His eyes were tired. The sounds around him at come to nothing. This went on for far too long. Could sound really become absent? He wanted to make some noise, any form of noise, but his mind wasn't strong enough right now. If he made noise, perhaps the shadows would return to battle him. The keyblade in hand was nice to have, but Eon felt that its power was diminishing and quickly. How long could he go against the Heartless that inhabited this world? Perhaps it was wrong for him to even attack them. They could be prisoners of this world, all trying to escape, trying any possible method. However, he knew they escaped this world by some way. They may have attacked people, but who was to say their actions were wrong? Perhaps they were in a prison far greater than the one Eon had escaped from. Perhaps they were sealed in their own internal prison, unable to escape, clawing away to free themselves from this torment that had been overwhelming them. Was there even a way to return them to their former states and let them escape that internal torment? There had to be... Within an instant of thought, Eon could see a light. It was dim, almost transparent to the naked eye. But, any gleam of light was a grasp at hope. His footsteps began to create sounds, eliminating his fear of the Heartless. Perhaps this was a beacon from someone else trapped in the darkness. Eon never even considered their could be others among him. The idea of someone else from the light coming to this world of darkness was painful. Nobody deserved a sentence like this. Eon continued through, the light shining brighter and brighter as he got closer. Eventually, he could see a figure, alone in this darkness with light around them. It was a keyblade they held. That was the only explanation to why there could be light in this land that judged light as the utmost negative. Eon began to run, sprinting even, towards this light and person. Finally, he achieved his goal and found the person in question. It was Xara, a girl he knew from long ago. She had suddenly vanished a long while ago and nobody seemed to understand why or what happened. It was assumed she was dead but nobody ever told Eon this. He was far too young to be told of such a thing, even though he knew, he knew very well that life wasn't immortal and everlasting. "Xara!" He called out. His and her light had reached out to one another now. Perhaps there were even more in this darkness that were trying to seek a way out. If they both could generate enough light together then perhaps they could lead them here and they could escape. "I'm happy you're alive. I'm sad though that you are stuck here too. Perhaps we should light our keyblades to maybe see if their are others here. It would be safer that way, I think."
As expected, they were arguing over something stupid. She knew of something that might get them on a different subject entirely. Although Stefano called her out, she ignored him. It wasn't worth the effort to amuse him right now. That would just end up in more termoil for the fairy girl. Although she was a witch, she couldn't agree with his rebuttal on her nature. However she was more witchl-like and wicked to him of all people only because it was far too easy to pick on him and use him for her own bidding. "Alrighty then, how about a competition for the both of you. I know you both like to battle it out and I just developed a new potion so you both can test it out and compete at the same time." She grinned over at the both of them. There was enough for two really and perhaps this would get them to stop thinking about food entirely as well as settle the blights they had with one another. "This potion is meant to make it so Titans don't notice you at all. You blend in and you will smell like them so they won't attack you and you could strike them as much as you like without any resistance. How about you two go a kilometer away from the ground, drink the potion, and then whoever comes back first is the winner. I'm sure though, Stefano here will win." This was her way of buttering up Hunter to actually attempt this as well as give Zack to prove himself and not lost to Hunter. However, what they didn't know, including Olivia herself was that the Potion was a failure and had the opposite effects of what she originally intended. A rare failure on her part. She put the bottle on the table and moved over to the other girls. "Hey Tessa, hey Adelina. Its been a while. I guess I was in my lab for a week now. I hope I haven't missed much. Hopefully next time I actually keep track of time and recall to eat and drink. I'm just glad Eve remembered to feed herself. Sigh." She sighed in he own dismay about her poor self-keeping. As for Eve. every witch was given an animal, like a spiritual partner as they grew up. In this case, Olivia had a ferret as her partner. The little one was smart and loving but was also aware of not to bother Olivia while she was in invention mode.
"That should do it." A bottle lid could be heard snapping, a witches cauldron centered in a room with a girl standing over its edge holding a bottle. It had been around a week since she had closed herself into her study to develop a new potion to work against the Titans. "I'll just have to find a guinea pig to use it" She stepped away from the Cauldron, her feet clicking with the wood underneath her. The girl with white hair had moved to a window and opened it, only to have flies swarm around her. There was around a dozen or two now buzzing their wings as they swirled around. She looked in shock and then lifted her arm up to smell the crevice between her shoulder and arm. A quick look of disgust and her face moving away completely was enough to show she did not smell well whatsoever. "I guess I forgot to bathe again. It's only been two days hasn't it?" She looked to the calendar to find out it had been around a week since the potion had begun to be brewed. A long sigh escaped her lips. Now that she thought about it, she only slept for two nights which is what gave her the impression of it being two days. Her hair was oily, her teeth slightly discolored, as well as her skin covered in stains. If she left the house now, people would definitely point out that she was the stereotypical witch. she snapped her fingers thrice and then held her fingers to point like a gun towards the side of her head. She released the gun and some magic was sparkled out to clean herself from such dirt. Once after that, she threw a small white ball out the window with the flies following it in haste. "Okay, Olivia. Next time for sure practice proper hygiene while working. Titan's'll eat you but smelling bad offends people. We wouldn't want that noooo, that'd be rude." Her voice was completely sarcastic into talking with herself. Really all that stuff about hygiene just got in the way of research but people were so strict about such things. She looked back to the Cauldron and then looked away, heading towards the door. Her gaze looked down at the bottle she was carrying. "Now who is dumb enough to use this..." Really it wasn't a question. She already had her answer. "Stefano. Definitely Stefano. The guy is too easy to trick really. Well, time to go see the big lug." Olivia placed the bottle in a ring to act as a holder for the potion before floating over to wherever Hunter was. If she knew him, and the time of day, he'd be begging for food from someone. If she had to guess, it would be the fairy girl. The poor girl didn't need to be pestered by him. Adelina's shouldn't have been too far. Nowhere was really that far in this small village. After all, they only had a finite amount of space to work with. Olivia hurried over there. After arriving, Olvia could hear the voices from within. Things were going to get crazy given the people she heard. Olivia took it upon herself to walk in and enter the kitchen to where they all were. "Oi, you all better be playing nice, at least for Adelina's sake.'
Name: Olivia Hecate Age: 16 Gender: Female Race: Witch Appearance: here Role in society: Inventor/ Researcher, Slayer Weapon: Magic + Katana Power: Levitation Bio: Olivia is one of the few witches still in existence. Her family heritage is said to descend from the witch Medusa of the ancient country of Greece, a place that was powerful empire before the rise of the Titans. Due to the strict witch code however, only a single witch could be born per parent. Even if the codex was broken, the other child would be normal, a human being without any magical talent. That was what her mother always told her, a witch as well. Her father, another human. Because of the decrease in magical ability over the years, the knowledge for more unique and powerful magic had been lost. This has put a limit on the capabilities, however Olivia was never satisfied with this limitation. She trained in the sword early on to fend off Titans. It was also apparent her intellect was of a higher standard compared to the past few generations of witches so the hope that she could restore the mythical power granted to them would be rediscovered. For now she doesn't have any magic worthy of combat, just simple things to aid in inventing. As such, beginning from the age of 10, she has been studying magic as well as the Titans. They were fascinating to her really. Their origins, their abilities, it was all a mystery to her and she did what she could to capture some and learn what exactly they were. Very little information has been made thus far, but there was enough to aid in the fights against the Titans. As for the reason she started so young, her mother and father were on a raid for supplies only to be slain by Titans. The only thing she could do now was support herself by inventing and making new discoveries, selling them to aid in the effort. Other: Tsundere alert.
The Boss's HP had dwindled down to its final bar. There wasn't much left for them to do but to take him out. All the other Goblin's that were summoned had been dealt with and now it just had come down to the final few blows. However, there was a shift in the air. The Goblin King looked up towards the sky and a flash of light came falling down before him. This event was exactly the same as it was for the summons that the players had been using. A figure appeared before them with a single HP bar similar to the last one on the Goblin King. His name could be seen as Gwyn ap Nudd. (Gwyn ap Nudd is a ruler of the Goblin Tribe in welsh folklore for those who don't know) Level: 5 Location: Goblin Camp This was... strange. Alpha had originally programmed the bosses to gain a power up in the form of a new weapon and increase buffs, however the system that he used was supposed to increase difficulty in scale with the amount of players in level and combat ability. It was a complex formula but it seemed it had changed the coding of the game to allow bosses to summon as well. It was more humorous to see the King of Goblins summon the ruler of the tribe, a mythical being who once aided Arthur of ancient Briton. This entire battle was going to be new to him so he steeled himself and became much more careful and aware of the surroundings. He suppressed the shock on his face and glared down at the summon. "Gilgamesh, take out the summon. I'm going to take care of the King." "Very well. I don't really have much of a choice." Gilgamesh huffed at the idea. The two went their separate ways and began to attack. Level: 4 Location: Goblin Camp Star watched in shock as the Goblin King summoned his own partner. That wasn't going to be a part of this game too was it? This would make the matches that much more difficult. What was worse about this was now there were two powerful targets and she could already see the numbers of players becoming less. The two were killing actual people, real humans right in front of her. This battle was going to have a large death total. It hurt her to see this happen. She needed to win, create a shop, and sell armor to protect the players of SAO2. She looked over to Robin Hood and nodded as they continued to snipe from a distance.
How long had it been since he had found himself alone, traveling through this world of unknown darkness? The realm of darkness was a place he was unknown of as well as close to. His heart was placed there even though he refused to accept it. All he had to do during this time was watch within the mirror obtained at the Beast's Castle to watch his former allies. Or perhaps, those were all just dreams, visions he acquired while in a stasis of this black nothingness. He moved on forward, looking through the black and blue formations that spread throughout this entirely new realm. Some places were great to settle up for some time, however, there was always a time to move. He had no choice but to run after a while. Heartless inhabited this world after all. They were all different from most that were fought. None had received an emblem on their bodies. They were what one would call pure, true heartless. After some time, Eon had found a path. It seemed strange but he had this feeling, a form of intuition that it was a path he needed to follow. Upon this path would allow him to reshape what he had lost, or so he had believed. Even in the blackest darkness, there is always light, hope somewhere. This route he would take would be that light. After some time, he would come across a man who would reform his and others destinies....
Level: 4 Location: Goblin Camp Star was assisting some of the others in taking out the Artillery as well as Elites with her bow. It was all coming back to her. The sniper skills she had obtained in Sword Art Online were all there and striking in critical spots. After she was done assisting with the 5 or so enemies, her attention was brought back towards the Boss. She looked over to Robin Hood and smiled. "Let's aim for his head, Robin." She commanded. "Very well. I shall activate a skill then." Hood pulled an arrow from his quiver and locked on to the Goblin King. Star activated her magic for wind to enchant her arrows and they both fired, hitting the critical spot of the Goblin causing a stun effect. Level: 5 Location: Goblin Camp Alpha and Gilgamesh continued to tank the King while others were able to sneak in and deal some damage. All the players were working well together which gave Alpha a wide smile. "We're getting closer everyone! Let's give it our all!" The boss was already 3 bars down now so his words were true. Gilgamesh didn't seem to really care however, just using normal attacks unless Alpha commanded a skill. Perhaps it was just the personality from the real Gilgamesh clashing with the game. It was scarce data, but the personality of all the summons was meant to be as close as possible to the original.
SO I've never gotten really into Persona until really late in the series life... Heck, I just started Persona 4 Golden last year and only just beat it last month. This trailer though... This new info from TGS, it gave me chills. This is gonna be good.
Level -- 4 Location -- Goblin Camp Star smiled at Masaru's resolve. The guy had a lot of power still in him even after Sword Art Online. The girl walked over to him and sat next to him for a moment. "Well, we've succeeded in getting them. All that is left now is to head to the next place. The Orcs and Imps are the next. The only question is which way to we go?" Star had opened the menu and began to look through the possible routes. A lot of places were locked it seemed. This was going to probably be the keys to winning this game. If they could unlock those towers and then beat whatever challenge was in them, they'd be free, and Star could finally meet the real Masaru. They'd have to move soon or else the Goblins would start attacking them again. Or, so they thought at least. Star looked up to see that the amount of Goblins was actually zero. The area was big but not one Goblin was spawning for some reason. Earlier they were spawning just fine, and then they were having a slow reaction, but now it was just none. Star thought about why this could be. Perhaps the spawn count was limited per area and had to be reset. This theory she thought of was quickly shot down though as a wall began to rise around the encampment. A heavy mist descended upon the area, thick enough to where none could see in front of them. Star looked at her hand but could only see the white mist that was around. Within this mist however, two eyes began to glow brightly. They resembled purple amethyst with a tinge of red, lusting around at the people who had entered the camp. The mist faded and a very small amount of Goblins were left. This Goblin that stood there had health bards begin to surround it. There were 10 in total and a name popped up above its head. Mashtyr the Goblin King had appeared before them it seemed. His level could be seen to be 7, a level much higher than that of the regular Goblins. It wore what could only be determined as Iron plate armor and had two large machete as weapons. The first boss was among the players now. Smaller units appeared as well titled Goblin Elites and Goblin Artillery. The Elites were level 4 while the Artillery were only 2, however, the lower levels were on the sniper towers that dotted across the camp. One would have to climb up or shoot them down. The brunette looked down to Masaru after jumping up. "Looks like its time for the first boss. This is different than Sword Art Online. Let's go, Masaru." Star readied her bow and was prepared to fire, only saying one last thing before firing, "Come, Robin Hood!" The summon came out and was ready to fight alongside Star and take out this high leveled Goblin King. Level -- 5 Location -- Goblin Camp Alpha had partied with a separate person and he alongside their summons were farming the last of the Goblins. Soon the in game event of the boss would occur trapping all the players within to defeat the beast. This was still the tutorial but people were going to struggle. He was sure a certain amount would die right here as well. Finally, the boss appeared after Alpha slayed the last of the Goblins. The walls going up and the mist surrounding the area was a nice touch to add suspense. Alpha looked over to many of the players who were more struck with confusion than actually attacking. He gave a sigh. He wasn't going to be able to help them through it all. He'd play idiot this time and act like this wasn't part of the beta. It wasn't part of it in general so he wasn't wrong. Thus, he wouldn't open his mouth to assist, only demonstrate with his own sword. Alpha charged in with his summon Gilgamesh right beside him. The two sliced over at the Goblin King, doing very very little damage to him. This was a boss that was going to take many people to attack together. The Goblin King in return smashed down towards them. They were able to dodge, but only my the skin of their teeth. This was only common sense. Alpha was level 5 while this demihuman was level 7. Although it was only 2 levels, it made a huge difference in stats. All the guild leader could do now is continue to attack and dodge, hoping to not take much damage. Others would have to follow his lead. Those who were veterans to VRMMOs would know exactly what was ahead of them. This was also a death game, so they knew not to take it carelessly. Only teamwork was going to beat this thing. Enemies: Mashtyr the Goblin King (multiple posts) 20 Goblin Elites (4 per post) 30 Goblin Artillery (3 per post)
I seriously cant wait for Kingdom Hearts 2.973/16th that comes out after this. It'll be the best. Disappointed that is actually wasn't 1.5 and 2.5 in one disk for next gen consoles, but oh well.
I'm caught up with the Light Novels now as well as read the side plot Sister's Prayer. There is soo much coming to SAO guys. Seasons's 3 and 4 are going to be huge. The next VR will be the most emotional and thrilling experience yet, finally escaping the chains of the harem and focusing on the main hero Kirito. There is a feeling of desperation and suspense throughout the latest 7 inanimated novels. It also doesn't step away from the anime's focus, the VRMMO Sword Art Online. The original VR has a heavy influence on the fourth arc that can be much more appreciated than those of the 2nd and 3rd. Hope you all are looking forward to it when it is animated. I certainly am.
Those who haven't left the town yet, please do so now. Within my next post a boss will appear in the Goblin village. The spawn will be gone so it'd be best to have everyone obtained their summons and some exp. Star nodded to Masaru's agreement. Right now, things within the Goblin camp were starting to get a little more serious. The summons were being called and the Goblin onslaught was becoming greater and greater. In fact, the respawn delay was now noticeable. More players were heading over to the level 5 Goblins where Star and Masaru were grinding at the moment in time. It look like now was the time to summon her partner and dual him. "Open, gates of heaven... Release... Robin Hood!" The light that was seen when Alpha summoned his own was the exact same. The Archer looked over to Star with a smile. He drew his bow back and prepared to fire at Star without any form of introduction. Star readied her own longbow and waited for Robin Hood to make his move. They were at a standstill with one another. Who would fire first? Who would make the slightest mistake. The artificial wind blew over, Star's hair flowing as was Robin's feather within his hat. The silience ended now with bow arrows firing simultaneously, skimming off each other. Star and Robin dodged the arrow slightly, continuing to fire at each other, rolling to avoid the other's shots. It was a battle of marksmanship and whoever was going to mess up first would lose. The two skilled marksman had kept aiming for the head or heart. If the shot made contact, it would most likely be an instant win. This was a competition that Star never had the privilege of doing in SAO. Back then, she had the Unique Skill Marksman which allowed her to use the bow class. As such, nobody else was able to do the same so a match like this was only through her bow and their throwing weapons. It was never a real contest though since Star's skill would surpass them every time. The sniper took a moment and readied an arrow with another already in her hand. The first fired and Robin did a roll dodge as expected. However, the next arrow was already loaded, aimed for his head where it was going to be. She fired and the shot impaled his head. The HP bar fell more than 75% and allowed Star instant victory. "You are worthy, miss. It shall be my pleasure to aid you in times of need." He vanished and Star looked over to Masaru to see if his match had started, ended, or was still in motion. She had obtained her summon finally! While waiting, she looked in her inventory and noticed a new item. It was a ring that appeared. It was an Accessory that was called <<Summon's Promise>>. The item description read as followed: This ring is provided by the partner, a summon. This ring allows the wielder to view the HP and Skill Cooldown underneath their own HP Star equipped the ring and waited for Masaru.
After some walking, the new guild, Summoned Knights had arrived at the Goblin encampment. It was large. Deffinitely large enough for a 1000 players to get decent experience. Well, that was false if they were all solo players. There was really only enough for 250 solo players. There was enough though if it were within a group of two. Now was going to be a good time to train combat skills up. The knights were split off and began to train independently, some better than others. They knew the basics though which was helpful. They were probably players of other VRMMOs. After that had been established, Alpha had called over a group of players to watch and learn about summoning, the core theme of this game. He'd have to lie once more to tell them how he had learned about this. He noticed other players come from before without any knowledge on how to summon either. "Good, now that some of you are here, I have learned the arte of summoning. I'm sure you've all looked in your stats and noticed the skill, but it really doesn't say how to bring them out. It told us in the beta. It was probably Creator's intention to have Beta players either help the first timers or become the top players. Either way, I'll explain how it worked in the beta." Alpha stood tall and put his arm into the sky, his palm flat and horizontal as it reached out. His eyes closed as he began to chant. It seemed more like a prayer than a summon incantation. "Open, gates of heaven, release... Gilgamesh!" His voice boomed through the Goblin camp. The onslaught of Goblins dwindled down thanks to his powerful deep voice. Within an instance, a beam of light came scorching from the sky landing in front of Alpha. The light faded to reveal a warrior in armor. The armor shined and radiated bright white. The individual was on one knee, kneeling towards the master who had called for the summon to appear. The summon stood up and readied himself for combat. Without warning, the summon attacked Alpha quickly. Alpha gave a block towards Gilgamesh. The previous Goblins that were under aggro had suddenly stopped attacking. The battle was between summon and master. Alpha gave a slice with his Katana towards Gilgamesh, however the summon was smart enough to dodge with only a scratch going over his armor. The players around were all in awe as they watched the fight unfold. The blows continued back and forth, each evading and slicing towards one another. However, within the battle, Gilgamesh had forgotten his surroundings and tripped on a misplaced rock. With this accident occurring, Alpha sliced at Gilgamesh, his HP now reaching below 50%. Gilgamesh had sheathed his weapon after the 50% was dealt to him. "I have accepted you as my master. Call on me whenever in battle." The summon disappeared, fading away into nothingness. Alpha looked over to the players who were watching the battle unfold. "In order to obtain your summon, you must beat it in a PVS match, in other words, Player vs. Summon. This can only be achieved by calling out to the heavens like I did. Afterwards, when you are in a battle..." Alpha moved towards one of the level 2 Goblins, allowing for aggro to begin. "I summon Gilgamesh!" The bright light occurred once more like before. Instead of the warrior Gilgamesh bowing, he was now combat ready, already charging and slicing the Goblin. Alpha working alongside him did so too and they manged to topple the enemy with little effort. Gilgamesh continued to stand there now that the summon had been cast. "It won't end until you leave the Goblin's Camp either. They also do not fight another player so you can be at ease. Now, summon your heroes, and let us continue to grind for experience!" Star thought for a moment as Masaru pulled up the map and pointed towards some of the higher leveled areas. He was right that they could probably handle it, however they couldn't even activate their summons yet for some reason. Perhaps the leader of the guild knew something about it. He seemed to be well informed so there was no doubt he was a Beater or something. "Right. Let's just head towards the Goblin camp for now. We'll get to level 3 over there and head out towards the next spot. He might give us some information." She looked over to Alpha before they left the city. Her tone of voice wasn't filled with any form of trust towards the man. Something about his was off. He was too comfortable right now. She sighed. "We have no choice right now. Let's go... Masu-kun." She gave him a light peck on the cheek and walked forward hand in hand. After some time of walking and a little bit of Goblin killing, the guild leader Alpha had called them over and displayed the method to summoning. It was a tough mission to say the least. What happened if the summon beat its master? There was no information from the guild leader on that. Perhaps you were given the chance to fight again? This would mean there wouldn't be any experience yield from the summon. Star looked over to Masaru and then to the ground. "Should we try it too? Maybe some mobs and bosses will be impossible without the use of a summon. It'd be better I guess to learn how to fight with them now than later." She was using her tactician brain once more when thinking about it. She wanted to summon Robin Hood right now, but she would wait for Masaru to choose their next route. She wanted to hear his words, his opinion.
And I bring you the latest idea from the heads of the Pokemon Company, MECHA ZYGARDE! (His real name is Perfect Zygarde Forme) This is from Serebii The first images from CoroCoro have leaked and have revealed some further details about Zygarde. Zygarde can take many forms. Normal Zygarde is at 50% and is called Zygarde 50% Forme. The dog like form is when it is at 10% and is called Zygarde 10% Forme. It has sharp teeth and speed. The blob is the cell, or Zygarde Core and becomes the brain of every form. The flat form is called Zygarde Cell. New large form is called Zygarde Perfect Forme and retains its Dragon/Ground-type. It is the Order Pokémon and is 4.5m tall and 610kg and is said to exceed Xerneas and Yveltal in power. The new Anime series called Pokémon XY & Z is to come with Mega Evolution Act 4 starting on October 29th. It also reveals a new look for Greninja, labelling it "Ash Greninja". The magazine mentions that it looks sort of like Ash's clothes
Thou have been accepted.
As Alpha watched the two players reunite, he couldn't help but smile at that interaction. That was the form of bonding and group interaction he wanted out of this game. What their words stated they were survivors of the first death game as well as met there. A wonderful addition to his game, Summon Arc Online. There were many players who were already scattering to find something, someway to clear this game. He was sad to see some only go off into the solo routes. It was sad to say but the chances of survival on that route were much slimmer than pairing up. After some time, more people flocked in to join the newly created guild. Honestly, if the orange haired boy stayed around, Alpha would have made him leader. Alpha really just didn't like the name choice he picked for the guild. It was far to egotistical. Nobody was perfect though. There was no point in fighting now though. Alpha had already gained a decent amount of players to carry on. They would become the elite group "Attention members! I am your leader, Alpha. This guild will see each other as equals. Until further into the game, we should all share loot. As for experience, it would be best to split into teams of two. This will give use the chance to get the most experience I believe." He wouldn't tell them but the experience yield while in a party of two would be 1.5 times the normal amount for just one person. You'd level quicker than a solo player. "There is a village north of town. It is a Goblin Stronghold quite large in size. We should go there and gain experience quickly. We have a game to beat, a home to return to!" After his motivational speech, he began to march forward with the 50 so players following behind him. Star sighed at Masaru. He was the same as always. But that was what she loved about him. He was so silient during the rest of the time they embraced. He must have been thinking about clearing the game or the best route continue on. Or, knowing Masaru, he was being a romantic thinking of marriage again. The idiot. The idea would make her blush and sink her face into his shirt. Soon afterwards though, she let go of him to listen to Alpha's speech. She held his hand the entire time. The Guild Leader said they should head north in parties of two. With their summons, wouldn't that make the party into a 4 man group? Nobody had used the summons yet so it was difficult to say. This man named Alpha also seemed far to confident. It was like he knew more about the game then he lead on. Perhaps he was a beta tester that managed to figure things out before leaving. "Masaru, we should party up and head north. I don't want to fall behind like last time. I'm going to work on my Blacksmithing skill again too. I know the rules said we were stuck with our weapon choices, but it all said they have durability. The armor in the game can be smithed too. I'll do my best to make you the best armor a knight can have!"
Okay so, Hexin, you are now accepted. Will add you to the skype group asap. Sorry buddy. You only get the weapons that were put into the character sheet. More will be explained later. Now that that is taken care of, I have finished the map for Summon Arc Online and will now post it here as well as the main post
I am assuming its either for legendary/ rare/ mythical Pokemon or its for things like better Balls to catch Pokemon with. Say like X number of Ultra Balls for X number of actual dollars. Perhaps it would also be used for items if this ends up being the new spot for Pokemon competitive. The VGC already happened this year but I won't doubt if they have something set up using this app for the next years Pokemon championships in San Francisco. Hell, they'll probably make that location the place to get something unique like Surfing Pikachu. Regardless, I'm getting this app. This looks like a huge step closer to actually owning a Pokemon. Its not the virtual reality I want or those assumed watches that will be made in the next few decades that will summon a virtual pet, but its pretty close. Plus, I feel this will make the Pokemon community as a whole a lot bigger and hopefully a lot more friendly. This sort of thing has been done in the past with other mobile real world application games where groups gather up in certain locations to interact with one another in a common interest. I think it can only be positive. Honestly, with this thing being made, I can feel that we are getting closer and closer to the Yu-Gi-Oh situation where Dual Disks and stuff might not be too Farfech'd. Its a small step, but in time, I can see people with Pokedex like things simulating actual real world Pokemon Battles. Its a beautiful dream, but a dream nonetheless.
Alpha looked over to the boy who gave out the strange name for a group. He shook his head sighing towards the name. The boy was optimistic, full of enthusiasm. These were good things to have when you were in a game fighting for your very life not to be taken away from you. "Perhaps that name is a bit... too egotistical, wouldn't you say?" He appreciated the offer of being the man's number two, but that was not in his intention at all. Luckily, he hadn't a clue of how to start a guild. It was different then SAO or ALO. It was much much more simple to do in this game. Alpha opened up his menu and slid on a few keys, creating a guild. The invite would then be sent to those who had stepped up to join. On their screen's they would see the message: <<Accept the Guild Request to Summoned Knights?>> This should be adequate enough for them all. "I found this earlier when going through the menus. For now, it might be best to see everyone in the guild as an equal until we can get a grasp on what the conditions are for this game." It was a complete lie. He knew exactly where it was because he designed it this way. "I also recommend we do some leveling first. I wasn't able to find any quests in the town, but a little north, there are some Goblin's. Their might not be any quests in the game. That is a unique choice for an MMO..." After hearing the name and squinting a little bit for it, a noise caught her ear. It was warm, comforting, and of all soothing. She didn't feel afraid anymore when she heard his voice. However, what was once caressing soon became agony. He called out to her in the nickname he had given her so long ago. Her real name. She looked over to see the man whom she married in the original SAO. "Masaru-kun!? You idiot! Why would you come into this game!?" She yelled out to him, only to quickly run into him and hold onto him tightly, tears were forming. It was much harder to hide emotions in the VRMMO space. "I'm so happy to see you though. I was never able to find you after the Black Swordsman beat the game. Finally I'm with you again, my Singer's Knight." It was true that they never got the chance to meet in the real world. The rehabilitation was difficult on them both and soon after, the idol known as Hikari Hoshi was booked with interviews. She was soon to host a concert for her second coming. She even found Masaru's address to send VIP tickets. The concert was in a week. Sadly it was going to have to be canceled this time around. At least the fans had her newest album. Finally, the icon for the guild popped up to her side. The man's name was Alpha. It somehow seemed familiar but she couldn't really bother with it right now. She clicked the yes button. Before she would be hesitant, but she knew now that Masaru was with her, this game, this death game was going to be possible to live in.
Well there are issues with the summon. The skills are a little too op and there can't be a secondary form.