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  1. Heaxrt17

    Hi ppls

    Hello Kairi no kawii! and welcome to Read the rules, post a lot and have fun. Hope you have a nice time here! ^_^
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 20, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. Heaxrt17
    Here's the next chapter. ^_^
    Before I start ./;’/.;.;.;.;.;./’,/.’…;. means an interruption of the dream. (you'll see later what I'm talking about).

    Chapter 6: Dreams and more dreams

    King Mickey and Leon were inside Ansem’s Laboratory. Leon approached the computer and the King followed him to tell specifically what he needed of it. Leon turned on the computer and typed the password. Then, the computer showed the following message:



    Leon crushed the keyboard. “What’s going on here?”

    Mickey stared at him. “What?”

    “It said that the password is incorrect and I didn't change it… and no one could have changed it...I guess," explained Leon thoughfully.

    King Mickey crossed his arms in thought. “Hmm and… If someone entered here and blocked its access?”

    “Could be, but I need to check out the security cam.”

    “So… write another password," suggested the king. I need this computer urgently.”

    “Your Majesty, there’s only a little chance to guess it but if you insist, let’s try. Okay, what password do you suggest?”

    Mickey put a hand under his chin. “Let’s see… The Seven Princesses: Snow White, Cinderella, Belle…”

    “Yeah yeah I know.” He typed it.

    The computer showed the message:

    “No, it isn’t.”

    “Well… Sora, Donald and Goofy.”


    “King Mickey!”


    “… Leon?”


    “Riku and Kairi”


    “Let’s try… Xemnas”


    “Hmm… Xehanort?”


    “Master Xehanort.”

    Leon was shocked as he heard that name and looked at the King with a puzzled expression. “You knew him?”

    “Eh-oh... I heard about him once…” The King seemed very nervous. He moved his fingers very quickly, trying to simulate that he knew nothing about him.

    Leon sighed. “Oh well..., anyway that isn’t the password.”


    A hooded person, seemed to the one who entered at the laboratory, was at the entrance of a castle. This castle was very similar to the one at Hollow Bastion, but it changed in its colors. It was darker and its form was a bit different. Many hooded “guardians” were protecting the entrance. They wore light brown cloaks with their hoods up. The mysterious man walked toward the entrance and showed the guardians a black coin. Then, they let him pass.

    He entered and went through many “elevators”. He arrived to a specific room, when someone was waiting for him at a big throne. The room was dim and spacious. It did not have windows to look to the outside, only a big door, where the mysterious character had entered. The room only had that silver throne made of metal at the middle and an oval mirror in front of it, which was reflecting a green face of a human.

    The man took a CD from his pocket. “Master, I have what you were looking for.”

    This “Master” wore a light brown cloak. He was a hunchback and seemed to be a very old person. Slowly, he stretched his arm to take the CD.

    “Excellent, you accomplished my request one more time.”

    “It’s nothing, I just do my work.”

    “Well said, soldier. Now that you’re one of my privilege soldiers I’m going to give you a special assignment.”

    “Okay, I’m listening.”

    “I want you to make a visit to the world of these “Nobodies”. I need you to bring me a person who can harm my plans."

    “Which person?”

    “You know the one I’m always mentioning.”

    “Oh, I know. Don’t worry, I’ll do it.”

    “That’s the spirit. Everything is coming out as I expected. After I dispose of her, everything will be perfect and now that I have this CD in my hands, which contains confidential information, that stupid mouse may not solve his problems."


    After a long hour, Leon and King Mickey had not guessed the password yet. They were tired; especially Leon, who thought that this would be impossible, but the King insisted. He seemed to be in a hurry.

    “Let's see… Sephiroth?”


    "Organization XIII."


    “Sea Salt Ice Cream.”


    Mickey rubbed his head. “Oh my God my brain hurts. Let’s try with… cheeseburger?”


    “Chicken Tenders.”



    “I think those passwords don’t make any sense and stop talking about food please. I’m hungry!” said Leon.

    “Sorry," apologized the king. "Well what more can I say… Kingdom Hearts?”


    “I give up. There must be another password."

    Leon tried to guess too. “Hmm… another password…”

    He introduced the word “Another” just for curiosity.



    “Yes, to the point!” siad Leon loudly.

    “Hallelujah! What a coincidence! Well, now I need a favor, Leon," said King Mickey, "I need you to find me, if you could tomorrow, all the information with the name Xehanort. It’s very important, and the sooner, the better."

    “Okay, your majesty, but where can I find you?"

    “I will be at a house here at Radiant Garden for almost two days, but don't worry, you can call. I'll give you my number."

    “Okay, perfect.”


    “Oh no! There's too many. We can’t beat them all by ourselves, Ven” Aqua said. She was referring to a group of strange monsters that were around them. They did not seem to be Heartless and less, Nobodies. They were little black monsters with an indefinite form. They could change of form if they wanted to. A group was in form of shadow heartless, while the other seemed little black robots.

    “Don’t say that. Of course we can," replied her partner as he blew a “shadow” with his weapon. His weapon was similar to a keyblade, but without a keychan on it. The monster faded into the darkness and left a white powder that disappeared instantly. Aqua hit two monster of a blow, but as they died, another four appeared.

    “They are infinite!” she cried.

    Ven and Aqua were exhausted. They had been many time attacking monster without rest. Suddenly, they saw a shadow of a tall person that just entered into the room.

    Ven smirked. “You’re just in time. We need your help to kick these monsters’ butt quick, Te…"


    Ven and Aqua were talking at the boy’s room. It was very organized and clean. The walls were dark blue, which combined perfectly with the rest of his belongings, especially his bed.

    “Well Aqua, what do you think is going to happen to us and our lives?” asked Ven.

    Aqua looked at him. “I don’t know... only the destiny knows it. We must accomplish our master’s order. We’re his apprentices, right?”

    “Yeah, sometimes I think this will be impossible.”


    “No… I'm just worried. If we fail, we can’t see our family and friends again and…” His voice trailed off.

    Aqua patted him on the back. “I know why you’re saying this. Don’t worry, we’ll make it and then, you’ll be able to visit your town, family, and friends.”

    “If you say it, but aren’t you worried?”

    “Yes, but if I die no one will miss me. You know, I don’t have a family.” Suddenly, a tear rolled over her cheek. She closed her blue eyes to resist the pain shet was feeling inside. Bad memories came to her mind as she realized that she did not have anyone in the world to worry about her.

    Ven dried her tear with his lovely hand. “Don’t said that Aqua or I don’t count as a family? Remember, I'm like a brother for you. You are not alone. I know you lost your family and all, but that wasn’t your fault."

    She smiled at him, feeling more comfortable. Ven was his closer friend and every word he said to her was like a cure to her pain. As he said, he always was like a little brother to her. “Thanks Ven,” she muttered.

    Ven smiled and gave her a hug to help her feel better.

    Suddenly, a hooded person entered into the room and interrupted the dramatic scene. His cloak was light brown and seemed to be a teenager. Both separated of each other and gazed the new visitant.

    “What are you doing here?” Ven yelled, as he stepped in front of the girl.

    The stranger held up his hand and blew Ven in his face. He fell at the floor, leaving Aqua without protection.

    “Ven!” cried the blue-haired girl.

    The man grabbed Aqua by her arm and put his big hand over her mouth.

    Ven tried to get up and noticed that his lip was bleeding. He saw the stranger making a black portal of darkness at the wall.

    “Let her go!” yelled Ven

    Before Ven could put his feet again on the floor, Aqua and the hooded man disappeared through the portal.

    “Aqua no… come back Aqua!”


    Note: I hope you liked this chapter. It's kinda different because Sora, Riku and Kairi aren't in it.
    I noticed some mistakes in my previous chapters and I'm fixing them. That's why I'm taking more time to write.
    Thanks for reading! ^_^
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 20, 2008 in forum: Archives
  3. Heaxrt17
    Hello Kurogane! and welcome to Read the rules, post a lot and have fun. Don't worry, I have problems with my english too ^_^, but yours is pretty good. Hope you have a nice time here. :)
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 20, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  4. Heaxrt17
    1) Yes
    2) Yes...
    3) No
    4) Yes
    5) Yes all the time
    6) Yes ^_^
    7) Not Tic-Tacs
    8) Yes
    10) No
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 20, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Heaxrt17
    Mine is September 17th. ^_^
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 19, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Heaxrt17
    Hello! and welcome to Read the rules, post a lot and have fun. Hope you have a nice time here. ^_^
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 18, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  7. Heaxrt17

    hello kh-v

    Hello! Nice to meet you and welcome to Read the rules, post a lot and have fun. Hope you have a nice time here. ^_^
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 17, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  8. Heaxrt17
    Whatever it Takes - Lifehouse
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 16, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Heaxrt17
    Welcome spdude!
    Hope you have a good time here.
    I'm sure you'll do a good job. Good luck with your ownership. ^_^
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 15, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  10. Heaxrt17
    It's good. I like it. Keep it up! ^_^
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 14, 2008 in forum: Archives
  11. Heaxrt17
    I like it. Good job with this one.
    You have talent. ^_^ Keep up the good work.
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 14, 2008 in forum: Archives
  12. Heaxrt17
    I like it. The plot is really interesting. Good job with this chapter. Keep it up. ^_^
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 14, 2008 in forum: Archives
  13. Heaxrt17
    Good job! I like it. I hope Sora can beat those guys. Keep it up! ^_^
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 14, 2008 in forum: Archives
  14. Heaxrt17
    Hello! and welcome to Read the rules, post a lot and have fun. Hope you have a good time here. ^_^
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 14, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  15. Heaxrt17


    Hello! Nice to meet you and welcome to Read the rules, post a lot and have fun. Hope you have a nice time here. ^_^
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 14, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  16. Heaxrt17
    Chapter 5: A day full of discussions and theories

    The Destiny Islands’ sky was darker than before. Kairi was at Selphie’s house, while Sora and Riku were with Tidus and Wakka. The crimson-haired girl was very worried about the King’s message. She promised Sora to forget about it, but she couldn’t do it easily. While Selphie was at her bed painting her nails, Kairi was walking desperately through the room.

    “Kairi, are you okay? You look worried,” said Selphie.

    Kairi stopped and looked at her. “Don’t worry… it’s… nothing. Maybe I’m a little stressed by the tests that are coming.”

    “Oh, the tests, but don’t worry, I guess they aren’t going to be so hard. Hey, let’s change of theme. I hate to talk about school.”

    Kairi giggled. “Well okay.”

    “Hey I have an idea! Let's plan Riku's birthday."

    Kairi was taken completely off guard. She didn’t have remembered Riku’s birthday, but Selphie did.

    “Oh my God! I forgot that! We need to plan something.”

    Cautiously, Selphie took a pencil and a paper, trying not to harm her nails. “So, we can make him a surprise party at the beach and we can invite all our friends. Obviously, Riku can’t know this.”

    “Good idea! Okay, let’s do it. I’ll talk with Sora to ask him help. He knows Riku better than anyone.”

    Kairi sat in a corner of the bed to rest her legs.

    “I can’t believe that our dear friend is going to be 17,” said Selphie.

    She blew her recent painted nails and closed her enamel.

    She continued. “Hey Kairi, just for curiosity, you know Riku will be 17 very soon…do you think he has a girlfriend?”

    “No… I guess. Why do you ask?” asked Kairi.

    Selphie felt a little nervous at this moment. “For n-nothing…”

    Kairi crossed her arms and started at Selphie. “You want something with Riku don’t you?”

    “What!? Me! No!” yelled Selphie hastily.

    “Oh yeah? I know you very well and I noticed the form that you see and treat Riku.”

    “No! You’re crazy!”

    “Admit it, Selphie, why don’t you tell Riku that you like him?”

    Selphie stood up. “I said NO! Why don’t you tell Sora that you like him too? Huh?! Huh?!”

    Kairi’ blinked at the statement.

    “What!? I don’t… like him! We are only friends. FRIENDS!!!”

    “Okay, then Riku and I are FRIENDS too, right?”

    “It isn’t the same case, Selphie.”

    “Of course it’s the same case.”




    Selphie took one of the two pillows that were at the bed and hit Kairi in her head with it.

    “So, you want fight eh?” Kairi said, taking the other pillow.

    She threw it to Selphie and both began to hit each other uncontrollably.
    While the two girls were “fighting”, many random phrases came from her mouths.

    “Take it!” “Riku’s girlfriend!” “Don’t talk because you are dying for Sora” “Argh!” “Die!” “Shut up you ******!”

    Suddenly, they heard the sound of the door moving. They looked at each other and stopped the little battle. Sora and Riku were at the entrance of the room.

    “SORA, RIKU! WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING HERE?” the girls yelled at the same time.

    Sora walked toward the bed to be closer of the girls. Kairi felt more nervous than ever. She felt that her hands and legs were trembling and her heart was beating faster.

    Sora crossed his arms. “Can I know why you two are fighting?”

    “W-well f-for nothing… heh, heh, heh…” Kairi replied, killed by nervous.

    Riku stopped beside Sora and crossed his arms as well.

    “When did you guys arrive here?” asked Selphie.

    “Now” answered Riku.

    “And you didn’t hear anything, right?”

    “No… except “Shut up you ****** and… well I can’t say the other word.”

    Kairi and Selphie sighed and settled her hairs.

    Kairi stood up and accommodated her pink dress. “Why are you guys here?”

    “Well, we want to talk to you about what you know at your house,” Sora said a little discretely.

    Selphie had an excellent hearing, so she could hear what Sora said.

    “What is what you know?” asked Selphie, raising an eyebrow.

    “NOTHING!” The trio yelled at once nervously.

    By her safety, they didn't want that someone knows what was happening.

    “I don’t believe you.”

    Riku decided to interfere in the situation. “It’s nothing of importance. It’s only about a surprise that Sora want to give to her mother”.

    “Oh… and why is it so secret?”

    “You know how discreet Sora is.”

    Kairi raised an eyebrow. “Discreet?”

    “Of course, Kairi,” Riku said, winking an eye.

    “Yes, I’m VERY discreet,” Sora added ironically.

    Riku looked through the window and gazed the dark sky. “Well, let’s go home, it’s too late.”

    “Yeah, Riku’s right. We have to go. Good-bye Selphie,” said Sora.

    Riku and Sora got outside of the room and waited for Kairi.

    Kairi kissed Selphie on the cheek. “Okay, bye Selphie.”

    “Just remember something, this battle isn’t over yet.” Kairi muttered in Selphie’s ear.

    “Yeah, of course isn’t. I’ll have my revenge on you.” Selphie replied with an evil smile on her lips.

    Kairi left the house and joined her two friends. The trio made their way to Kairi’s home.

    .................................................. .................................................. ............................

    Mickey was playing cards with Donald, Goofy, and Yuffie at the floor to make the wait shorter. The team of Mickey and Goofy was winning the game.

    Suddenly, the door opened itself.

    “Leon! You finally arrived! We are waiting for you for many hours,” said Donald because, as we all know, he is very impatient.

    “Hi, sorry for the delay but some problems are appearing lately.”

    Mickey threw his cards at the floor and stood up to talk to Leon. “Heartless…right?”

    Leon nodded. “I’m wondering why they're back.”

    “Yeah, me too. Those heartless are in my castle too and not only in my castle. I received letters from other words saying that heartless are appearing there. Leon, I need your help urgently. I need to found some information that I guess it’s at Ansem’s laboratory. I think it would help to solve this.”

    “Okay no problem, I’m going with you, follow me,” said Leon.

    Mickey nodded. “Okay, Donald, Goofy, stay here until I arrive.”

    “Yes, your majesty,” responded his loyal helpers formerly.

    King Mickey and Leon left the house.

    Yuffie closed the door and turned around to see Donald and Goofy. “So… what do you think if we buy some Sea Salt Ice Creams?”

    “Good idea, Yuffie,” Donald yelled delightedly. He and Goofy were very hungry because they hadn’t eaten anything during the whole day.

    “Okay let’s go, but… after we organize these cards,” said Yuffie, giggling.

    “What, this takes so much time and I’m hungry,” said Donald touching his stomach.

    “Donald, don’t be impatient, you will have your Sea Salt ice cream but FIRST we need to help Yuffie,” advised Goofy.

    “Okay, okay you’re right, you’re always right…,” Donald replied sarcastically as he took the cards of the floor.

    .................................................. .................................................. .............................

    In their way to the study, the King was explaining Leon with more details why he needed information from the computer of his old friend, Ansem.

    “The stability of the worlds is worrying me. Years ago, there was a balance between the light and the darkness, but now not. The darkness is trying to destroy the light taking worlds by their power and I don’t understand why it is keep happening. I don’t know why I’m thinking Xehanort is involved here.”

    Leon found strange that Mickey mentioned the name Xehanort if he was dead. “But Xehanort didn’t die?”

    “Yes, it supposed. Xehanort’s heartless and Xemnas, his nobody, die; but I never saw the real Xehanort die.”

    “And why are you thinking that Xehanort is involved in this?”

    “Well, a lot of things, but it’s a long story that I’ll explain you at the right moment.”

    .................................................. .................................................. ............................

    Sora, Kairi and Riku were sitting at the floor of the girl’s room. They were trying to invent theories about the King’s letter.

    “Hmm, maybe… I dunno ... can be another Organization!” Kairi said, thinking in the first thing that came to her mind as she read the letter.

    “I don’t think so, Kairi,” said Riku. He thought that another organization would be absurd.

    Sora decided to expose his own theories. “Hmm, maybe it would be something related with the keyblade."

    “It could be if you think about it,” replied the way to the dawn wielder.

    “But what is he going to tell us about the keyblade?” Kairi asked.

    Sora and Riku tried to figure out that. What the King could say them about this weapon?”

    “Maybe… how I obtain it, I still don’t understand how the keyblade choose its wielders or… if anyone had the keyblade before me.”

    Riku was surprised that these words came from Sora’s mouth. “Good point, Sora! You just said the most intelligent thing you have said ever!”

    “Hey, I always say intelligent things.”

    Kairi laughed. “Yes sure,” she said ironically.

    “You know, I was asking that question to myself during all this time,” said Riku.

    Sora stretched his arms. “I don’t know, the only thing that I KNOW is that I obtained the keyblade that day of the islands’ destruction.

    Kairi stood up and shook her dress. “Guys, I don’t now, but I guess it’s better to wait for the King’s explanation. We must not worry about things that we already don’t know. Let’s wait. The time will tell us what will happen and… only the destiny knows what’s next.”

    “Yeah, Kairi is right,” said Sora.

    Kairi glanced toward the clock on the wall. “Oh no! It’s late. You two go to your houses now!”

    “Why?” said the two teenagers at the same time. “It’s still early.”

    Kairi stared at Riku and Sora. “You forgot about it. Tomorrow… we have our first day of school!” she said cheerfully.

    “WHAT!!!????” Sora and Riku yelled in unison. They know this day would come, but they did not feel ready for this moment.

    Kairi chuckled. “Hey school isn’t so bad; it’s funny in some way. Relax. In addition, I have been a year attending to school without you two and it does not feel the same.”

    Riku sighed. “Okay Kairi, we are going with you tomorrow.”

    “Yes, Kairi, I will try to look the bright side of school.,” added Sora.

    Kairi felt delighted; she finally would walk to school with her two best friends at her side. “That’s what I need to hear from you.”

    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 14, 2008 in forum: Archives
  17. Heaxrt17
    Hi there! and welcome to Hope you have a nice time here. ^_^
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 14, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  18. Heaxrt17
    Awesome chapter like always. ^_^
    Wow you really have talent. I enjoy your fan-fics a lot. Your writing style is really good.
    Can't wait for the next chapter. :)
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 13, 2008 in forum: Archives
  19. Heaxrt17


    Hello .NinaHeart.! and welcome to Read the rules, post a lot and have fun. Hope you have a nice time here. ^_^
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 13, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  20. Heaxrt17
    Great job as always! ^_^
    This one of my favs chapter. I really enjoyed it. That True or Dare game was so funny. Axel said Nice a** instead of nice glass. That was hilarious. Keep it up.
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 13, 2008 in forum: Archives