Not yet at least, but earliest I'll be back is in January... I'm in Finland now.
Oh my God I love her so much too, Batgirl was the first comic I bought for myself! I'm gonna have catching up to do when I go back to the US, I...
I was only invisible this last time though...
Yeeeeeaaaaaaaaah, I've left the site half a dozen times unannounced and nobody formed search parties for me.
I are smrtr den a drunk Chekov It took me two hours and I forgot to actually eat my dinner but I did manage to get it to one peg. Just can't remember how anymore ;_;
Happy Dress Like You're on Supernatural Day! (a.k.a. happy 8th birthday to spn) Spoiler [spoiler/] Guys I think I need more layers
Thank you <3
Haaay ;D Ups and downs. Insomnia's been causing troubles and mood swings are wreaking havoc occasionally but I'm finally going to see a doctor about it soon so yay for that. And time zone/language adjustment was surprisingly difficult but after two months home I'm finally getting a hang of it... Take your pick out of these: And you won't have to worry about misreading the name for long :D[DOUBLEPOST=1379103465][/DOUBLEPOST] Hmmm, I was fairly active up until December last year. Then I was gone until May, switched my name/avvy/sig and was quasi active until July I think, and then I just got busy with real life...
I'll be 22 Tuesday after next.
A tad over 5'3", so I claim that I'm 5'4" in my actor's resume. CAUSE I'M A REBEL.
[I don't think I was gone long enough to warrant an actual introduction thread again so this shall do] Hi again. Did I miss anything important? How is everybody?
Thank you, I really needed to hear that. I think I'm done talking tonight, I just need some sleep now and a clearer head to start processing everything. But again, thank you.
Like, today was hard enough for me personally, I had to say goodbye to pretty much all my friends in Chicago. Then the news about Zimmerman walking broke. Then I found out about Cory Monteith dying. I'm not as fond of Glee as I used to be, but something like this happening just terrifies me. Especially since it sounds like it was an OD, and my own mom is battling addictions right now and I'm just so scared for her and I wish I could hug her but it's another three days before I can... I'm sorry to vent, I just needed to get that off my chest...
I'm too cool to even be nominated for anything please don't ignore me my fragile ego can't take it for the fifth year in a row
but for whatever reason* I've been watching a bunch of the cast interviews for the latest Star Trek movie. So I shall share a few of them here: *Okay, so the criminally good looking Karl Urban is the reason. Sue me
My six and eight-year-old cousins have a tablet and a 3DS. I have a broken iPod touch ;.;
Um, so I was about 15 meters away from Kate Winslet yesterday. I'm still in slack-jawed awe at how stunnigly gorgeous she is.
Yay, I'm gonna celebrate by working and then going to bed early because I have to get up before 4 am the next morning but since I can't fall asleep at reasonable hours I'll get maybe 30 minutes of sleep :D
I'mma bump this since we've only got a few days left to vote and we're at yet another tie. I'd change my vote but that wouldn't even affect the results so oop.
Pretty much the opposite was true to me.