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  1. Sexy Sheva
    My aunt's a nurse, I'll ask her when my mom isn't home or something lol..

    when i breathe, it's like I'm breathing through a piece of cloth, or something. Hard to get oxygen in, but every hour or so, I'll breathe normally, then start wheezing again. It didn't start all of a sudden too, i've developed the wheezing possibly over 3 or 4 days...
    Post by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 27, 2009 in forum: Help with Life
  2. Sexy Sheva
    Well, it's went from bad to worse. I soon figured out that I had sleep apnea, and now I believe that i might have asthma. It's harder for me to breathe lately, i feel tightness in my chest, I started wheezing lately, had more trouble sleeping with my apnea, and and I can't breathe in as much anymore...

    So i went to Yahoo Health, and looked up the symptoms, some of which I had without knowing it could have to do with asthma...

    So, I really want to go to the clinic, but i can't tell my mom?

    and of course, someone will be like "Tell your mom, you're stupid if you don't (my usual response but i don't care xD)"

    but the thing is, everytime I tell her something is wrong with me, she'll say "nothings wrong with you, it's all in your head"
    but when i told her today i randomly started choking in 3rd period and asked her to come get me,, she thought it was just where i had lack of sleep and where i spent 80 minutes in a 100 degree gym.... but i don't think so, because i had a short sleeve shirt on and I wasn't really burning up with my hair up..

    advice anyone? And don't just reply back "tell your mom" because that won't help anything...
    Thread by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 27, 2009, 19 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  3. Sexy Sheva

    Swine Flu

    Oh wow... I just watched the news about that, and i see it here..

    why does that not surprise me
    Post by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 27, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Sexy Sheva
    wow lol

    thanks (:
    Post by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 27, 2009 in forum: Archives
  5. Sexy Sheva

    Dance With Me

    I can see the lights, shining bright in the dark sky.
    The sparkles and crystals blind me, as the water rushes from the deep blue sky.
    I can barely feel you. You aren't there to touch. You're a blinding light, wiping away from the air. Your hands aren't there for me to grab, dance with, or kiss.
    The white cloth drags behind me, and the cold rain showers my shoulders.
    It's too big, and weighed down, even for me.
    Layers upon layers of white beauty.

    And I can see you fading back into existence. Only barely, but it's there.
    Your eyes are so blue, and your cheeks are flushes crimson, in a beauty shade
    that I cannot bare to look at. Your hand grazes over mine, but your hand fades around, like the crystal sand on a warm tropical beach.

    And we're dancing, to the piano playing softly in my head. The rhythm matches
    the thunder and lightning crackling up in the sky. The rooftop is flooded but we don't give a care. I hold onto you, afraid you're going to disappear, and that you're arms will disappear from my shoulders. I hold onto you so tight to keep you close, until you push me away, in the middle of our dance.

    The dance, my dance... is ruined. You don't care, but why play with my emotions? Do you like seeing me put through this torture?

    And the blade you pull out, stained blood red. I finally feel the blood rising to me. I quiver, and you shake. It wasn't a dance... it was your fight, and my dance. You lie to me, to kill me. I give you my trust, to dance with you.

    I see now why you push me away. You didn't want me to die on your knife. The rain isn't on my cheeks anymore, but my tears are. All I wanted was from you was love, but you give me hell.

    Life is so far, and so close. Death is so near, yet so far. I'm on my knee's, begging for death as i feel nothing. I thought it would be over one day, and one day soon. my life has been a happy one, and now, it's time for me to let go. It's time for me, to stop trusting you, and to let the rain wash away all my sins.

    Your love, is what killed me.
    Thread by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 27, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  6. Sexy Sheva
    i no

    i need a sub to play wit <:
    Post by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 26, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Sexy Sheva

    i wun play <333

    I guess I'll go place Mercenaries online D;
    Post by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 26, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Sexy Sheva
    Posting doesn't make you cool D:
    Post by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 26, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Sexy Sheva
    Welcome back to the Barren Wasteland known as Kh-V
    Post by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 26, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Sexy Sheva
    then why post here? o___o
    Post by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 26, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Sexy Sheva

    emaG ehT

    The Game is a lie
    Post by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 26, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Sexy Sheva
    oh darrrrn flabbit D;
    Post by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 26, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Sexy Sheva

    Re5 anyone?

    OKay, I'm bored.. anyone wanna play Re5 on xbox? =D <3333
    Thread by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 26, 2009, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Sexy Sheva


    That's the kicker here. Anywhere in town now, we have to sign a contract stating that we haven't had any bit of alcohol in the last 24 hours, and someone with you to co-sign if you are under 18...
    Post by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 26, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  15. Sexy Sheva
    that was the reply i was waiting for ;D

    This is the man whose giving me my babies <3333

    Military Ball Pics =DDDD

    Me & Cass-Cass

    Me & My group <3 (i'm on right in black dress <33)

    Me and My girls =D

    funniest Pics EVER <333
    Post by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 26, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  16. Sexy Sheva
    Nice Shades thar ;D
    you look hawt in the 2nd pic thar =D

    I need babies soon, and i know whose nao ;D

    Post by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 26, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  17. Sexy Sheva
    oh... wow

    oh freaking wow xD

    Post by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 25, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Sexy Sheva

    omg omg omg

    I watched the first 5 seconds of 2 girls 1 cup...

    *gags* no more T^T
    Thread by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 24, 2009, 41 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Sexy Sheva
    Earth Day is my Birthday =D

    Nice pic thar ya Preppy Emu (:
    Post by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 23, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  20. Sexy Sheva

    The Rescue

    i remember doing something like this for lupus
    it got closed..
    Post by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 23, 2009 in forum: Discussion