Pssh, this one especially. <3
Thanks. <3 I'm just really really sad right now, my dog died literally like 15-20 minutes ago... I've had that beautiful dog for fourteen years...
This is the saddest I've been in a very very long time... My dog died literally 15 minutes ago... ;-;
Good morning. how'd you sleep?
You need to go to sleepy sleep now. <3 Isn't it like 3am over there? Dx
Lol that's not cool. Dx Learn martial arts, that'll show 'em. xD (sorry about the slow reply, wouldn't let me connect to Kh-vids. o.0)
Aw, that must be nice. <3
Rofl, yeah, two younger brothers; 8 and 16.
She's 14 now. xD
Yupperz. <3 I is sowwy I took slow long to reply, was celebrating my sister's birthday. Dx
Sounds nice and peaceful. <3
After I fully learn the language. xD
Cold is always better, you're lucky to live in England. <3
Lucky, it's really hot here. ;-;
So besides a scary dream, you doing alright?
Well just don't go dying on me. <3 And remember, I'm always here to talk to. xD
Sounds like an interesting way to die. xD
Well it sounds like you were very brave. <3
Thankies. <3 So you wanna tell me about that dream now?
So nice to be home. <3