First point I should mention, the special thing about humans is that they can become addicted or obsessive to/over almost anything. Weight, looks, popularity, the internet, a hobby (yes hobbies such as reading), vices (such as sex and food), drugs, exercise, etc. etc. (couple this with the fact that too much of anything can kill you it's not that surprising). So a better topic to examine (in my honest opinion) is not WHAT video games may possibly cause, but WHY video game addiction exists. It's never as simple as "just because" in this matter. Take for example weight (anorexia and other weight disorders) and exercise (better known as "exercise obsessed"), some weight disorders stem from pressure, expectations and peers that one has to be a certain weight or physical shape (some sports such as ballet require this as well). In the case of exercise it stems from "being too weak" or a general obsession with not being weak or inferior physically and of course the occassional case that sees exercise as a sort of high. Mental issues withstanding, these "problems" do not form by themselves. Also the "obesity" claim you have is slightly flawed, as one needs a constant supply of food or an unhealthy diet to gain weight. There is no video game which readily demands the consumption of food to play so saying that video games cause obesity is much like saying driving a car causes obesity (minus the obvious lack of transportation). You should revise your claim into saying a "decrease of physical activity". Also, though it may not be a reliable source of information in your report, a great majority of the gamers in my state are actually normal or even fit by body-type standards. Anyway back on topic, the fatigue point you brought up is very true. Also as for the control issue, especially with children, if the parents are not being responsible (or in most cases strict enough) any complaints they have are nulled and void. If a parent cannot control their child due to a lack of instilled discipline they cannot even begin to consider themselves parents. Additional intervention comes in the form of friends and other's close to the "gamer" in question. If said gamer does not have this, then by default they are considered a rather "ill part" of society and should seek immediate help (a job of the parent/guardian or the individual). Also, though it might be a double-edged sword, mention that it is the job of the company, as a business, to make games have maximum appeal, in fact one could even say that the video game business is like the movie and book business combined. You could use better organization overall, but the point is still understood, you have one or two word mistake errors (loose vs lose) but other than that is it fine for the most part. Now my last critique is one that is flexible, please use sources. If you have in your actual report (and cited them) you're good, but as I see none here I can only assume what you have done. Also, best of luck in finding as many unbiased sources as possible, there seems to be even greater problems with truly neutral data collection as of late, I have no idea why aside from fan-fare the (usually uniformed and corrupted) media point of view seems to supply.
My part of the trade. Here you go:
Alright, so in order to avoid possibly making future new/useless threads for possible art trades, I have created this one for all such "topics". (Though I seriously doubt I'll really get any new offers anytime soon >_>) There will be updates of one pic per post by me. As well as any "accepts/declines" posts. People who have made art trades can comment here and those who wish to do art trades may request them here. I reserve the right to accept or decline, blah blah blah. Anyway, my first art trade on KHV is with Kaihedgie and their request was their character for my request of a chibi Marluxia/Sepcter. Commentary: I'm don't think this is my best work but I think it is due to the difference between my style and the original artist's style in this case. To be quite honest I had a difficult time thinking of an appropriate way to convert the character from their style to my own, despite this I think they will be pleased with the result (despite the lack of flair for drawing the character in the same way the original creator could). Thank you for the trade. Mediums: Lines - Pencil, Colors - APS7
COLOR-CODED FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE! 8] Actually I asked to see if anyone could think it through with some logic, instead I bequeathed some of the strangest sexist statements and generalizations I have ever heard on this forum. Also, when one is asking for opinions they generally wish for proof, saying "it would change the plot" and not saying HOW it does is not exactly what I had in mind. Also I am supplying counterexamples for the scant one or two objections I have heard/read, because if those one or two objections are it, then that would not be a very solid argument now would it? And to answer this part, why yes I do. I like how you pointed out the character favoritism, though I must say I always thought character favoritism wasn't limited to gender. Also your point (of if Female Riku has a weapon from the start so should Kairi) is made invalid because one doesn't have to have a comparison to have a trait (and Kairi did, for some random reason did acquire a weapon on KH2, so once more you point has even less grounds). Kairi was made to be a helpless girl and Riku was made to be a fighter. Also consider poor Selphie who is also a female, she had a weapon and could fight (caliber withholding), this would technically make Selphie a fighter despite being even more of a romantic than Kairi. Also your suggestion on Kairi having even deeper character development (just because the female Riku would and if the story was the same would only highlight this problem more) is a weakness of the KH trio, the fact she lacks one is a grievous flaw in on itself (and one of the main reasons I at least dislike her as a character). The problem with your claims is that you assume there would be radical changes if Riku was a female, I only suggested a change in gender, not events. This on itself, Sora is supplied only meager hints of having a crush on Kairi (Kairi expresses this more with her actual lines and hopes and inclinations, etc.) and also, not everything in a relationship goes swimmingly. Sometimes not everyone can be happy you know? And your last line somewhat confuses me in its phrasing unless you are saying that "given the same events Sora would still be implied to go after Kairi", if so I never objected to this. "Save" has many connotations. You assumed the "in dire distress" didn't you? Anyway, Riku was saved in one way, if he saved himself then things would NOT have gotten as bad as they did. And in CoM MICKEY saves his bacon, or if you deny that, in the very least aided him. Getting help doesn't make the accomplishment any less (look how much he did on his own in KH2 on his own anyway!). That last comment makes utterly no sense. ...How does this make my input less valid? Also it more than explains Riku's distress even for the slow-on-the-uptake ones. Just saying in theory. You have yet to have stated specific examples of HOW and WHY this cannot be done. Also in case you are misled, I don't -wish- that Riku was a girl, I merely speculated how it would change the overall story. So far no one has offered up any really awesome examples of why Riku absolutely cannot be a female and still have the plot work out the same. (One minor scene which does not heinously alter the plot does not dictate this!) So far the only "reasons" I have heard are purely aesthetic, such as "that would make female Riku a tomboy" or some other lame sexist stereotype (Tifa and Yuffie are both fighters and Sora had to fight them, the boy knows how to defend himself and he didn't stop them from fighting at all during the prelude to the 1000 Heartless! Which means if female Riku was a good fighter, Sora wouldn't stop her.) And once more I restate the secret of Marluxia, he was intended to be FEMALE and was changed to MALE at the last moment. So really, some stories are not utterly thrashed just because of a gender-swap. I mean no disrespect to Nomura but I wouldn't be surprised that the gender-swap on Marluxia's end wasn't just because he didn't want a female character with a position of power. I said nor implied any such thing, but a very important point on both of those love-triangles was that after that third member died (and through time), the male was able to move on with the aid of the "rivalling female" (Tifa and Cloud in the FF7 case, albeit implied; and Kagome and Inuyasha in the Inuyahsa case). Once more I find your choice in comparative examples amusing and not serving you well. The Sasuke/Sakura/Naruto one is one that has Sakura (the equal of Kairi) going after Sasuke (the equal of Riku) while Naruto (Equal of Sora) is chasing after Sakura...though he somewhat appears to give up after the year skip. As for your Inoue/Ichigo/Rukia one....that has two girls in the trio to compare to a group with two guys in the trio. Does this mean Kairi is the equivalent of Ichigo...? In which case, I must say Ichigo is much more interested in fighting then pursing either romantically. (In addition he seems to greatly fear the female body.) And despite however negative I may and probably sound *TwilghtNight*, thank you for taking the time to type out a more thorough response than others, though I really wish you would use more in-game examples such as if this scene happened with the change it would not work because of -insert reason- rather than more speculation to counter my speculation. In case anyone wants to know, I usually try to reply to everything in any thread I start. Repeats are usually not addressed unless it's longer than a sentence or have a different perspective, or I generally forget I have already replied to the same "reply", I don't even bother to reply to the one-liners that are totally off tangent either. I don't know, maybe it's just me. But in regards to the "looking for something"- OH NOES YOU HAVE DISCOVERED MY PLOT! I'm just a clever ass whose mind cannot be changed I am here to just frustrate people- hahaha, sorry, not really, though I'm sure some feel that way. Actually the whole point of this thread is that I wanted people to really CONSIDER the distribution of "character" here and their respective characteristics. Last I checked emotional characteristics were not limited to a gender. And if you re-read my initial post, you can see where my curiosity stems from. But to save you the time I shall restate it. I heard that Marluxia (by far one of the most picked on characters and called female despite having a very masculine build save for "hair color") was originally slated to be a girl and at Nomura's choice was ultimately changed to be a MALE. This is what led me to WONDER, and really think about certain traits and overall plot. As you know blocks make a building, and changing one or two blocks can result in generally the same building even if it is not exact. In Marluxia's case the only thing (I can recall off the top of my head) that would be deemed awkward coming from a female's mouth would be the line "I wish the keyblade wielder was a female" and since Namine is in his care would imply he rather looks down on the female sex or at least views them as being more controllable. Now in Riku's case, most of his events can take place in either the male or female perspective, all other variables held constant, aside from the implications of the Papou Scene in KH1 and obviously a shift in "possible romantic interests" (implied but never explicitly stated). Hence my pondering of this apparently TABOO subject. What I'm really looking for is a definite, unchangeable reason as to why the gender set-up is the way it is (aside from the obvious fact I am not the game creator). Since the trio is heavily discussed, I just picked the one that seemed to be the most "debatable" and went from there (I'd personally would love to do a full discussion on how much would change if the genders were swapped but judging by the general replies here it wouldn't be a wise topic of discussion). Also, I apologize to the rest of the thread-viewers that this wasn't another thread on what your favorite pairing is, favorite/least favorite Organization Member, or favorite whatever was...I swear to never ask a thought question like this again. :\ For others who wish to continue discussing, I eagerly await your replies. I also would like to restate and clear up any confusion that I am only doing this out of curiosity and with no malice towards anyone who stays on topic. (Hopefully this covers your reply *TwilightNight*)
What saddens me is that you have given the most feedback but then you say things such as this. "That it relies on gender." Also, Riku WAS saved wasn't he? True not in the same directness as Kairi, I will hand you that, but Riku was still saved, just in a different manner (and less hand holding through the saving process, unless you count Mickey's aid in all this). I wonder why people find it so shocking when I suggest this: As I understand it Xehanort's heartless literally swaps places with Riku or at least some sort of elaborate shell, so I doubt a thing like gender would really stop him from accomplishing what he wants. It would be awkward but Villains can't be spared this minor detail in the grand scheme of their plans, and if they can, well then they have their priorities a bit on a tilted scale. If anything, it'd be an even more dramatic plot twist and Riku's point of "never going back" would make even more sense. (And another "children's game" I can think of -save for the animated blood- has a perfect scenario of this "villain does not care for gender in order to possess" would be in LoZ: Twilight Princess, I will not say more as it would be a spoiler.) Also your points do not fully cover on WHY this cannot be done aside from breaking some crusty archetype and the points I have stated above. And isn't there such thing as a "fine line"? Usually things aren't clean cut just like the whole debate over the Nobodies were, so something about "who Sora gets paired off with" would be just another of those choices now wouldn't it? (PS: Your love triangle examples have one tragic flaw, one of the participating members in each of them are dead.)
*To the batch of 4-5-08* For the charcoal (I'm assuming) arm and skull the details are fine, however try to tighten them up around the outside for a greater effect. I have also tried mimicking the pose you have for the hand and cannot seem to achieve it for better accuracy critique but I will continue regardless. This aside, it looks believable to those who are not extremely picky, I would suggest making the more distinct line or shadows on the thumb joints to define the bend. The main veins along the arm are excellent however and maintaining that caliber would be greater encouraged in your arm-work. As for the inked skull, I don't mind mixed-media but it isn't helping for this composition. Or at least the shading detail doesn't seem as well-matched to bring it together. There also seems to be some odd errors in the top jaw/part attached to the skull. Once again, try to be more confident in your stroke lines to bring out the dynamics, practice with a pen can go a long way! Due to the fact that critique is discouraged for the last two pics, I will not critique them. However the overall critique would be that the facial proportions seem neglected as well as some details as you being to zoom out from the overall figure. You have a good sense of shading however which indicates, as said earlier, you just need to practice. I also think you should try nailing down that specific style to work on as it'll make things much easier in terms of practice.
Riku was jealous because of Donald and Goofy for the same bond. So I don't quite see it the same as you may. In fact I just see it as slightly different reasons but he does have the capacity for jealousy over competitive bonds (in Riku's case in-game, being friends with Sora, and in theoretical Female Riku's case, Kairi or just being forgotten). Sorry but I see the Riku/Sora thing as being more realistic than the Sora/Kairi impeccable, no-arguments relationship. And character-speaking Riku has at least five times the character traits and development than Kairi. As for that last line, that makes no sense in a G to PG rated game. Also, there are fetishes regardless of the gender set up. They exist. ]8 How would it alter the game? (Given Gender Change and the single, papou-event aside aside.) And why not as popular? Guys doubtless would like the concept of two girls fighting over one guy and girls have more than enough "male characters" to oogle at. (Speaking from the most lowest more shallow, and eye-candy seeking perspective obviously.)
Well I don't think those rooms were really rooms meant for anything except sparring/fighting as said earlier. I also wonder if Nobodies even sleep. I actually, personally think that if they had any bedrooms, it would be down in the darkened district BEFORE the Heartless started rallying there. Because...really I think that the whole castle is not very fit for being lived in...there aren't any toilets or anything, but then again I have yet to have seen a toilet in anywhere of KH. That said, I'd think if they had rooms they would all be bleak and white or at least very conservative and very bland as it is the way Xemnas seems to run things. Anyway, they clearly store their "extras" in different locations then the Castle. I wouldn't even be surprised if there is some pocket of space where all of their respective personal quarters are.
Name a large organization, belief system or group that really follows its doctrine or creed wholly and doesn't discriminate outsiders in some way, shape or form. (The very existence of Hell or damnation is a good example of this, even if you are still a good person you are promised an equal fate to the "truly evil" just because you didn't follow the same divine being.) So to say that ancient religions were tyrannical and execute you if you didn't believe them, although true in some cases would be a far cry from saying it as the whole truth of all ancient religions. Technically Buddhism is an ancient religion and they never killed anyone, nor was it tyrannical. In other news, Religion in general is a beautiful and complex device often used in ancient times to unify, stupefy and keep the general populous controlled as well as have a healthy economy due to an availability of being able to exchange money for keeping the local faith healthy! (Polytheistic faiths would have sacrifices, charms and other such things, Monotheistic would be donations, text purchases, "investments" and other such purchases!) People also change religions due to Paradigm shifts in culture and social changes. If you haven't noticed the current trend is simplicity in terms of religious faiths. I also wonder what the next trend of religions will be when our current "top Five" are replaced with new doctrines if they come about in our lifetime.
Alright about an art trade? 8D How about a chibi Marluxia and/or Specter? (I do an equivalent exchange thing respectively so....I'd like to hear from you soon!)
The sun isn't due to explode for a solid set of billions of years. Also what -is- suffering? If mortal life on Earth is indeed hell, then we certainly are still able to "enjoy" our "punishment". Some people can truly enjoy life here, even if it is a fleeting feeling, but once more it is merely a mindset, you can create your own heaven/hell here on Earth and that's what makes it so special on this planet. True you have experiences but what's even more important is memory and senses (though this is relative to the thinker). (And though this is just my opinion, it would be much easier to read this if it was re-read before posting...)
My apologies, I didn't know...forgive my ignorance and not being more vigilant on the Traditional Art section and all of the posts made on it. I am merely a newbie and inexperienced artist-in-training.... D8
...I thought by the time "God" was throughly through being angry with us, Hell wouldn't even exist nor will any of the sinner as he and his Host would have throughly destroyed/smote it. I could easily be wrong though as I do not study the text....
....You didn't read all of my post, please re-read for all of our sakes. And on a side note (and the need to have a conclusion to your additions), your speculation is heavily flawed, Riku has pretty much mastered control over Darkness and was even able to use Xehanort's Heartless's "helper" heartless, yet (you suggest) he couldn't access one of the most (what you speculate) useful abilities, such as regeneration? That Roxas_Key of Destiny means you need to either re-work your speculation or discard it as said earlier, as it is rather weak in basis. Possession or not, if Riku can access Xehanort's Heartless's arsenal of attacks he can sure as day access his "healing capabilities" (he managed to work in a shield ability from the Darkness so why not healing too?). Thank you for your wonderful summary Repliku. This is the last time I will probably post against you though in this thread....Riku has a healing ability (Cure Potion) when he joins your party...and at least a few hi-potions. If his arm was injured...he could have used one of these spontaneous potions couldn't he (even if for whatever reason he couldn't use his ability)? Which is one of the main...even in-game holes I have ever seen if his arm/wrist really was injured in some way. (....What an impressive mountain! 8D)
A point I ponder is if "God" is really angry, how will we KNOW if he is indeed trying to destroy us "ahead of time"? Most of our problems are related to people after all, and according to many of the texts, "God" cannot directly influence someone to do these things. So really it's a matter of if the weather is controlled by something divine or if sickness is directly caused by a divine being. In the case of sickness, we sure are combating angry God decently considering +6 billion of us are still alive, relatively speaking. But eh, really how would we know?
Uhm, do you have an art samples?
You did notice he went into that form AFTER his arm was allegedly "injured" correct? However even if this is true we can see, even when he went into Dark Mode, it does not heal him as we can see in CoM. And I say defense because each and every time he was about to be screwed over, he went into Dark Mode in CoM, and when you FIGHT Possessed Riku in KH1 you can't tell me that isn't an increase in defense. Another point though it will most likely be considered far less relevant by your standards, Riku went through all of the Castle in CoM completely unscathed even after tackling part of the Organization (and I do say that fight with Lexaeus and Xehanort's Heartless would have left some marks) and Repliku on several occasions, and mind you he was weaker when he was in the Castle. If there was a place he would get hurt without any aid, it would have been there, so please explain how a very burly man's barrage of tomahawk strikes (and flying rocks) left less of a mark than say..A single strike from Roxas's keyblade(s) (keep in mind that the same keyblade has a hell of a time doing noticeable damage to for comparable example, other non-villain characters). I know that people continue to say "OMG HE INJURED HIS ARM THE POOR DEAR" by insisting that the ARM SOCK is an ARM BRACE but good LORD people, if Nomura made the damn thing have wrinkles, you can bet your fandom that it is an ARM SOCK put there for aesthetic purposes! The damn thing doesn't even COVER what could perhaps even be an ARM BRACE (and for you "Riku is a Dark Firaga Burn Victim) there would be visible signs of it on his palm or the back of his hand as well). At most he could fit a WRIST GUARD and if you look at the stupid thing, it doesn't bulge where it is supposed to should it have *even* been there. I know the beauty of speculation but this is a fine example of an aesthetic detail blown out of proportion because of story-starved fans. CLEARLY the laws of injury do not apply to these characters, CLEARLY some refuse to accept that Riku indeed fancies an arm sock (or at least when Nomura is dressing him), and CLEARLY some people do not read my other posts elaborating on why the HELL it is an arm sock (and instead focus on my far less pertinent posts, which in your case would be the DARK FORM rather then about the *explicative* thing on his arm), CLEARLY everything pertaining to the finer points of Riku's Dark Mode is largely speculation on the fan's parts AND CLEARLY NONE OF US ARE NOMURA (hence why we are still posting, because obviously I must be missing some point of getting my point of view through to you). And clearly no one else observes that almost none of the Square Enix character models are ALL wonky in stance/build in some way or form. Normal people do NOT stand that way and normal people do not DRESS that way, but that is the STYLE of Nomura. However no one seems to notice this and is adding more drama to characters (which isn't necessary) speculative histories because they are starving for it (which is a double-edged sword in most cases)! It is a flipping arm sock. (Even better is that PRIOR to KH2:FM+ no one would have probably even given the damn thing a second look except to crack more "hur hur, Riku is an emo" jokes.) Ok that sounded a bit more ticked than I intended (I also am envious of Repliku's topic execution skills, but it'll make do), but I'm mildly bothered that my point isn't sinking into the people on this topic. (Dark Mode is not our topic Roxas_Key of Destiny, but I addressed it for you anyway.) On a lighter note, did anyone else think it was really weird that Riku was wearing that clothing under his black coat? Speaking from the laws of conventional conservation...that cloak must have a temporal pocket or something....and be able to change size, what a magical coat!
*RISES FROM THE GRAVE* I LIIIIIIIVE. Yeah I've been terrible NINB I need to draw PENANCE to repent for this! And thank you! 8D I'd love to draw one but for some reason I can't find the spark to do so....poor Lexaeus, and thank you for your kind words! 8D
He also transforms in what appears to be an small and quiet explosion for Dark Mode. Also, if Dark Firaga hurts him, why doesn't the Dark Mode suit protect him as it does against OTHER forms of damage -and need I remind you, it gave some defense against Repliku's attacks as well-. Now to add even more questions to this which you have spurred on, what point would Xehanort's Heartless serve in giving him a power that WEAKENED his host's firing arm and would in turn weaken him? You don't break the arm of the doll you are to assume the form of. He was "crazy" but he doesn't lack self-preservation instincts, that goes against the basic programming of Heartless in general. And back on topic. I will continue to insist that arm sock is in no way a brace, if Riku could find ONE BELT he can find other things like other belts or at least sturdier supplies to act as a brace; and he was hanging out with Mickey part of the time (due to time gaps this is debatable), if he needed aid, he would ask or Mickey would *notice*. Another would be he later met up with Sora and co. if he was still injured by then (assuming your speculations that he was indeed using the sock as a brace) they would have done something to HELP HIM., like a GOOD FRIEND. It's not like Sora doesn't have sturdier materials to spare for a brace. Essentially it is a 'part of his design', it isn't necessary and aesthetically it is prettier on the eyes. (If anyone notices, Nomura loves to incorporate gloves, wristbands and other knick-knacks on one or both of the arms of most of his characters.) If a suggestion of a cut or visible damage is otherwise suggested for the reason the arm-sock being there, I vouch again for 'no', because if this were true his black coat would be damaged as well on that arm. (This is an analogy of visible damage consistency, scars and damage rarely appear in this game series despite the fact that they should, unless it is in the case of Auron, Saix or Xigbar.) Therefore if it was relevant to the plot or more subtle factors of the story, they would indicate it with something more visual. Another thing to note is that he vividly gestures with his hands equally, yes I know it is the style of KH to have lots of GESTURES, but if his arm was truly sprained/injured he would not use that hand for something so trivial.
I say that because he suddenly dons a black, blue and red -perfect- skin suit of some form out of nowhere and it constantly reverts as well and both are crafted out of the same darkness yet only the firaga leave marks? Does that make sense to you?