I have yet to see a link in the spamzone that signs others up for donations...
This is basically Advertising... ._. but anyways, this is the 4th time today I've heard about it o_O
We already spent the English Class reading his Julius Casear(SP) D;
Time for some CNC >:3 1: I like how you draw attention to the tree by using a focal point B&W. If it's not that, then I guess you used a duplicated layer. If not that, then PM me and tell me how. It's impossible for me to be able to do that with a duplicated layer. I can't tell the colors of the tree. I don't know if it's white or pink. If it's pink, darken the color a few shades, but if it's white, then good job on the color. Not too bright or dark. I still love the way it's fixed. 2: Okay, when i saw this, i took it that you like B&W... Try experimenting with something different also. I like the colors, but try making them a different color also, like an easier shade of yellow. to me, it's kinda too bright to the front, then gets a little too dark.. It looks like a good way, but tone the front down a little, and the back a little more. Still make it seem like the front is a few shades lighter than the back. Sorry if I seem a little rude <3
my boyfriend didn't even bother to call me or anything.. ):
you look like my friend AyeJay's ex boyfriend which means idk haha nice eyes ;D
): life sucks... never turn 16
I haven't read it.. Sorry, I'm usually busy ):
The cake is a lie :] i'm gonna get cake shoved in my face later xD it's a tradition at this resteraunt we're going to ;D
yes, i sure did (: <333
LOL idk if we're having cake... (:
You guys give me a reason to smile =D
OOC: That was funny ;D Well, i hope to see ya soon Azure (:
=D lol i didn't see TRTD <33333 thanks ^^
and i haz yet to get presents >: i iz sixteen and getting my permit soon 8D
=D Awesome i turned 16 today :3
She nodded. "I haven't been trained in anything, except my senses. I took a meditation class..." she said, her head pulsating with a headache. Ricky walked through the town, looking for the next Five Minutes of Fame. HE caught a jewelry store robber, and drained him of his blood with a quick snap and a drag off behind an alleyway. He was on the prowl.
yeap 8D and for my party/slumber party, we're gonna placy that >:D
lol none ya business <_< >_>