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  1. Heaxrt17

    hi im new!

    Hello Kingdom Hero! Nice to meet you and welcome to Follow the rules, post a lot and have fun. Hope you have a nice time here! ^_^
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. Heaxrt17


    Hey there! Nice to meet you and welcome to Follow the rules, post a lot and have fun. Hope you have a nice time here. ^_^
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  3. Heaxrt17
    Here's a new chapter. I hope you like it. ^_^

    Chapter 8: No. XIV

    The sun was set at Radiant Garden. King Mickey was in front of the new ice cream store of Scrooge McDuck, Donald’s rich maternal uncle. Both were talking about the incredible sales Scrooge was having lately. Since the rich duck included the Sea Salt Ice Cream in his ice creams’ list, the sales started to increase marvelously. Everyone at Radiant Garden knew about these delicious snacks and they bought them every time they had the occasion to do it. Suddenly, King Mickey’s phone began to emit a brief beep.

    ”Excuse me, Scrooge. I have a call. Hello?”

    “Hi Your Majesty is Leon.”

    “Oh Leon! How are you?”

    “I’m fine. Well, I searched the info you need but…”

    “Great! What did you find?”

    “Sorry but... I have bad news for you.”


    “Yes. Someone erased all the information related with the name Xehanort.”

    “What?! It can’t be possible. Gosh, I never thought this would happen, but it’s okay. I’ll try to find another way to solve this problem.”

    “Your Majesty, it wouldn’t be better if you tell me why you need that info. Maybe, I know something that could help you.”

    “Okay, I’m gonna explain you everything, but I’d prefer to see you personally. See you at Merlin’s house at 6:00 pm, all right?”

    “No problem. I’ll be there.”

    “Perfect. Okay goodbye.”


    King Mickey hung up the call and put his silver phone again into his pocket. Then, he looked at Scrooge, who was staring at the King with a confused look.

    “What happen, King Mickey?”

    “Scrooge, many problems are appearing lately.”

    “Do all those problems have something to do with the heartless?”

    “Yes, but not just heartless…”

    “What do you mean?”

    “There’s a new enemy that is appearing frequently, hmm… it isn’t completely new…”


    After the unknown hooded man won the battle against the mysterious girl, he captured her and both disappeared through a portal of darkness. The portal took them to a very familiar place for both characters: Ansem the Wise Research Lab.

    “Let go of me! Please! What do you want from me?” She yelled, trying to release herself of the man’s big hands.

    “Shut up! It’s better that you cooperate with me, okay?”

    “Please, explain me what we are doing here," she supplicated.

    “You’ll know it, but not now!”

    “Tell me! I demand you!”

    “I said SHUT UP, Number fourteen!”

    “What did you just say?”

    The man ignored her and continued his secret plans. He reached the computer and typed the password quickly. As he got access to the computer, he wrote various things that weren’t in English. Immediately, the wall glowed and a new entrance appeared there.

    The girl was looking around to see if she had a choice to escape, but she couldn’t do anything. She sighed as she realized that her only hope to get out of this place was waiting for the unknown man’s actions.

    The man turned around and looked at her. He grabbed her hand and pulled her into the new entrance. “You come with me.”

    “No, let me go you idiot!” she screamed.


    Sora, Riku and Kairi were exhausted. They had been attacking “heartless” and more “heartless” for an innumerable amount of time. Unfortunately, they couldn’t beat even one! They were shadows, one of the weakest types of heartless, but they seemed to be invincible. They kept appearing and their number became even bigger than the amount of students.

    “Something isn’t right. Is this a joke? I can’t beat a simple, stupid and damned heartless!” Sora yelled as he moved his keyblade uncontrollably.

    Riku laughed seriously. "Wow, I can’t believe this. These aren’t heartless or your keyblade is…”

    Sora interrupted him. "You didn’t have beaten a simple heatless too, did you? That means your weapon isn’t functioning correctly.”

    “Maybe they are more powerful and need more than simple hits to beat,” Sora said. He stopped attacking them to rest his arm, which was hurting him so badly.

    “Sora, keep attacking!” Riku shouted.

    “Riku, do you think I am one of those super heroes that appear on TV and never get exhausted?”

    Selphie, who was trying to evade the little black monsters, giggled as she heard Sora’s comment. She thought this was a perfect moment to bother Kairi. “Of course Sora, you’re Kairi’s hero!” she yelled.

    Kairi gave her a murderous look. “Selphie… don’t make me…”

    Selphie grinned. “Don’t make me what? I’m not afraid of you. You’re so calm that you can’t kill a simple bug!”

    Kairi’s face turned red as she felt a big anger inside. “Consider yourself dead after this thing ends," she muttered under her breath.

    Sora and Riku were so busy that they didn’t hear the girls. They kept their minds on their enemies, the invincible heartless.


    After a long walk, the two enigmatic persons found themselves at a new room. It wasn’t so spacious and the place just had a big seat at the middle of the room with chains painted on the walls and the floor.

    “The Room of…” the girl muttered.

    “Shh!” he interrupted her. “Do you recognize that?” He pointed to an old soldier armor, which was resting on the floor.

    The girl’s eyes widened (It couldn’t be seen because she had her hood up). “Aqua’s armor! Why is it here?”

    “Shh! I can’t say. Do you know why I brought you here?”

    “No. Please tell me! I’ve been asking that question since we arrived here and you don’t want to tell me.”

    “I though you should imagine why I brought you here.”

    “No, I’m very confused. You can’t enter here. The only one that could enter was Xemnas, and he doesn’t exist anymore.”

    “Oh! I forgot… your ex-boss, right?”

    She stayed silent by a brief moment. Then, she took a deep breath and sighed. “Well…”

    “Why did you leave the Organization?”

    “I didn’t want to enter to that stupid Organization! It’s just that…” Her voice trailed off. She dropped the head.

    “It’s just what?” asked Terra, interested.

    “I was looking for someone and Xemnas promised me to find him there.”


    “Nah, I can't tell you that. I don’t even know who you are.”

    “Are you sure?”

    “Yes, maybe your voice sounds familiar to me, but I’m sure I never met you before.”

    “Maybe… you’re right…” he replied thoughtfully.

    Post by: Heaxrt17, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Archives
  4. Heaxrt17
    I like it. Nice story. :noworries:
    I like how you described the feelings and actions of the characters.
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Archives
  5. Heaxrt17
    Hello Goku! Nice to meet you and welcome to Follow the rules, post a lot and have fun. Hope you have a nice time here. ^_^
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  6. Heaxrt17
    It was so funny. :laughing-smiley-004 Great job! I like it.
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Archives
  7. Heaxrt17
    Wow! Awesome!

    I think this is your best chapter yet. It's really well written. Definitely, this is one of the best fan fictions on this site. I can't wait for the next chapter. ^_^

    Great job DF! :noworries:
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Archives
  8. Heaxrt17
    Until The End- Breaking Benjamin
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Heaxrt17
    Let's see... Mario and Sonic at the Olympics game, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team, Crash Boom Bang and some games of Pac-Man...
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  10. Heaxrt17
    This is a tough question. I agree with Soushirei. I think Math is something we created and then improved. It's a language to describe aspects of our real world and it makes our lives easier. For example, Numbers didn't previously exist, the human invented them to count objects and other functions. If we see a pair of apples, we call it "two" apples. The word "two" is a term created by the human to describe that pair of apple, like we do in language, we give a name to something that express the meaning of it concept. Math describes things that already exist. It have been changing throughout history and continue to be made today. Based on previous knowledge, people could modify it, and now Maths are using for a lot of things, such as astronomy, commerce, counting, calculation, medicine, formulas and more.
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: Debate Corner
  11. Heaxrt17
    Normal Sora= His regular outfit
    Drive= Final Form, AntiForm comes close.
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 28, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Heaxrt17
    Computer, friends, watch tv, write stories, read, draw, listen to music, sleep, video games and make AMVs.
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 28, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  13. Heaxrt17
    Thanks guys! ^_^
    I'm glad my grammar is getting better. ^^
    Don't worry stripy4, the character at the end of my previous chapter will be revealed very soon... trust me. ;)

    Here's chapter 7! I hope you like it.

    Chapter 7: HEARTLESS!

    “Sora, Sora! Please wake up!”

    The boy woke up breathing agitatedly. He was sweating and his heart was beating rapidly, like if it wanted to get out of his chest.

    Kairi, who was the one that had entered at the room with the objective of wake up Sora, only knew that the nightmare was about some girl called “Aqua”. That was because she heard him shouting her name.

    Sora sighed. “Oh Kairi, it’s you,” he said as he was trying to catch his breath again.

    “Yes, Sora, I see that you just had a horrible nightmare. Hey, just for curiosity… who is Aqua?”

    “Aqua? Oh! The girl of my dreams.”

    “What!?” Kairi yelled jealously.

    “No, I mean, a girl who APPEARED in my dream.”


    Kairi walked toward an old closet where Sora had his clothes. She opened its two doors and got Sora’s school uniform, a white long sleeves shirt and a blue jean.

    “Take it,” She said as she threw it over the bed. “Be ready the fastest possible, please. I don’t wanna be late today.”

    Sora yawned. “Okay Kairi” He stretched his arms and sat down in the bed.

    “Well, I’ll be waiting outside," she said.

    “Okay Kai,” replied Sora.

    The red-haired girl left the room and Sora got up. He walked toward a big oval mirror that was on one of the walls. When he looked at the mirror, he noticed something incredible: it didn’t show him but Roxas! Sora’s eyes widened. He scratched quickly his eyes to see if it was real or only a hallucination. Then, he opened them again and saw himself.

    “I don’t know, but I think I’m becoming crazy or something. Oh my God, what’s happening to me? First, the strange dreams that I’ve been having lately and now this!”

    Sora had never felt so confused in his entire life. Since he arrived to the island, he did not stop dreaming about the same people: Aqua, Ven and another guy whose name was unclear. Ven was very similar to Roxas in the physic. Aqua was a young woman that didn’t have a family and was very related with Ven. The other guy seemed to be the oldest of the group and Sora only saw him once, when he removed his helmet.

    “No, I gotta stop thinking of that. I have more important things to care about right now, like school…”

    While Sora was preparing himself for school, Kairi and Riku sustained a conversation to make the wait shorter.

    “Well Riku, are you ready?”

    “Yup, I’ve passed for many hard moments, but this isn’t one of them.”

    “I’m glad to hear you say that.”

    They remained silent by a moment. Riku raised his head to see the blue sky. Then, he turned his gaze to Kairi.

    “Kairi, you know that we didn’t have much time to talk about what happened a year ago. We just have been one week here together and you, Sora and I didn’t talk a lot of what happened.”

    “It’s true, Riku, you two have to tell me all those adventures of yours.”

    Riku dropped the head. “Kairi, I want you to forgive me.”

    Kairi looked at him confusedly. “Forgive you? Why?"

    “You know, for the things I did to you, like at Hollow Bastion. Maleficient brainwashed me and put me against you and Sora. I’m sorry. I know I did many bad things. I wanted to save you, but in the wrong way.”

    “Don’t worry. I have nothing to forgive you. At these moments, you were controlled by the darkness, Maleficient and Ansem, I mean, Xehanort heartless.” But in the end, everything was all right and we are happily together again.”

    “Yeah, you’re right. Thanks Kairi.”

    Kairi smiled. “You're welcome.”

    At this moment, Sora got out of his house and joined his two friends.

    “I’m ready,” he said.

    “You’re too late, Sora! Look what time it is! ” Kairi said, pointing at her clock.

    “It’s only 7:45,” said Sora.

    “The bell rings at 8:00AM! And you know what?”

    “What?” asked Sora.

    “We have to go in our boats! You know that takes 20 minutes!”

    Sora and Riku’s eyes widened. “Twenty minutes!” They yelled in unison.

    Kairi nodded, with a evil smile reflected in her lips.

    “I think you two forgot about your old school days. C’mon hurry!” She said as she left her two friends behind.

    Sora and Riku followed her to the place where their boats were waiting for them.


    A hooded person was walking through the wet streets of The World That Never Was. This world was dominated by darkness and there was no sign of life. Everything was so calm. After the Organization XIII destruction, this world was not the same. Many nobodies disappeared. It seemed like a world that didn’t exist, that was erased of the map; although it not even existed and its name was prove of it. Only that person could be appreciated, and by its shape, its looked like a girl. Her coat was the same as the Organization XIII. She was walking slowly, without having a fixed direction.

    Suddenly, she heard a strange sound. She looked around but everything was clear. She kept her walking thinking of what could be that sound, but then she forgot about it. After many minutes, she heard many steps of someone that was walking near her. She turned around and looked around again. Another hooded person was walking to her, wearing a light brow coat. The mysterious girl was scared and summoned a weapon to protect herself. She sustained it strongly, trying to hide her fear. Her weapon was like a keyblade, but without a keychan. The other character summoned his weapon as well. It was a keyblade very similar to the girl’s weapon, but bigger.

    “Who are you?” She asked with fear in her voice.

    “My name is of no importance, I only come here to accomplish an order,” he replied.

    “An order? What kind of order?”
    His voice seemed familiar to the girl, but no one came to her mind.

    “I can’t tell you that. The only thing I’ll tell you is that is better that you cooperate with me.”

    She raised an eyebrow. “Cooperate with what?”

    He raised his weapon and tried to hit her, but she blocked him with her “keyblade”.

    “Who are you!? What do you want?” she cried, making force with her weapon.

    “I want… YOU!” he shouted. He quickly put away his blade.

    The girl ran back like 12 feet away from him and took impulse. Then, she ran to her enemy and jumped, trying to hit him. Unfortunately, he avoided the attack and blocked her again. Both tried to hit each other, but they failed. They were very skilled and seemed to have enough experience in fighting.

    Suddenly, the mysterious man could touch her. He gave her a hard blow, that made her fell on her knees. She touched her belly, where she had received the blow. She felt a great pain, but tried to hide it.

    Her enemy, which was standing in front of her, pointed her with his weapon. The girl, as she felt the heat of his presence, raised her head to look at him.


    After the 20 minutes trip, Sora, Riku and Kairi made their way to school. They saw a big orange building, which said “Destiny High School”. It was recent painted and had a big garden full of many colorful trees and flowers. As they entered through the elegant gate, they found themselves in the courtyard. For Sora and Riku, this was a big impression. Kairi felt a little different because she was with her two friends again. They glanced at the new place.

    Different types of students were there. Girls that were always keeping an eye on boys, nerds, girls talking secrets in a corner and guys in gangs planning something wicked. Everybody turned around to see Kairi and her two companions. Kairi was recognizable, but everyone forgot about the other two. Everyone stood silent for a moment.

    “I feel like an alien,” Sora muttered in Riku’s ear.

    “Me too…” he replied.

    The three teenagers wanted to hear anyone say something to break the deep silence. Finally, a feminine voice broke it.

    “Hey guys!” Selphie greeted.

    She was with Wakka and Tidus.

    All the students returned to do their stuff and Selphie and company came close to the trio to talk.


    “What was that?” Sora asked.

    Kairi and Selphie’s eyes widened. “Oh no, that is Mrs. Simpson’s voice!”

    Sora raised an eyebrow. “What?"

    “Your teacher, silly!” replied Kairi. “She needs help, let’s try to find her!”

    Everyone was scared by the teacher’s voice. Unfortunately, the gate that permitted the entrance to the teachers’ room was closed.

    “No, what do we do now?” Kairi asked desperately.

    “Hey! Look at that cute rabbit!” said Selphie, pointing at something.

    No one paid attention to her because Selphie used to say cute to everything she sees.

    Riku didn’t know what to say. “Well… let’s make something!”

    Selphie continued. “But I had never seen a rabbit like this one, black with yellow eyes.”

    “Black with yellow eyes?" Slowly, Sora turned around to see what Selphie was pointing at. He couldn’t believe what his eyes were seeing: a black monster with bright yellow eyes. It was moving uncontrollably.

    “A HEARTLESS!” he yelled.

    Riku and Kairi’s eyes widened. They saw two heartless that came from the ground.

    “HEARTLESS!” they screamed.

    Selphie was confused. “So that isn’t a rabbit, is a… heartless?”

    Many shadows emerged from the ground. Some of them started jumping onto many students, while others just ran through the courtyard to scare the poor students. Everyone was running crazily through the place, causing some crashes and falls between them.

    “Heartless, what are they doing here?” said Riku. He summoned his Way to the Dawn and began to hit every “heartless” that appeared in his way.

    “Not again!” Sora growled, summoning his keyblade.

    Kairi looked around and then at her two friends. She wanted to make something useful this time and, trying to imitate her friends, she summoned her keyblade.

    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 28, 2008 in forum: Archives
  14. Heaxrt17
    Congratulations, your dead body is worth $5750!
    Doesn't that make you feel great?

    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 27, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Heaxrt17
  16. Heaxrt17
  17. Heaxrt17


    Hello! Welcome to Read the rules, post a lot and have fun. Hope you have a nice time here. ^_^
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 27, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  18. Heaxrt17
    December 2006. I got KH2 for Christmas and one month later KH1 and KH:COM and then... I got hooked. ^_^
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. Heaxrt17
    I like it! Great job. :noworries:
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: Archives
  20. Heaxrt17
    Hello KWDW! Nice to meet you and welcome to Follow the rules, post a lot and have fun. Hope you have a nice time here! ^_^
    Post by: Heaxrt17, Jan 25, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures