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  1. Zandyne
    1. Kairi never became a heartless due to the lack of darkness in her heart, HOWEVER her heart did leave her body and that counts for something.

    2. The 14th member was most likely destroyed/killed/missing by the time Chain of Memory starts or even before then....we can't really know until 365/2 days comes out.
    Post by: Zandyne, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Zandyne
    I don't recall ever saying that Riku's personality would be rehashed, I suppose being a Tomboy just wouldn't fly would it? Kairi and Riku (regardless of gender, but it's not within his personality to really hang out with her) could have hung out with Selphie if they pleased, Kairi especially. Also, Kairi never really fought without severe handicaps in her favor, so I don't understand your comment on that. Xehanort's Heartless and Xemnas are the same person, so what exactly were you talking about concerning couples? I also don't recall gender discrimination being a priority for possession.

    To clarify on the popularity of Sora and Riku yaoi, it's because they have a better personality combination and more believable or at least, "elaborated on" relationship.

    Would you mind clarifying your FFX-2 statement as well? In addition, I believe males WERE the target audience back when the project was started. The ratio of guy-to-girl players has equalized since then (or so they say).

    How would it mess up the story? And what sort of changes? The only one that comes to immediate mind would be the race to who would eat the Papou with Kairi, other than that, his lines (to my memory) were fairly neutral and up for intepretation grabs. However if you consider CoM then there would be a more noticable gear-clog if you viewed their relationships as more than just friends.

    And Kingdom Hearts was a risk on itself, Disney AND Square Enix- I think a gender role dynamic is a pebble in comparision.
    Post by: Zandyne, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Zandyne
    I have no idea what this would fall under, so if this is in the wrong section please feel free to move it.

    Ok, so all these discussions about character development that I've recently been reading, most of which pertain to Kairi and how useless she is as a damsel in distress lead to me thinking a rather contorted train of thought- to make a long story short I began wondering how anything would have changed if characters were different genders, I also then recalled that there was a quote Nomura stated about Marluxia orginally being a girl and then at the last moment being modified into a male character. So this ultimately led me to start thinking about all the other...rather "questionable" looking characters. Namely Riku.

    If Riku was originally supposed to have been a girl, how would all of KH been altered...especially some of his and Sora's interactions in KH1 and the "conclusion" of this in KH2. Even better yet, I wonder WHY he even looks the way he does (he looks relatively femine yet has a definitively "male" disposition).

    I seriously want all people who think this suggestion is odd to actually swap Riku's gender and see how it affects the story. From my perspective it doesn't significantly change much except that there is a secondary love interest available (and provides an even clearer source of jealousy/insecurity) and an actually better (or at least more independent) "female" fact it would be an interesting (or scary to some) plot twist when it came to Xehanort's Heartless appearing. (lol.)

    If you have any thoughts or reactions, please comment thoroughly, I'd like to hear others' opinions on this.
    Thread by: Zandyne, Feb 2, 2008, 35 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Zandyne
    No idea why I haven't commented on this yet....

    In my opinion, Sora's character went BACKWARDS with KH2..and as for his endless well of optimism I have always attributed it to the "guiding voice" he hears, some people say it's Mickey, but I think it's someone else...anyway, I think that voice is generally the one that tells him never to worry and never to fear (and I think of it as being a constant while he journeys). Aside from this speculation, I do admit that he is EXTREMELY, BLINDINGLY happy, but that's what makes him SORA, nothing holds him down, that sort of thing. I'm fairly certain his "airheadedness" is something that is supposed to mature (or at least I hope in the grand scheme of the story) into something that becomes unbridled courage, hope and confidence. However he should someday crack under the pressure from time to time, but that's not the point, he's supposed to be a bubbly and good-hearted person. I think the problem with your comparision's to the other characters you used is the genre they spawn from, which is POWER-OVER-9000 through TRAINING and are all hot-headed for whatever reasons (Naruto was shunned, Ichigo grew up in a very....high-paced household and Yusuke is a "delinquent with a heart of gold"). Also aren't all of them older than him (he also technically lost a year, it's never really said if he is ever aware of this or not)? I couple Sora's lack of common sense with how little he's been at school.

    As for Kairi, she's not a well-enough developed character to have a lifespan longer than one game, in all honesty. She had practically no ACTIVE redeeming points as a character. I will admit that female characters ARE allowed to be femine, but they are also allowed to be dynamic and have strengths of their own. This was poorly executed on Nomura's part, NOT DISNEY'S.
    -I place all of Kairi's character faults to Nomura, not Disney for the reasons that he created her character and that Larxene is an example (among others) that Disney does not have reign over his characters...if they did then Larxene would be the "evil old crone" both physically and mentally and none of the male Organization members would be clean-shaven, in addition to character overhauls to make them more "villianous", Lexaeus would be revoked of any intelligent lines., Marluxia made to have a lisp, Saix more cackly and daranged looking/mannered etc. etc.)
    -On a slight tangent, I do not consider Square characters to be very deep (especially the female ones), I have played through FF7, FF8, FF10, FFTA and most of FF12 and I consider them to be ranging from shallow to par to sheerly under-developed (and the main "love interest highly illogical)...however that is not the point of the matter.-
    The main beef I have with Kairi is that she is at best a cheerleader for Riku and Sora. I also consider Namine her better and more developed half. I have a twisted belief that Riku was actually intended to be a female character but would create "problems" for a perfect "couple" if he was that gender. (I also think that Nomura has something against female characters being beyond 2nd/3rd best and kidnap-bait...but that's all pessimism on my end.)
    Post by: Zandyne, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. Zandyne
    Any and all lines the any of the Organization members spoke...and DiZ's lines. I thought they were amusing. But...not really any one "moment". Do Organization battles count? I liked them all for the most part.
    Post by: Zandyne, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. Zandyne
    He is Mickey Mouse, he is a mascot and is therefore undefeatable, he also has his OWN THEME SONG just like Sephiroth! And apparently Sephiroths are a measurement of there you have it.
    Post by: Zandyne, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. Zandyne
    No, just no. One, the marketing implications would be disaterous and two, WHAT WOULD IT BE ABOUT? Plus you people keep on saying "disney this and disney that". If it was run by Disney, one of THEIR CG companies would be worrying about it....actually it might never be released because anything Disney releases they have to mass market. Also I have yet to have seen a "good" videogame movie aside from Silent Hill, and believe me, I have seen MANY. Also the Final Fantasy: Spirits Within you most likely consider crap because it wasn't BOUND to the RPG-FANTASY of Final Fantasy (I had never played Final Fantasy prior to viewing it and thought it was ALRIGHT, after playing an FF and looking back on it, IT'S STILL ALRIGHT). You people need to look beyond your emodoll-Cloud-Strife's and Oedipus-Barbie-Sephiroths!

    Anyway, although some may consider a movie to be "good" it wouldn't be a good marketing move for SE considering their workload. Also, they prioritize in GAMING not MOVIES. Also considering the audience asking for it, if they even ATTEMPT to break the mold they might be bitten by their own fans! You already blew your chance with FF:SW hence why we had a practically unmoving plot for FF7:AC! It's because "you" as a general audience aren't looking for new movie/story ideas and that's why re-hashes keep getting put up.

    ...Sorry that needed to be said and I believe being candid is of some value. I apologize to anyone that's been offended, however, as a general group it is relatively true. Most of SE's fanbase seems to stagnate in FF7 for whatever reason.....(and don't tell me it was the best RPG ever, I've played through it and others and FF7 is definately not in the top tier).
    Post by: Zandyne, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Zandyne
    Yes. He was VERY EASY.
    If you jump OVER him instead of hitting triangle, you get free hits while he stands there doing his "samurai thing". Sephiroth wasn't terribly difficult. If you aren't aiming for time (and there IS NO time limit!) all you need to do is DODGE/JUMP for most of the battle.
    BUT if you aren't very confident you can max out everything on Sora (level, forms and keyblade), do some moogle shop buffs and then try to take him on. The latter of that list is the most time consuming but utterly destroys him via numbers system (as in stats). Anyway good luck. 8D
    Post by: Zandyne, Jan 31, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Zandyne
    By technicality and default, Sora was justified in his actions. What I consider to be a matter that was never discussed and a dynamic point in the whole "nobody" arguement is:

    "Why is a Nobody shunned from both sides?" hence "why they would act this way".

    Namine and Roxas are both special cases, they still had a heart of which to speak of, their "original" hearts still existed, so they still "had hope" and to a degree emotions. But beyond the Organization and lesser Nobodies, there ARE no other examples of Nobodies, of which I feel the whole concept is cheated out of.

    From an objective POV all the Organization merely wanted was survival- at least that was their original goal. There is also plenty of Theory that all Xemnas/Xehanort wanted was acutally his memory, or in a way, his old life, but it won't be known or maybe until Birth By Sleep comes out. I also think their actions were based on logic unaffected by emotion- which is supposed to be the best logic, but only by technicality.

    But then again this is only interpretation.

    This is a story meant to be packaged in a way most easily digestable, so most likely the examples presented under the circumstances are meant to allow for the least thought. Xemnas is pride, Xigbar is arrogance, Xaldin is provocation, Vexen is prudance (as what being a prude implies), Lexaeus is blind conviction, Zexion is flattery, Saix is loyalty (in an unquestioning military sense), Axel is recklessness, Demyx is pacifism (as in doing nothing or very little, the path of least resistance in other words), Luxord is cowerdice, Marluxia is greed, Larxene is sadism and (if you must include-) Roxas is immaturity. I'm sure there are other traits as well, but I'm just listing those as they come to mind first in terms of "why" they should be "killed"...though by the same logic they are not alive anymore.

    Anyway, this post probably doesn't make much sense, but then again so did the background of almost all of Organization XIII. Up until there is a canon background FOR EACH ONE OF THEM there is only speculation. But by the word of Nomura, Sora is justified.
    Post by: Zandyne, Jan 31, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. Zandyne
    Actually didn't they say somewhere something that there is more than one keyblade, just that one is the "chosen one"? I think it was tied into the different keychains or something.
    Post by: Zandyne, Jan 31, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. Zandyne
    The Judgemasters from FFXII OR from FFTA (they look relatively the same, so I don't care which). I think the reason why FF9 people are off limits save for Vivi recently was because Nomura did not do the designs for the characters. Anyway, Edea and Ultimecia would be awesome from FF8. NO RINOA. RINOA IS LIKE KAIRI WITH BLACK HAIR AND EVEN MORE USELESS (ie: JUST LOOK PRETTY AND BE A "Love interest"). Zell would be very interesting to see as well. IMO they have ENOUGH FF7 people, and Seifer + Fuu + Rai are extremely SCARY cameos considering how old Squall/Leon is in comparision...then again Yuna got turned into a GullWing Pixie.

    Speaking of which: cloud, sephiroth, cid, aerith/aeris, tifa and yuffie = 6 from FF7; selphie, squall/leon, seifer, fuu and rai = 5 from FF8; tidus, wakka, auron, yuna, rikku and paine = 6 from FF10. Where's #6 from FF8 Nomura!?
    Post by: Zandyne, Jan 31, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Zandyne
    Pretty much the concept with Sora's clothing is that he has the potential for all of the one's listed below. Nomura was also probably color happy when doing the design. In art/aesthetics, black compliments all other colors (grey and white are not technically colors by the way). Also the primary colors do not clash with each other. White also does not clash with any other color. So aside from aesthetics you can also get these interpretations (which I said in another thread about forms):

    Post by: Zandyne, Jan 31, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. Zandyne
    Xemnas: Eternity (he loves the word)
    Xigbar: Bull's-Eye (never missing + sounds confident/blunt)
    Xaldin: Hurricane Fangs (to the point)
    Vexen: Frigid Mark (sounds enigmatic)
    Lexaeus: Gaea Spirit (earth + fighting spirit)
    Zexion: Sorcerer's Secret (it sounds MAGICAL)
    Saïx: Midnight's Cleave (....uhhh, dunno)
    Axel: Sun's Gemini (self-explainatory)
    Demyx: Aria (He'd give it a girl-sounding name that was also musical IMO)
    Luxord: Lady Luck's Hand (something pompous that's supposed to sound elegant and pertaining to Luck)
    Marluxia: Reaper's Whisper(connection to his FM+ kill-move/set/unique battle)
    Larxene: My Playthings (fits Larxene's personality "Name them, WHAT FOR?")
    Post by: Zandyne, Jan 30, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Zandyne
    Ethics are a matter of upbringing; but legal stem cell experimentation has been labled as ethical thus far. If we were to go about this beyond death though, we could technically condition any human being to become a voluntary guinea pig if it's from birth....though that would no longer be "embryonic". Anyway, like I said, it depends on ethics. In my own opinion, if it's an embryo that wasn't desired to be a child (be it by it's parents decision or nature's), it should be fine.

    In a way the best way to view it is the use of cadavers for medical studies and practicing doctors.

    PS: I heard something about fat cells containing stem cells, if it's true then the whole matter of ethics won't be a problem at all, haha...
    Post by: Zandyne, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: Debate Corner
  15. Zandyne
    Math is physical logic put into a form that can be universally understood when on paper. Math is also human understanding and predictability of the components that have been supplied. To help make this more easily understood, math is the culmination of concensus over certain things.
    IE: The rate of gravity is -9.8ft/sec squared. Sub this in to any certain physics equation and the result will most likely be true if you followed the rules. This may not mean anything to you, but if you use many of the known math equations to this day you will find that they are reasonably accurate. (From finding how long it will take for something to drop, to lauching a rocket a certain trajectory to coding our various programs.)

    Math is also what suggests some of the other concepts such as consistancy and the law of conservation on PAPER. Math also helps us represent deficeits in things such as finance. But yes math "was created" but the laws of logic and consistancy have always been there. I should also mention that math is the language of computers and computer programs. Math can also be considered the closest thing to a "universal language" we have on this planet.
    Also "math" is merely another statement for other tasks, "give" is addition, "take" is subtraction, "share" is division, etc. Just like how "cats" have always existed, but not necessarily the word for it. Visually we could see it, but if we had to pass along a message pertaining to it, it would be a bit more difficult, hence the creation of the word.
    Post by: Zandyne, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: Debate Corner
  16. Zandyne
    Not really...
    Namine: Is a permanent captive/tool used by not one villian but TWO.
    Kairi: Has little to no redeemable worth in KH2, in KH1 there was lenancy to her being captured (given...she had no consciousness half the time) but in KH2 she was just baggage.
    Fuu: ...she speaks two words, maybe three, and she doesn' anything. Fuu is also from FF8 as someone already mentioned, so she is not a KH only character.
    Reason why Marluxia is most likely a man: He has a seat of power. 2.) Marluxia...comes before Larxene? Larxene would have been off'd first if it was by order, so that's illogical. PS: Marluxia's hair was more brown in CoM, and Sakura petals are associated with DEATH and are considered the flower of honor/a warrior. (The reason why they are pink was once explained in a story as a tree having absorbed blood through it's roots.) And Marluxia has one of the more manly body builds out of all of them. (Axel has birthing hips!)

    Summary in KH (so far) if you're female you'll be helpless or captured (pining after your hero too) or possessing villianous traits who treats people like toys (not that it's a problem in Larxene's case, but that's a poor excuse to give the only female with any power every negative trait in the book. IE: if you have some shred of ego/self-worth, you're EVIL.)

    So...Nomura doesn't really have an excuse about the whole "all the female chars get the short end of the stick". I've seen other games that have much better female characters without giving up any of their femininty and play much more significant roles (they also have a more balanced cast and *gasp* have healers/casters who are guys, guys getting them into tough scrapes- hell one of them gets incapacitated for being foolish and one of them actually winds up being captured- which is amusing because he's one of the most outspoken and violent of them.) He should learn to have more varied characters. ]8

    I hope this Aqua chick and 14th member can show a change in this and that Aqua's show of power isn't just a farce. (Aka looks awesome, but in the grand scheme of things, means nothing; refer to Tifa's fight with Loz in FF7:AC, the fight was awesome but she LOST then from there didn't really do anything; then Cloud fights both Loz and Yazoo and can reasonably hold his own- and single-handedly wins EVERYTHING save for the fight with the summon.)
    Post by: Zandyne, Jan 27, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  17. Zandyne
    Yes I know that, but it's still rather skeptical how/why she got it. (Aside from a shallow 'why' of how to try to make up for Kairi's thus far inability to help.) It's also strange why she just doesn't have it anymore magically later. I mean I know it's magical, but why give her it for a scene just to take it away later? Seems like a waste...then again, looking at the design it was most likely just a last-minute thing.

    Post by: Zandyne, Jan 27, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. Zandyne
    Xemnas was a perfectly fine boss idea, but I wish his battle was HARDER/more EPIC, and without that stupid dragon thing that seemed to have done nothing. Actually REALLY fighting his "suit of armor" self would have been awesome. (By actually fighting, I mean him standing/moving, sitting is not a fight, that's called not trying.)
    Post by: Zandyne, Jan 27, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. Zandyne
    Most logical explaination:
    It was a lapse in the KH universe logic.

    Most far-fetched explaination:
    It was actually a no key-chained keyblade (like in the secret ending) Riku found laying somewhere, the keychain is just there to throw you off (or someone in rendering really screwed up).

    Most likely to justify Kairi's existance explaination:
    Kairi is OF COURSE related to Aqua in some way, and with a Riku Proxy was able to temporarily re-acquire her keyblade and then lose it again.

    Most ******ed explaination:
    That scene never existed. It was an easter-egg/joke scene that somehow got past quality control and ended up in the final cut.

    Most skeptical explaination:
    Post by: Zandyne, Jan 27, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. Zandyne
    In my personal opinion, there wasn't enough time for Roxas and Namine to really know each other and to, you know, develop pseudo-feelings for each other. My rationale for this lies in that Namine was trying to make up for her actions to Sora (whom in my opinion she is really after and cares for). As for the "I finally got to meet you" part in Twilight Town, I think she just wanted someone else to see and compare to herself in regards to her own rather, alone existence.

    Couple this with the fact she breaks down the harsh truth to Roxas right before he gets fused back to Sora, she doesn't seem to have much care for him; a smile is one thing, actions are another. Consider Larxene if you must, she smiled and laughed almost all the time but in the context of her actions she was nothing short of cruel. I consider Namine to be a meeker version of this coldness (or lack of care) towards Roxas. I also consider the ending FMV smile-back to be rather plot-holed filled when comparing how Namine first met Roxas to when she meets him again. I also consider Roxas' 180degree behavioral turn to be a rather hole-filled ordeal after the angst fest in Twilight Town. :\

    Basically although the pairing seems rather appealing aesthetically, I don't really consider it to be a very strongly backed one given the time and how they acted on one another which is far too short. I suppose at best you can call the Namine and Roxas pairing a "I found someone just like me, I'm not alone"....but I hardly think this garners "love". Also, considering how different and "special" they act seperately from their "somebodies" I believe they don't necessary have to be connected at the hip with each other just because "Sora and Kairi are".
    Post by: Zandyne, Jan 27, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX