kelli felt air pushed in her lungs. her lungs rejected the water and she started coughing, getting air in her body. she leaned up, holding the blanket against her body. she was crying and coughing at the same time.
kelli's body went motionless. she couldn't move her body, and she was scared that the elves would take her away. she didn't know what was going to happen when she would wake up.
kelli felt something grab her. she got scared. she kept thinking it was the elves who took her captive. she wouldn't go back. she wouldn't be their slave anymore.
Kelli moved around the darkness, sloshing her hands around. she let out the last of her air and he lungs reacted to breathing in a lot of water. she gagged on the water, trying to cough but she sucked in more water.
kelli loved the feel of the wate on her skin. the right temperature grazed and fell on he body. she walked off the shallow edge and dove into the deep part after taking a breath. she tried moving through the water. the shadows kept her hidden. she loved the way her body looked, though she wasn't self conscious. she kicked around trying to get to the surface, but she dwelled back into the shadows of the deep end. she let out a few breathes, then struggled to the bottom.
she walked through the forest, looking at the river. she stared at the shallow end and walked towards the bank, softly taking a few steps in after kicking her shoes off to the side. it had been a while since she'd felt water. she was in the need of a bath anyways. she'd take one now, it seemed. she grabbed her shoes and headed downstream, where the forest got narrow and more secret like. she made it through many bushes until she came to a calm meadow. she undressed and got in the river, swimming around getting cleaned off.
"don't plan on it," she said, stretching. she walked to the door and walked outside. she started walking on a path and took a deep breath. the forest wasn't like it used to be when she was a kid.
chuck norris has those qualities D; /lame
i love you.
She frowned again. "I'm sorry, and I don't mean to be insulting, but i'd rather be alone for now... I still have yet to find my parents," she said.
lol i'm country and that's country enough xDDD >| country is in the heart <333
She shuddered. "I'm not very comfortable with explaining this, but I feel you'll understand my situation better... When i was about... six years old, elves came into our home on the border of the forest and city. They took my older brother, and myself... They took us to this camp, where we had to work as slaves. My brother died 3 weeks ago and I'm all alone. I escaped just a few days ago..." she explained.
[lol .]
"I don't think so..." she said frowning.
o: I nominate Xedran! =D
She chuckled, sarcastically. "It's exactly what i think. Why would an elf be kind to a human? Why wouldn't they do anything?" she asked, pressuring questions. "I've seen your kind... I've been hurt by your kind. I'm not trusting you, or any of you..." she sneered.
"Hmph... not what I heard," she frowned.
OOC: o____O????? uhmm if you guys wanna, we can keep going on this RP xD
lol i see what you're getting at, but what i mean about 'not caring what i am to others' is that i don't care what others think of me.. I can be who i want and no one can tell me who to be (in other words its a good thing to me) the thing is, i don't smoke pot ._. i was just around them and got a little contact buzz from the smoke...
i agree. I know i am a 'tool'. But i really don't care what i am to others. lol i'll be hanging on (: i left my pack up my friend's hosue, and i don't take my momma's cigs lol <33 EDIT!!! also, when you're high... you feel hungry all the time o_O