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  1. Heaxrt17
    Hello! and welcome to Read the rules, post a lot and have fun. Hope you have a nice time here! ^_^
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 13, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. Heaxrt17
    I think the enemies will be heartless, some from KH1 and others new because that's the job of Roxas, collect hearts from them. Like Zeftnon -The Superior said, BBS will have the "new enemies". Respect the bosses of 358/2, I think they would be Disney and FF(I don't know if could be possible to have FF villains in the game) villains, heartless and maybe another surprises that Nomura wants to put in it.
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 13, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  3. Heaxrt17

    Yo !

    Hello! and welcome to Read the rules, post a lot and have fun. Hope you have a nice time here! :)
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 13, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  4. Heaxrt17
    I think an intelligent person is someone that know how to take the right decisions in a situation, even if it's good or bad and looking at the consequences they could bring. People that can think rationally at most of the time. A lot of people think students with excellents grades are intelligent just because of that. No, they're wrong, they could be intelligent but not because of their grades. For example, if some guy that have good grades let others to copy his homework because they say they're too lazy to do it. This person isn't intelligent enough. Intelligent people don't let others to take adventage of them. Also, if you ask someone a question and he/she can answer it with a reasonable answer, not just yes, no or I don't know, that's an intelligent person too.
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 13, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  5. Heaxrt17
    Good job! I like it.
    Keep up the good work. ^_^
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 12, 2008 in forum: Archives
  6. Heaxrt17
    I played KH2 before KH1 and KH:COM and when I saw the intro I thought Roxas was Sora many years older. Then, when I began the game at Twilight Town I thought he was a common kid with Sora's keyblade in his hands.
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 12, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. Heaxrt17


    I hope that scientisits find a cure to the autism. My little brother has it since he was a baby. He used to act normally, but after many years he isn't the same. He is 13 years old now. He doesn't talk too much with me and the rest of the family and when I say something to him, he react violently. Isn't easy but I have to deal with it. I think now that scientisits have discovered the cause of it, it's possible to find a cure.
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 10, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Heaxrt17
    Hello Mizioki! Nice to meet you and welcome to Read the rules, post a lot and have fun. Hope you have a nice time here. ^_^
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 10, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  9. Heaxrt17
    Hello! and welcome to Follow the rules, post a lot and have fun. Hope you have a nice time here! ^_^
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 10, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  10. Heaxrt17

    I like to take and edit photos. I'm not too good at it but I gave this a try. ^_^ I was going to submit another picture but I couldn't find it. I took this one two years ago when my family and I went to Guanica, Puerto Rico.
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 10, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. Heaxrt17
    Hello! and welcome to Follow the rules, post a lot and have fun. Hope you have a nice time here! ^_^
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 9, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  12. Heaxrt17
    I really can't decide. Both KH storylines have their special things.
    KH1: It's the beginning of the KH series and is classic. The journey of a 14 years old boy trying to find his friends. It's full of very emotinal moments, like Hollow Bastion 1st visit, I never expected Sora sacrificing himself for release Kairi's heart. I love the end of the game, it's sad but I really like it.
    KH2: A sequel to KH:COM. New characters appeared in this game, like Hayner, Pence, Olette, Roxas and the rest of the Organization XIII. The new enemies(nobodies) made the storyline more intriguing and interesting. Like others already said, Sora began acting more human, showing more how he felt in each situation. The game began with many secrets that keep you in suspense until the end. I had to play it more than one time to understant the storyline very well.
    In conclusion, I love both storylines and enjoyed them. I can't decide.
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 9, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. Heaxrt17
    Saix has a daughter! I like the idea. Good job with this chapter. Please write more. ^_^
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 9, 2008 in forum: Archives
  14. Heaxrt17
    Maybe 358/2 Days could get a FM, but it depends if Nomura wants to add more secret cutscenes and another enemies to the game. I doubt it but we never know. Birth By Sleep could get a FM because is like a new story and maybe Nomura wants to add more secrets to it.
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 8, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  15. Heaxrt17
    Hello! Nice to meet you. Welcome to! Read the rules, post a lot and have fun.
    You can PM me if you want too. ^_^ Hope you have a nice time here.
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 8, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  16. Heaxrt17
    Awesome! I like this chapter. You did a great job.
    Can't wait for the next chapter.
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 8, 2008 in forum: Archives
  17. Heaxrt17
    Yay! New info. I can't wait for 358/2 and BBS!!!
    Thanks for the info Xaldin. ^_^
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 8, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  18. Heaxrt17
    Opening Credits:
    Angel of Mine: Evanescence

    Waking Up:
    Holiday: Boys like Girls

    First Day At School:
    Amaranth: Nightwigh

    Falling in love:
    Sk8er Boi: Avril Lavigne

    Fight Song:
    The Ghost of You: My Chemical Romance

    Breaking Up:
    Breakdown: Breaking Benjamin

    Snow (Hey Oh): Red Hot Chili Peppers

    Mental Breakdown:
    What I've Done: Linkin Park

    My Style: Black Eyed Peas

    High School flashback:
    Oblivion: 30 seconds to Mars

    Haunted: Evanescence

    Getting back together:
    Hands Held High: Linkin Park

    Birth of Child:
    Everything's Magic: Angels and Airwaves

    Time to dance: Panic! at the disco

    Final battle:
    Cancer: My Chemical Romance

    Death Scene:
    Whoa: Paramore

    Funeral Song:
    Never Again: Kelly Clarkson

    End Credits:
    Meet you there: Simple Plan
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 7, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Heaxrt17
    Chapter 4: An unexpected message

    After the breakfast and the interesting conversation between the two teenagers, Riku decided to go outside to take some air. Sora stayed at the house finishing his breakfast and then, cleaning the table of his friend, Kairi.

    Riku sat down at the palm tree where he used to sit a year ago. He usually went there to think and to be more relaxed; and how to forget those old days when he, Sora, and Kairi sat there to discuss about how boring was turning their life at the islands, especially him. He envisioned the beautiful landscape that was before him. Nothing had changed in a year. The sun was shining as it always did and the ocean reflected the beautiful color of the sky.

    Far away of him was Kairi. She was sitting on the soft sand of the beach. Her legs were stretched on the sand and the water of the ocean wet her feet. The girl closed her eyes for a moment and let the breeze blew her face. The breeze was pleasant. She could smell the refreshing aroma of the ocean. She had no more problems to worry about. Kairi felt a great peace inside her. Suddenly, she felt that something was touching her right foot. She looked down, trying to find out what was that. She saw a bottle containing a piece of paper inside. Quickly, she took the bottle and examined it. She noticed something surprising: the letter contained the King Mickey’s seal!

    “It can’t be, that is impossible, I've got to open this right away!" she thought as she was about to open it.

    “No, I can’t now, it would be better that Sora and Riku open this by themselves."


    Sora left Kairi’s home. He saw Riku and decided to make him company. Quickly, he ran down the ramp and ran up to him. He climbed on the palm tree and went down. Then, he put his arms behind his head and rested on it. He contemplated the beautiful landscape of Destiny Islands. Riku broke the silence.

    “Nothing changed. Huh?”

    Sora heard Riku’s words and thought that they were true. The sun, the sky, the plants, and everything in the island still the same after a year of not being there.

    “No, nothing will.”

    Riku continued, “What a small world.”

    “Yeah, but part of one much bigger.”


    For unknown reasons, the name “Door to The Light” popped into Sora’s head.

    “Hey Riku, what do you think it was the Door to The Light?”

    Riku let out a short laugher and went down of the palm.

    “This” said the silver-haired boy as he pointed at Sora’s chest.

    “This?” asked Sora a little confused and surprised by his friend’s answer.

    “Yes, it's always closer than you think.”

    Sora wasn’t totally satisfied with the answer. He just smiled at him.

    “Sora, Riku!” a girl's voice called the two boys.

    They turned around and saw Kairi coming in a hurry. The girl arrived to them and lowered her head to catch her breath again.

    “Hey, what’s up?” Sora asked, worried about her.

    She raised her head and showed him the bottle, “Look.”

    “From the King?”, said Sora as he saw that the paper had the King’s seal.

    Sora took the bottle as fast as he could and opened it. He grabbed the letter and began to read it. His two friends came close to him to read it too, but they could not see anything. They waited for Sora to know what Mickey wanted to tell them. At first, Sora’s expression was good, but it changed to a serious one. He seemed worried. After he finished reading the letter, he stood silent for a moment.

    “What? What happened? What it said?" asked Riku and Kairi, dying of curiosity.

    Sora sighed and prepared himself to tell his friends what the letter said.

    “Well… this said that… well… the King… you know… want…”

    Riku couldn’t wait for the Sora’s speech and stole the letter from his hands.

    “Hey!” Sora yelled.

    Riku began to read it. Kairi was incredibly impatient.

    “Hey! Let me read it too. I want to know. I have the right to know!” she protested.

    “Just a moment, Kairi,” Riku said, very concentrated in the letter.

    Riku finished reading the card and gave a serious laugher. “I knew this would happen.”

    “What? Tell me! I want to know. Did you hear me? Please. It’s unfair that you guys know what's going on but I don’t," said Kairi desperately.

    “Take it, Kairi," said Riku, giving her the letter.

    Kairi took it. She started to read it aloud.

    Dear Sora, Riku and Kairi:

    Hi there! I hope you three are okay. Well, I know you are happy because you are in your homes again. I’m glad of that too. You know, after I returned to my castle, I felt so relaxed because I didn’t have more problems to care about. However, suddenly, some things are becoming strange and I feel so confused right now. I tried to solve them, but I couldn’t alone. By this reason, I want you to come to my castle to talk more about these things, but don’t worry, they aren’t too graves and with your help they can be solve easily, I hope. Therefore, I’m going to send Chip & Dale in three days to take you three to my castle. Be prepared and I count on you.

    Your pal,
    King Mickey

    “Oh…” said Kairi, without words.

    “What kind of strange things was the king talking about? I don’t get it,” said the young keyblade wielder, worried about the unexpected message.

    “Me neither, and he expects that we don’t worry about this,” Riku replied.

    “Hey guys just stay calm. Don’t worry until we arrived to the King’s castle. Let’s enjoy these three days that left us in the islands and when the day arrives…”

    Kairi’s voice trailed off. She thought that these problems could mean the separation of her and her two friends. She waited one year for Sora and Riku at the island, and those days were not the best for her. She had Selphie, Wakka, and Tidus at those moments, but she felt alone anyway. Sora and Riku became part of her and without them, she felt incomplete. It isn’t the same to stay with some friends of yours than stay with your best and real friends. She didn’t want to be apart from their best friends anymore.

    Sora puts his hand over Kairi’s shoulder. “Don’t worry Kairi, after three days we will be together like always. No one and nothing could separate us."

    “Yes… you’re right," said Kairi, more comfortable by Sora’s words.

    “Well, I have to go. Tidus and Wakka are waiting for me. We have something important to talk about. Sora, see you there too, okay?” Riku said.

    “Yeah okay” said Sora.

    Riku left the place, leaving Sora and Kairi alone.

    “Well Kairi, I have to go too. Please don’t worry about that. Remember when you told me that we will be together everyday?”

    Kairi giggled. “Yeah, I remember that.”

    “Then, you have nothing to worry about. Promise me that you won’t worry about that letter.”

    “Okay Sora, I promise.” She smiled at him and made her way to Selphie’s house.


    King Mickey arrived with Donald and Goofy at Radiant Garden. They walked toward Merlin’s house and Donald knocked the door. Yuffie opened it.

    “Oh! King Mickey, Donald, Goofy! I’m glad to see you guys again.”

    “Hi Yuffie,” replied the King.

    “So, what brings you here?” asked Yuffie.

    “I’m here because I need to ask some things to Leon. Is he here?”

    “Well, actually not, he left many hours ago, but I think he will return soon.”

    “Okay, then I’ll wait for him here.”

    “Okay, no problem,” she replied cheerfully.

    A cloaked person with its hood up was inside Ansem’s study, at Radiant Garden. His clothes were light brown, very similar to the Organization XIII ones, but with another color. By its shape, it seemed to be a man. This person approached one of the walls and touched it, making an entrance to a secret lab: Ansem’s laboratory. The mysterious character entered and walked toward the computer. He tried to type something in it, but the computer requested a password. What password could it be? As it seemed, this person knew it and entered it quickly. The password was correct. After he obtained the access to the computer, he found various things that were not in English, only in strange symbols. Later, he took a disc from it, turned off the computer and disappeared through a black portal of darkness.


    Note: Yay! my first chapter of the year. I hope you liked it.
    This was the first chapter, but I decided to write this part in the fourth.
    Thanks for your comments. I really appreciate it. ^_^
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 7, 2008 in forum: Archives
  20. Heaxrt17


    Hello! and welcome to Read the rules, post a lot and have fun. Hope you have a nice time here! ^_^
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 7, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures