Where'd ya go to? Dx I miiiiiiiiiss you. I got's to go take my last final for the year, I'll be back later.
If for some god forsaken reason you come to Texas (I have no idea why) I'm here. xD Houston's a big city, but I'm pretty easy to find, just look for that giant mormon temple, I live near it. xD
So yeah, I looked it up and this sounds too much like American Idol for my taste, hate that show, so I'm just gonna go ahead and say I think France should win. >_>; I JUST WANNA BELONG. D;
I was suprised one hadn't yet, glad to be the stereotypical American, it's always fun to be it. ;D
I'm American and don't know what the hell you guys are talking about. *thumbs up*
Rofl how goes the new staff hunt? xD
Why thank you. <3
Three, pretty please? <3
Rofl then it's the exact same thing. ;-; Now I'm hungry... Gonna make me some. xD
Oh. xD It's where you but cheese between two pieces of buttered bread and grill it on a pan on the stove.
Never had that before, does it taste like Grilled Cheese?
Thanks. <3 Then eat something. xD
Still sad, but I've been watching anime to distract me, thanks for askin'. <3
<3<3<3 /fillerz
Kk, see ya. <3
rofl. Impossible! xD
Rofl just tell her the guy's name is a parody of Mudkp. xD That should make her feel safer. xD
lol, well happy birthday to her. xD
Lol, aww, how old is she gonna be?
So yeah, I have literally nothing to do today now. xD So I'll just talk to you all day. <3