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  1. Zandyne
    Cloning organs is the stem cell research's expertise I believe...or would like to believe.

    As for how it could be odd, there is a disorder at times where the baby is born without a brain, techinically the cloning could go something like that, but in many ways, yes I would prefer a non-biological means of a "new-vessel" (something prosthetic). (There is also the syndrome which accerlates the aging of a child, so new organs would not help them.)

    Also some people tend to forget that ethic is merely a matter of what turns of the stomach and what bothers I'm a very good example of that, and I apologize for not quite being able to see it in that light.

    However, for some strange reason, I still think if science was given enough time, they could find a loophole in this morality/ethics when it pertains to cloning. After all, if they can create organs out of nothing, isn't a body merely a collection of these organs? Surely they can/could devise a way so that no "spirit" was murdered in the process.

    -Still what qualifies as murder? By rigid techinicality, it is a biological shortening of a life...not the mind. People who are vegatables are not "dead" in the literal sense. Actually I don't even know the point of this extra statement, but I thought I would throw it out there.-
    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 20, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  2. Zandyne
    *Broken record* So was flying a little over a hundred years ago. And we still remember long dead figures don't we? Hmmm, interesting they aren't here physically yes, but they have been immoratalized to some extent.

    Now as for morals, you are merely seeing the black and white of this situation. You are also not looking at it with an entirely clear mind. First you need to figure out why one would even want to LIVE beyond their current mortal scope, immortality is a bit high of a goal, but what about simply prolonging one's life? If you are shaking your head at artificial extension of your natural life, QUICK STOP TAKING MEDICATION OR ANYTHING PRESCRIBED.

    Back to my point....think of all of the reasons someone may want to live longer...some reason as to why their current body is not sufficent...think...oh I don't know...PEOPLE WITH TERMINAL ILLNESSES, especially children. Oh the children that "God" so graced us with them to be here on earth just to be ripped away back to the afterlife, that's absolutely kind and benevolent! So think, what if there was a method of extending that child's life? Cloning is not the only process by which to obtain "another body" there can easily be other synthetic methods. Really, just give science enough time and the answer may very well be spewed forth. (Also consider organ donations, techinically you are tearing out the innards of someone just to save another's life. It isn't beautiful, but the person who's life is saved is priceless.)

    And if cloning really must be relied upon...the brain upload should be within the first couple weeks of the fetus's devolopment...the brain has not devoloped to any "existence" up until that point, so by all techinicality, its a matter of what brain tissue gets there first (no different from the sperm that first meets the egg).

    So really, who wants immortality or at least a slightly longer life? Ask the people who want it. And King, sorry I cannot offer the answers to your last rhetorical ones, I have no desire to be immortal after all.

    -And if you plan to argue with me, do so with some proof, no OMG YOU ARE SO IMMORAL/OMG BUT THINK OF THE SOULZ! I am looking at this from an objective view.-
    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 20, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  3. Zandyne
    -I agree with you entirely, still there is one good part that I did like about Roxas which was really just the situation- Getting the stick chucked at him so hard it made him TRIP. That had me laughing for a while, and I had no idea why....-

    Anyway, the tiniest iota of a reason as to WHY he may be really selfish is a combination of two facts:

    1. He is a child. Plus 2. The Organization really did not treat or trust their "neophytes" well, case and point Larxene (and Larxene as we all know is a bully so she probably had some hand in that). So really, it's not like the selfishness/emo poofs out of nowhere (or at least I would like to think this of the KH-devolpment staff) if you give it some thought.

    Other than that, yes he is a little weinie.
    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 19, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Zandyne

    Cloud's looking as draglicious as ever. *Slaps on various hairpins and bows in mind XDDD*

    And for some reason the D: makes me 8DDDDD on the inside even if it is blocking the goods, just...I have warped humor. XD

    *REP CANDY FOR YOU!* (*cough when it lets me cough*)
    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 19, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. Zandyne
    On the cynical cut-short side, it would be exclusively "a design purpose" scheme.

    But if you wish to delve deeper then that, then Repliku's description was best.

    My own reasoning for it is that Oathkeeper + Oblivion = Oath to Oblivion; word play I know, but it semi-makes sense that these two be connected with Roxas rather then any of the other keyblades. (Also these are two of the very few "story-related" keyblades.) It can also be seen as Roxas balancing Light and Dark...two contrasts which equal a perfect nothing, which is what he is supposed to be.

    It would also make sense if the reason why he has those two, is because they represent two of his significant but fragmented memories of "having friends". But that is entirely speculation. My opinion is that the two were choosen for poetic reasons, but that is merely my cynisism this late at night. :\
    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 19, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. Zandyne

    Gay Gene?

