Great job! Wow I laughed a lot reading this fan-fic. It's so funny! ^_^ Keep it up :)
I need help with my fanfiction. The link is: This is the first time that I wrote a story. I'm not sure if it is good because English isn't my first language. Please tell me what I can do to write it better and if it needs more adjectives or something else. By the way, thanks for the website DF, it helped me a lot. ^_^
Awesome chapter as usual. ^_^ If I were Kairi I'll be dead. This chapter made me laugh! Great job and thanks the update. Keep up the good work :)
Hello! and welcome to Follow the rules, post a lot and have fun. Hope you have a nice time here and Merry Christmas! ^_^
Hollow Bastion and Destiny Islands.
Chapter 2: Kairi... you killed Sora! “Okay first, grab your keyblade the way you feel better," Sora started explaining. Kairi grabbed her keyblade firmly with her hands and then looked at Sora. “That’s easy. Now what?” “The next step is to approach the enemy and hit with everything you got, evading its attack at the same time, of course,” explained Sora. “I know that, Sora.” “So, what do you want to learn?” “Well…, “said Kairi, crossing her arms in thought, “You know, tricks, techniques, abilities, how to do a good battle, advices, and another stuff necessary for a battle.” “Oh… all right, let’s see how I start explaining you those things.” “Hey I got an idea!” said Kairi. “What do you think if we have a battle? That’s a good way to learn a lot of stuff.” “A battle!?” yelled Sora, surprised by Kairi’s crazy idea. “We can practice and all, but a battle? No way, I could hurt you and I don’t want that.” “Do you think I’m weak and useless?” said Kairi aloud. “No, no, no,” Sora hurried to answer, “isn’t that. It’s just… what I told you before. I don’t wanna hurt you.” “Please Sora, give me a chance.” “I don’t think…” “Please!” Kairi cut him off. “Okay, okay you win,” said Sora, “let’s give it a try, but you know I warned you.” Kairi grabbed her keyblade with her two hands and glared Sora. The spiky-haired boy took his battle position, feeling insecure of what he was doing. “This is extremely ridiculous,” he thought, “I don’t wanna hurt her. C’mon, she knows nothing about fighting. She has only defeated some weak shadow heartless.” Kairi moved forward and charged at Sora. She tried to hit him, but Sora evaded the attack. The keyblade wielder just moved back and did not attack. “Sora, c’mon attack. Do something!” “But Kairi…” Sora tried to hit her softly, but Kairi, by her way, tried to hit her friend the hardest possible. She was trying to demonstrate him that she was not the weak girl type who needs to be saved all the time. Riku arrived where his two friends were “fighting”. He found strange that Kairi and Sora were fighting and the fact that Kairi had her keyblade. “Hey Sora!” yelled Riku. “Oh Riku?” said Sora. He turned around to look at the silver-haired boy, but didn’t notice that Kairi was about to charge at him. Riku’s eyes widened. “Sora, watch out!” he shouted. POOM! It was too late. Kairi had hit Sora on his head. The boy felt dizzy and started losing control of his body. The big pain didn’t let him speak. He felt unconscious over the ground. Kairi was shocked. She put her hands over her mouth. “Oh no… I KILLED SORA!” Riku ran toward Sora and knelt down beside his friend’s body. Kairi put away her keyblade and knelt down as well. “Sora, Sora, answer me!” yelled Kairi, shaking Sora’s scrawny body. Sora didn’t make any move. “He is breathing, Kairi,” said Riku, “at least he is alive.” “But he doesn’t move!” said Kairi, who was about to cry. “It’s all my fault. I was the one who told him to have a battle. How I can be so stupid! She stared at Sora and tears started rolling over her pale cheeks. “Calm down, don’t blame you,” said Riku, thumping Kairi on the back. “Let’s take it to your house.” “My house?! Are you out of your mind? His mom would kill us!” “Then, let’s take it to yours,” suggested Riku. “What? Hmm… all right, this is my problem and I have to assume the consequences. Let’s take him to mine,” said Kairi, drying her tears. She got up. Riku stood up and both lifted Sora’s body. Riku tossed Sora’s left arm on his back, while Kairi helped him with the other arm. They made their way to Kairi’s house. Fortunately, her house wasn't so far, so it took them only few minutes to arrive there. The trio entered into the girl’s room. Its walls were completely pink with many photos on them. Near the pink bed was a little table with a TV. No far away of it were her wooden wardrobe and another table full of books and magazines. Her room was organized and good cared. “Let’s put him on my bed,” said Kairi. Riku nodded. Both teenagers helped each other to carefully put Sora on the bed. “Now I need something to heal him, said Kairi, looking around. "Oh! Riku, can you look for water? That will help.” “No problem, just give me something to put the water in.” Kairi took a jar that was below the bed and gave it to Riku. “Use it, and please come back soon.” Riku nodded and left the house. Kairi sat down in the bed, beside Sora. She stared at him by a moment. His best friend was deeply sleeping in a dream that who knows when it could end. “I hope you wake up soon,” muttered Kairi, touching Sora’s hand. ............................................................................................................................ Donald and Goofy were at the Castle’s courtyard. Both of them returned to their past jobs after they arrived to Disney Castle: Donald as the Court wizard and loyal servant of the King, and Goofy as the Captain of the royal knights. They were having an interesting conversation that seemed to be very discreet for their voices’ tone. “I feel sorry for Sora,” said Donald sadly. “He will never have vacations.” “Yeah, but that’s the job of a keyblade master,” said Goofy. “I still don’t get it! We defeated Xehanort’s heartless, the Organization XIII and Xemnas. What more?” Goofy rubbed his head. “Gawrsh, I don’t know. The King did not explain a lot about the problem, Donald. So… how is the king going to tell Sora?” “I heard he will send him a letter,” answered Donald. ................................................................................................................................ “Thanks Riku,” said Kairi as she introduced a small handkerchief inside the crystal jar. “It’s nothing,” said Riku. Kairi put the wet handkerchief on Sora’s head. “Do you think he is going to wake up soon?” “Who knows? But I hope so,” replied Riku. Kairi looked at Sora once again. “Yeah.” They stayed with Sora until the night. The hours passed slower than ever and the day seemed to never end. Riku was beside a window, looking through it at the dark sky. Kairi was sitting on her bed, next to Sora. “Well, it’s too late, I gotta go back home," said Riku. Kairi turned her gaze to Riku, who was turned, looking through the window. “Okay, don’t worry. I’ll take care of him.” Riku turned around to look at the crimson-haired girl. “Hey Kairi… there’s one detail you didn’t think about.” “Really? What detail?” “Well, I guess you are gonna sleep in your bed, am I correct?” “Yes…” said Kairi, giving him a confused look. Riku went on, “with Sora.” “Yes with… whaaaaaat!? “You don’t have more beds, do you? Alternatively, you can sleep on the floor or in the sofa.” “No way, they floor is dirty and the sofa is way too uncomfortable to sleep in.” “Then, sleep on your bed. You have no choice.” “Okay, okay, maybe that’s not so bad, right?” “Maybe, I don’t know, I have never slept with Sora in the same bed.” An image of Sora sleeping with Riku popped into Kairi’s head. She chuckled. “What happens? Why are you laughing?” asked Riku. “Never mind, it’s nothing,” said Kairi. The image automatically disappeared of her mind. “Okay, I’ll invent a lie to cover Sora,” said Riku. “Take good care of him. Good night.” He kissed Kairi on her cheek and left the house. “Night,” said Kairi. Kairi had no choice. She had to sleep with Sora. After several minutes, she decided to go to sleep. She couldn’t sleep. It was hard for her to sleep with another person near her, and more if that person was a guy. Kairi couldn’t quit her eyes from Sora. She couldn’t believe that today he was with her, healthy and safe. She wanted to see him so badly during that last year, and now he was next to her, in her bed! Her wait had finished. Her friend accomplished their promise, a little late, but he accomplished it anyways and that was more important. Kairi closed her eyes, trying to sleep, but she couldn’t. She felt uncomfortable. She was like this during two hours, but the exhaustion overcame her. ................................................................................................................................ “Ven?" You finally woke up!” said Aqua to her friend, who was resting on her bed. It seemed that he was unconscious for a long time. “A-Aqua?” said Ven weakly as he slowly opened his blue eyes. “Yes, I’m glad you’re awake. I was beginning to worry about you.” “What happened?” asked Ven. “Well… you were attacked by him," answered Aqua discretely. “Oh no…” How much he is going to bother our lives. Wait a sec, where is Te…” ..................................................................................................................................
"Butterfly." said Riku. Everyone gave him a funny look. "Umm... Together?" he said at last. Everyone sighed. lol that part made me laugh. ^_^ Great job with this chapter. Keep it going.
Good job! I like it. ^_^ Keep up the good work.
Hello! and welcome to Hope you have a nice time here! ^_^
Guitar Hero III: I'm working in Hard Mode Rock Band: I received it today! ^_^ Final Fantasy X: I love this game! Mario Galaxy KH:COM: I'm stuck in the last fight of Riku's story...
In KH2: Let Donald and Goofy fight alone in the 1000 Heartless battle... KH1 and KH2: Try to make Sora dance lol
My favorite is FFX. I love it! The storyline is very interesting and the battle system is good. One of my fav games ever. ^_^
This is my first fan fiction. I hope you like it! This story takes place after KH2 and Coded (I invented what happened here and is explained in the story. Well, let's begin! Ten years ago, a war changed the life of thousand of people. A war that left scars in the souls of every person who lived it. Light and darkness fought against each other without compassion, leaving many souls in the nothingness. Many Masters of both realms used the power of their weapons to save the worlds…or bring chaos to them. One of these masters, Master Xehanort, brought sorrow and pain to every world. Only five survivors, Master Xehanort and his unique apprentice, and three warriors of light: Terra, Aqua and Ven. One group united by a special bond, fought with all their being to defend their realm, but the darkness won this battle. Just a few people know what happened to them that day, the same day that Mater Xehanort and his apprentice disappeared. Will they be alive or they drowned themselves into the chaos? The chosen of the keyblade disappeared in that war; better known as the famous “Keyblade War”, leaving the keyblade without an owner. Ten years later, this marvelous weapon found another one to keep fighting against the darkness and maintain a balance between the two realms. However, some mysteries are not very clear. The Keyblade Master has to find each of these mysteries to discover the truth that hide behind that distant past. Kingdom Hearts: Birth of a New Journey Chapter I: A War without an end Aqua, a blue-haired girl with an appearance of a mature teenager, was trying to stand up. She fell to the ground after having received a powerful attack. Now that she felt recovered, she got up and raised her head to find out where her two partners were. She looked up and saw two persons fighting. She closed her eyes a bit to look better and saw her enemy with her friend in his hands. “Ven!” cried Aqua. The baldy man had taken Ven by his head. Ven wasn’t too heavy, so the old man could raise him easily. He was pressing his head hardly, causing a crack on his helmet. It seemed he was making a strong spell on him. Ven felt that he could not do anything to save himself and only looked down to see his friend, Aqua. “Oh no! He is going to kill him! I need to make something to stop him!” thought Aqua. The tense atmosphere didn’t let Aqua think of something to save her friend. He was her longtime friend. She remembered the moment where they made a promise: They will protect each other of everything and will be always together. Nevertheless, she could not do anything now, only hope that her friend didn’t die by this powerful spell. She looked at his face, especially one of his blue eyes. They were reflecting fear and sadness at the same time. Suddenly, Ven‘s body became frozen. His body was so rigid like an object without life. The baldy man dropped the frozen soldier and his body fell to the ground. His weapon broke while he was falling. Aqua ran toward Ven and caught him with her body. Her heart was beating faster and she was breathing agitatedly. She had a great impatience to see if her friend was alive. By the fall, his helmet was half-broken and his face could be appreciated. He was a blonde young boy of 15 years old. His body was completely frozen, but there was a signal of life: His eyes were moving! She felt better and sighed, but the danger was not over yet. She saw a light that was sent to the sky. The colorful light crashed with the clouds. Then, they began to create a big space in the sky. A big heart was revealed. It seemed like a blue and shine moon, which lighted up the dark place. The baldy man was satisfied as he saw the big heart. He accomplished with something that he was planning before. A third soldier was trying to stand up. With his last forces, he took support of his weapon and removed his helmet. His face was revealed. He was a brown-haired man of blue eyes. The tired soldier noticed that something wasn’t all right. He looked up and saw the sky, especially the big heart that appeared on it. Suddenly, his blue eyes became yellow, like the color of the baldy man’s eyes, who had disappeared with his loyal apprentice in the nothingness. ................................................................................................................................ Sora woke up brusquely. He was sweating and breathing faster. He touched his chest with his hand. “Oh! It was just a dream,” he muttered. Since he arrived to his home again, he was having strange dreams, and all with the same people: three enigmatic soldiers. It had been a week since he defeated Xemnas and returned to Destiny’s Islands. He felt that all these dreams had a purpose; they were not a simple coincidence. He got out of his bed and went to his wardrobe to find his clothes. Sora left his room a little sleepy and began to scratch his eyes. He didn’t notice the presence of two persons in front of him. “Hi!” greeted a cheerful girl’s voice. “Er oh what?” answered Sora without knowing that someone was talking to him. He raised his head and saw two familiar faces. “Hello Sora!” Kairi greeted again, kissing him in his pale cheek. “Oh hi Kairi!” said Sora. Then, he looked at Riku. “Hello Riku! How are you guys?” “Fine," answered Kairi. “Yeah fine," repeated Riku. “We can’t be better.” A woman voice came from the kitchen. “Sora, the breakfast for you and your friends is ready! It’s on the table, okay?” “Yes mom," replied Sora loudly. “Okay, bye honey!” His mother left the house and closed the door. The three teenagers sat down at the kitchen’s table and began to eat their breakfast. Sora’s mom prepared pancakes for them. Riku and Kairi were happy and really satisfied with the food, while Sora just saw it and moved slowly the fork through the plate. His face seemed worried and had a serious expression. Kairi put her hand over her cheek. “Sora, why don’t you eat?” she asked. Sora stopped moving his fork and raised his head to look at her. “Um, nothing,” he answered thoughtfully. Riku cleaned his mouth with a napkin. “Something is happening to you, don’t lie.” “Okay, okay I’m gonna tell you,” Sora started. “I had a strange dream last night that left me thinking.” “You and your dreams, Sora,” said Kairi, rolling her blue eyes. Sora was getting tired of hearing Kairi say that all his dreams were stupid. “This time is not a stupid dream, Kairi,” he replied, raising his voice. “Okay, but what is it about?” asked Riku. “Well…I dreamed about a war,” answered Sora. “I remember there were three enigmatic soldiers that were fighting against an old and ugly man,” he said as he finally began to eat a bite of his breakfast. “Hmm… interesting,” replied the silver-haired boy. “Well, this old man fought with these three soldiers,” Sora went on, “two of them were males and the other was a female,” Then, he defeated them and the strangest thing of all is that a heart very similar to Kingdom Hearts appeared in the sky. “Kingdom Hearts?” Riku repeated, lost in thought. Sora nodded. “Sora, those are just dreams. Don’t worry about them,” said Kairi, getting up of the chair. Riku got up too. “Well, I finished. Take it, Kai." He gave his empty dish to her. Suddenly, Kairi remembered that Selphie was waiting for her at her house. “Oh no! I forgot that I need to tell something to Selphie! Riku, can you do the dishes?" “What!” Riku protested. “Okay, just do it, Riku. I have to go, but I’ll come back soon. Bye Sora and good luck Riku! The girl took her pink bag and left the house. Sora chuckled. “Well Riku, I gotta go too. I've got some things to do outside. You already know what to do.” He put his dish in Riku’s hand and walked toward the exit door. “Hey, wait a minute! I’m not gonna clean you dish too,” protested Riku. Sora turned around to look at him and grinned. “Kairi said do the dishes, so that includes hers and mine as well. Got it? Well, see you later.” “But…” said Riku, but it was too late. Sora had left the house, leaving Riku alone. “Damn it…” Riku muttered under his breath as he slowly walked toward the sink. ................................................................................................................................. King Mickey was walking through the throne’s room desperately. “How I’m going to tell this to Sora?” he repeated again and again. “Well, you need to tell him that, it’s important that he knows it," said his dear partner, Minnie. “Sooner or later he will know it so you better call Sora and his friends before it's too late." Mickey crossed his arms over his chest in thought. “Okay, I’m gonna write him a letter," he said decisively. “Good idea,” said Minny smiling. ................................................................................................................................ Sora walked through the shore of the beach. The breeze blew over his face. He smelt the refreshing aroma of the ocean. Everything was so calm. “Wow, I can't still believe that I’m here again," said Sora to himself. He looked at his surroundings and a little cave’s entrance caught his attention. That was the secret place, where he had passed great memorable moments. He hesitated for a brief moment and then decided to make it a visit. After came in, he walked through, touching the rough walls. There were many drawings made by him and his friends. Those reminded him of many moments of his childhood. He remembered the first time that Kairi visited the secret place. “Sora what’s that cave? It’s so cool! I want to enter!” “This is Riku’s and my secret place! No one is supposed to come in here!" “Please Sora!” “No.” “PLEASE!” “Okay Kairi, I’ll let you in because you’re special!” Sora raised his head and saw the gleams of the sun entering through a hole in the cave’s ceiling. He kept walking and stopped when he saw a drawing of Kairi and him sharing a papou fruit. He noticed that Kairi drew one too. That made him smile. “Kairi,” he muttered. ............................................................................................................................. Riku was at Tidus’s home talking with him and Wakka. They were at his bedroom talking about something that Tidus was planning. “You know, I’m planning to make a Blitzball game here, what do you think?” said Tidus. “Well, it isn’t a bad idea, but how?” asked Wakka. “I don’t know, that’s what I’m trying to figure out," replied Tidus. “A Blitzball game?” repeated Riku. “I think that’s a crazy idea, how could you…” “Hi guys!” greeted a girl’s voice. She was Selphie, who just recently arrived with Kairi. “Oh hi Riku, I had not seen you in ages," greeted Selphie. “Hi Selphie,” Riku greeted back. Kairi stared at her clock. “Riku, we have to go back home. Sora may feel alone without us." “Go if you want; I’ll go later, okay?" said Riku. “Okay, bye guys!” said the red-haired girl as she ran toward the door. She turned the handle and left. ................................................................................................................................ Sora left the cave. He felt a bit strange because he was accustomed to kill heartless and nobodies and this place was so peaceful. He summoned his keyblade and started swinging it as if he was hitting a heartless. “What are you doing, Sora?” asked a girl’s voice. Sora stopped moving his arm and looked at the girl who was talking to him. “Oh it was you, Kairi.” “Yeah, I see you’re practicing or something, right?” asked Kairi as she crossed her arms over her chest, raising an eyebrow. “Well… maybe… yes," replied Sora, putting a hand behind his head. “Hey, can you teach me some of you techniques to fight?" she asked. “I want to learn. You never know if an emergency comes." “Oh sure! Why not? But you need a weapon," said Sora. “Well, I have this," she added as she summoned her keyblade. Sora's eyes widened. “Wow, do you still have it?” Kairi nodded. “Yes, I have had it since I received it from Riku. “Oh, I thought it would disappear, but it’s still with you,” said Sora. “Yes, well let’s begin,” said Kairi, taking her battle position. ................................................................................................................................. Note: That’s the first chapter. This story is a challenge for me because English isn't my first language and this is my first time writing a fanfiction, so sorry if my grammar isn't too good. I'm trying my best. ^_^
My favorite is Milk Chocolate. Second Caramel.
Reach the Castle Chapel took me like two hours. I had a a big headache that day, and more with Maleficient and Riku/Ansem. Fortunately, I defeated them in the same day. For me, Riku/Ansem was more hard to beat.
Hello! and welcome to Post a lot and have fun. Hope you have a nice time here. ^_^
Mine is Sapphire. ^_^
Hi! and welcome to Post a lot and have fun. Hope you have a nice time here! ^_^
Thanks for the info Xaldin! I can't wait for 358/2 days. ^_^ I'm very curious about the 14th Member and her role in the game.