Suddenly one of the most popular girls in school starts hanging out with me.
And then you can go and tell the admins everybody else that it's your account, and then get banned... Damn you Chris! D<
Did you just tell me to get bent? D:
And who might just that be? o:
And let's not forget that Batman is a Dark Knight. o:
I know that he became the Lich King at the end of Warcraft III: Frozen Throne, but he was still pretty damned epic as a Dark Knight.
If Roxas gets unbanned then I say Christhor should too!!!!!!!1111elleven
Isn't Arthas from WarCraft III a Dark Knight? If so then they win!
I've done no. 40 (on mine) quite a few times xD (especially with cin <3) risk qualifies for 41
Actually men do have their own version of PMS, it has to with wearing tight underwear(/panties). But that's all you're getting from me >:\
... I dun get eet... ._.
*Cutslitcut*? xD
11/15 for meh
i qualify for most of them ._.
lol'd no srsly i did ._. I disagree: << darth vader + lightsaber in SC4
IM FINALLY ONLINE AT THE SAME TIME AS JADE! w00t ... she just logged off.. NOEZ
._. I think my sarcasm detector might be broken. ._.
I thought the part about you being a troll was the sarcasm. <_>
... Are you one of dem shemales? Because you looked pretty female there and you say you're a dude? :\
So then who did you steal the pictures from? o:<