If he hates you then he won't let you buy anything lol
Lol why not?
Lol airfreasheners?
....right..sorry, um how bout a hat?
A puppy!
I was referenceing to LP lol
she looks like him lol
Don't think he's in the mood...okay bambi time to go to bed out side lol
Shes being too cute to take my off eyes off of her lol
You got it lol but its so comfy sleeping like that :P
In the livivng room lol can't move cuz of this cute pet sleeping on my lap lol
I'm far from the ps3 lol
Well I gotta break that habit lol
Instead you ate it/fell down lol and I got me penny <3
...yeah I do that lol
Lol *lays next you* "trip" huh? Lol
Couldn't he watch it online? Yeah probaby
Nah my arms and wrists do..idk why
Oo a penny *bends over* lol
My teacher screams out of no where to scare us like *class is quiet* him: "WHOA!! That's some strong coffee!" Scary lol