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  1. Ventus PSP Aqua
  2. Ventus PSP Aqua
    Rain: The time has come for this. Your cue mom

    Aqua: For the good that are gone including vanitas and his delicious cookies, this is for you. Ahem

    No matter where we are
    No matter who we became
    There will always be something
    That will never seem to change
    Like as far as a star
    Like as close as two lanes
    There will be one thing
    That will always stay the same
    Closing my eyes
    I remember the good times
    Friends who stay together
    Will remain forever
    The day we drift apart
    There will be one thing I’ll say
    Don’t forget
    There’s always a way
    To meet again someday

    Together, Always

    Both of them: Aqua and Rain signing off~
    Post by: Ventus PSP Aqua, Nov 10, 2014 in forum: Social Groups
  3. Ventus PSP Aqua
    Another child of mine I suppose lol
    Profile Post Comment by Ventus PSP Aqua, Nov 9, 2014
  4. Ventus PSP Aqua
    Surprisingly, Rain didn't stumble or crash into anything but some wall when stepping through the mirror. One thing was for sure that even a blind person could've guessed, it was dark. She shifted herself in a open hug like position to her right just in case someone else happens to come flying through. Although rain had a feeling that she was the last one to pass through. She stood there about a minute so that her eyes can adjust to the darkness. "I guess the random night strolls back at home seemed to have its advantages" It still wasn't clear as day to her but better than what she has seen at first. The thought of casting a fire spell to illuminate the way crossed her mind but she discarded it. She honestly preferred to be in darkness instead only because it can keep things out of sight.

    Rain cautiously strolled about the rooms that she soon figured it belonged to a mouse who lived in a house. The frames of pictures that hung on the wall plus the adorable miniature of objects that would suit someone of that height made her suspect it had to be of that mouse. "Wonder why we would even go into a place like this... " she carefully lifted a piece of silverware and tea cup that rested on the kitchen counter. "I mean look at this. This is straight out of some fairytale, so delicately detailed..and small.. and-" she took a quick pause after hearing some distant voices. "Um hello?" She gently put the objects down as how they were and began walking towards the direction of where the noise had come from. "Oh this is a two floored house, not bad mr.mouse. Not bad..." she commented upon the sight of the stairs. Conversations of some sort could be heard from up above so that explained the noises she heard before. Some voices were recognizable but others were still unknown to her. Not given much of a choice on where to go next, she slowly walked upstairs quietly to avoid any creaking sounds so that no one will get startled.

    "This place has a....what's the word?.....oh attic. Huh?" By where she was standing she could now hear what everyone in the attic was saying. Although the most she was able to pick up was about some festival in town and that everyone will be out there. "That sounds like a break to me, which is good since some actually do need it after that fight" she told herself with a big sigh and walked over to the banister to lean on. "It's times like these that remind me of the old days...nothing but the good ol' solitude." At the wave of her hand she summoned her keyblade. "Show every one what I got huh? Heh I still have yet to show myself what even I can even do. But I'll give my best for you guys and for the sake of the worlds." The key chain swiftly rocked side to side as she held it in front. A simple short chain with an emblem attached to the end. And that's when it hit her. "OH!- I mean ohhhh so that's what that's for."
    Post by: Ventus PSP Aqua, Nov 9, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Ventus PSP Aqua
    "Green goes over here...brown down here...and um, faded brown here as well..." She said as she place them carefully in their correct place which she hoped that it was accordingly to color. Upon grabbing another book she heard a male voice say "...New?" Rain didn't think it was directed at her but just to be sure she looked up anyway and saw someone looking at her. "Oh uh...yeah " she replied and resumed to put another book away. Then after a moment a projection of Yen Sid appeared in the center of the room. She stood there listening to his words. Some of the things he had mention didn't seem too important to her but what did stood out was the book he has hidden and to find three people. "Terra, Ventus, and Aqua" she said as to take a note in her memory. "Huh, elemental names as well. agua aire and tierra." But just as quickly he appeared, his image vanished. It may have not been the real man but just with that alone she understood why most of the people who see him in the state that he is in are very sadden. Almost in the sense of losing a father. She took in a deep breath and sighed, turning to the mirror that was said to be working now.

    "Save the worlds, Find Terra, Ventus and Aqua, and at all costs, do not let that book fall into the wrong hands. I wish you all luck."

    As long as we work together like in the last battle, I'm sure we'll get through this. A relaxed expression formed from the positive thoughts. It then switched to a confused look as she noticed an extra weight on her right pocket. She dug her hand in and pulled out a chain with a crescent moon charm attached at the end of it. What's...this? she thought as she held it up, dangling in front of her.
    Post by: Ventus PSP Aqua, Oct 15, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Ventus PSP Aqua
    Making her way up the stairs, she couldn't help but to look at how magical the interior of the tower was. Knowing who's home it was shouldn't come to a surprise but even so, it's not everyday she got to be in a place like this so she took her time to get to the top. Although at one point, curiosity got the best of her that she leaned over to the edge to see how high she's gotten. Obviously a big mistake for anyone who's afraid of heights and so that point and on, Rain practically crawled her way up until she reached a door. It yet lead to another empty room with with glowing stars surrounding a door across from her. She took a small break since she was still exhausted from the heartless killing spree and plus the climbing of the stairs.Rain hoped that this door would be the final one leading to his room because honestly she didn't want to climb anymore stairs.

    Upon opening the door it was a bit of both meaning there was more stairs ,however, they weren't spiraled and long but rather straight and short leading up to a door that was different from the others she's seen before. "This has a golden aura around the door while the others had green making it special, so this one has to lead-" she stopped at the sudden noise and voices coming from the other side of the door. They weren't very pleasant to hear, making her question if something bad had occurred. Too bad there weren't any windows to peek in so if she wanted to find out she had to go in. Gently pressing her hand on the door, she carefully made her way in hoping that her entrance wouldn't be apparent to everyone inside. What she saw next was something that would be hard to forget later on. It could've been a statue of the master for all she knew but given the fact on how everyone was acting was giving the answer quite clear that it wasn't. Not to mention the mess that laid everywhere. "Well standing here while looking shocked won't help this situation so.." She noticed someone was already cleaning up what appeared be to ink so why not help out. Her eyes searched on the floor for any books that seemed to be intact still. Then began picking them up and returning them to their proper place.
    Post by: Ventus PSP Aqua, Oct 11, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Ventus PSP Aqua
    Rain gazed up at the odd structured tower which appeared to be just resting on top of clouds. It was both fascinating and yet frightening for her since she wasn't really fond of heights. Her attention then quickly switched to a group who were attending a boy who was missing a limb but despite his condition he was rather healing up everyone else around him. "Ow, even for those with more experience had a tough time too." She shook her head to get the thoughts out and proceeded towards the tower thinking that that's where everybody needed to go. Rain couldn't help but to over hear some conversations that mentioned about the famous master yen Sid living here. It didn't really looked like a sacred place for someone at his rank to reside in but when it comes to wizards, almost any place can be called home to them. "Could this really be the place? Wow, hard to believe what once were stories to me are actually becoming events. Hopefully I'll get more info on what's really going on here." She said in a cheerful tone as she walked up the stairs.
    Post by: Ventus PSP Aqua, Oct 8, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Ventus PSP Aqua
    What seemed to be endless of fighting had now, well, finally ended. Her heart wanted to sigh in relief but her mind still wasn't convinced that this was all over. Not by a long shot. Yes they were killed and all but in a place like this? Something or someone obviously had to have brought them here. Which leads to question...couldn't more be summoned? Rain asked herself this in deep thought. Her eyes then slowly followed with everyone else who a few were starring off into the horizon and others walking through what seemed to be like a mirror. From what she understood from overhearing conversations is that the mirror was suppose to teleport them all to some unknown place where it might be safe. She didn't understand why until she caught the glimpse of the army of behemoths on her left. "Is this REALLY happening? I mean the odds of THIS is really?" Rain switched glances from the mirror to the heartless to decide what to do. "Well like before it would be suicide to stay and fight unless everyone gets together again but...most are abandoning ship already so, magical mirror of the unknown it is then"

    After waiting for some to pass through, she hesitated a bit but managed to put all thoughts aside for a moment and walked in. "Please let there be a softer landing than before"
    Post by: Ventus PSP Aqua, Sep 25, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Ventus PSP Aqua
    Besides the behemoths roaming about still, the lesser heartless have bee wiped out which meant attacking the giants will be less of a hassle. Now there won't be a collision in air when aiming at their horn nor a surprise attack waiting for her on the ground. And not to mention that one of the five has been seriously injured by the others who've been trying to end it but had no luck still. That thing really showed the meaning of "fight till the end". But as long as the behemoths don't team up together then things should work out fine. " sigh...If only I knew some kind of shrink spell. But then again I don't think there's such a spell to be able to have an effect on something named after a word that literally means huge." She cautiously jogged towards the injured one joining those who were already attacking it. The beast had its attention towards one of them so without hesitation, rain managed to do a couple of combos on its hind legs. She figured doing damage to its limbs will bring it down for some time thus giving an opportunity to give a direct hit at its weak spot. "I may not be as strong as them but the slight of damage can make a difference" she continued the hits on its legs repeatedly and to avoid being trampled on, she jumped in and out from underneath it like a game of double Dutch.

    Injured Behemoth (30 BP spent)
    Post by: Ventus PSP Aqua, Sep 9, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Ventus PSP Aqua
    Since attempting to bring in some air battlers didn't work out well, she'd figured to try and sneak behind a behemoth and somehow climb on top of its back but every time she did so one or two heartless would come near making it risky that they could alert the giant heartless. The area surrounding it must be clear in order to proceed which goes back to what she was trying to do earlier. So she then thought up of another plan, although it wouldn't have a hundred percent chance of working but it wouldn't hurt to try it out. Rain threw her keyblade upwards like she did before resulting in another kill but this time it being an air pirate. It would look as if she failed again but it was quite the opposite of that. The air pirates death actually caused a nearby air battler to turn its attention to rain. It would explain why it didn't work last time was because the heartless were too far away from each other thus making it impossible for them to notice the keyblade striking down one of their fellow heartless comrades. Plus the fact she aimed this time. The air battler quickly teleported closer to her and then attempted to grab her arm or whatever was near for it but was suddenly cut off with the swing of a blade. She didn't have any other choice but to do that. "I don't think so pal. sigh maybe I should stick with wyverns when it comes to the free rides. These pirates looking things aren't so easy to trick..but are easy to kill. If it's not one thing it's the other I guess."

    1 Air Pirate
    1 Air Battler

    Behemoths: 5 (1 injured)
    Hook Bats: 0
    Wyverns: 11
    Air Pirates: 8
    Air Battlers: 38
    Air Knockers: 47
    Rapid Thrusters: 0
    Post by: Ventus PSP Aqua, Aug 25, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Ventus PSP Aqua
    This would of been the easiest kill yet. The air pirate conveniently dived right down when she extended the keyblade in front of her. It also happened a bit too fast that she just laid there debating if she killed it or not. Soon enough a pink heart answered her question right away,however, the sudden vibration on the ground quickly made her jump back on her feet. The behemoth shook the earth violently as it kept hitting it with its front legs. Luckily, the powerful waves emitting from it weren't traveling far enough to reach her, otherwise it would have certainly knocked her out. Rain was no expert on heartless but as she looked closely at the behemoth, it's horn or whatever was on top of its head had a glowing dome around it. "That must be some kind of barrier. Barriers protect and to protect it must be something either important or vital such as....his weak spot perhaps?" She took a quick glance from the floor to the top of the beast examining the height." Well god knows I can't jump that high" then another glance at its shape. "huh, it's upper body is big and bulky while the lower part is small kinda like a gorilla. Maybe I can use that as a ramp to get to its head or something but how would one do so without it noticing.." Looking up she noticed the air battlers flying higher than the rest of the heartless around. "They might provide me a little boost" She twirled her key then threw it straight up at one of the battlers so that it would hopefully catch one of their attention but it quickly came back down due to lack of strength. "Alrighty then, they say anger is the fuel for power so" she summoned it back into her hand and thought back at the memories that has made her heat up inside. Rain gave it another twirl and tried again. This time it went three times the length of last time and sorta stepped back in case it hit the ceiling. She was more focused on making it go higher than actually aiming so instead of attracting an air battler she instead killed one. "So much for that idea.."

    1 Air Pirate
    1 Air Battler

    Behemoths: 5 (1 injured)
    Hook Bats: 0
    Wyverns: 11
    Air Pirates: 18
    Air Battlers: 39
    Air Knockers: 48
    Rapid Thrusters: 0
    Post by: Ventus PSP Aqua, Aug 24, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Ventus PSP Aqua
    Just keep swinging just keep swinging just keep swinging Rain repeated in her head to try and get some momentum going "one two three, HIIIYYAAHHH. One two three..." Second time was the charm. The blade sliced right through one of the air pirates like if it was nothing. "Them being close to eachother like that was just luck" she took a jump back so that any nearby heartless wouldn't jump on her. She noticed that not many were left unlike before which was good but that meant it was the strongest that still stood. Not to mention the behemoths roaming freely. It was a good thing they didn't move fast even though they hardly moved. She kept her eye on them at all times so that she wouldnt get too close because one little head banging from those fluffies will send her straight through the wall. Just before taking a step, an air pirate came swooping in and knocked her down. She quickly summoned her keyblade to block another on coming attack then actually managed to kick it out of her way, buying her time to get up. She stood there waiting for it to return but the coward thing flew away, or so she thought. "Grrr...that little prick.." She said taking a quick glance around to see if any MORE surprise attacks would come but no, nothing, nada. Not until she heard some flapping and ducked out of instinct. "A wayvern..." Giving an annoying expression to it as it was struggling to get back in flight again. The blade of the key made a rough noise as it was being dragged onto the floor "here, let me help you" she gave a grim smile and then without a second to waste, stabbed it right on its back. "Hmph. To think they have a better heart then mine" she said watching the pink heart float up into the air before vanishing. Grabbing the handle of the key to walk off but only to be pulled right back. "What the?" gave another tug on it but it was stuck to the ground. "C'mon I didn't hit it that hard" she tried over and over until it finally broke free. "Huh, What was that all about?" Not before long the ground gave a big rumble then a loud roar like if someone were to be a champion. "I get distracted by one minute and you come along? " the behemoth gave big shock wave followed by another roar. Rain jumped to avoid the attack but only to get slammed right back down, by the, you guessed it "oh you argh next mate " she said glaring at the Air pirate from before.

    1 Air pirate
    1 Wayvern

    Behemoths: 5 (1 injured)
    Hook Bats: 0
    Wyverns: 12
    Air Pirates: 30
    Air Battlers: 40
    Air Knockers: 48
    Rapid Thrusters: 0
    Post by: Ventus PSP Aqua, Aug 20, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Ventus PSP Aqua
    As they say you can't runaway from your problems. When she drew near the area the first thing that she noticed were the swarms of heartless again, obviously however that wasn't the thing that bothered her but rather the type that they were, airborne heartless. The worst kind in her opinion due to the fact they can be very cunning thus making them hard to kill. Not to mention having the upper hand when given the ability to fly. For one being bounded to the ground one can't do anything but to run around like a mad man to make ONE swing. Giving one big sigh she drew her keyblade in her battle stance. "I don't like you and you don't like me so lets make this a quick- " she was cut and startled at the sound of Kross's mine square being set off at her far right. "What the-" again she was cut off but this time being an old pal of her's not too long ago, the wayvern has returned. But this time it brought friends along. It flew right past her almost knocking her off her feet. Noticing it was that ramming attack again she quickly dashed after it, "Get over here!" managing to grab its tail and swing it towards nearby heartless. That only bought her five seconds but it was enough for her to get away from it. "I think the weakest looking heartless should be eliminated first so it'll be less crowded. Hmm those bat things might do." She ran to a group of hook bats that were tightly close together so that her swing will hit more than just one. Sadly some flew out the way, no surprise, but on the bright side she was able to kill three. "That's it this one is going straight into its chest" once again she spotted a wayvern not far off. "You're finished" she walked a few steps back then sprinted towards it once it's back was turned. Instead of a 180 degree swing she just pushed the blade forward, instantly releasing a pink heart. Rain jumped in joy buuuut was soon put to the stop when she realized, she only killed three in the last ten minutes out of the hundreds left. "...the struggles of teens these days..."

    Hook bats: 3
    Wayvern: 1
    Total BP: 12

    Behemoths: 5 (1 injured)
    Hook Bats: 41
    Wyverns: 13
    Air Pirates: 39
    Air Battlers: 40
    Air Knockers: 49
    Rapid Thrusters: 38
    Post by: Ventus PSP Aqua, Aug 17, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Ventus PSP Aqua
    As always, when things appeared to be at peace, trouble always seems to spawn to disrupt it. If they had a nickel for every time that happened. "Huh? There's a library here?" Heartless to the left, heartless to the right, one option stood out clear which was to fight! Although despite having fought this amount of heartless before she knew she wasn't capable of doing so without her partners. Not to mention The exit being far from her compared to everyone else so it couldn't be as easy to just run, no, she had to fight her way out or atleast run when it's clear. She dodged rolled to get to a less crowded space and then analyzed the area to know where she would go next from there. "Huh the heartless look like they're having a rave from this angle" Then suddenly a great dark beast appeared before her. As if sensing her presence it let out a great bellow, she said "Easy big fella!" Before getting ready to strike, a little light bulb shined above her head. "Wait, that's it! Your my ticket out!" She slashed the little shadows that were surrounding her so that her back was facing towards the exit. "Come on. Come at me bro" She waited until the waveryn started to do it's ramming attack. Since they always fly past their target when performing that move, she hoped that by hopping onto its back it would take her straight towards the door. And Surprisingly it worked, however, she didn't hold on as it made a sudden stop thus throwing her upside down against the wall. "I always did like those heartless...ugh gods I've been nothing but a raggedy ann doll lately" she rolled onto her side and stood up. "Never thought I'd say this but, l need to get to the library" and with that folks she indeed went straight to the library.
    Post by: Ventus PSP Aqua, Aug 8, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Ventus PSP Aqua
    Getting closer to the room all she could hear them talking about is the mark of mastery exam. "Why does that sound so...familiar ? Is it that one test to define one from other key weilders? " stepping inside shyly, a smiled formed across her face as she saw a group drawing straws. "Heh, guess they use the same method here" she walked quietly across room so she won't disrupt anything and sat on top a pile off boxes where she can get a better view from what's to come. " Guess if I'll ever want to take this test I'll have to watch from the best. "
    Post by: Ventus PSP Aqua, Jul 30, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Ventus PSP Aqua
    What if no one was here? wrong place maybe? Is sea salt ice cream really all that great? Was this a dream again? Am I ready for what's to come? Why does the sun set red? Questions after questions flooded through her mind even though some were irevlavent to her current situation. It's hard to say what or who exactly she was hoping to find at the end of this hall but in any case she firmly grasped her over sized key, ready to strike at any time like when trying to hit a down low so one is not to be called out too slow. "Do my ears deceive me or are those voices up ahead?...hmm. To approach with caution, or not to approach with caution, that is the question...which I should be asking inside my head otherwise people will- ah the fudgesicle with what people think of me. I am me and no- Oooo a piece of candy" she bent down only to notice it was mint. "Oh come now...what is this place? The dentist?"
    Post by: Ventus PSP Aqua, Jul 28, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Ventus PSP Aqua
    "Hey, remember to keep your head up high. That keyblade chose you for a reason and now it's time to show everyone what you got. Now go!" Those were the last words rain was told by her friend before being pushed through a corridor of darkness which he had opened up for her. It all happened so suddenly that she wasn't able to ask if he was even sending her to the correct location. But just before having time to put another thought together, she felt the cold floor hit underneath her back causing the keyblade to slip off her hand and slide off a few feet away. "Arrgh...a hug would have been a nicer instead...but thanks anyway for the ride. Gah, jesus..." She started to pick herself up slowly rubbing her head with a painful look on her face still. Halfway walking towards her keyblade, she stops and stares at her left hand. "Oh that's right hehe" the keyblade then appears in her hand in seconds. "People will think I'm a rookie if they see me forgetting the basics" she takes a deep breath "...this IS the right place, right? Or else I'm gonna give someone a beating once I return." Takes a pause to look around and figure out where she has been standing the whole time. At first glance it appeared to be an ordinary hall but upon further inspection the whole structure and design led her to believe t was someplace special, almost like a sanctuary. "Whoa.." Her eyes widened with excitemnet and that's when it finally hit her. She was finally here. Rain knew she missed out on a lot due to staying home to defend it from the heartless. All she hopes for now is that she can still be a help to everyone despite her tardiness. "So then, I suppose I should start walking around like a lost freshmen now." She says as she heads to the training grounds.
    Post by: Ventus PSP Aqua, Jul 20, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Ventus PSP Aqua
    Username: Ventus PSP Aqua
    Name: Rain
    Age: 18
    Personality: adventurous, friendly, Thinks before acting, and sometimes has a short temper
    Homeworld: Ylisse
    What's most important to you? The bonds that I've made with people
    What do you want outta life? Being able to be there for my friends and to visit the many worlds out there.
    What are you afraid of? Losing myself in the darkness
    Path chosen: Warrior
    Path sacrificed: Guardian
    KHSOS: Awakening
    Post by: Ventus PSP Aqua, Feb 7, 2014 in forum: OOC Lounge
  19. Ventus PSP Aqua
  20. Ventus PSP Aqua
    Aqua- years ago. He offered cookies once
    Post by: Ventus PSP Aqua, Nov 1, 2013 in forum: Social Groups