So how are you? And happy late New Years!
Heeey. /fillerz/
Meh... -pokes head in- Ello? -_-;;
Wow..I had no idea what my little cousin was getting into... O.o
-revives- YES! I'm alive! And Xigbar shall fall. Him and those medling...things he has. -fails some more-
Hey! -dies-
xD I think I've had too much excitement for tonight.
I like it, Kikame! It's better than my first attempt on a tablet...xD
And I missed all of that, too? Well, not the KHVR or the "parent", but.. -_-;;
xD It's probably some attention-seeking kid.
xD This is quite amusing.
WTF? I'm sorry, but I just had to laugh. Do you think that only people who are not Christians visit this site? Please. You have another thing coming. There are probably a lot of Christians on here, but do you see any of us complaining? NO.
xD Wow. I think I... Oo
WTF? I fell off my chair laughing! That was PWNAGE.
-is laughing hysterically at the "I'm Disgusted" thread- I'm glad I'm not the only one, then.
Isn't it? xD
Wow, I can't believe I was incredibly stupid to do so... O.o -slaps herself for her 4 year old cousin was standing there-
I''m good. Tired, but good.
Drop the Wal-Mart gift cards, and I won't have to shoot you.
YAY! I'm not totally forgotten. -does the Katie Dance-