    I understand your points perfectly clear, however, I somwhat regret not making it clearer that I thought that genetics may have increased the TENDENCY of homosexuality to exist in a person. I believe I stated this earlier, but in studies there has been a correlation in the opposite hormones being secreted in the brain tissue of the person that does NOT correspond to what would be heterosexual (which would imply genetic).

    I agree that environment can have an impact (it would be ludicrous to ignore the effect of it) but I still believe that genetics have a part in it, or at least bear some part in it.

    As for your comment about people's tendencies and likes/dislikes changing as well as to the "born with blue eyes" statement.... genetically, people can also have a history of heart disease but that doesn't mean they are garunteed to have it, they will merely have a higher tendency of contracting it later in life. This also applies to stigmatism in the eyes as well. But as you said, environmental stimuli will also have effects on these as well.

    (Do not get me wrong however, I am not catagorizing homosexuality as some sort of negative in any way, I find it quite normal- just like there is nothing wrong with people who are say...left-handed, they are merely a minority, but still natural part of life.)
    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 17, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  7. Zandyne

    Gay Gene?

    The reason why it MAY side with a "gay gene" not so much as a singular gene responsible for it, but a combination of factors beyond conscious gay people are not typically subjected to this sort of forced hormonal treatment, it somewhat makes sense that it would be more linked with something internal such as genetics.

    (I am not arguing/denying your information or points, but more like pondering how it would apply in an uncontrolled environment, and with humans. As technicalyl given that in earlier culture it was more looked down than today that "socially" the tendency would have been "weeded out" unlike the cases that occur in nature as you pointed out. Hopefully this point will make sense.)
    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 17, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  8. Zandyne
    Personally, it would be the best course of action for them to stick with the central trinity if you get what I mean...sure I would be overjoyed if Kairi for once wasn't always the maiden in distress, but hey, she's 'token' in that sense I suppose. (e_e)

    Only suggestions I can really brew together or at least what I would like to see are more "KH Original Worlds" such as Hollow Bastion (old one mind you, the KH2 one seemed rather SMALL), The World That Never Was and The End of the World (whatever happened to places like that that really set the mood for the story???)

    They could technically lighten up on the focus of graphics and put it into...I dunno, world exploration and plot integration (maybe even some PUZZLES to break up the x bash fest but not those...."mini-games" I shudder to call them.)

    I would also suppose that they would leave the "true villians" history as ambiguous as always...but believe it or not, I'd like more canon extras like the Ansem/Secret Ansem Reports.....but eh, we are but the consumers in this regard.

    Disney can stay put, just hopefully more relevant plot integration this time around, and less pointless minigames. (Sorry but I really thought all of the "job" ones after Twilight Town served an almost VOID of a purpose -cough taking up precious disc space cough- in the game.)

    PS: The "Which Ansem is he ANYWAY" name game should continue, because I find it amusing. XD
    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 16, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Zandyne
    I rather agree with your idea about their elements being a way to compensate for their inability to feel......

    However I believe in many ways that the last thing a Nobody predominantly touches/comes into contact with and REMEMBERS is what gives birth to their weapon and element......

    IE: Xemnas - remembers primarily nothing, but he knows for a fact that he has power, his element is the most adaptable and terrible in that sense
    Xigbar - his personality is mocking and that of a trickster (he also probably died while having guns on his person) so it makes sense that his power revolves around an ability that can be easily manipulated

    and so forth....

    (I also say this because Demyx can't play a sitar for jack...and it only had three freaking strings....I bet he was a farm-boy or something who loved to play music but wasn't very good at it)
    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. Zandyne
    Well this is both an intriguing, rather blunt 'debate'. On one hand if the truth was to be undeniably discovered it only has worth to those who are able to cope with or even comprehend the gravity of it.

    "Pearls before swine" I might say, but the truth is priceless in this matter, I would gladly put out the truth as a world of truth is, in my opinion much better then a 'blissful' world of lies (I use this term lightly given that even with any 'God' being with us, the world is still very far from perfect.)

    Now how people would take this truth is completely within their freedom as human beings. They may try to disprove it, they may believe it, they may even turn a blind eye to it.....but that is what makes us humans so "special" isn't it?

    S/N: Yes if I even retrieved proof confirming or denying the existence of some higher being, I would share the truth.... a confirmation of God would be a sincere message...most likely some sort of humble apology to all of the "anti-God" sentiments I had expressed.... But a confirmation of the LACK of God would lend to a still cordial acknowledgement saying that it is true we did not come from something of a divine design, but still we have come so far, why not propogate it further- sort of tone....

    Ah but this is all just in theory.....

    (Truth be told I would use that theoretical knowledge to give hell to those crazy convertists who would typically scream "YOU'RE GOING TO HELL EVEN THOUGH YOU ARE A REALTIVELY GOOD-MORALED PERSON!!!!"....yeah...:\)
    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  11. Zandyne

    Gay Gene?

    Some homosexuals can have twisted minds just as any person with any other sexual orientation can have twisted minds. Having a certain mindset or preference does not limit the range of things that can affect the well-being of the human mind.

    If they were raised a certain way, it may have an effect....however another factor plays in at that point, 'hardiness' which is another way of saying the emotional resilience/Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ) of the individual. An example of this is that a 'normal' person who is brought up in a troubled home may suffer some depression or have a rather negative, perhaps antisocial dispostion. A person with a 'weak' EQ (or low level of hardiness) will most likely suffer long-term psychological problems. Lastly a person with a 'high' EQ (or high level of hardiness) will be able to essentially deal with the problem and turn it into a positive, at least on an emotional level. Now this is determined by genetic disposition as well as early developmental influences (such as parents).

    That would be the semi-quantified answer to the my personal opinion a neutrally disposed child would simply be more accepting of homosexuality. So,, because unless the parents teach the child directly that homosexuality is the ONLY sexuality, the child would grow up with the same variables as any other child (they would certainly see other influences outside of the family as well).

    If you have anymore questions though, or if I terribly misunderstood your question, please tell me. 8D
    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 13, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  12. Zandyne
    Oh god that's right.....Larxene's true weapon is her HIGH HEELS OF DEATH! XD

    I think it would have been more fair if they possibly hinted another reason why their various powers wouldn't work directly....(aside from the INVINCIBLE HERO REASON *cough*).

    Well, actually I think it's somewhat interesting that the Org members can be "recalled" through data no less. o_o But still...yes they were too underpowered....
    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 12, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. Zandyne
    Xehanort's Heartless was filled to the brim with darkness yet he was much smaller than Darkside....also Darkside(s) appear(s) when Sora and Riku are supposed to be closing the door to Kingdom Hearts (refer to the ending of KH1).

    I believe you can fight Xemnas before you "really" beat Riku/Ansem. But really, he could have picked up his heart and still be looking for Kingdom Hearts.....I believe he was supposed to be good friends with the other five apprentices (No. II-VI).

    And I agree...technically each of the Organization could have killed Sora with a one-hit move save for...probably Roxas (what was his element....LIGHT?).

    Xemnas could clone himself (to some degree) and hold Sora whilst energy-ing away at him. Xigbar has control over Space and could have easily just teleported his hands inside Sora's body and "borrowed" certain vital organs out. Xaldin could have sucked out the oxygen in his lungs. Vexen could freeze his blood. Lexaeus could have quaked the ground and dropped a 5-ton slab of earth onto him. Zexion could have just STAYED IN HIS IMMUNE ILLUSION WORLD. Saix could just have just held onto his bloody weapon. Axel could've COMBUSTED SORA (refer to how Vexen died in Re:CoM). Demyx, like you said could have drowned him. Luxord could have just stolen his time and be done with it. Marluxia had the death counter. Larxene could have just over-electrocuted him.....

    So really, the TRUE weakness of Nobodies is CENSORSHIP.
    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 12, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Zandyne
    Cloning you say?

    Well, to break it down, cloning is merely the process by which you take your genetic material and FORCE it to become a carbon copy of your own. By all means, techinicality if your genetics granted you a mind of your own, so should your clone have a mind of its own.

    Case and point, IDENTICAL TWINS. They both have the same DNA and in many regards they will lead seperate yet similiar lives. Cloning is an artificial process of this so in a way, it would be like having a twin that was years younger than you.

    Also, I believe they proved that cloning showed that the cloned individual would have a much shorter life span...but upon doing a quick reference, the early death was attributed to a sort of infection.

    Anyway, downloading the brain may seem impossible to us now, but so was flying a little over a hundred years ago. Technology is taking greater leaps in these past few don't say impossible so early in the game.

    In a way cloning can be considered a rather...interesting usage of reproductive material. However it shouldn't be used for immortality. We're already having trouble supporting people who live a long time much less for forever.

    Anyway, cloning by iteself with no mention of using it as a means of "becoming immortal" is no more disgusting or immoral than artificial insemination, the only difference is that the genetic map is more specific for the individual. :\
    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 12, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  15. Zandyne

    Gay Gene?

