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  1. Zandyne
    It's not so bad that it was unbearable...just I probably wouldn't replay through it more than TWICE MAX.

    (However, best expression ever is the whole "WE GET TO MEET SANTA." and stuff. c_c)
    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 10, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Zandyne
    Worst comes to worst I believe you can just over-level your synth moogle. (I believe that would lower it to 4 ori+'s right? I don't remember, but I ended up having extra...somehow.)
    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 10, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Zandyne
    It's Moogle Gel....made out of the kupoist Moogle PomPoms ever. D8
    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 10, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Zandyne
    All uniforms are bad you say?

    The police wear unifroms, nurses and doctors wear uniforms, various sports' teams wear uniforms and a majority of professional businesses wear uniforms.

    Now if all uniforms were truly bad and you were able to abolish it, say you needed help at the hospital....HOW WOULD YOU KNOW WHO THE DOCTOR WAS?! (Nurses and interns technically have medical experience but would you trust their advice over a DOCTOR?)

    Better yet, say you called for the police to help you in your home for some reason, if they had no uniforms (Police cars are also a uniform if you think about it!) how would you know it was a cop helping you and not an accomplice to the criminal??

    Calling a uniform uncomfortable may be one thing, but abolishing them on that sole point is like saying you won't take medicine because it is BITTER/tastes nasty! Also not all uniforms are uncomfortable, but I only have one school uniform to compare to, so I can't vouch for much more than that. c_c
    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 10, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  5. Zandyne
    Actually another point I believe mentioning that is relevant that people seem to be bringing up as a "negative" for uniforms....PAYING FOR IT.

    People pay more for their A&F and Juicy and whatnot attire then uniforms (though I have a limited scope)-

    But generally even though uniforms are not cheap...they aren't exactly wallet-killing expensive (in my experience, 42$ for the whole uniform). However this was at a private school where really, you're supposed to be playing by their rules anyway.
    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 10, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  6. Zandyne
    In my opinion, if it is a public school only basic public decency rules should apply (no 'plumber clevage or overexposure of regular cleavage, or profanties or strong pgraphic content, ect.) But as for private schools, uniforms are part of their rules, after all, it is a PRIVATE school in that they can circumvent the "expression" clause just as they can circumvent the "religion" clause (think PRIVATE CATHOLIC schools if that does not make any sense).

    Now, in my opinion, the uniforms are both a good a bad thing. Security and professionalism, plus the reduction of bullying are some of the good points. But some of the main bad points as was mentioned earlier were cost and "loss of individuality".

    Now then, here are some counterpoints for that "loss of individuality".
    -If you play a sport you wear a uniform.
    -When you graduate you wear a uniform.
    -When you go to a school dance you wear a 'sort' of uniform.
    -When you get a job you will most likely have to wear a uniform.
    -Expression is a privilage in a place that is intended for work.
    -Wearing conventional (ie: guys can only wear pants, etc.) clothing in on itself is a UNIFORM. (Not that you should go streaking or anything, but you get my point.)

    (Unless you are a fashion designer or someone else in that profession, you will most likely not be given much open freedom with your clothing WHILE WORKING.)

    So really, uniforms in a place that is supposed to focus on academics....expression is great, but why rely on only clothing to express yourself? Besides, you can always express yourself with your clothing AFTER SCHOOL. Anyway, that's my analysis on that.

    (But in hypocritical retrospect, school uniforms really shouldn't limit girls to wearing only skirts- I say this because of the change in the social settings.)
    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  7. Zandyne
    In regards to that silver hair x silver hair....

    FUU X RIKU.....LAWLZ. That's a pairing I would like to see written just to see HOW someone would pull it off!
    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. Zandyne
    I think is as good a time as ever to say "Praise the Staff!" Wonderful job and I'm sure everyone else here shares the same gratuituous sentiments. :D
    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 8, 2007 in forum: Community News & Projects
  9. Zandyne
    KH1: Kairi and Ursela, Kairi for the same reasons as Gritz and Ursela for being a freaking wench to kill (HIT THE POT WITH MAGICCCCCCCC).
    CoM: ....UHMMMMMMMM.....DURRR.....THE STAR CHARM! XD (I liked the cast of characters the most in that one overall).
    KH2: KAIRI! (Same reasons Gritz said!)
    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 5, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. Zandyne
    Oh that. LOL, apparently friends can't go looking for friends eh? Ah well, your belief. XD
    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 5, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Zandyne
    This is probably another "DURRRR" question-

    But will the entire list of all of the user titles be posted somewhere? The list that wins obviously.....
    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 5, 2007 in forum: Community News & Projects
  12. Zandyne
    *This is not a protest*

    When does she say that???
    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 5, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Zandyne
    (You really don't get it? o_o)
    Well, the reason not only stems from disrespect, but from acting disrespectfully at what can be seen as ignorance. Given that this is in the intelligent discussion of the site....having some background with evidence that isn't able to be blantantly disproved is somewhat of a must. (See all of the other posts from about 2 or 3 pages back to get a better view on the situation if you have not already.)

    Also....people who make comments like that or in opposition to any side at all should expect the same, if not more of whatever they dish out. It is a debate after all.

    Back on topic(?): Your respect for others and ability to coherently type out your opinion is greatly appreciated. 8D
    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 5, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  14. Zandyne
    Straight people not look twisted? Have you looked at any family with an abusive father? How about an abusive mother? How about a family where the parents are divorced? What about a family in poverty? A family caught in war? A family where parents disown their children because they don't see eye to eye?

    Ah yes, straight people are perfectly perfect. :\

    By the way, last I checked "love" was something was supposed to be something INTANGIBLE. Why is it locked by physical gender? The only difference between male and female is ONE CHROMOSOME. One chromosome and you'll be shunned for loving someone.

    And don't you dare say that there is no such thing as real love between opposite or same genders. I scoff at how you think you can judge how much someone loves someone else. (Let it be known that I didn't say I could either- but I will not bar them from it like you.)

    Edit Add-On: Have you ever heard of "other" freak websites....oh such as porn sites?! How about online predators? (MOST OF THEM ARE STRAIGHT!) And what about rapists (most of whom are ALSO STRAIGHT!).

    Edit Add-On2: I'm sure they force themselves to be that way so that they can be hated by people like you. I'm sure that is their REASON for loving someone. (Severe sarcasm.)
    Post by: Zandyne, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner