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  1. Jube
    Post by: Jube, Oct 31, 2017 in forum: Gaming
  2. Jube
    You sure bout that?
    Because Kingdom Hearts is literally a 15 year old game. Most everything about is has long since been cracked wide open. There is a long running section of this website that is dedicated to hacking this game to hell and back.
    This website is literally the only place on the internet right now where you can find those MIDI files. I simply highly doubt that the files you are looking for exist as they would have been long since publicized on the internet at this point and not just here on Kingdom Hearts Videos.
    Post by: Jube, Oct 30, 2017 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  3. Jube
    I am pretty sure these are all fan made my dude. There's no actual Kingdom Hearts MIDI soundtrack so these were probably just made as a part of a hobby or something.
    There is most likely no other parts made and even if there were these were uploaded so long ago that said creator probably has no business here anymore.
    Post by: Jube, Oct 30, 2017 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  4. Jube
  5. Jube
    That was honestly really fast considering the nature of the game. If I could recommend something it would honestly be if you could potentially make it faster or if it's even possible to make it faster than the character Madara Uchiha . And I'm not talking about Edo Tensei Uchiha Madara. I'm not talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara either. Hell, I'm not even talking about Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano'o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju's DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu. I’m also not talking about Kono Yo no Kyūseishu Futarime no Rikudō Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan (which is capable of Enton Amaterasu, Izanagi, Izanami and the Tsyukuyomi Genjutsu), his two original Rinnegan (which grant him Chikushōdō, Shuradō, Tendō, Ningendō, Jigokudō, Gakidō, Gedō, Banshō Ten’in, Chibaku Tensei, Shinra Tensei, Tengai Shinsei and Banbutsu Sōzō) and a third Tomoe Rinnegan on his forehead, capable of using Katon, Fūton, Raiton, Doton, Suiton, Mokuton, Ranton, Inton, Yōton and even Onmyōton Jutsu, equipped with his Gunbai(capable of using Uchihagaeshi) and a Shakujō because he is a master in kenjutsu and taijutsu, a perfect Susano’o (that can use Yasaka no Magatama ), control of both the Juubi and the Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA and face implanted on his chest, his four Rinbo Hengoku Clones guarding him and nine Gudōdama floating behind him AFTER he absorbed Senjutsu from the First Hokage, entered Rikudō Senjutsu Mode, cast Mugen Tsukuyomi on everybody and used Shin: Jukai Kōtan so he can use their Chakra while they are under Genjutsu. I'm definitely NOT Talking about sagemode sage of the six paths Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Super Saiyan 4 Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and Geass doujutsus, equipped with Shining Trapezohedron while casting Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as his Susanoo, controlling the Gold Experience Requiem stand, having become the original vampire after Alucard, able to tap into the speedforce, wearing the Kamen Rider Black RX suit and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju's DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu and having eaten Popeye's spinach. I'm talking about sagemode sage of the six paths Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Legendary Super Saiyan 4 Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and Geass doujutsus, equipped with his Shining Trapezohedron while casting Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as his Susanoo, controlling the Gold Experience Requiem stand, having become the original vampire after having absorbed Alucard as well as a God Hand, able to tap into the speedforce, wearing the Kamen Rider Black RX suit, with Kryptonian DNA implanted in him and having eaten Popeye's spinach while possessing quantum powers like Dr. Manhattan and having mastered Hokuto Shinken.
    Post by: Jube, Oct 29, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Jube
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by Jube, Oct 28, 2017
  7. Jube
    You asked nicely so here you are
    Post by: Jube, Oct 23, 2017 in forum: Gaming
  8. Jube

    Gay people

    What are they even? Surely they cannot be a natural occurrence right? Some sort of mutation? Discuss.
    Thread by: Jube, Oct 6, 2017, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Jube
    Profile Post


    Profile Post by Jube for fadedphantom, Apr 20, 2017
  10. Jube
    I'm working on it
    Post by: Jube, Mar 15, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Jube
    WA BAM!
    With the speed of a cheetah and the reflex of a doped up chimpanzee, you whip out your trust knife and stab this fancy lookin dude right in his eye.
    He quickly falls to the floor and begins writhing on the ground trying to stop the blood from coming out of what was once his eye.
    It was a good stab if you do say so yourself but you don't say that out loud as it might be a little rude.
    You notice that the man has dropped his keys after falling on the ground, you decide to help yourself since he won't be needing it right now considering he is too busy dying.
    With keys in hand you waltz on out of the warehouse. The sun is still out and the blinding rays catch you by surprise, it would seem you were in that dark warehouse for a while now.
    Eventually your eyes adjust and you see a car, it must belong to the ******bag that you just shanked. It's a white Lamborghini Aventador, real fancy ****, not a spec of dirt on it. Definitely something that belongs to someone with a high payroll.
    You open up the car door and take a peak inside. The suitcase that you got earlier is on the passenger seat. In one of the front compartments you find a handgun, looks like a .50 Desert Eagle.
    There's a GPS on the dashboard that has 3 locations set into it for easy directions.
    You're not too sure what the hell I.S.A stands for, could it be Interstellar Sexual Acts, or Incredibly Sexy *******s, or Invisible Sex-related Applesauce. Whatever it is, you have no clue where it will lead.

    [] Drive to "Home"
    [] Drive to "Airport"
    [] Drive to "I.S.A"
    [] Go find somewhere to sell this car
    Post by: Jube, Feb 25, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Jube
    Post by: Jube, Feb 22, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Jube
    Profile Post

    FIX YA **** SON

    FIX YA **** SON
    Profile Post by Jube for Amaury, Feb 19, 2017
  14. Jube
  15. Jube
    [x] Is you a dude?
    Post by: Jube, Feb 18, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Jube
    You're already in enough **** as it is, no need to get in any more.
    You politely stop walking and comply with Mr Popo's demands.
    "What can I do ya for O man?" you ask knowing full well why he's on you.
    "Young lady, you are covered head to toe in blood. Could I ask you why exactly?"
    It would probably be best for you to rationally explain the situation to him
    OR you could lie,lying always helps and the last thing we need is to get arrested or worse.
    So you decide to li-
    Suddenly a strange sound effect rattles your head and you fall to the ground.
    Did you just get shot?
    Not quite little busta. This cop just smashed your head with the ass of his gun, you must've not noticed him getting closer as you were thinkin up your elaborate lie.
    "Don't worry little girl, this'll all be over before ya know it". You're just able to make out this incredibly perverse line before you pass out.


    God knows how much longer later, you find yourself waking up in a daze. Said daze is immediately washed away by a rush of cold water dashed into your face.
    What the **** is going? Where the hell are you? Who the hell are you? Well we can make out that last one, but the rest is still not making sense. You look around
    to see yourself in a warehouse like room. Any attempts of movement are hindered by the rope that has tied your hands and legs to a chair. Also you're still covered in blood.
    And worst of all? You're ****ing briefcase is gone, the one that you literally stabbed a guy for has vanished. The cop must've taken it, or someone, who the hell knows?
    "Glad to see you're awake". Amongst the confusion you notice the man in front of you with a now empty bucket of water. He dones a white suit with a blue undershirt and a yellow tie. The front of his hair is nice and gelled up and makes him look like an enomrous ******bag.
    "I wasn't expecting the briefcase man to be....well a girl. But I'm lucky I caught you before they interrogated you. Let's get you out of those ropes. I took care of em and got the briefcase, we'll get in my car and get ourselves to the airport. We should be able to get China within the next 30 hours"
    What the everloving **** **** is this man talking about? China? Is that like Japan 2 or something? Why are you going to China? What the hell is a briefcase man?
    The mysterious ******bag unties and beckons you to make your way out the front door of the establishment. Just as you are getting yourself back on your feet you notice that you still
    have your trusty knife in your pocket. Stupid cop must've not noticed it or some ****. This trusty thing has gotten you outta tight jams before and you are sure as hell in a tight as virgin jam right now.

    [] Ask ******bag what the hell he's talking about. Better to get answers now
    [] Play along and just get into his car. Being weird will just make you look suspicious
    [] Shank this fool
    Post by: Jube, Feb 17, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Jube
    Somebody break it
    Post by: Jube, Feb 17, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Jube
    Profile Post Comment

    And what can I do for you Ghost?

    And what can I do for you Ghost?
    Profile Post Comment by Jube, Feb 17, 2017
  19. Jube
    Man what the **** ever
    You just stroll on home not caring if anyone spots your ass.
    A few minutes later someone spots your ass, not just someone in fact. But a cop, a full blown man in blue, a pig, a police officer is what I'm saying.
    "HEY!" he shouts out, "STOP RIGHT THERE! DON'T MOVE!"

    [] Move
    [] Don't move
    Post by: Jube, Feb 16, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Jube
    **** THAT DUDE!
    You run up to that son of a ***** with his fancy briefcase and stab him right in the face
    "OH CHRIST WHAT THE ****!?"
    The dude screams like a little girl on account of being stabbed in the face by some chick.
    You DEMAND that he give you all of his money, however you probably should've asked that before you stabbed him. What's done is done though, better you stab him then he stabs you.
    He drops his suitcase as he writhes in agony, suspecting that it may be filled with cash money you nab it; after all we did this all for money. I think. **** I don't remember it's been a while.

    With suitcase in hand you gleefully walk back home, happily satisfied with what a good job you did. One problem though, you are covered head to toe in the blood of some bloke who is dying somewhere
    down the block. You don't have a working shower in your house and even then you doubt you would be able to get back home without alerting someone with your bloody ass self.
    What oh what to do?

    [] Open up the nearby manhole and hide out in the sewers
    [] Break into a nearby house and hide out there
    [] Just walk home man
    Post by: Jube, Feb 16, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone