It's not really nationalistic if every nation is contributing and being portrayed in a positive light. Godzilla did suspense all wrong in my opinion. They build him up a lot just like you're suppose to but then they fully show him and his trademark scream and it's really cool and all but then they IMMEDIATELY cut away to something else and it's like well what's the point? You're not building up to him anymore considering you JUST showed him and we JUST heard his scream, at that point it seemed the movie was just trying to keep Godzilla away for the sake of keeping Godzilla away. And Gozilla's enemies in this movie were all kinds of lame, it really goes to show you that Americans have no idea how to design kaiju without all looking the same. Also bwoa ****, Aaron Taylor Johnson is a BAD actor.
Eva isn't exactly the first and only anime to do "Evil monsters outta nowhere. We need Giant Robots to stop em" Del Toro has stated that he's never even watched Evangelion however he wants to.
Nobody here watches anime man
Book 4 is the last book And given Nick's reaction to all this the last Avatar period
Watch what you say you, wouldn't wanna get hot pocketed by the mods Spoiler HE DOES IT FOR FREE
Reminder that he does it for free Pic related, typical mod hears his hot pockets are ready
This my friends is what you call a burn off
He's a moderator on the internet On a Disney Square Enix video game forum He does it for free He takes his job very seriously He does it because it is the only amount of power and control he will ever have in his pathetic life He deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack He deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of tumblr feminazi propaganda he still has to spread He'll never have a real job He'll never move out of his parents house He'll never be at a healthy weight He'll never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket He'll never have a girlfriend He'll never have any friends SCREW THE MODS BE AN OUTLAW
Could you have been any MORE of an instigator with that thread title?
And by any provider, you mean the 3
You should damn well know that there's only like 2 people here who have watched Kill la Kill let alone listened to the OST
Not a single one of the female casts showed their titties Jube turned out NOT to be a trap Started off with forced drama and ended with nothing happening **** show would not bang 1/10
A man who is attracted to other males and if finds one that he finds particularly attractive may or may not engage in coitus with
You feel dumblr?