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  1. HellKitten
    Alphonse looked back at his brother. "No." He answered curtly and started for the station again. Alphonse was frustrated with what his brother should probably be feeling but kept it hidden. He closed his book of emotions and decided to get to the bottom of what their father did to bring Mother back from the deceased.

    Xioimara clenched her teeth and stiffened as she stared down at her little brother's tomb. Her shoulders relaxed and she silently let her cheeks become damp with tears. She relaxed her jaw and tried to control herself before the depression would overrun her.

    "Your tears will only make them more mournful, Wild Wolf of the East." Armstrong tried to soothe Xioimara, he did have tears in his eyes as well and wasn't holding back on the tears.

    Xioimara huffed a half-hearted laugh. "You're one to speak, Strong Arm." Xioimara answered numbly. She stood up slowly. "They didn't die in vain..." She reassured herself, her forsaken family, and Armstrong. She was starting to feeling a little hallow and off balance. "We need to get back to finding the perpertraitor of these disappearances." Xioimara ordered in a hushed voice. "And report these two mysterious women to Mustang."
    Post by: HellKitten, Oct 25, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. HellKitten
    Alphonse stared at his brother. He would feel it later on maybe then... Or maybe he just really didn't care. Alphonse found that hard to believe. Alphose had lost his body over her and Edward lost his leg and then an arm to bring his brother back. And all he could do is brush it off his shoulder? Alphonse swallowed a small amount of anger that was starting to boil up inside of him. Getting mad wouldn't solve anything. They had to get to Resembol. "Let's go." Alphonse briskly said. The train would be leaving in a few minutes and it would be the only one for another few hours, Alphonse estimated. Unless Edward didn't mind going with Xioimara and the others. He seemed hellbent on it earlier.
    Post by: HellKitten, Oct 22, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. HellKitten
    Zombie John Marston with a horse from Hell. Eh, give myself one minute.
    Post by: HellKitten, Oct 16, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  4. HellKitten
    'That's it?' Alphonse wasn't sure about this reaction. His brother didn't seemed even the slightest bit phased by this. Maybe he was still numb with the thought...? It wasn't what Alphonse had expected and he was taken aback by it. "Are you okay, Brother?" Alphonse asked cautiously eyeing his brother. He was waiting for an explosion, break down, or something huge of some sort.
    Post by: HellKitten, Oct 16, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. HellKitten
    Ooo more drawing threads c: me please.
    Post by: HellKitten, Oct 11, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. HellKitten
    -raises hand slowly- You seem familiar...
    Post by: HellKitten, Oct 11, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. HellKitten
    Alphonse thought over the idea of telling his brother what had happened. Alphonse knew it would be better to tell him now than to wait or lie.... "Brother, there's something I need to tell you..." He said. His voice sounded the same as if someone had just died... Though the situation was likewise. "The woman that looks like the secretary is our mother." Alphonse finally spit out. He found himself rushing through the sentence. "Father revived her after our attempts." He informed him. Alphonse looked down. He was afraid to meet eyes with his brother. Alphonse was completely unsure how Edward would react to this. It may be good but most likely would not, Alphonse guessed. You never knew though.

    Xioimara looked down at the gravestones of her deceased family members. They were the cheapest stones she had ever seen. Xioimara felt her body go numb. Xioimara slowly dropped to her knees and looked at the three plots. She didn't cry. She didn't scream. Xioimara just stayed silent. 'Is this my fault?' Xioimara asked herself. 'Maybe this would have never happened if I never left...'
    Post by: HellKitten, Oct 11, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. HellKitten
  9. HellKitten
  10. HellKitten
    blah gotta go... Tttyl c:
    Profile Post by HellKitten for Hiro ✩, Oct 9, 2011
  11. HellKitten
    Alphonse felt Winry's look. He didn't say anything to Edward except a slow hello. "Ready to go?" He asked after a moment or two. Alphonse didn't want to keep them waiting. He wanted to leave Dublith himself.
    Post by: HellKitten, Oct 9, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. HellKitten
    Xioimara felt the heat of the day starting to grow. She found herself feeling quite cold as the sunlight started to warm her, which was unusual. Xioimara started to slow down more as they neared the graveyard. They finally came to a stop in front of the gate. She knew the idea of her only family being dead would nag and pain her forever if she didn't find out now. Xioimara was trying to decypher why she would care if they were gone. She left them and sent money every now and then when she could spare it. She never wrote. Never visited. Always stayed anonymous. Why would she care if they were dead now?

    Armstrong waited on Xioimara to move first. He wasn't going to force her to go. He could see she was getting lost in thought. "Ready?" He finally asked as the minutes started to build up.

    Xioimara didn't say anything but moved forward quietly into the cemetary. The cemetary wasn't too big and she knew where her family plot would be, if there was one.

    Alphonse looked at Winry. She seemed just as shocked. Alphonse trudged forward to go see where Edward was. He headed in the direction that Edward had headed in.
    Post by: HellKitten, Oct 9, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. HellKitten
    Profile Post

    Sure . ^^

    Sure . ^^
    Profile Post by HellKitten for Hiro ✩, Oct 9, 2011
  14. HellKitten
  15. HellKitten
    "Same to you." Armstrong said as Xioimara and himself started away from Edward, Ling and Xerom. The two headed to the most obvious place on their list. The graveyard. They moved quietly and at a steady pace. Armstrong was in no rush to get the cemetary. They didn't know what was awaiting them. He was sure Xioimara wasn't in a hurry to get there.

    Xioimara stiffly walked towards the cemetary. She faintly remembered where it was located from her childhood. Xioimara was thankful that Armstrong was there to help her for once. She wasn't sure if she'd be able to walk without his help. She would rather be alone at this time but that was out of the question.

    Alphonse watched as his mother vanished with the woman she claimed to only be using. He felt hurt and betrayed. He didn't think it even came across her mind to try and stay with her son. Alphonse was quiet for a little bit once they were gone. "We should find Brother..." Alphonse finally murmured.
    Post by: HellKitten, Oct 9, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. HellKitten
    "Let's hope that's the last time they come around..." Armstrong noted.

    Xioimara stared at the ground silently. "It will be." Xioimara reassured. Xioimara put out a hand towards Armstrong. He helped her up. "You guys should probably go ahead to Rehole or Resembol... Whichever..." Xioimara said slowly. "We'll catch up tonight." Xioimara said. She kept her eyes on the ground.

    Armstrong helped Xioimara up and supported her. He knew Xioimara wanted to get to the bottom of this as quickly as possible and move on with her life. He would have wanted the same closure. Armstrong was sure that the Elrics would be fine, as they have been the past few years, they also had Xoram and Ling around to accompany. "Will you be okay if we take a later train?" Armstrong inquired just o make sure he wasn't needed.

    Lust's eyes narrowed as she grazed Alphonse's and Winry's eyes. "Stop playing with them, Sloth. Let's go." Lust had taken in that Alphonse and Winry weren't hostile towards her. She was sure Sloth had pulled a little stunt on them. They had no time for this nonsense.

    Alphonse watched Lust as she camem back into the picture. He looked to Mom to see what she would do about this. Did Mom still want this strange woman around? Or was it all just a lie?
    Post by: HellKitten, Oct 9, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. HellKitten
    Xioimara glared down at Lust. Her hackles has risen just about as high as they could go. Every singly one of her fangs were visible and threatening. Her body was shaking with anticipation, some fear, but mostly because she was holding herself back on tearing Lust's throat open once more. Xioimara knew it would just heal over and only waste more of her energy.

    Lust stared at Xioimara. She had heard rumors that the wolf could get set off into some sort of rage if she was pressed enough. She smiled as Ling and Xerom tried to convince her to back off. Lust freed one arm with little effort and swung at Xioimara. "Does it just run in the family or is it just you and your father that want to beat anything that comes across your path?"

    Xioimara quickly snapped down on Lust's wrist as the woman attempted to attack her. Her instinct told her to just keep biting down and so she did even as Lust started to break from the pain. Her mind whirled as Lust dropped a psychological bomb on Xioimara. Xioimara let go as she was harshly kicked in the stomach. Xioimara staggered back as the pain echoed through her. She gagged a little as her new wounds reopened. Xioimara was kicked again in the side. Xioimara caught herself and didn't hesitate to lunge at Lust. Xioimara didn't care if it'd only waste her energy. She was going to tear the woman apart no matter how many times it took.

    Xioimara threw her weight down on Lust once more and dug her teeth into her throat and her claws into her stomach and shoulders. "He's a scarred man." Xioimara defended herself. "At least he protected his country at some point and isn't just some fake, pathetic, slut."

    Lust fell back again as Xioimara attacked. She laughed. "I don't think that justifies why he killed your mother and brother when you left!" Lust knew she had really set Xioimara off this time. Or shocked her. That got Xioimara to stop attacking. She smiled as the wolf stared down at her. Lust could feel Xioimara's anger and panic. Lust did feel small traces of panic start to course through her mind. Perhaps she jumped a little too far. She knew this wouldn't end well unless Lust got out of there fast. Lust pressed her fingers on Xioimara's stitched wounds, placing the tip of her nails on each one.

    Xioimara felt the stinging of Lust's nails. Xioimara quickly realized after a moment or two that Lust would fight back. Xioimara got off Lust once her stitched wounds were taken hostage. Xioimara stepped back quickly and clumsily to avoid Lust's attack. Xioimara pressed back again the brick wall. She let Lust have the last word. 'She's lying.' Xioimara told herself. She repeated that simple thought over and over in her mind. "YOU'RE LYING!" Xioimara screamed at Lust as the woman disappeared. How would she know? Nobody knew anything about her past except Armstrong and Mustang, even they knew very little. How could she know if her father finally snapped? She didn't. She was wrong. She had to be. Her family was fine. Xioimara tried to reassure herself. Xioimara dropped to the ground, staring at the wall.

    Lust peeled off once Xioimara backed off. It was getting to risky. Lust knew her body did have a limit to how many fatal attacks it could withstand. She wasn't ready to throw that away yet. She decided to officially back off until Sloth and herself had a better idea of assassinating them. In the meantime, Lust was proud that she left Xioimara with some reopened wounds. Physically and mentally.

    Armstrong watched as their whole fight took place in less than ten minutes. It had flashed by and he knew Lust's words had hit Xioimara heavily. Armstrong went over to Xioimara. She had no new wounds, which he was thankful of. He knew he would already be getting in trouble for letting her get this hurt. Armstrong shook Xioimara slightly. She was busy staring off. "Is everyone okay?" He asked looking at Xerom, Ling, and Edward. "Where's Alphonse and Winry?" He asked. He felt a clap of panic hit him as he thought that Alphonse and Winry could also be under attack.

    "She's lying..." Xioimara muttered a few times. Xioimara looked at Armstrong and repeated this to him in an audible voice. He didn't reply or look at her. Xioimara eyes widened a little. "Why didn't anybody say anything?" She demanded, her shaky voice starting to grow louder. Armstrong didn't answer her. Xioimara stood up, staring at the group. "No..."

    Armstrong finally stood up and spoke to Xioimara. "We don't know, Xioimara. She might have been lying for shock value." He informed Xioimara. "If they were then the military never got notification, that I'm aware of."

    "What are you doing, Sloth?" Lust asked as she returned to her accomplice. She looked at Alphonse and Winry. "We need to go." She told Sloth. "I almost got my ass handed to me." Lust informed Sloth. Lust was thankful she kept an open ear about any news in town and had a little knowledge about Xioimara's background. Lust paid no mind to Alphonse and Winry but talked like they didn't even exist.
    Post by: HellKitten, Oct 8, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. HellKitten
    Profile Post

    I understand.

    I understand.
    Profile Post by HellKitten for Hiro ✩, Oct 5, 2011
  19. HellKitten
    Profile Post

    Heya .

    Heya .
    Profile Post by HellKitten for Hiro ✩, Oct 4, 2011
  20. HellKitten

    Yes, you can use WLMM but I didn't approve of it... Either I was just too impatient or it's very limited. Like only being able to add one effect. The effects are nice but I like to use multiple ones at a time.
    Post by: HellKitten, Oct 4, 2011 in forum: Technology