Hello! Nice to meet you and welcome to KH-vids.net. Hope you have a great time here! See ya around. :lol2:
Hello! Welcome to KH-vids.net. Hope you have a nice time here. ^_^
Nice story! I like this new idea. I enjoyed the descriptions. This is gonna be really interesting. Hope you can continue it. Great job! ^_^
Thanks! ^_^ The one who was talking with Aqua's nobody could be Terra... or maybe not? ............................................................................................. Anyway, I'm gonna explain something I said before that could confuse. When I said that in Sora's last dream a guy kidnapped Aqua and he isn't the same character of this chapter, I was referring to this part: Suddenly, a cloaked person entered at the room and interrupted the dramatic scene. His cloak was light brown and seemed to be a teenager. Both separated of each other and gazed the new visitant. “What are you doing here?†Ven yelled as he stepped in front of the girl. The stranger raised his hand and blew Ven in his face. He fell at the floor, leaving Aqua without protection. “Ven!†cried the blue-haired girl. The man grabbed Aqua’s arm and put his hand over her mouth. Ven tried to get up and noticed that his lip was bleeding. He saw the stranger making a black portal of darkness at the wall. “Let her go!†He yelled. Before Ven could put his feet again at the floor, Aqua and the cloaked person disappeared through the portal. “Aqua no… come back Aqua!†The guy who appeared here isn't the same who was talking to Aqua's nobody. They have the same clothes, but they aren't the same person. That's just in case you guys forgot about that part. Again, thanks for reading and for your comments. I have the next chapter almost done and I'll post it soon. :)
Hey there! Welcome to KH-vids.net. Follow the rules, post a lot and have fun. Hope you have a nice time here. See ya around. :)
Hello! Welcome to KH-vids.net. Follow the rules, post a lot and have fun. Hope you have a great time here! ^_^ See ya around.
Great job as usual. Awesome chapter. I liked how you described the characters'action. Poor Jack Sparrow. The Ansem comp and BHK parts were really funny. ^_^ Keep up the great job. :noworries:
Hello! Nice to meet you and welcome to KH-vids.net. Post lots and have fun. Hope you have a nice time here! ^_^
Hello M! Nice to meet you and welcome to KH-vids.net. Read the rules, post a lot and have fun. I play volleyball too. I'm not very good at it but I like it. Also I love to draw and I can't wait to drive. Well welcome again and I hope you have a great time here. ^_^ See ya around.
Hello Raven! Nice to meet you and welcome to KH-vids.net. Post lots and have fun. Hope you have a nice time here. ^_^ See ya around.
Hello Cat! Nice to meet you and welcome to KH-vids.net. Hope you enjoy your stay here. ^_^ See ya around.
Awesome chapter! I want to see Mansex's mental breakdown too. It would be really interesting. I think you shouldn't bring him back yet. Can't wait for the next chapter. Keep up the good work. ^_^
Hello Sacae! Nice to meet you and welcome to KH-vids.net. Follow the rules, post a lot and have fun. Hope you have a nice time here! See ya around. ^_^
Chapter 9: New Discoveries Finally a new chapter! It took me forever but it's finally here. This is probably my longest chapter yet. I hope you like it! :) Chapter 9: New Discoveries “Forget it, Riku! We will never beat these stupid heartless! This is gonna take us forever!” Sora yelled. He felt that his arm might not tolerate more movements. It had never got so painful. Unfortunately, he couldn’t stop attacking because the heartless would jump above him, and the rest of the students would be defenseless. Sora wasn’t the only one exhausted. Riku was losing control of himself as he couldn’t defeat the shadows. The silver-haired boy had never cursed as much as this moment. Kairi was about to faint, but she tried to maintain her feet on the ground. She didn’t have enough experience using her weapon and she felt that she couldn’t raise her arm anymore. For their misfortune, the heartless kept appearing and appearing. Suddenly, the little black monsters began to glow, becoming completely white. Their usual “shadow” form started to transform into another enemy. Riku’s face had a confused expression. “What’s going on? They are… transforming…” “Great! Now we have transformers as enemies!” Sora yelled sarcastically. All the students were freaked out and some of them were unconscious over the ground. Everyone, except the “Destiny trio”, was running without control. Selphie was tired of evade and evade these “heartless”. She opened her bag and took out her rope. She lifted it and then shook it like a whip. “Get out of my way!” she yelled. Wakka stared at Selphie. “Hey Selphie! What the hell are you doing?” “Unlike you, I’m defending myself. I’m not gonna run over the courtyard like everyone is doing. That doesn’t solve anything. You should make something too!” “What can I do?” asked Wakka. “Do you have your Blitzball?” “Yes. It’s in my backpack.” “SO, don’t be stupid and take it! Try to hit these heartless with it like you fight with us at the island.” Wakka nodded. He took out his Blitzball of his black backpack and twirled it with the tip of his index finger. “Now it’s time to fight!” Tidus stared at his two friends. Selphie looked at him and rolled her eyes. “Tidus… do I have to tell you what to do too?” “I don’t have anything to use as a weapon. I’m not going to use my wooden sword okay? That doesn’t serve of anything,” Tidus said. “HELLO! Use another thing!” the girl yelled. Tidus looked around and saw a stick of a tree on the ground. Rapidly, he took it and pointed straight to his enemies. “I have a stick. Fear me!” “Do you think that’s better than your wooden sword?" asked Selphie. "I’m really surprised with your intelligence, Tidus.” “Look who is talking. The girl who said that a heartless is a cute bunny! Do you consider that intelligent?” Tidus said, crossing his arms. “Shut up your mouth Tidus!” yelled Selphie. “Shut up you!” Tidus replied. “You” “No! You!” “You!” Sora and Riku stared at Selphie and Tidus. “Shut up you two!” They yelled in unison. All the students gave them a funny look. Finally, the “heartless” transformed into little blue robots. Some thunders came from them and electrocuted three girls. “Oh no!” Tidus shouted. Those girls were my ex-girlfriends!” “Well, forget about them. They died. Let them rest in peace,” said Selphie. Suddenly, Sora felt something strange inside him. He touched his chest and closed his eyes. “Sora, are you all right?” Riku asked. Sora slowly nodded. “Yeah… I think so.” The keyblade wielder felt a compression inside his chest. Something wanted to get out of his body. Suddenly, a blonde boy emerged from Sora’s body. As he completely left his body, he stopped in front of Sora with a smile on his face. He was a 15 years old boy of the same stature as the keyblade bearer. “Hello Sora! Long time no see," he said cheerfully. The students had never seen such a thing. No one said something and Sora was speechless. He decided to say something at last. “Roxas?” asked Sora. “Obviously, please don’t tell me you forgot about me. It's been only a week since we don’t see each other.” “I didn’t forget about you, Roxas. It’s just that I never imagined you could get out of my body.” “Yes, I can. Happy?” “I don’t know… Oh yeah! Why can’t I be happy about it?” “I see you need some help, don’t you?” “Yeah, but first I got a question. Why do you have an own body?” “I don’t have time to explain you that long issue," replied Roxas. "Look, you have got to defeat all these heartless before they take you down." Selphie, Wakka and Tidus, who were busy attacking the “heartless”, finally saw the new boy. “Where did he come from?” Selphie said to her two friends. “I don’t know. Maybe he is a new student,” answered Tidus. A blonde-haired girl came close to Roxas and Sora. She wore a simple white dress with blue sandals. She tossed her sleek and long hair behind her back and smiled shyly at the spiky-haired boys. “Hi guys!” she greeted. Kairi walked to the blonde-haired girl and stopped beside her. “Oh Naminé, you can leave Kairi’s body too!” exclaimed Sora. “Yes Sora. I can, but not for a long time. We just can leave from your bodies when you two need help.” “Where did she come from?” Tidus asked confusedly. “I don’t know. Maybe she is a new student,” Wakka replied. Tidus gave him a funny look. “Hey Wakka, don’t repeat my words!” “But she can be a new student!” Selphie took firmly her rope and whipped Tidus and Wakka. “Okay guys stop discussing!” “Ouch! Selphie don’t do that again!” They yelled in harmony. “Please Roxas help me with these heartless," begged Sora. "I’ve been HOURS trying to beat them." “Sora, you just need some upgrades to that keyblade. Now you have new enemies to face,” Roxas explained as he pointed to the keyblade. “How do you know that?” “I don’t know.” “What an answer… and how can I get those upgrades?” “You have nothing to worry about; Namine will give them to you and your friends.” “Perfect!” Sora raised his keyblade and Namine touched it with her right hand. A light came from her hand and entered into the keyblade. She did the same with Kairi and Riku’s weapons. “Now you can kick those monsters’ butt!” Roxas yelled cheerfully. “Thanks Namine. And…Roxas… are you going to help me too?” Sora asked. Roxas shook his head. “No Sora, I have to go. You don’t need me. Your friends are enough. They are your power, aren’t they? Bye and good luck!” Sora smiled at him and nodded. Roxas faded and entered again into Sora’s body, and the same did Namine with Kairi. Sora felt ready to face the monsters. He grabbed his keyblade and pointed at his enemies. "Now it's showtime!" ............................................................................................................................ After the cloaked man showed the armor to the “No.14th”, he took her through a new secret entrance that he created. Both entered and looked at the new place. It seemed to be an old laboratory that did not have any use lately, even though everything was functioning correctly. The lights were on, there were machines of different types prepared for every kind of experiment and some computers were showing data in symbols. Someone had been using this lab secretly because everyone believed it was closed after the accident with Xehanort and the other apprentices. “This is… Ansem’s secret lab. Here is where he did all those risky experiments,” the enigmatic girl said as she glanced at her surroundings. The man nodded. “Yes” “What are we doing here? Why all these things are working? The lab was closed after that accident with Ansem’s apprentices.” She said. “I see… you know a lot, don’t you? Yeah, it’s true. This lab was closed, but Xemnas could open it before his death.” “Oh… but I still don’t understand why you bring me here. Honestly, this place scares me. I feel like someone is here… waiting for us…” “I took you here to see someone.” “Really? Who?” “It isn’t obvious?” “Not for me.” He took a deep breath and sighed. He said at last, “Your somebody.” The girl was speechless. She didn’t know what to say. She felt a great cold running through her body and her heart started beating faster. Finally, she took courage to say something. “My…what? Is she here?” He nodded. “Her body is here. She in essence is inside of you.” “I want to see her. Take me to her! Please!” “Follow me,” the man said, walking toward a black door that had various button on. He typed a password, which made the door to open itself. The two mysterious characters entered inside another new room and looked around. It wan an empty and dark place, only a body of a woman resting of a bed could be seen from the entrance. The girl gave few steps forward as she tried to look who was resting there. Finally, she saw a blue-haired girl unconscious over the silver bed. Her face was pale and her thin body was wearing a white coat. “Aqua!” she yelled as she ran toward the unconscious body. She kneeled down and slowly grabbed her cold hand. “But how could this happen? Her body is intact. It has been 10 years since she died.” The member number fourteen said. “I don’t know. I think this is a special case.” “According to what I know, when someone’s heart is stolen, the body and the soul remain and form a nobody, but the body of the somebody it’s supposed to disappear.” “Yeah, you’re right in some way, but there are other things…” “What things?” “Never mind…” “Tell me, please!” she begged. “I’ll tell you, but not here. Someone can hear us.” “No one can hear us. We are alone… I guess…” “We are…” His voice trailed off. He tried to don’t look at the girl and turned his gaze to the floor. “Alone…” He finally said. The girl sighed and looked at Aqua’s body. Slowly, she massaged her right cheek and touched her short blue hair. “I can’t believe that one of her best friends killed her. That was so painful.” The man was taken off guard. “What?” “You didn’t know it? Aqua was killed by one of her two partners, Terra…” ‘Yes, I know that, but Terra was controlled by Master Xehanort at that moment. He didn’t know what he was doing. He didn’t care for anything but power and the darkness. He brainwashed him making him think the darkness was the right way.” She started to lose control of herself and raised her tone of voice. “But that was bad! Aqua wanted to help Ven because Terra forgot about him completely. He made a fake hypocrite promise: I will protect Ven of everything. Of course, that didn’t mean anything for him!” “Calm down. I know how you feel. You trusted in Terra but he betrayed you and Ven because of Master Xehanort. It’s not his fault.” “Why do you defend him? I thought he was a good man. I still remember his voice, especially in that occasion when he told me something that I will never forget: Aqua, please calm down, don’t cry…” Her voice trailed off and tears dropped over her black coat. She dried them and sighed. She continued. “Everything will be fine. I will be always with you and Ven. Master Xehanort will never win this battle. Together we can get out of this. No matter how much darkness enters inside my heart, no matter if my soul lose its track in the nothingness. I’ll never let you down you, even if I…” “If I have to lose my life, even if I have to lose my freedom, you two will be always present in my heart and the darkness isn’t going to beat me," He finished. The member number 14 was shocked by those words. Words didn’t come to her mouth. She felt her heart beating so fast as if it wanted to get out of her chest. She started breathing faster. That voice always seemed familiar to her and now she knew why. She raised her hand to touch the man’s face, which was hidden by the hood. “T-Terra? Is that y-you?” she stammered. Her hand trembled as she got it closer to his face. He stopped her with his hand and started to take off his hood to reveal his face. ............................................................................................................................... Note: And that was chapter 9. I hope you liked it. I was thinking of the next chapters of this story and here are some details I think you should know before I keep posting: 1. In the last dream of Sora, Aqua was kidnapped by an unknown character. This character isn't the same guy of this chapter (chapter 9). 2. Heartless is written "heartless". 3. Today is Monday (In the story). 4. King Mickey will send Chip & Dale in three days to Destiny Islands. And that's all I can think of now. Thanks for reading and feel free to comment. ^_^
Great job! I like this new chapter. Can't wait for the next one. ^_^
I like this chapter. Good job! :) Your spelling and grammar are good. Keep it up. ^_^
Hello! Nice to meet you and welcome to KH-vids.net. Hope you have fun here! See ya around. ^_^
This story is really good! I like how you described the characters'actions. Here's some somebody's names: No.5 Lexaeus - Aeleus (Eleus - North American Version ) No.6 Zexion - Ienzo
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Hello Noana901! Welcome to KH-vids.net. Read the rules, post a lot and have fun. Hope you have a great time here. See ya around. ^_^