Dude, überprüfen Sie die REP! ;D I hope I spelled that correctly
I know, I tried learning german once, damn that grammar was tight!
Christhor/X-Thor/Christhor's Dead Brother, you know that guy...
Chris was banned for spamming in the spam zone...
I see you've been learning german... Wait!
Nice .
[omgz you're sooooooooooooo awesome!] Yo! Long time no see! How's the PS3? Is Fallout 3 really all that? Been to New York lately? Having fun on KHV? ;D
No I haven't, but I've seen yours. I'm watching you! *insert shifty eyes-smiley that KHV apparently doesn't have*
If Dr. John is allowed to stay, then I don't see why you shouldn't. :\
Im going to guess... Something that might get you banned? :\
they all suck, Urge FTW!
do it, newfag!
I feel pretty embarrassed doing this... But I just don't know what to do anymore. Alright this started a couple of months ago, there is this girl who I've always liked. One day I decided to talk to her, it all worked out well enough and we started hanging out. She didn't know I liked her, the reason was because she had a boyfriend. Well anyway I did eventually tell her that I liked her, she didn't tell me if she liked me because she had a boyfriend, and didn't like to talk about it. Well she broke up with her boyfriend, and I was going to ask her out, but decided to wait because she had just broken up. Less then a week later she already had a new boyfriend, and she completely stopped talking to me. I don't really care about dating her anymore. I just want us to be friends, but she's just ignoring me no matter what I do. What should I do?
You do know that you get a custom Save Point that you can set up anywhere in the crater, right? If not then check your inventory, but be sure you want to put it where you choose, you can't move it after you've set it.
Lol, Zack is such a pussy.
Except* ~
This thread is turning me on.
I loled... Damn it!
In Soviet Russia, Hot Dogs Put Mustard On You. **
In Soviet Russia, Games Play You!