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  1. Sexy Sheva
  2. Sexy Sheva
    Username: Sexy Sheva
    Name: Kelli Waters
    Age: 17
    Gender: female
    Human or Elf: Human
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapon: none / defensless
    Main Class: Warrior
    Secondary class: Archery
    Peaceful or fighting: unknown
    Other: n/a
    Post by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 30, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Sexy Sheva


    crazy shit right thar

    Post by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 30, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Sexy Sheva
  5. Sexy Sheva
    I was just thinking about this today. I was talking today in class to others who wanted their hairs cut, but their mother's wouldn't let them (girl group)

    Since, technically, it is our body, shouldn't you think that us as teenagers, possibly pre-teens, should be allowed to cut our own hair? I know this may seem stupid, but think about it. Ever want your haircut and your parent/guardian wouldn't allow it? Did you think it was unfair?
    Thread by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 30, 2009, 25 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  6. Sexy Sheva
    isn't that illegal? o__o

    my god, i love kittens
    Post by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 30, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Sexy Sheva
    Scathach (:

    she's a 2,000 year old Scottish Warrior with the curse of a 17 year old body ;D
    Post by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 30, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Sexy Sheva



    anyone up for a round? o:
    Thread by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 30, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Sexy Sheva
    Checkit :'D <3333 Shades is trying to play golf :3 <3333

    remember to hit it near the flag :'D

    Nice mountains in the background o:
    Post by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 30, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  10. Sexy Sheva
    Post by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 30, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Sexy Sheva
    I'm read the 2nd book to this series, and the character that is much described as you are, supposedly drowns and it makes me sad because i think we have lost you D: <33
    Thread by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 30, 2009, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Sexy Sheva
    Remember to say you saw a bird fly into the chimney ;D
    Post by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 29, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Sexy Sheva
    They've only got one dead in the USA nao/.

    a little 23 month old died this mornin' ):
    Post by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 29, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Sexy Sheva
    Has anyone read this wonderful book yet? =D

    I find it very interesting. With the historic Nicholas and Pernelle Flammel, they find a set of twins, brother and sister, who he believes are the 'Chosen Ones' that is mentioned in a book called 'The Codex'. The antagonist, "Dr. Dee, works for Dark Elders to change the world into what they want, and he's been searching for Nicholas and Pernelle over centuries. They are soon found, and The Codex is stolen. Only Nicholas manages to escape with Josh and Sophie, the twins. Luckily, Josh tore out very important pages from the book, and he is now being sought out. Nicholas must now get the Codex back, protect the twins, and safe his wife in this 6 book Fantasy/Sce-Fi book..

    You can download the bool free from Michael Scott's homepage.

    I am in the middle of the 2nd book.. The 3rd comes out next month and they're working on the first Movie! ;D
    Thread by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 29, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Literature
  15. Sexy Sheva
    I don't have the flu xD I feel -healthwise- fine =)

    @xemnas- yeah that's exactly how i feel o_O my chest get's itchy after I run during 3rd period, but usually I'll go to the bathroom and wash my face in really hot water then get fresh air.
    That's what I meant by 'developing' also xD i didn't know the word for it... I have relatives that do have asthma. My grandmother has it, both sides of my family has asthma...

    @CtR- Yeah, I've lost a little weight where i've been excersising lately, but it's been bothering me the past few weeks because it's harder for me to breathe after so.

    I did smoke on Saturday but before that, it was about 2-3 months since the last time. I only smoked Saturday because i needed something and i'll admit I was an idiot for not doing something else, i just wasn't thinking straight.
    Post by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 29, 2009 in forum: Help with Life
  16. Sexy Sheva
    Hai =D

    idk if you remember mez or nawt

    I wuz Cupcake o:
    Post by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 28, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Sexy Sheva

    no u >:
    Post by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 28, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Sexy Sheva
    Advent is irritated with N00bs, then has his way with them
    ;D <333333

    =D yaaaaaaay

    lol i was bored

    as i said, I was bored, and I'm reading the sequel to this book that makes me think of you xD
    Post by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 28, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Sexy Sheva
    I got bored lmao~

    Thread by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 28, 2009, 34 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Sexy Sheva
    I will try my best to talk to my aunt, or maybe someone at the school who might know something... possibly my Biology teacher.

    Well, actually, when I was cooking earlier, I breathed in the steam and i felt so much better, then after about 20 minutes, then it got a little harder to breath. I'm not allergic to anything i don't think. When i ran yesterday playing volleyball, i thought I was gonna die, because i was breathing so hard and it was very hard to breathe... i took a nap after that and when i woke up i was feeling a little better.
    Post by: Sexy Sheva, Apr 27, 2009 in forum: Help with Life