You renderd the circle thing good :) but it being on his forehead just looks funny xD I like the 2nd one better. Fits dark riku well :P
And only if I can keep this B >.>
Sadly nothing much lol
Maybe they'll give out extra credit And omg I have a B for it!
Id say Symphony of sorcery because its really unique for its peaceful music and Sora and Riku didn't make any battle quotes/noises. Especially loved how kh1 dearly beloved played when joining the sound idea. TWTNW would have been my 2nd. Also love the music there and the fact that you can climb up the buildings.
Very tiring lol Wow I hope I don't get an F for history. Idk what I have but I know I failed a test for it >>
Doing a lot of school work, sadly lol how bout you?
I don't think so, that riku was just the dark side of him. He took Pinocchio just like when he did in kh1 so it's just something reminding him of what he used to be. Riku: "that was dark side. I gave into the darkness once. And ever since, it's chased me around in one form or another.The seeker of darkness who stole my body...a puppet replica of the shadows in my heart...and now, I'm facing me."
I loved it. It was really suspenseful and the story was a bit weird but still cool. Also had some funny parts to it lol
Samsung Sidekick 4g. besides it freezing on me for no reason at times, I'd say it's a good smart phone.
r 2 lol
aw your being sarcastic lol
lol hows this?
What pic isn't used for yugioh cards these days lol
Never would of guessed lol
Lol alright
Not really, it's easy lol just say the colors you want them to be