Hi there! and welcome to kh-vids.net. Post a lot and have fun. Hope you have a nice time here! :)
Hello! and welcome to the forums. Read the rules, post a lot and have fun. Hope you have a nice time here! :)
Hello! and welcome to kh-vids.net. Read the rules, post a lot and have fun. Hope you have a nice time here. :)
Awesome chapter! I really like it. ^_^ Poor Demyx, he brought same to the Organization. I can't wait for the next chapter. This story is very interesting! Keep up the good work!
Good job! I like it. The Marluxia thing was funny and I liked when Kairi said "Lets go save my pretty boy!" Keep up the good work. ^_^
Birth by Sleep because the story looks very interesting and I want to know what happened before KH1. Second 358/2 Days. I want to play like Roxas and the Organization and I'm very curious about the 14th member. I don't know if I could play Coded.
I got 35%... O_o
Kingdom Hearts without Disney isn't Kingdom Hearts. I can't imagine KH without Disney. It'll be like another FF game or a completely new game. Some people say that is childish and that I'm stupid because I play KH, but they have never played it. Well, I thought that too. When KH was released, my friends and I were like: Oh another Disney stupid game, but I was wrong. I decided to buy it because a lot of peolple was saying that it was an amazing game. Since the first time I played it, I got totally hooked. The storyline was more complex than I expected and Disney made a good job with it. Like Demyx said, don't judge anyone by appereance, and in this case, we can't say that KH is stupid because Disney is in it without having played it. Most of the worlds that appear in the Kh series are Disney worlds. Donald and Goofy give a special touch to the story. Disney adds some comedy to the game. Nomura made an excellent job mixing Disney with FF and adding new characters like Sora, Riku, Kairi and the Organization, that created KH. It's a good game for both kids and old players. So, why take out Disney of KH if it forms a big part of the game. I think that it will be bad if Square adds more Disney to KH, it's well balanced and with more Disney the plot will be ruined.
Good job. LOL Poor Mansex! I like the idea of Sora talking in Roxas head. Keep up the good work.
Happy New Year everyone! I wish you guys the best. I hope Square released those trailers too. ^_^
Hello! and welcome to the forums. Read the rules, post a lot and have fun. I like Sonic too. You're not alone, I'm shy too. ^_^ Well, hope you have a nice time here. :)
Hello! and welcome to kh-vids.net. Follow the rules, post a lot and have fun. Hope you have a nice time here and Happy New Year 2008! ^_^
Just 4 more hours here to go. Happy New Year everyone. I wish you the best.
Good job with this chapter. I like it! ^_^ I like how you describe everything that happens in the story. Keep it up.
Hello! and welcome ^_^ Read the rules, post a lot and have fun. Hope you have a nice time here!
Thanks! ^_^ Here is chapter 3! Chapter 3: What's wrong with the journal? The radiant rays of the sun were entering through the window of Kairi’s room. It seemed to be a beautiful Autumn’s Sunday. Sora, who had been unconscious for many hours, began to open his blue eyes. He sat up and stretched his arms. He felt a little headache and automatically touched his head with his right hand. “Ouch, my head. It's strange... another dream about the same people. This has to mean something. Oh no, this is becoming bad, but, as Kairi said, they are only dreams. I supposed to be happy; I’m in my island, in my house, in my... wait a sec, pink bed… pink walls… no… this isn’t my room.” He looked around and gazed the red-haired girl who was sleeping beside him. “Kairi!?” he yelled. Kairi woke up by the noise and looked at Sora. She just smiled at him. “Good-morning Sora, you finally woke up,” she said. “What the…? What’s going on? Why am I doing here? EXPLAIN ME!” Sora asked in despair. Kairi wanted to make him a little joke, but she decided to tell him the pure truth. “Sora, don’t kill me for what I’m going to tell you right now.” she sighed. “Yesterday, when we were fighting, I hit you with my keyblade. You heard Riku and didn't pay attention to me, and I automatically hit you believing that you would avoid the attack." “Oh, but don’t worry, I won’t kill you if that’s what you worry for,” said Sora. Kairi sighed. “Thank you.” Sora tried to put his feet on the floor but his face reflected that he continued sick. He closed his eyes and touched his head again. “Can you go alone?” asked Kairi. “Yes, I guess...” “Sora, please, let me help you; you don’t feel all right." “I’m okay, Kairi.” “Sora, you helped me a lot and now is time that I do it too.” “Okay, you win,” said Sora as he sat down again on the bed. He thought that Kairi was right. He's still felt a little lightheaded and why not receive a little help? Kari got out of the bed and went to help her friend. She grabbed him by his left arm and helped him to stand up. Sora looked at her. “Kairi.” “Hmm?” “Thank you.” Kairi giggled. “You're welcome.” The two teenagers walked to the kitchen, where Riku was waiting for them. He was sitting at the kitchen’s table eating some waffles that he just found at the fridge. “See who woke up,” Riku started. “Are you all right?” Kairi helped Sora to sit down in one chair of the table. “Hi Riku, yes I feel better,” he greeted, as he was looking at the plates on the table. “Mmm… waffles. Which of these is my plate?” Riku took a second plate. “None, make your owns! I made them for me." “What!?" replied Sora. “Are you going to eat all this waffles by yourself!? You will get fatter and all your fan girls will be really disappointed." Riku raised an eyebrow. “What fan girls?” he asked. “Those girls that say “Oh my Gosh, Riku is SO hot” all the time.” Kairi interrupted the conversation. “But it’s true. Riku is hot!" Riku and Sora turned her gaze to Kairi and gave her a funny look. “Oh… sorry, please continue your conversation,” she said embarrassedly. “Well, apart from Kairi, what other fan girls do I have?” “You know those girls that..." Riku raised an eyebrow again and crossed his arms over his chest. “Never mind…,” said the keyblade wielder. He continued, “Well, where are the waffles?” “At the fridge,” Kairi said as she pointed at a big silver fridge. Sora turned around and looked at the fridge. “Oh okay." Cautiously, he stood up, taking support of the table. “Can you…?” she asked. “Yes, I can. I'm fine.” “Okay.” Sora walked toward the fridge and opened it. He took a small pack of waffles and got two. He put them on a plate and introduced it into the microwave, which was open because Riku forgot to close it. “You know how it function, Sora?” asked Riku, taking the last waffle of the third plate. “Yes…” said Sora insecurely. “So, this thing must function like the stupid computer at Hollow Bastion. Let see, what button I’ve got to touch," he thought, seeing the many buttons this new microwave had. “Hey Sora, did you make them?” asked Riku. “Hey these things take time, okay? Hmm, okay… This would be. He touched the last button of the microwave. POOM!!! The microwave’s door opened and hit Sora’s face. He massaged his right chick. “Ouch, that hurts! Stupid microwave!” Riku and Kairi tried not to laugh, but they couldn't bear it and started laughing crazily. “What’s so funny?” Kairi came close to him. “You need help, don’t you?” “No…” he replied. Kairi raised an eyebrow and gave him a look of "I know you are lying." sort of way. “Well… yes… I need help. I'm bad at these things, you know,” admitted Sora. Kairi just smiled and began to show him how to use it correctly. .................................................. .................................................. ............................ King Mickey reunited with Minnie, Goofy, Donald and Daisy at the throne’s room. “Okay, I sent the letter to Sora. The last thing that left us to do is … wait,” said the king a little, worried about the problem, which was becoming worse. Goofy scratched his head. “Gawrsh, I hope he gets it.” “Yeah," answered the others. Suddenly, they heard a voice of someone who just entered into the room. “Hey, over here!” said the voice that came from the floor. They looked around, trying to find out who was talking. They looked down and saw Jiminy Cricket with his diary in his arms. “Hi Jiminy," greeted Mickey in a serious tone. It was strange that the king was serious because he used to be cheerful all the time. “So, did you send the letter to him?” asked Jiminy, as he turned the pages of his journal. “Yes” replied the King. Since Jiminy entered at the room, Donald was looking at him with a strange expression. He wanted to say something so badly, but for respect, he waited for the right moment. Finally, he couldn't handle it anymore. “This entire problem is your fault, Jiminy,” Donald exploded. At this moment, all the presents stared at Donald. “What? But why?” asked Jiminy, confused and surprised by Donald’s reaction. “You gotta pay more attention to what you’re writing in that journal." “It seems you don’t understand the problem very well, Mr. Donald. That sentence was supposed to be erased, assuming that I wrote it at the events of Castle Oblivion, because I don’t remember to have written in another part,” explained Jiminy to Donald and the others. “I still don’t get something," said Goofy. “What?” asked the little cricket. “The King and you made a Sora of data, right? Wasn’t it enough to solve the problem?” King Mickey decided to answer him the question. “No, it wasn’t enough, only the true Sora can solve this.” .................................................. .................................................. ............................ After Kairi’s long explanation, Sora made his waffles and both sat down at the table with Riku. “Well, I’m going to take a bath, see you later," said Kairi. Sora began to eat. Suddenly, the strange dream he just had popped in his head. He thought that it was better if Riku knows it. “Riku, I had another strange dream last night." Riku stopped eating. “Really? About what?” “With the same people of the other dream,” he replied discretely. Riku’s eyes widened. Sora began to explain his dream to him. At the end, he added something that intrigued him. “The strangest thing of all is that this guy called “Ven” is very similar to Roxas.” “Roxas?” But, why didn’t you notice that in the past dream?" “Maybe, because he had a helmet, and when it broke, his face was frozen." “Hmm…” Riku kept thinking about the dream. He thought that it must mean something very important, but what? .................................................................................................................................
Hi! and welcome to the forums. Hope you have a nice time here! ^_^
Hello! and welcome to kh-vids.net. Post a lot and have fun. Hope you have a nice time here! ^_^
Interesting story! It's full of suspense, that makes the reader wants more and that's very important in a story. Keep up the good work! ^_^
I like this story. It's original and one of the things that I like is that it's redacted in First Person. Is interesting to see the past of Braig and Ienzo. Great job with this one. Keep up the good work. ^_^