Search Results

  1. MadDoctorMaddie
    My entry isn't there either...
    Post by: MadDoctorMaddie, Oct 18, 2013 in forum: Production Studio
  2. MadDoctorMaddie
    Eww, how dare they!
    Post by: MadDoctorMaddie, Oct 14, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. MadDoctorMaddie
    Alternatively, you could just be allergic to like 20 different pollens and animals and sneeze all year round! Oh, and also every time you sneeze it feels like your throat is being ripped apart from the inside :D
    Post by: MadDoctorMaddie, Oct 14, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. MadDoctorMaddie
    I'm just gonna sit here and play with my ten year old PS2 ;.;
    Post by: MadDoctorMaddie, Oct 14, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. MadDoctorMaddie
    You mean they started making games out of that cartoon? Ugh, smh at those sellouts, what's next, a card game based on it? Toys? The nerve of people...
    Post by: MadDoctorMaddie, Oct 14, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. MadDoctorMaddie
    Omg Midny that's probably my favorite ABBA song ever, you really did it justice!
    And Sky, your rap skills are making me jealous, stawp it
    (but don't really).
    It's almost 1:30 am here, so I'll have to listen to the rest tomorrow then!
    Post by: MadDoctorMaddie, Oct 12, 2013 in forum: KH-Vids Radio
  7. MadDoctorMaddie
    3 .
    Post by: MadDoctorMaddie, Oct 12, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  8. MadDoctorMaddie
    Did you mean pretty much every single movie with Karl Urban apart from LotR, Star Trek and Dredd? 'Cause that poor ******* has made me sit through some utter crap *coughpriestcough*
    Post by: MadDoctorMaddie, Oct 12, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. MadDoctorMaddie
    So I'm on a day trip to Estonia, and naturally all the advertisements I'm getting on here are in Estonian. Which basically seems like I'm trying to read Finnish despite having severe dyslexia.
    Thread by: MadDoctorMaddie, Oct 10, 2013, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. MadDoctorMaddie
    Profile Post Comment

    Awww, thank you dear!

    Awww, thank you dear!
    Profile Post Comment by MadDoctorMaddie, Oct 9, 2013
  11. MadDoctorMaddie
    D'awww, thank you, I had a lovely birthday, and an even more awesome cake that I'll show a picture of soon ;D
    Post by: MadDoctorMaddie, Oct 9, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. MadDoctorMaddie
    Oh no, I'm not in Texas at all, I'm in Finland, sorry for the misunderstanding... This has actually been a warm fall for us, some years we've had snow by now, but I'm cool with it not being freezing rn.
    Post by: MadDoctorMaddie, Oct 8, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. MadDoctorMaddie
    Whoa, when did you get back?
    Post by: MadDoctorMaddie, Oct 8, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. MadDoctorMaddie
    ... We've gone below freezing a couple times already. Right now it's 'warm' at under 50 degrees..
    Post by: MadDoctorMaddie, Oct 8, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. MadDoctorMaddie
    I can't see it ;.;
    Post by: MadDoctorMaddie, Oct 8, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. MadDoctorMaddie
  17. MadDoctorMaddie
  18. MadDoctorMaddie
  19. MadDoctorMaddie
  20. MadDoctorMaddie
    I don't think you understand just how difficult getting a job actually is. You don't just apply and magically have a job guarantee, you need to apply to multiple places for multiple different positions in multiple different locations. My last job was the result of sending 20+ applications every week during nearly four months of unemployment, and from seeing some friends struggle I can say I was lucky to even get an interview.

    Usually you are competing agains dozens, if not hundreds of other applicants, just to be in that top 10-20% percentile they decide to interview. And then out of that group they'll hire one, maybe two people. And odds are, there's always gonna be someone better than you. Someone with more experience, someone who can turn their application into poetry, someone who is more charming in person, someone who knows all the right answers to the questions, someone who has researched the company more, someone who is incredibly quick on their feet and can bullshit their way out of an execution, hell, someone who just happens to look more like an ideal employee for whatever company.

    Bottom line is, you apply to any job you can, even if the work trip is inconvinient (when I had to take public transit, I was lucky if my trip was an hour and a half), even if it doesn't sound glamorous. And the fact that a place isn't saying it's hiring should not stop you. Apply to almost all big chains around you online, walk into small businesses and ask them directly if they're hiring. There's no such thing as having too many interviews lined up, and if you manage to get a job, you can always cancel.
    Post by: MadDoctorMaddie, Oct 6, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone