I tell you, ever since they banned Christhor the forum has been less active :\
There's no reason to hide it, we all know what happened. :sleepy:
We should have another one of these :3
Already did.
y hallo thar.
risk is not amused
Berserk, watch Berserk!
I'm just tired of this site, it's just not what it used to be. All the epic people have been replaced by annoying drama queen, and it was really enough with only me. Goodbye boring site and annoying people!
That wasn't very nice. =(
farewell my friend
It might go to the Wii because the game appeals more to that audience. It might also go to the PS3 since Disney have been one of the biggest supporters of the Blu-Ray, and Nomura is a little bit of a PS fanboy (probably the reason Versus is still exclusive). But of course Micro$oft might be moneyhatting Disney/Square to get another game on the 360. Most likely though it'll be Multi-plat 360/PS3 and the Wii get's a spin-off But only if KH3 actually get's out before the next gen start.
Well then it was really his own fault, he should definitely pay you back the money.
First of all, why was he holding them, and how did he lose them? But yeah, I'd say make him pay for it.
Lol, Luka. How creative :- P
._> <_. ^_>
I forgot to "go beyond limits" http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Txm5AsVsndo
[c=1]CӨ[c=9]ПП[/c]ӨЯ[/c][c=9]â„¢[/c] says: drling risk~ says: im not your "darling" [c=1]CӨ[c=9]ПП[/c]ӨЯ[/c][c=9]â„¢[/c] says: im bro tooo tolld mi 2 add ya i f ta sardar gor ?/ risk~ says: its gorean from a series of books [c=1]CӨ[c=9]ПП[/c]ӨЯ[/c][c=9]â„¢[/c] says: wa dat? risk~ says: its a language from a series of books [c=1]CӨ[c=9]ПП[/c]ӨЯ[/c][c=9]â„¢[/c] says: wat books risk~ says: the Gor series by John Norman [c=1]CӨ[c=9]ПП[/c]ӨЯ[/c][c=9]â„¢[/c] says: u fkin bent reader r u a nerd risk~ says: yes and why does enjoying reading mean im gay> ??* [c=1]CӨ[c=9]ПП[/c]ӨЯ[/c][c=9]â„¢[/c] says: btw do u go on runescape# risk~ says: NOI NO* RUNESCAPE FCKING SUCKS [c=1]CӨ[c=9]ПП[/c]ӨЯ[/c][c=9]â„¢[/c] says: wat u? risk~ says: no =| [c=1]CӨ[c=9]ПП[/c]ӨЯ[/c][c=9]â„¢[/c] says: wat do u liKe risk~ says: ... what do you mean "what do i like?" [c=1]CӨ[c=9]ПП[/c]ӨЯ[/c][c=9]â„¢[/c] says: games? risk~ says: oh internet or normal? [c=1]CӨ[c=9]ПП[/c]ӨЯ[/c][c=9]â„¢[/c] says: wat Like risk~ says: well my favourite MMO is GunZ online it takes shitloadsm of skill shitloads* [c=1]CӨ[c=9]ПП[/c]ӨЯ[/c][c=9]â„¢[/c] says: u bent u enjoy gay porn risk~ says: ew? why are you such an *******? well? do you even have a good reason to be an *******? or are you just generally a ****? [c=1]CӨ[c=9]ПП[/c]ӨЯ[/c][c=9]â„¢[/c] says: u queer nerd# risk~ says: thats not a reason [c=1]CӨ[c=9]ПП[/c]ӨЯ[/c][c=9]â„¢[/c] says: i no a pic of u risk~ says: good for you show me [c=1]CӨ[c=9]ПП[/c]ӨЯ[/c][c=9]â„¢[/c] says: na na na na na do ya mam risk~ says: i cant -.- not that i would btw thats a pathetic comeback is telling someone to have sex with their mother supposed to insult or hurt them? it does neither you my dear is sir* fail kthxbai~
You're mean ;_;
When? D<
If you didn't harass him, then you atleast harassed me! ;_;