(this is also the reason why Finn's are a little crazy in the winter) Note that this was also taken in the southern part of Finland, so the difference is even more drastic in Lapland.
Colin's puns give me life.
1. Walmart is horrible to it's workers, even when I was desperate I didn't apply there. 2. Narrowing places you apply to to two is a really dumb move. Even when I had some work experience, the amount of applications I put out compared to the amount of interviews I got was about 75:1, and an interview is in no way a guaranteed job. 3. I'm assuming you're in the US, so I highly recommend applying to Starbucks. I think you can get benefits when you work 25+ hours a week (most places you have to do 32, in my previous job you had to work 40 h/week), they're one of the more ethical companies out there, and nearly all of my friends who work/worked there thought it was a great place to work (and the one who didn't like it there said it was mainly because her supervisor was a humongous ******nozzle).
Fun fact! More than one of those Republicans still voted for the shutdown, even while bad mouthing Cruz to the press, since it's easier to throw him under the bus because he won't go up for re-election till 2018, iirc.
Haaaaaaayyyyyy gurl, missed you! (hi, it's Babs) Dammit, I missed the drama again?
I'm probably gonna join, just wondering is there someone who can do the mixing in case I can't do it myself?
You know what, I'm gonna use points for this one. Spoiler: Without You As for Achievements, I forgot to ask for them the last couple times I've participated, so some of them are retroactive... Happy Holidays for Winter Oh lawd for Seasons of Love or I Feel Pretty Maybe Pleasantly Redundant for Take on Me, I hear it all the time, but that may be a Nordic thing... Oh, just fyi, but Gimme Gimme Gimme is listed twice, in slot 3 and 9. Thank you :D
Ach, I managed to fall asleep before the stream again ;.; I'll have to give it a listen ASAP, but I'm sure you all did wonderful! And thanks for the compliments, guys :D
Yeah, I've heard of a guy who'd ask (mainly female) cosplayers for a hug, who had a quasi-hidden camera (it was in view, but I believe it was a fairly new, high-tech model that less tech savvy people might not recognize as a camera), aimed the camera at approximately cleavage level and filmed bunch of girls without consent. So no wonder I've been weary about returning to the cosplay world...
Oh yeah, I never finished Days either, but that was a conscious decision made due to boredom, in stead of being under leveled, overworked and a continuously malfunctioning PSP... And it took me over 5 years to finish 1.
... I totally thought you were talking about the show within a show in 30 Rock and got really confused...
Spoiler I still haven't finished Birth By Sleep
NO D:< You'll have to refer to my shipmates if you need the expertize of those fields.
In stead of asking whether the other wants to watch Star Trek TOS, me and my brother will yell out "Ready to Boldly Go?!" Adding "motherf*cker" is optional. If I'm watching tv-shows, I prefer to have a hot drink (coffee, tea, hot chocolate, occasionally apple cider), but if I'm watching a movie I have to have a soda, or at least something carbonated. Preferably with popcorn or chips. And if I really want to turn my brain off while watching something of questionable quality I'll add something stronger to my drink. Also, I've taken to watching Achievement Hunter's Let's Build in Minecraft to help me fall asleep. Blockbuster Buster is another source of calmingness (that's totally a word, just fyi), or if I need to go podcast route when I don't have internet, Indoor Kids or the Star Wars Book Report have proven to be helpful.
I'm open to the idea of having kids, eventually. Like, not till my 30's or so. But I wouldn't be heartbroken if my partner was completely against the idea, and I could live with being childless. Whether they'd be biological or adopted would probably depend on the sex and fertility of my future partner. And me for that matter, I'm finding out that I may have some issues in my uterus that need to be taken care of before conception is even possible... But yeah, everything's a big maybe for me at the moment.
All I can disclose at this time is that I am not an escalator, rocket scientist or bricklayer.
I'd berate you for the minute details about that pun but I just haven't got the time for that.
Of course, there's also those drills that push too hard and just snap under the pressure ;D
Well, original would be the first one listed ;) But I don't really have a default, I usually just switch to whatever fandom I'm in to most atm.