Eh... I get along perfectly fine with my mom and stepdad. My real dad, I wanted dead, and still do from time to time. I know the feeling well I think... I couldn't do anything about it though. It depends if the parent is willing to change, if, like my dad, they are bent in their ways or don't like you for who you are then move(if you can) and if not then I'd just wait it out... I moved away from my dad last year and I haven't kept a relationship since. It all depends on the situation I guess.
"Brother, are you sure we should leave without someone? Xioimara is right... We shouldn't be splitting ourselves up." He started. "What if that's what they want?" He added, thinking back about how their mother's remains were now missing... Xioimara settled down in the grass. The air felt fresh. It relaxed her. She didn't want to go back but knew better than to stay out alone for too long. She was too vulnerable to defend herself out here or even back in the city. Xioimara headed back towards the house as the sun started to rise.
I like it. c: Makes me happy. I'd put it on repeat though to get rid of the blank bottom area.
It is for me haha. I'm the only young kid left. Feels nice being an almost only child. If you get what I mean I guess
"Ling, just leave." Alphonse said, standing up. Things were getting too tense for him. He was about ready to leave as well. Xioimara made her way through the dark city and towards the outskirts of the city. She was thoroughly outraged for such a small comment. She needed to do something. Xioimara continued up towards a forest that was located outside of Dublith. She happily made her way through the woods. They were darker than in the city despite the rising sun. Xioimara stopped and howled into the chilly air.
Didn't really eat... Just sat down with my family for a few minutes.
"You didn't need to attack her like that though..." Alphonse started and dropped the topic once Ling walked in. The only way she could have shot lower was if Winry laughed at Xioimara's alchemy, Alphonse guessed. He looked back and forth at Winry and Edward as the two blushed. He faintly recalled arguing over who would marry Winry as a child... Xioimara stopped herself from slamming her door shut. "Brats." She scoffed as she paced back and forth. "I bet she's never really worked a full day in her life..." Xioimara rolled her eyes. 'She's just a brat. Ignore it. Just because you took a blow to your pride doesn't mean anything.' Xioimara tried to reason with herself. 'No use in living if you're going to throw away your dignity like that...' Her mind argued back. 'Whatever.' Xioimara looked out her window, it was still dark. The sun was near but still about an hour away she guessed. Xioimara jumped out of her window and left for a run or to go find a decent place to howl.
Oh I'm back ^^
Arg brb dinner. Things were just getting awesome too xD
Xioimara cocked her head and raised an eyebrow. "Best be taking that back, friend." She said. Xioimara thought of punching her across the face but could well feel the pain of Lust's attack and her stitches. "You should respect your elders, kid." Xioimara added. Xioimara knew she was at least a year or two older than Winry. Xioimara stopped leaning on the doorway and did the only thing in her life she never liked to do. She swallowed her pride, only because of her condition, and went back to her room. Xioimara had plenty of come-backs swarming through her mind and a fist full of rage but she left it be. The last thing she needed was to be on Ed and Al's bad side. "Winry!" Alphonse startled, looked at Xioimara as she simply walked away. "What's gotten into you?"
Ye ye .
"I don't think so. The last thing we need is to be split up." Xioimara re-enforced. Plus she didn't want to be trapped with Ling, Xerom and Armstrong. In face, she wasn't going to allow that. "Xioimara Dwyre." Xioimara added looking towards Winry. The girl didn't have the friendliest look in her eyes when they made eye contact. "And you are?"
I suppose. It's busy. xD I'm taking film, weight training, AP art, US history, geometry, and literature. What classes are you taking?
Chicken butt? Oh... Nevermind... I see what you just called me...
"I understand what you mean Winry but I think I agree with Ed on this..." Alphonse started. "We don't need to be bringing them into our personal buisness..." He tried to explain to her. It was already hard enough to comprehend if that woman was really their mother... All points certainly suggested it now unless someone decided to rob their mother's grave which would be illogical... Xioimara's eyes opened as a female voice pierced her eardrums. Xioimara stood up tiredly. This was getting annoying. She dragged herself out of bed and out towards Ed and Al's room. "Please, shut up..." She said as she tiredly looked in the room at the three. The air seemed tense enough to cut. "What's going on?" She picked up, looking around at their faces.
Haha. Ye. You gonna have a sweet 16? Or is it just a chick thing? I never figured it out >.> I think I had a guy friend that threw one...
Mr. Sig gave a huff of laughter and smiled. "He'll figure it out for himself." Alphonse turned to all-ears. "What is it?" He asked. He picked up the small traces of urgency in her voice plus that concerned expression she always carried on her face when she was about to talk about something important.
Oh, early congrats. ^^ I didn't get anything for my 16 but my friends surprised me with a giant ass cake fight. So as far as things go, I just...
Alphonse looked up as the familiar face entered the room. "Winry!" He exclaimed happily and stood up. "What are you doing here?" Xioimara awoke at the sound of Alphonse's rather high-pitched voice. It didn't sound like anything bad was happening. She decided she would investigate it in the morning. Xioimara sighed heavily and fell back asleep. "That girl seemed familiar..." Sig said as he met back with Izumi. "Perhaps we met her before when she was younger?" He wondered aloud. "We should go to bed. You look tired." He concluded and headed for their bedroom. He was anything except disappointed to be going back to sleep.
You're not haha. I still play Toontown from time to time because the shapes and colours make me happy. XD Just math homework. Ugh. My grade is...