Obviously they were spare chairs or holders for laundry...Namine just has so many sets of clothing. c_c Most likely they were merely "background place holders" as well as "evidence of spares". It would seem odder if there were only the three they had there.
Rather interesting theories you have about eye-color, but in my opinion its a combination of aethetics and Normura's slight inconsitancy with coloring. Examples: Larxene's eye color changes from blue (concept) to green (3D in-game). Sora's hair color from brown to dirty blond. (And it's not like he has been swimming a lot or been out in the sun for the 6-month period >_>) As for blue being the "good" color, yes it is fairly popular in protagonists design, however consider AESTHETICS as well -when not applied to a blonde haired character-. Yellow is also for some reason a popular antagonist color, yes even before the Heartless were involved. But as for blue being a popular color, it has the most popular appeal and "goes" with almost every haircolor, natural or unnatural. Also consider that more vibrant colors of eyes seem to allow for more "noticable expression" because it is easier to be seen. As for the "blue equals good", disprover to that equation. MARLUXIA and ZEXION. Both were never "good" but it you try to sub in any other eye color, it creates a bizarre color combination. The exception being a grey for Zexion...a majority of other color subs for Marluxia seem out of place given his already bizarre haircolor. Hopefully that will make sense.
Yes you are hearing me correctly I rather think the fan-fared FFs are actually rather childish (and would it hurt to have some "role shifts"? I don't want the same simpering female archtype/romantic interest to be my healer! And that same female character GETTING CAPTURED...ALWAYS CAPTURED!). Being a clone is a far cry from being dark, being the "villian's" tool is also far from being dark and having ONE party member KILLED is not tragic. You want dark, try cannabilism coupled with the insanity, try genocide without Oedipus complex, try world-wide nihilism instead of some "mystical item of destruction the size of a tennis ball", try having the entire interactive cast SLAIN in ways worse then a sword in the back (ie: being eaten alive, brutalized and murdered, EXPLODED, etc.). But then again I could be wrong, but I guess that's just my own opinion; and yes this is from ONE GAME. I don't think I missed any of the big points, but I'm only human. But I agree even more with the character development, or the characters in general, I hated most of them or just wasn't made to care. They could have easily done a better job. (Actually I think it was the fans themselves that even made the Organization interesting AT ALL.) As for the Sephiroth I say they should move onto the next villian, I mean they wouldn't want to appear to be milking a certain character would they? c_c
There are some very simple explainations for this: 1. Final Fantasy is not dark, I don't even GET how you call that "dark" but whatever, opinion and all (some explaination or justification would be great). So in regards to comparing FF with KH, its like saying their vague implications were simply made VAGUER. Come to think of it, most of the truly "dark" story that comes from any of the Square Enix/Soft titles comes USUALLY from the creativity of its fanbase. How terribly odd. :\ 2. Lame lines are lame because of oversensitive US localization in regards to rating. Memorize it, despise it and ponder when localization/rating will get a goddamn clue. Then again...it could just be that the script writer in both languages really need to get back in touch with writing script....always a possibilty but then again we have the Ansem reports to compare to. :\ 3. Franchise aging....rarely do fans want to voice or accept this, but sometimes the company just can't keep its promises or pull its metaphorical weight when coming to reproducing a successive "good game". Unless the team REALLY plans for it, then successive games aren't as good as the "original". Case and point, Disney integration was poor and the FREAKING MAPS WERE SCANT (WHAT HAPPENED TO MY OLD HOLLOW BASTION SE?!). The only "well integrated" worlds were the "KH exclusive" worlds and there were only 2.5 of those (Twilight Town + World That Never Was + Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden -which only counts as half because it SHRUNK-). 4. Slight tangent that I think should be addressed: No more Sephiroth cameo, he has no purpose (and if someone says he's "cloud's darkness" I don't care, the reason is getting progressively lamer_ and really, lets give another "ultimate extra boss" spotlight time to some other candidate because Sephiroth was a pretty lame "villain". Personally I'd like to see an Ultimecia, Chaos, Sin Whale or ANYTHING besides the guy with wings coming outta his caboose. -And this "evil guy with silver hair" is starting to irritate me with his wretched personal theme song.- >_> 5. Someone make Kairi take some self-defense classes, buy a taser or learn the fine art of DODGE/RUN/OTHER METHOD TO AVOID CAPTURE, I swear if she gets captured ONE MORE FREAKING TIME.
They don't necessarily "need" food, but food consumption would probably be some unconcious habit they had. Like someone said early they would remember having to "eat food" but they probably wouldn't have the same "liking" or "disliking" of food as that would be emotion. Another example of unconcious habits would be when they appear to "breathe" when they speak. Since they're technically not made out of anything, they don't necessarily need to breathe to speak, or really blink.....I think that covers it. Also, the manga isn't canon. Case and point, Marluxia's Specter aka FLYING SPACESHIP doesn't exist and Larxene dies via WATER.
Xemnas in KH2 is too easy because of one thing, THE REACTION COMMANDS! If you didn't have reaction commands to do dodging or anything else he WOULD be harder and closer to his KH1 incarnation. He also lacks "aggro" AI as I like to call it- which applies to ALL FORMS/STAGES. :\ Then again if you just "dash" out of the way its still pretty easy, he's only lengthy. c_c
Well in my opinion I would go based off of colors instead (because Repliku already stated the fairly obvious, so why not try a different approach?). Valor: Red, the color of bravery, blood and HEART. By forsaking the calmness of mind, a new strength much like fire is found. Fire rushes onwards without much though and can "leap" to new heights as it blazes stronger- this is what I always connected the "jump" abilities with. A stronger fire means it can leap higher. (fairly simple) Wisdom: Blue the color of calmness, patience and MIND. Rather then taking on the fury and physical destruction of fire, power becomes like water- but like water it can only affect so much in accordance to its froce or point. He also happens to obtain the ability to "skate" which always made me think he was using some sort invisible water to slide/move around. (also fairly simple) Master: Yellow the color of guidence, intentions and the SUN. A unity and balance of two "opposing forces". Yellow is the negotiator of the elements much like the Sun is able to touche many of the elements. (weird but think about it) Like fire it can reach places vertically but like water it can spread out. It unites the strengths of both to overshadow the weaknesses of them. I also attribute the "double jump" he learns from Master as a way of "reaching new levels". (meh, not as good) Anti: Black the absence of all color. Devoid of power and purpose this is the result. Nothing is gained except more loss. Final: White, the presence of all color blended into the greatest harmony. There is no weakness of which to speak because each color is able to balance out it's opposite. Limit: ...uuhhh, "OLD COLOR" nostalgia and realizing that even past "weakness" is still something that can be turned into a strength. Also notice that none of the 2ndary colors were used...at all. (For people who don't know what the secondary colors are, they are Purple/Violet, Orange and Green). *shrug*
Marluxia, because he had his own personal HUGE nobody to do his bidding and she looked awesome (Specter), Xemnas was the only other Nobody who possessed this trait. He also owned a freaking Castle, and tried to overthrow Xenmas rather than follow along like a piddling puppy/sheep. Also anyone who tries to befriend Larxene (and succeed) obviously has a lot of courage and charisma. o_O
....None of them were "hard" more like "certain constraints" placed there that made the battles tedious. Based on this I say Demyx, because the water clones to be killed in a certain time is outlandish and a bit bizarre/annoying. But...other then that the bosses were all easy. o_o
No contest, Larxene! The only "central" female character that doesn't take BS from anyone or anything (cough cough get captured or manipulated cough). That deserves an AWARD.
In terms of story, it has to be Riku. He has the most personal development even if it is OVERSHADOWED by Mr. Smiles, Ms. Captured, Mr. Chicken Wuss and Ms. Dying Girl. Also, foils tend to be more interesting then the character they are supposed to be foils of. I also find Riku's "flaws" to be rather endearing and amusing even if he does have his little bouts of "emo". But overall, Riku (or Repliku) was the most "devloped" and "interesting" character. Second place goes to Namine (aka Ms. Dying Girl), because her captors actually treated her bad enough that WOULD justify why she was manipulated. Also because of the "strengths" she seems to possess despite Kairi (aka Ms. Captured) lacking them. Namine also happened to have made CoM more interesting.
...Oh man I'm so happy I have a DS now. >_> Plus playing as what sounds like ALL of the Org members sounds very appealing. Oddly I think Marluxia and Xigbar would most likely lag up the game the most. Petals + Bullets = LAGTIME Ah well, thanks for the info as always! XD
Hmm, yes and no on this topic. Homework is only as daunting and stressful as the person doing it THINKS it is. (Of course there is the occassion of true teacher tyranny...but that's generally another matter.) If homework was to be replaced by something electronic it would be nice...but some degree of written work would still be required. Also if digital homework was to be the norm, then the developers would have to make it decently protected to prevent hacking...and if the child can hack it all by their lonesome, I think that is adaquate proof for them to earn that A+. (If they use a cheating device then it is no different then regular cheating however, but then again this happens with traditional homework as well.) As a failsafe of sorts, there would always be tests and in-class essays. :\
Yes the world will end...but most likely not at that date. We have no proof really and we can only predict so much. Theories are one thing, but oracles are another. At best, you should use your own judgement when concerning such....apocolyptic matters, after all you have the right to. But it's allright, if the end comes it will most likely be something swift. And if it isn't, well then good luck to the survivors. *sorry my reply is so short, but really this is all I can comment on in this matter*
Standardized testing can only go "so far". As the name implies they test according to a "standard" which is determined beyond the general public's control. Unfortunately, because it is a test it is a quantified matter- so not many variables aside from "studying" vs. "neglecting studying" exist. The problem with standardized testing is that it IS true that they set a certain bar for the public, but it doesn't do much else. It also, as said earlier, does not account for: lack of interest in the subject, a weakness in the subject, weak test-taking skills, stability of the mind (tired vs awake) and motivation. But really, standardized testing is merely a meaure of SPECIFIC potential (we have also heard countless stories of intellects who were terrible in the formal academic arena yet they remembered to this day for their above average intelligence)...and in my blunt opinion it is an academic scheme to rob familes of money (each time you take the SATs you have to pay around $50-70 PER SUBJECT). And sometimes teachers REALLY skimp out on their job (which is really a pity in today's society).
I agree that it was easy...the only reason WHY it takes a long time is sheerly because of the number of rounds. Longest round was where the "Hollow Bastion Heroes" gang up on you, which was more annoying then difficult because 4 different people were screaming and taking up the precious screen. :\
The answere is most likely Kingdom Hearts.... They also technically lack a light source in all of that world, but once again the answer is either...Kingdom Hearts OR that it is built out of some flourescent material -the white metal-. It clearly is a world that does NOT follow typical physics.
1. Overall, do you consider chatrooms to be dangerous? Chatrooms are only as dangerous as you, the individual let them be. A chatroom is only an extension of a public forum through text. Whatever the chatroom's rules are, you expect that sort of content/safety. However a cursory knowledge of "what is the internet" should be understood to all who use it. Real name, address and other such personal information are "common sense" to be held at the utmost secrecy. It should also be understood that chatrooms are about as dangerous as PUBLIC. You won't be able to shield everything but images and text are generally, considerably less harmful then anything physical. -Graphic images are an exempt from this, but by ACCEPTING the transfer of any "sketchy" image, you put yourself at risk.- 2. Have you ever been sent explicit images through chatrooms? No I have not. I usually do not trust such images sent from strangers. I'm one more prone to "I should know you better before accepting such things" such as actual images or image links. 3. Have you ever sent explicit text through chatrooms? I curse more then an angry drunk. Though nothing specific, usually to nonessnetial things that are not directed at anyone in particuliar. It is a bad habit, but a habit nonetheless I have. 4. Have you ever felt threatened or unsafe in chatrooms? Never. I keep all of my personal information safe, so I'm about as threatened about chatrooms as I am about seeing...oh the alphabet on a wall. Because really, all it is in chatrooms is TEXT. And only I can determine how much the text means to ME. 5. Have you ever been deceived in any way on chatrooms? Deceived? Probably....but all of the times were nothing malicious or anything otherwise. More like jokes or people trying to pass themselves off as the other gender, or even siblings usurping their other sibling's screen names.
Well, I just see people saying yay or nay and not really elaborating beyong "OMG IT WOULD BE TOO INCONVIENENT". I can SOMEWHAT see the practicality and the IMPRACTICALITY of this. Times have changed people, "holy matrimony" is somewhat of a statistical rarity now. On one side if you have this 7year-term renewal, it is clearly something that helps make sure that some MUTUAL sincerity is there. True it seems ridiculous, but MARRIAGE IS A PRIVALAGE. People seem to forget that, and what if it became mandatory? I'm sure people could look around it as a "special anniversary" of sorts. Who's to say its an entirely BAD THING? Now on the impractical size...yes how would this method of renewal work out? And how would children be involved? (Though techinically marriage would have been renewed about twice and some odd years before the child is legally not your responsibilty.) Also is the division of property still the same even if it is a marriage expiration date? Think CAREFULLY before just putting it off as "******ed". Yes I know this sounds nagging, but it does require some amount of thought. Most if not all of us haven't even been married so at best we can theorize (it doesn't matter if you have seen divorces or otherwise, unless YOU YOURSELF have been married your own opnion is still not as valid.) And there is also the golden rule to take into account....NOTHING IS ALL GOOD OR ALL BAD. What proportion it is however is entire up for debate.
Wherever, it doesn't really matter. It still created a topic of discussion. (And I'm not one to be all ALIENS with the whole arm-flailing, I doubt we're the only living species but I also have HIGH DOUBTS that aliens would "tell him this"....Most likely I think he got the idea from a "biological USB" you know?)