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XD Great job. Hmm... I'm not good with titles, weapons or powers for an Organization member but I'll try to say something... power, something related with sound. Weapon... a mirror, a whip or a flute (lol). As for the title... "The Silence breaker" or "Noise Spirit. (They sound kinda strange...). Those are some crazy ideas I came up with.
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Sora should have made that, but he didn't think about it at that moment. He was so tired by everything that had happened there. (He just wanted to get out of that place as soon as posible, that's why he didn't insist too much.) ^_^
Chapter 11: A New Report Thanks for all the support. =D I finally finished with all my school projects and now I have time to continue writing. Here's a new chapter. Enjoy! Chapter 11: A New Report The enigmatic man completely lowered his hood. He had a pale face, dark brown hair, blue eyes, and a small scar at the right side of his forehead. He didn’t say a single word and just lowered his head. The girl was a bit surprised as she saw his face, but then she smiled. In spite of the big surprise, she felt better as she knew who he was. “Terra, I knew it was you,†she said with a soft tone of voice. “I…†He replied without raising the head. “You have nothing to say,†she interrupted hastily. “I know… you should feel guilty because of what you did. Now I see everything clearer. You killed Aqua because of Master Xehanort. But now… why are you here? Why did you come here to find me?†Finally, Terra raised his head, but didn’t dare to look at the girl. “My master sent me to The World That Never Was to find you and....,†he said as he kept his gaze to the floor. “What does he want from me?†Aqua’s nobody interrupted again. “Well…†“Please tell me, and don’t lie me,†she supplicated. “I want the truth. I’m tired of being in a world full of lies.†Terra remained silent by a moment and after few seconds, he decided to speak. “He wants me to get rid of you because you can harm his plans,†he said. She blinked. “What? Then, you will kill me like you did with Aqua, right?†Terra noticed that she had elevated her voice’s tone. “I bet that order is from Master Xehanort, isn’t? I see he is still dominating you.†Terra looked at her. “I’m not gonna do it,†he said as he tried to maintain the calm. The member number fourteen was surprised by Terra’s unexpected answer and blinked again. “What? Are you going to disobey him? You can’t do it. He is way too powerful and can kill you in just two seconds.†“I know, but I don’t care,†said Terra. “I’m not going to be his puppet anymore. I’ll repair the mistakes I did in the past. I don’t want to do them again.†“Terra, you can’t change the past. We all want to do it, but we can’t. That’s how life is. You cannot bring Aqua back.†“Do you think I can’t do it?†he asked. “No one can do it,†she answered. “There is a way, but I don’t know if you would accept it.†“Tell me.†Terra took a deep breath and sighed. He took out an old enrolled paper from his cloak’s pocket and gave it to the girl. Waiting no time, she took the yellow paper and uncoiled it. She began to read it in her mind. Her eyes moved quickly as she read each sentence of the paper. “This is an Ansem Report,†she said as she read the title. Terra nodded.†Yes, it is Ansem Report Y. Few people know about the existence of this report. It was hidden because it contains information that could change a lot of things drastically.†“Why do you have it?†she asked as she kept her eyes on the paper. “I found it here,†he answered. “Read it and tell me what you think.†The hooded girl read the last sentences of the report and her eyes widened. She was shocked by something she had read on that paper. The girl turned her gaze to Terra, who was staring at her, waiting for her answer. “Oh my… wow… just wow…,†she said with her eyes widened as two dishes. “And… what do you think of it?†asked Terra. “I never imagine such a thing. How could… Is t-that true?†she stammered. Terra slowly nodded. “Yes, it is.†“Can you explain me this better?†she inquired. “I don’t know if I understood well.†“I think you understood very well,†said Terra. “Yes it is true. When a nobody disappears, its somebody automatically reborn. It’s something a little complex to explain, see?†“Are you pretty sure that Ansem wrote this report?†she asked. “Well, it said “Ansem Report Yâ€. I suppose he did write it.†She gave back the paper to Terra and started staring at the floor. “So, the other way to return Aqua is… killing me… then I will disappear and return to Aqua.†“Well, something like that, but don’t use the word “killâ€. There’s another way to return you to Aqua’s body,†he said as he enrolled the paper again and put it inside his pocket. “Is it necessary to return me to her?†she asked. Terra nodded again. “Yeah, it is. In order for Aqua to become completely whole again… she needs you. You hold half of what she is.†“Oh, I see… so, what is the other way to return me to Aqua without killing?†“Converting you in data and then transferring that data to her body,†explained Terra. “Okay let’s do it then!†she said. “Are you sure you want to do it?†he asked. She nodded. “Yes, I want to. I’ll do everything to return her back.†“Okay, then come with me,†Terra said as he walked to a new black door near him. ................................................................................................................................ “Just one heartless!†I can’t believe it!†Sora yelled as he took a glance at his surroundings. After many long and tiring hours, Sora and the group could finally defeat all the “heartlessâ€. There was just a little dark blue robot in front of the keyblade bearer, looking at him with its bright red eyes. Sora took his keyblade firmly with two hands, pressing strongly his hands to the grip. He charged at the enemy and gave it the final blow with all his remaining forces. The robot slowly fell over the ground and released a white floating powder, which disappeared in just three seconds. “Yes!†he yelled. He turned around and a smile was drawn on his sweated face. “Good job everyone, especially you, Kairi. You’re getting better and better.†Selphie crossed her arms over her chest and raised an eyebrow. “You gotta be kidding, Sora. Kairi hit you, remember?†Sora looked at Selphie. “But at least, she defeated more heartless than you.†Selphie got angry by Sora’s comment and stared at him with her arms still crossed. “What? That was because your weapons are strong enough and have especial powers to defeat them. My rope doesn’t have any powers.†Riku shook his head. “Guys please, stop talking, we have to…†“Hello!†a voice of a girl was heard behind Riku. Everyone turned around to see the unknown girl. She had long and curly blonde hair and her thin body dressed the same school uniform as Kairi and Selphie. “Er… hi!†greeted Sora. “I am…†She interrupted Sora’s introduction. “Sora, I know.†Riku and Kairi looked at each other with a puzzled expression, and then looked again at the blonde-haired girl. “Why did she know his name?†they thought. “H-how do you know my name?†asked Sora shocked. “Everyone knows your name, who doesn’t?†she said cheerfully. “You are the keyblade’s chosen one, aren’t you?†While she was talking, the rest of the students murmured about the girl. Everyone at the school thought that she was crazy because they considered her “different†to the rest of the students. She was always alone in a corner, talking to herself. No one liked to talk to her, and less, to insult her because if someone did it, something strange occurred. One day, a boy shouted her psychopath, and two days later, he disappeared and no one knew more about him. “Oh… and who are they?†she asked as she pointed toward Riku and Kairi. “They are my friends, Riku and Kairi,†answered Sora. “Nice to meet you,†she said with a radiant smile. “And you are…,†said Riku. “Oh! I forgot to introduce myself,†she said. My name is Emily. Well, we have to move on. The teachers need our help. I think there are dissouls inside the teachers’ room.†Sora blinked as he heard the word “dissoulsâ€. He heard something he had never hear in all his life as a keyblade wielder. “W-what did you just say?†he asked. “What? Dissouls?†“Yeah, what is it?†“The robots you just defeated. Don’t tell me you didn’t know about them.†“No, I had never heard anything about them,†said Sora. “So, that’s a new enemy, like the heartless and the nobodies.†Emily nodded. “Yes, follow me, we have to pass that gate,†she said as she pointed to the big black gate that conduced to the classrooms and the teachers’ rooms. Sora followed her and the same did Riku and Kairi. Wakka, Tidus and Selphie preferred to stay with the rest of the students. A fat guy with black sunglasses (which hided his round eyes completely) and a dark green police’s uniform was in front of the fine and elegant gate. Sora came forward and said, “Can you let us pass? We need to save the teachers. They need us!†“Sorry, I can’t let you pass,†he answered. “It’s against the rules.†“What? But I’m the keyblade master!†yelled Sora. I can defeat all of those monsters.†Riku and Kairi thought that he sounded weird saying that and face-palmed themselves. The guardsman gave a serious laughter “So, you’re the keyblade master, huh? Then, I’m the director of this school,†the guard said with a mocking smile. “He is not kidding!†shouted Emily. “Get out of my sight! Now!†the security guard cried angrily. “Don’t play to be heroes here. Go back to your homes. Classes are canceled!†Sora didn’t want to leave everything like it was. “But…†Kairi sighed. “Okay, let’s go home then, guys. This guardsman isn’t going to let us pass.†Everyone nodded and returned where the rest of the students were, waiting to hear what happened. Tidus was the first one to run toward Sora and companion. “What happened?†he asked. “Nothing, the security guard didn’t let us pass. We all have to go back to our homes. Classes were canceled,†Sora explained aloud, allowing the rest of the students to know what was going on. ............................................................................................................................... “Oh your Majesty you’re gonna be really missed here,†sairith. The King, Donald, and Goofy had their suitcases ready to go back to their home. They were saying goodbye to their kind and wonderful friends at Radiant Garden: Aerith, Leon, Yuffie, Merlin, Cid, and Scrooge McDuck. “Don’t worry; I’ll come here to visit you guys again,†said Mickey, followed by a smile. “Yeah it’s a promise!†added Donald. “Please be careful, your majesty, and good luck with whatever you are gonna do. I’m sure you’ll be fine. If something happens, bad or good, please tell me, okay?†said Leon. Mickey nodded as he took his suitcase from the floor. “Okay, no problem. After I talk with Sora, I’ll send you a letter explaining everything clearly.†...............................................................................................................................
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Hello! Nice to meet you and welcome to KH-vids.net. Follow the rules, post a lot and have fun. I love to draw too. ^_^ Hope you have a great time here! See ya around.
Hello Jorrell! Nice to meet you and welcome to KH-vids.net. Hope you have a nice time here. See ya around. ^_^
All Around Me - Flyleaf
Awesome! I really like it. I liked the effects, the story, everything! You made a great job.
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Chapter 10: Explanation of the Past Thank you! :) Here's a new chapter. Sorry it took me so long. I had a lot of school projects to do and I'm still have to finish others. :( I hope you guys like this one. ^_^ Chapter 10: Explanation of the Past After several hits with the keyblade upgraded, the keyblade wielder could finally defeat one of the countless “heartless” that were against him. The dark blue robot slowly fell over the green grass and started fading, releasing a floating white powder which disappeared instantly. “I defeated one!” Sora yelled as if he had defeated 2000 heartless in a battle. However, Sora started feeling confused. He didn’t understand why the robot released a powder instead of a heart. (That is what the normal heartless used to release after they are defeated.) “Wait a minute, it didn’t release a heart! Just a …” FLASHBACK Aqua was with his friend, Ven. Both of them were surrounded by black and dark blue robots of the same stature as a kitchen’s table. “There’s too many! We can’t beat them all by ourselves!” the blue haired girl shouted as her blue eyes moved quickly from a side to other, scanning each enemy. Ven blocked with his keyblade an upcoming attack from a mischievous black robot. “Of course we can!” he said as he made force with his weapon to impede the attack. Aqua defeated two of them of a single blow. They slowly fell on the floor and started fading, releasing a white powder which disappeared in just five seconds. END OF FLASHBACK “Oh yeah… Why didn’t I see it before?” Sora started muttering to himself. Riku turned his gaze to Sora. He could hear his friend saying