dolls lol you?
well thats kinda good oh and Merry christmas :)
It was the scavenger hunt ones that took me a while lol
Nah 2 or 3 were hard and google helped
Already did it lol
Not much to do around here
We should, I'll give you my friend code when I get on again
Eh I'll still call it a vm lol I've been good, how bout you?
Don't think they'll be back in a looooonnnngggg time >>
I'd love to get those figures and that 2000 piece puzzle...the blue parts will be a pain to put together but it'll be so worth it at the end <3
I would probably like that and yeah as people said they are a bit serious than Riku,Sora, and Kairi but looking at the short clip from 1.5 Remix they seemed kinda not as serious as in 358/2 days especially Axel and again in the last scenes in days where they're shoving each other at the clocktower. Maybe if they're given some freedom from the Org. XIII they'll start losing up a bit and so the game would be different but not as dark as you'd expect.
I mostly play it for the story because there's always some crazy twist to it so its not always easy to tell what's going to happen. And to know what's gonna happen you gotta play it to the end :) All the other things are just a nice bonus.
sure do, I love that game.
Oh cool, its always nice to go to a different place c:
A bit tired here and then but overall good. Yourself?
Oh hey :) yeah it has
Sure :) Skype name: aquaviiixiii
Haaapppyyy Birrrtthhdaaayy Sora! \(^_^)/
Yaaaaaaayyyyyy! Lol