    -I find it necessary to make another post here, my apologies for kicking a dead topic back up-

    It's not so much as a "gay gene" but more like a difference in genetic coding where the brain secretes a different amount of a certain hormone in the brain that dictates sexuality. This is a hormone secreted in BOTH heterosexuals and homosexuals...however I believe I stated some time ago that the hormone in homosexuals is OPPOSITE in what would normally be secreted if they were heterosexual.

    However, this is very much a theory still in the researching stage...regardless they have found that CORRELATION (not causation) in homosexuals.

    Now, another contribution that in a way regards that homosexuality is solely reliant on DNA is not entirely true (in theory). The hormonal output of the brain and other organs that produce hormones is dependent on the early developmental stages on a child. (IE: A person who was constantly under great stress in their childhood tends to be slightly apathetic emotionally when they get older because their brain over-produced a certain hormone attributed with that emotional response.) But as stated early, it is merely theory and correlation. In time they may come to find a causation...but it is safe to say that homosexuality is typically NOT a voluntary more then heterosexuality is an entirely voluntary disposition.

    (Anyone who blames homosexuality on the devil will not be dignified with a response.)
    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 12, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  16. Zandyne
    Hmm...actually there is one thing that bothers me that pertains to both Heartless and Nobodies...

    How are things such as Twilight Thorns and Darksides produced? (Darksides are natural Heartless as they are missing the emblem....)

    Another question is what happened to the other Org XI (Xemnas and Roxas excluded) Heartless?

    Also....a question to ponder is that Xemnas in KH1: FM visited where his Heartless was, yet he didn't do anything to retrieve his heart from his Heartless. I wonder why would he do that? He clearly stated that having a heart would give him more power yet he didn't do anything to get it back when he had an ample chance....

    Makes me wonder what the power limits of a Nobody are among other things.
    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 12, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. Zandyne
    I actually almost want to say that the reason why they look 'slightly' different would be because of how they perceived themselves based on memory...however you might bring up Roxas and Namine but then again they were exceptions to the rule.

    Why they have affiliations with a certain element isn't clearly stated so that's up for debate. Personally I think it was the last thing they came into contact with before they lost their hearts...but one must then wonder how Xemnas came to possess "Nothingness".
    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 12, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. Zandyne
    Well its all a metter of opinion really....but its not so much of how you see it, but how you interpret it. What makes 'childish things' so interesting is that it has several layers of appeal...whereas 'mature things' have ONE LAYER. It's all a matter of interpretation.

    And in a way you could almost say that maturity can be marked by how little you judge things based on a cover but rather how open you are to exploring something. 8D
    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 12, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. Zandyne
    -Topics like these are fun to discuss at times. 8D-

    In my opinion the physiology of a Nobody is really nothing physical but some unnatural blending of human body and something...ether-like (but not necessarily darkness). They clearly do not bleed and they most likely do not have "real" organs but rather they function on a level of "preceived normality" (more on that later). As for the original point of what makes up a Nobody...every part of them is composed of something aqaeous/wispylike in that even if something like hair is cut off, it disappears in a "poof of smoke" (refer to the extra scene with Axel nearly getting impaled by Xaldin's lance in the discussion room).

    Now onto the "perceived normality"...I'm sure a better term exists for this, but I do not know what it is....anyway, as you know all Nobodies were at one point human. They also are able to clearly mimic emotions even though they are supposed to be deprived of them. The concept of "perceived normality" is that the soul/mind in a Nobody takes KNOWN reactions and supplements them into KNOWN stimuli. Example: You see an apple and you have eaten apples thousands of times before, so you take a bite of the apple and you expect the taste of an apple (based on color). In a way you could almost say I was suggesting the Nobodies were able to act according to whatever their soul/mind impulses were EVEN if they were not feeling them.

    You may ask "well if that's true, why would they want hearts then if they can act with the stimuli?" My theory is that a metaphorical heart is necessary for facillitating the "feelings" for new experiences...which somewhat explains why the 'younger' Nobodies were more enthusiastic about getting back their hearts.

    In regards to the Heartless...I just think of them as a watered down version of Id, aka the unrelenting selfish creature in everyone. So using that same methodology....I guess you could call the Nobodies the Ego and Those with Hearts to be of the Superego classification. (If you do not know what the Id, Ego and Superego are, wiki it...its a basic psychology term).

    Anyway, that's my long-winded take on this...and I'd be more than happy to continue discussing it as well.

    EDIT! I don't think the material Nobodies are made of decays in the same sense as say meat, but that it would still decay in some way unless it had a constant soul/mind/will to leech off of.
    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 12, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. Zandyne
    What Repliku said, if you need canon evidence, reference the SECRET ANSEM REPORTS.

    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 11, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX