[] Shank some fool Time for some true crimes streets of L.A ****. You get the knife from your sorry excuse of a cupboard and head on out to the streets. It's early in the day and people are heading to work, a nice opportunity to stab some ******* up and take his everything. You hide in a nearby alleyway of have a good view of the bus stop. Behind you in the same alley is some dude smoking a cigarette. He can very easily tell you are about to stam someone in the ****ing face but he doesn't seem to care. And so you wait and wait and wait until finally you spot two opportunities. A 20 something year old looking lady just sat at the bus stop all by herself. And on the sidewalk across the street? A man in a suit with a briefcase very obviously heading to work. [] Stab that chick [] Stab that dude [] Stab the dude behind you We are now a lady named Iris.
**** Little girls **** Joey. It's time to for a REAL storytime, a storytime that encompasses **** from reality and is about real things and the real struggle for a little busta on the streets. And that's who you are, the little busta, a straight busta born and raised on the dank streets of whothe****cares. You've only got one goal in life; to be the damn diddly mack daddy of the streets. To live in a world where people praise your name and envy your fame. When your rhymes are so fresh, people suck ya nuts just to taste test. But there's one problem; you're broke as ****. It is a wonder you can pay rent for where you live because the landlord probably got stabbed at some point. You need to get off your lazy ass and get a job ya straight busta. wat do? [] Begin your rap career RIGHT NOW! [] Sell your body. Getting payed to have sex? What could go wrong? [] Shank some fool [] Write up a resume and apply to some low tier jobs [] Grind up those sweet tarts in your pocket and sell em Voting works the same as the last 2 threads. Vote for what option you want. After a certain amount of time I will stop counting votes and we'll go with whatever gets the most votes. SAVING At any point you can save into State 1,2 or 3, just mention it in your post. Obviously if you save into state 1 while something is already in there it will overwrite said state. You can load into a file at the end of the day or in the event of a game over. This forum is dead so this will probably go nowhere but hey let's see. First post gets to choose male or female and name of this straight busta.
As it should be
I remember when the members on this website were all pre-teens and teenagers obsessing over popularity points and actively slandered other members over MSN because they were either jealous of how popular some members were or were a part of some popular members clique and would beckon and their call and then 8 years later have yet to apologize or barely even remember the things they did. Fun times.
You became a girl Then met a lesbian And forgot your panties And got raped by some dude Then ****ed said dude What even is this story? ....Continue?
Censor that ****
To be fair there really wasn't much to ruin. It went from simple "anime character runs around the universe with Donald and Goofy and interacts with Disney and Squaresoft(RIP) characters" to "I'M ALREADY HALF XEHANORT!" So it's less that it got ruined and more that it tried to do more than the first game and ended up turning into a convoluted mess because Nomura needs to be kept on a damn leash. There's no single point, it just sorta escalated and escalated with each game. Chain of Memories is sorta where it started with its memory shenanigans and I'd say Dream Drop Drizzle is where it gets to its worse with him being Xehanort and him being Xehanort and him being Xehanort and ****ing time travel as if we needed that of all things. Aint no fixing **** at this point but I'd say just keep it simple. I felt the spirit of Kingdom Hearts was that it was a Disney and Square crossover and yet outside of the first game the characters never actually interact with eachother. Kingdom Hearts had stuff like Hades and Cloud or Maleficent and her own squad goals. But other then that in CoM and beyond all of the characters seem to be literally closed off in their own worlds seperate from the overall story while the OC Donut steel characters take care of the actual important matters.
Where were you when /khv/ rose from its grave only to die harder?
That would entirely depend on the game and the character now wouldn't it? This post is silly
If you have to wonder how someone BEING KILLED is sad then there is a small possibility you may have some "issues" so to speak.
I wasn't too sad because I was 99% sure I could bring her back somehow through some side quest or something. I MEAN WHY GIVE ME HER FINAL LIMIT BREAK WHEN SHE'S NOWHERE EVEN NEAR CAPABLE OF USING IT YET RIGHT!? SHE'S DEFINITELY COMING BACK! BOY WAS I WRONG
While Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts and Shenmue all have me hype at the end of the day the only actual gameplay details that were given for anything were for Fallout 4 so I would say that is technically the winner. Everything else was CGI trailers or incredibly scripted and vague gameplay.
It's LITERALLY just Newtype magic with a new skin.
Step it up
Setsuna is that you? Why are you betraying 00 Qan[T]for older waifus? How terrible of you.
Best feature is best