happy to see them again. A smile crept over her face as she looked over to them. She wanted to scream out and say hello, but no words would ever come out. Once the man who had found her returned, Dawn reached into her sketch book and wrote down some words of gratitude to him. <<Thank you so much for helping me so far. You've been a great help and friend>> Dawn gave a bow and moved over to Zephyrine. She smiled, her eyes closed and her lips giving a warm u shape towards the former acquaintance. <<Its been so long. I'm happy to see you again!>> She had written and shown to the other. She wanted to lunge out and hug Zephyrine, but felt maybe it would have been rude and out of place. The girl didn't even know what the other's reaction would have been to seeing Dawn after so long. Only her response would say.
Lance looked over to Hunter and smiled. "I wasn't going to fight anyw- Wait! You're making people disappear too! Oh man, what are you doing with them? I like to-- Oh, you almost got me. You wanted to hear my techniques. An admirable thing. I'll tell you in private one of these days." Was he joking or serious? That was a mystery nobody could solve. There weren't any bodies for evidence after all, I mean.... You didn't read that. "Well, the idiot is right, we really shouldn't have a dance in the middle of the street without any music or entourage. Its just boring if the only people watching are that couple who have been making out for the last 10 minutes." Lance looks over to Hunter and whispers, "Please tell me you were taking pics." Then turned back to Kala. "Well, miss Calamari, I bit you adieu." And with that, Lance headed off to the meeting spot.
Ah, that was cute, a woman with a sword who thought she could cut him. That was just a darn shame though. From what he knew, there weren't many women who could fight in the past. Really the only two he could recall through text were Aqua and Larxene. There was another girl but she was better at being a damsel in distress. But regardless of the situation, she still tried. He had to give her some credit. She actually managed to swing it correctly. However, what she failed to accomplish was to actually be effective. All Lance had to do was move slightly to the left. That was it. That is all he had to do and thus and did so, avoiding the blade with simple ease. Even if she cut him though, the regeneration abilities he had acquired would just put him back on full health. This was a reason why he didn't do tournaments. It wasn't fun always winning. He began to clap towards her. "That was a good swing. I'm sure with some practice you'll be a great intermediate swordswoman."
What was this? Was this karma? Lance began to cry at the sight of the money. Here he was talking about ones and fives and Hunter just gave him the props to demonstrate. He knew Hunter was with him now. Hunter just said some of those things to make it seem like he was being a jerk, but Lance knew what he must do next. This was going to make his entire day. After this, the meeting was actually going to be enjoyable because nothing else could ruin this day. With a few steps next to Hunter who walked closer to the girl. Lance gave a wry smile. "So, Hunter just gave me some money here... Well..." Lance starts to throw the money onto the ground, mainly consisting of 1s and 5s. "Really, I just wanted to talk the talk, but Hunter whispered to me that he actually wanted to watch you strip. He just didn't have the balls to actually give you the money, so that is why this is here now. Anyway, you have your money. Now take off your clothes and show us your boobs and balls." Just to mention... Lance was never actually given the talk and just thought women were different because they had boobs. He thinks fat men are women too because of their boobs.
Lance gave a stare over to the girl. She just made this entertaining with a single sentence alone. Not wearing underwear? Well that was a turn on if there ever was one. However, to Lance, it wasn't enough. She wasn't an ******* enough to meet his requirements. Perhaps if she wanted to see this world burn down to ashes as badly as him, maybe he'd let her into his heart. But screw it. "Oh so you like people stalking you? That isn't weird at all. You know most would get a restraining order for such a thing, but I guess some women just like the attention. If you want I'm sure I could throw down some ones and fives down if you like it that much." He could also notice her dismay when the heartless died. Did she care for the little things feelings? That was adorable! Thinking it had a conscious and all. "Don't worry about Paul either. Those heartless are quite the sex fiends you see. Every single time a sharp object come around, they just cant help but make sweet sweet love with a dagger to their chest cavit- Did you just say you aren't wearing underwear!? Did you hear that Hunter, you really stole all her underwear from her?" Before any of them could react, Lance continued his speech. "She doesn't even seem annoyed by this at all. My god you really are a stripper aren't you? I was just joking about the ones and fives but now I can tell you are serious. I am just glad to know that there are still people in this world that still enjoy the important things in this life: murder and female stripping. Hey Hunter, instead of the male strippers we got last meeting, we should totally have her do it!" Lance clearly did not feel any form of threat coming from the girl. But, he wasn't the brightest either when it came to the sick sensation known as human emotion.
It was the same as always. He fist bumped Hunter but the idiot continued to imply that it was a simple gave of paper rock scissor. Though, it was acutally entertaining now. One of these days Lance would just surprise him with scissors, though the two fingers might be lodged in his eyes. Ah the dream. The only issue though was even the Hunter was an idiot, he was still more competent then the other's in this damned world. Before Hunter left, Lance noticed that the portal for the Heartless that tried to flee was still open, just a little though. So, just to be funny, and maybe be a bro, but honestly it was just to see the creature die quickly and painfully, Lance reached in and grabbed the Heartless by the foot, dragging him back out. Lance could feel the claws grinding on the other side, begging not to be taken back to the world of the light. "Hey, we didn't say you could leave. In fact, I'm sure you have a job for Hunter. You know that running away from your assignment is just going to make matters worse for yourself. So C'mon, stay a while, enjoy the amount of life you have left in the world. I'll even treat you to another drink. After all, it'll be your last." Before he could reach Hunter, he stopped to see some folks chatting it up. So, not to be rude, he decided not to not interrupt them by hiding behind a building and completely listen into their entire conversation. He was sure nobody would mind if he was stalk- I mean, gathering intel on them. Now that things had settled down as well, Lance made his way out to greet the lot. "Hey, Hunter, I got this little rascal that tried to run away. Did you get the puppet yet?" He spoke out loudly from behind, holding the heartless up in his hands. He then looked away pretending he had no idea what the situation was, but in reality, he really heard the whole thing. "Oh its you! You're the girl that Hunter talks about. Really, this guy just straight up loves you. He admires you from afar, looking in your window, taking your dirty garbage once in a while, the guy even has this wonderful collection of your underwear. I have to say, it is just awe inspiring. Totally not creepy at all. HEY, I had a wonderful idea, you should totally date him! I'm sure you'll have a blast. He is into this bondage thing that seems to be really in right now. He even likes to bring these little guys as pets. I think its a seriously good deal." Was this revenge? Maybe. Did he feel aggrivated that not once he got an actual fist bump. Very likely. Humiliating Hunter in front of a hot girl? Priceless.
Well, Cal said I could join again soooooooo
Well, after getting a sick thrill out of a crying pubescent boy who apparently was named Justine Beiben, Lance made his way to one of the pub and noticed one of the allies he had made while being a part of this group thing. However, it wasn't any mere individual, it was thee individual. He was an idiot of course, but he was much more tolerable than the rest. "Hey, if it isn't the biggest ******* of the group." He put his fist up for a good fistbumb and then Lance sat next to Hunter and the Heartless that he had captured. "Hey bartender, I'll have what this idiot is having. Its on him." Before Hunter could even say anything, the bartender already had the drink up and out for him. He began to drink and sighed in agony. "Is it just me or are the drinks in this town getting worse and worse? Maybe some day they'll quench my thirst. Though, not even a cup of a child's tears can satisfy it. This world suck so much balls. Anyway, Hunter, what's the plans for tonight. I swear we better not have any male strippers this time." He took another drink. He reached out for some of the peanuts on the side and cracked them atop the Heartless's head. "Oh right, I'm sorry. You're not a nutcracker. I just get confused because I just have this urge to smash you little guys. Don't know really why."
Ah another day, another chance to interact with the morons that are deciding to plague this village with their existence. What good was this world when it appeared only one sane and normal person was in it? Lance knew this all to well, for he was that one. Where was he you might ask? Just on the outskirts of the city, hunting some worthless creatures that were called Nobodies. "I'd say your names are completely unfitting, but," He gave a slice at them and then they vanished, "It is just too fitting." He sheathed his sword and walked forward. "Damn today I have another meeting with all those people. Why must I be such a nice guy? I guess someone has to carry them." Lance walked into the town again and just smiled. It felt good to be on top of the world. He saw a boy run past him who dropped his ice cream. The boy began to cry and Lance just stood next to him with the urge to laugh uncontrollably. "I see cream on the ground. I'd scream too. But you know is more worthy of screaming?" Lance whispered something into the boys ear and he stopped screaming only to pause for a second in terror. After walking away, the boy began to scream louder than even before. "Good day indeed."
Name: Richard Lancelot Alias: Lance Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: Richard also means Dick Personality: Egotistical, prideful, will snap if someone makes fun of him and he cant retort it. Weapon: Frozen Sunlight Talents: Extremely brilliant, Extremely strong, being an ass hole, its a talent! Goals: To find someone who shares his feeling in watching the world burn. History: Ah, History, a subject of the past. Well it all began when a pair of people decided to get married and have a baby. After some explicit content later and 9 months of back pain, tears, and horrifying craving and mood swings, a little girl was born. The only thing was that she had a- OH it was a boy! The doctors that delivered weren't too bright. Childhood was a fun one. The young boy grew up like a normal baby. He cried, he pooped, he killed his parents. Just a normal baby. Accidents happen, that's what everyone told him when he grew up. As he aged, he became much more well aware of the world and how ignorant and stupid people were. Of course this lead to him thinking he was greater than everyone else. This was until he met a girl named Keiko who changed his life and made him realize he was a complete ******* to everyone around him. It was a good relationship. It lasted for a good two years. He made some friends, had some adventures, and things just looked great! However, things took a turn for the worse where they left the safety of town, got trapped by several strange beings and Lance got to watch all his friends be slaughtered, including his love, Keiko. Her last words continue to haunt him. Now that the event happened, Lance finally knew what was holding him back. The feeling of sadness was a handicap. He took that emotion and just shot it. Shot it and made sure it never happened again. Now, he just tries to find a good time by making other's cry and himself enjoy their misery, drinking the tears they form by the gallon. Other: He has a scarf... Glen knows what that means.
I'm certain you know who she is Tay. But I'm assuming you're questioning it because she is on hiatus from the forums as far as I can tell and hasn't been around in a while to really be a part of the rewards. I'd put her mostly in just Most Missed cause damn, we miss that angel.
I don't deny that I have godmod many times. Hey, its fun sometimes when the right situation has presented itself. Back from my first RP where I had a demon angel thing blowing up people by thrusting them into cars to now where I have an OP nobody who kills anything with an ounce of darkness within them thinking he is doing justice. And I mean kills with giant lazer beams! However, Beuce is still probably more of a godmod than I. Surprised Bushy Brow didn't make it onto this list.
Oh man I used to say that years ago back in High School! Ah, memories. Really, I'm more interested in flat girls than I am loli's. Flat Justice!
This probably has to do with my lolicon thing... fine by me
So most managed to find their way to the hero it seemed. Crybex kept up the illusion now. Nothing was more important thatn discovering and releasing this hero. His intentions were t judge. The light needed to judge all. Crybex was to judge everyone, but most were guilty of darkness. This hero needed to be filled with pure light, though the feeling he received was just the opposite. He was getting excited. He followed within the shadows, waiting. There was a seal, a powerful one at that. What to do about the little seal. It seemed far more complicated then just blasting it with the power he possessed. Magic was always annoying to say the least. Perhaps the others would do this work for him. Maybe they actually needed him. Regardless of the matter, he stood there, knowing full well that the person sealed away was awake and able to understand who was there, what was happening, and the intentions of all. I'm going to kill you, hero. You can probably hear my thoughts. Know if you are judged wrong, I will not hold back. No darkness can save this world.
Well, after being CLEARLY IGNORED by Mark Jerkot, Emi followed along with the rest of the group to where this strange angel like person appeared. She called herself Aaron, a moderator for this world. What was strange was the phrase and the idea to it all. Was this not heaven? Was this not the land that was meant to be saved for those who believed in Jesus Christ, the savior whom Emi and her family had come to worship? Perhaps this was the strange space that was called purgatory. The place of judgement whether you were to be sentenced to eternal torment in the pits of Hell or be sent to the paradise of Heaven to live out the rest of eternity worshiping and smiling... Nonetheless, Emi was sad that she had not been worthy enough to pass this. She thought after all the love and admiration and teachings, she would move on. Perhaps that just wasn't enough. No matter the case, the girl had to keep on fighting. She needed to know some things. There had to be portals or viewpoints back to the land of the living, Earth, her home. This woman, no, this angel might no something about all of it. But Emi was just too shy to ask any question, not now, not yet. The white haired girl entered the doorway and found herself in a new room. It was much more peaceful then the last. The strange atmosphere was something that could show pleasure, an emotion that Emi had longed for since arrived to this land of the dead. She stood and waited for Angel Aaron to continue on with the information.
A few days ago, a video surfaced that showed what looks like a fusion between Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo WiiU. I ask is it real or a fake? Some things go for it in either direction in my opinion. The name alone is believable with the announcement of the next console known as Project NX. It's a long shot but the X's could be linked to this. It would be a way for Nintendo to not feel like they abandoned the WiiU as well as embrace the success of the 3DS and maybe launch its own XDS only games. Regardless, I'd like to hear everyone else on the matter of this video. Regardless if its fake or not, the idea is a nice one.
After an unfortunate event that warped the fabric of space and time, much to Crybex's confusion, he was now in a state of limbo, drifting in a plane of existence that really had no existence. Perhaps this was an area that held the boundaries between the three realms together. However that moron figured out how to access such a place was beyond him. Regardless of the matter, Crybex was a little stuck and had no choice but to allow the dimension to push him through to wherever it needed to. And thus, it happened. The fabric of reality tore and the Nobody was launched into a bizarre place. The only thing now that he could see were the fools from previous encounters trying to slay a dragon. From what he could tell, this was probably the chamber for this "hero" everyone searched for. Instead of helping them attack this big dragon, Crybex just sat in the back of the room, watching them being attacked and attacking. They'd probably all start focusing on Crybex instead of the dragon if they were aware of his presence, so before anyone could really notice, he set up and illusion around himself to hide his entire being. Bending the light around himself, he became invisible to the naked eye. Perhaps every once in a while, he'd make some sort of "accident" happen when they were fighting the dragon to make it look like nature was reacting to this "hero" and it strike the dragon. Maybe not. Really Crybex just wanted to **** with everyone. In fact, he did just that. He created the illusion that health green bubbles began to appear onto the field. Whenever someone stood next to them, they would go inside but do absolutely nothing since they weren't real. The feeling of giving false hope... its what those people with hearts of darkness deserve after all.