Ewww, coffee is baaaad. xD
Oh, I see. Well, at least you know what you believe in that's always a good thing. Well, I have to head out to work now, I'll sign in soon and...
Well, do you believe in God? <3
But she asked you meaning she'd really like you to be involved that's gotta be something. Meh, it's really your decision isn't it? xD
Pssh, I have no fear of members I don't know, it's just they came on kinda strong in this thread for people I've never seen around before so I assumed they might be trolls. I apologize if I hurt anyone's feelings in anyway. >_>;
Aww, why don't you think you can do it?
Congratulations! That's a really big honor right? (total mormon don't know the rights and stuff of other christians, sorry. Dx)
Sweet God, wtf? I've left other sites to get rid of this kinda ****, this site was doing so well too... Who the hell are those random two people? Are they from KHI or something?
Wow back in my day you just pm'ed the person... I must be getting old. o.0;
That sounds very cute acutally. <3
Awwww, that's cute. <3
Well, that means that we can talk more now. <3
-_-.... You know what I JUST realized as I was typing this? It's 2:45 where I am not 3:45... I don't have to be at work for another hour. <3
That sounds really nice. Glad you dad fun. <3
Fun so far, went to the movies with some of my friends, and what about you? <3
Yeah I know, but at least I'm still able to talk to you during most of it. <3
Heeeeeey. <3 I'm only back for like 10-15 min then I have to go to work. Dx But I'll try to get on at work with my iPod like last time. <3
If you get on before I do, I'll be back in a couple hours. <3
Avvy: 7/10, A bit hard to see. D; Sig: 8.5/10
I'm back now. <3 Glad to see you're still on. <3