-revived- Fire at me with the questions. But watch out. I may esplode.
Go ahead, but I'm at my grandma's. She doesn't have MSN. >.<
xD Nice one. -dies-
-pokes her head in- Am I rememberd?
xD -glomped- I knew it was coming. I agree. Roxas and Alice did make the Spam Zone more enjoyable.
Are you sure? Check again.
Sadly, I kind of laughed. It just doesn't strike me as Goofy getting hurt, so it was a surprise. Surprises make me laugh.
So I'm not the only one who thinks so? -dies-
Oh, it seemes like a good movie. My mom said she'd take me to see it, but she keeps putting it off. -stab-
A figment of your imagination.
Nothing much. Dying and coming back to life. Killing myself on DDR Supernova (I finally got a PS2...xD)
xD It's a wonder.
Oh.my.GOD. Do you know how long it's been? I wonder if anyone even remembers me... o.O
I finally got a PS2...O_o -dies- I'm am WAAAAY out of the circle.
Yes my name is Katie. =D
LOL, Wtf? Someone was a bit bored.
The dead terrorist? O-o Ryuuga: Ummm Alexander?
xD That's good.
I hate you. xD Naw, I don't, but it felt good to say that anyway.
YES I DO. You pwner. xP