something and tried to decipher what it was, but he couldn’t. “Sora, what are you talking about?” asked Riku. Sora didn’t pay attention to his friend and kept talking to himself. “That makes a lot of sense, or not… nah… that doesn’t make any sense at all…” Riku hated being ignored and shouted him, “Sora!” Sora jumped frightening and looked at the silver-haired boy. “What?” “What are you talking about?” he asked one more time. “Riku, don’t you see it? Those “heartless” are the same of the dream!” Riku raised an eyebrow and gave him a confused look. “What dream?” “The dream with Aqua and Ven, you know, when they were defeating the … Oh right … I haven't had time to talk to you about that dream.” “Oh, another dream about the same people again. Really Sora, those dreams of yours are worrying me. You've got to tell all these dreams to the King.” Sora slowly nodded. “Yeah, I know.” “Sora, behind you!” Kairi yelled frightening. Sora turned around and his eyes widened as he saw what was coming to him. He took his keyblade firmly with his two hands, but it was too late. A lot of blue robots jumped on the poor spiky-haired boy and left him defenseless. Accidentally, he loosed his keyblade and one of his enemies took it. It began to scan it with its red eyes. Sora, as he tried to raise his head to look at the mischievous robot who took his weapon, yelled, “Hey give it back! That is not a toy!” He tried to take out the monsters above him, but he failed miserably. The youth couldn’t stand up and, for his misfortune; the robots started emitting strong rays on him. “Sora! Leave him alone!” Kairi cried. She took her flower keyblade firmly with her right hand and charged at the enemies, who were electrocuting crazily the poor boy. As the robots looked at the girl’s weapon, they quickly ran away, leaving no time to Kairi to stop her attack. The spiky-haired boy, who had his hair spikier than before because of the hurting rays, raised his head and his eyes grew as two car’s wheels when he saw the girl. “Kairi, NO!” yelled Riku. POOM! Kairi hit Sora on his head, again, but this time the boy didn’t faint. Sora was about to explode of the big pain in all his body, especially, in his head. Kairi flushed a little. “Sora, I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. I didn’t want to hurt you. I just want to save you!” she yelled in despair. Everyone was very worried about Sora, except Selphie, who always made a stupid comment to hurt Kairi. “Poor Sora, first day of school, electrocuted by the “heartless” and now hit by his girlfriend,” she said to Tidus and Wakka. Kairi stared at Selphie and gave her a murderous look. “I’M NOT HIS GIRLFRIEND!” Selphie rolled her eyes. “Whatever…” Riku and Kairi grabbed Sora by his hands and helped him to stand up. “Are you okay?” asked Riku. Sora nodded and started massaging his head with his right hand. “Yeah, no worries. I just have a little headache.” “Sora, please forgive me. I’m really sorry.” Kairi said embarrassedly. “Kai, don’t worry. I know it was not your fault. You tried to save me but…” “Kairi fail!” Selphie interrupted. Wakka and Tidus were exhausted of hear Selphie speaking nonsense, and if they could, they would kick her off the school’s garden. “Selphie please shut up. This is serious.” Wakka said to the browned-haired girl. Riku shook his head. “Guys please don’t stop attacking. We got to end this soon to save Mrs. Simpson.” “But first, tell that stupid monster to give me back my keyblade.” Sora said as he pointed to the robot who took his weapon. It was scanning it again and once again. “That’s pretty easy, Sora. Riku charged at the small enemy and blew it with all his forces. It started fading and released the white powder. The keyblade fell over the ground and returned into Sora’s hand. Selphie started clapping. “That was wonderful!” she shouted. Wakka and Tidus face-palmed themselves. “What did she eat this morning?” Tidus muttered in Wakka’s ear. ............................................................................................................................. “So… you’re gonna explain the whole problem to Leon, right?” Donald asked. Donald, Goofy, and King Mickey were at Merlin’s house talking about the conversation between the King and Leon. Donald and Goofy tasted delicious and refreshing sea salt ice creams from Scrooge’s store, while the King walked desperately from side to another side of the room. The King looked at Donald. “Yes. He will come here at 6:00P.M.to talk about everything.” “I can’t wait until 6:00P.M. your majesty! It’s only 7:30AM,” said Donald. Goofy gave another bite to his sea salt ice cream and stared at the duck. “Donald, please don’t be impatient. Leon has a lot of work to do.” “Yes I know, but I’m really bored. Nothing interesting has happened lately. I’m here, doing nothing. Just eating sea salt ice cream and watching Goofy’s ugly face.” Goofy, who was about to give another bite to his almost finished ice cream, closed his mouth and stared at Donald. “What? Am I ugly?” Donald nodded. “Yes, you are!” “Donald!” Mickey yelled. “Sorry, your Majesty, I’m just really bored.” “And insulting people make you less bored?” “No, but telling the truth to others make me really less bored.” Suddenly, they heard someone opening the door. They turned their gazes to the old wooden door which was in front of them. The door was opened completely and a brown-haired girl entered into the house. She dressed pink clothes and her long braid was tied with a cute pink ribbon. As she saw them, a smiled was drawn on her face. “Oh! Your Majesty, Donald, Goofy! I missed you so much," she said cheerfully. “Hi Aerith,” they greeted in unison. Aerith closed the door and looked again at the King and companions. “Leon said he will come here soon. He isn’t so busy today.” “Oh fine!” Donald said as he took another bite of his sea salt ice cream. “Hey Aerith, how are the others?” asked the King. “They’re fine, just a little busy with all this stuff about the new enemy.” “Oh… the new enemy. How much do you know about that theme?” “A little, I only know what Leon told me.” “What exactly did he tell you?” Aerith pulled a chair near her and sat down. “Well, he said he had seen this new enemy before, ten years ago precisely.” Mickey put a hand under his chin. “Ten years ago…” “Yes, ten years ago. I think you had seen them too, right?” The King slowly nodded. “Yes, Aerith, I had seen them before. I don’t know why they’re back and I lost my hopes to find an answer.” “Why?” Aerith asked. “My last hope was Ansem’s computer, but some idiot erased all the info that could help me to solve this problem.” “Don’t be hopeless. What about Sora? He sure will find a way to solve this.” “Well, perhaps Sora is my last hope.” “Did you call him?” “I sent him a letter saying I will send Chip & Dale to bring them to my castle.” “Good! When?” “Tomorrow.” “That means you have to go back to your castle, right?” “Yes, this is my last day here at Radiant Garden.” Aerith got up and walked to a small wooden table which had a big book over it. She took the heavy old book with her two hands and put it into Mickey’s hands. The King gazed the book. It had the words “Winnie the Pooh” printed on it. Below the title, there was a picture of Sora and Pooh looking at the sky. “Pooh’s story book!” he yelled. Aerith nodded. “Yes, you’re right.” The King opened it and his eyes widened. The book’s pages were completely empty. “What’s going on? This book doesn’t have anything. The pages are blank!” Aerith nodded. “Yes, your majesty. Many pages were stolen by the heartless.” Donald finished his ice cream and threw the stick into the garbage. “That means we have to find those pages and go through all that Pooh stuff again!” he protested. “Well, you don’t have to. Sora is the only who can enter into that book,” said Goofy. “Pages were scattered around many worlds. You guys, Donald, Goofy, and Sora, of course, have to find them in your journey.” Aerith said as she took the book from Mickey’s hands. Donald and Goofy opened their eyes bigger. “Journey, what journey?” Aerith giggled as she saw Donald and Goofy’s funny faces. “I thought you three would have a journey around many worlds to solve the problem about the new enemy.” Mickey stretched his arms. “Well Aerith, I’m planning to send Sora, Donald and Goofy to other worlds. I want them to visit the worlds that…” Suddenly, they heard someone opening the door again. They King stopped talking and looked at the door, and the same did Donald, Goofy, and Aerith. A tall man entered into the house. He was a brown-haired man who was carrying a big sword in his hands. After he entered, he closed the door and looked at the people inside the house. “Leon!” Mickey, Donald, and Goofy yelled in harmony. Leon put away his weapon and greeted everyone with his hand. “Hi guys, I said I will come here at 6:00P.M., but Merlin told me that you three were here, so I decided to come earlier.” “Fine, it’s better that way. I have to return to my castle soon, I wanna be prepared for the arrival of Sora and his friends,” said the King. Aerith pulled her chair behind Leon. “Leon, you can sit here. I’ll find another chair for me.” “Okay thanks, Aerith,” Leon thanked, sitting down in the chair. “So how is everything going?” asked Leon. “No very well. I have received bad news from many worlds. A lot of dissouls are appearing everywhere without control,” explained the king. “Dissouls?” Donald and Goofy asked at the same time. The King nodded. “Yes, this is the new enemy I was referring to. I had seen it ten years ago, but they disappeared as the first heartless appeared. I don’t know why they’re back.” Leon crossed his arms and put his hand under his chin. “Oh! the dissouls, I forgot about that name.” “Everyone forgot that name, Leon,” replied Mickey. “What do you mean by everyone?” asked Leon. Aerith pulled another chair and put it behind the King. “Sit here, your majesty.” “Thanks,” he thanked as he sat down. “Okay, this is a little hard to explain but I’ll try my best. Okay… here I go…” Everyone paid total attention to the King. “Ten years ago, there was a war, a keyblade war. In this war fought many masters of the keyblade, including Master Xehanort. He and his apprentice had evil plans and needed to be stopped immediately. One of the masters sent his apprentices, Terra, Aqua and Ven to stop Master Xehanort, but they failed in this mission. At this time, dissouls were appearing everywhere. So, back to Master Xehanort, he disappeared with his apprentice and no one knows what happened to them after the war. I don’t know what happened to Terra, Aqua, and Ven either. I thought they died, but now I’m not so sure of that.” Leon thought for a moment. “Excuse me, your majesty, but why do you think they aren’t dead? He asked. “I don’t know, it’s just a feeling…” replied the king. He continued, “So, at this time I was Yen Sid’s apprentice. Donald and Goofy know that. He explained me everything about this and sent me to the place where the keyblade war occurred: Sunset Horizons.” “Hmm… Sunset Horizons…” Leon muttered as he tried to remember where he had heard that name before. “Yes, Sunset Horizons. I think it was its name.” “And did you go there?” Aerith asked as she came with four coffee cups on a tray. Mickey took one cup and gave it a sip. “Delicious, thanks Aerith. Yes, I went there, but I didn’t found anything important, just keyblades and more keyblades buried on the ground and… oh yeah… there was something really important, a heart…” “A heart?” Leon asked as he took a coffee cup from the pink tray. “Thanks.” “Yes a heart, a blue heart very similar to Kingdom Hearts. If you see it, you’ll swear it is Kingdom Hearts.” “Take Donald,” said Aerith as she gave a cup to the court wizard. “Mmm… coffee! I love it! Thanks.” Goofy took one too and started drinking. “I’m not getting something. What did you say everyone forgot?” asked Leon. “Oh yeah, I almost forget about that. Master Xehanort had a witch, a five years old girl who had the ability to control people’s memories. Yen Sid told me that, after the war, she erased the memories of everyone who knows about him and the war.” “But I have two questions,” Leon interrupted. “Okay, first, is that girl Namine or Kairi?” The King shook his head. “No, she isn't Namine or Kairi." “Okay and the second question. Why didn’t she erase your memory?” The King took another sip of his hot coffee. “That’s a good question, Leon. I still don’t know why she didn’t do it.” “And what happened to her after Master Xehanort disappeared?” “I don’t know, Leon. I have to check out that. Maybe, if she is alive, she will help me.” “Do you think she’d like to help you?” “I don’t know, but I don’t lose anything trying.” “Yeah, you’re right, your Majesty. So what are you planning to do next? I mean, what you are going to say to Sora,” asked Leon. “I’ll explain him everything about the keyblade war and the dissouls. Then, I have to think what more I can tell him and what I want him to do.” ..............................................................................................................................
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