I just find the argument of "this person is hot, so any movie they're in is good" so... perplexing. I can understand going to see a movie because you like/are attracted to one or more of the actors. Hell, the only reason I went to see Jack the Giant Slayer was Ewan McGregor, and the only reason I'm even remotely interested in The Mortal Instruments movie is Aidan Turner. But me fangirling over them doesn't stop me from realizing that the movie was/more than likely will be only decent, with a lot of problems. Furthermore, pretty much everyone in Hollywood is extremely attractive (this is of course subjective), so going by that logic, nearly every movie that comes out must be good.
I'm open to this, whenever my schedule permits it. I'd be good with most topics, even if I'm not very knowledgable about it I'd be eager to learn. Movies/tv/books/comics/video games (pretty much most geeky things in general) are my preference though.
I'm trying to find a cheaper option to buying a laptop/iPad, so I was wondering if anyone knew whether tablets like Nook or Kindle have writing software on them (MSWord, Text Edit, or something similar), or if I can download an app or something. And furthermore, is it possible to connect a (preferably cheap) portable keyboard to one? I don't really want to spend more than $300 on it, if possible.
>Save >Stats >Go to school > Attend classes as usual > Go to Grasshopper Curry and observe Ravenna
Four pounds? Dayum. Uh, Walmart?
Ooooh. Derp.
Eh, I like cheap clothing, since it's all i can afford. Hmm, I thought the online store should be 24/7...
Welp, since I work for old navy I'm pretty sure you can find everything at their e-store!
> Sparklesue McGilligan
@Dinny you are so awesome/adorable (awedarable? adoresome?) it hurts @Reptar gurl y u so pretty? Post choral ensemble performance. I love stage make-up. Unfortunately it looks silly in person. WHICH YOU CAN'T SEE BWAHAHAHAA*cough* Spoiler
Yellow is my drug.
Oh you poor thing. Get ready for the emotional manipulation.
Ilu too Jayn! Even your drunk posts are adorable ;3
Did you find it kinda funny? Did you find it kinda sad? Where there dreams in which you were dying and were they the best you've ever had?