Ahhh. Hai. O.o
...Do you want to know? It reminds meh of my friends...O.o Dun ask, please.
...Hey guys... I just noticed that I'm in the family...O.o
No, you weren't last time I was here. But I had noticed that CtR was staff. I was all like. "NUUU SHEES GUNNA BAAAN MEEEEH."
xD You're not the only one who was lost. But it wasn't the cutscenes for me... O.o
Yeah, the site has changed a ton. When I came back, I had wondered what happened!
Personally, I think Disney elements make up way over half of the entire game. Yes, there are other things in there, but where would almost all of the worlds go if there was no Disney? As my grandma says: Get to old for Disney, you're getting too old to live. Even with Disney in there, it pleases both kids who love the cuteness, and older players as well.
I just noticed how I don't have any post-worthy pictures of meh. I shall go take one with mah new camera I gots for Christmas >:3 Hmn, I'd like to see everyone's pictures, but my browser hates meh and won't show them. -stab-
Okeys. Thanks...xD
xD Me too. -glomped-
http://dracie.deviantart.com/ xD As you can tell, I made it not even half and hour ago. But there you go.
I am too. And I'm staying. =D
xD I'm good. It seemed like I was, wasn't it? I finally got bored, and couldn't stand being away for any longer.
Why yesh, I do...my friends wanted me to make one. I made it today, so it's quite bare..actually, nothing's on it...xD -stabs through MSN-
Hey there. Nope, I've never broken a bone in my life...
I had thought about joining Gaia at some time... But this thread just made me decide not to. O.o
xDD -tackled- CtR! -huggles-
-Pokes in- ^_^ -hands cookies over-
I'm good. Tired, but good. How are you?
xD Same here. I'm just so bored...x.X I'm taking pictures of practically everything... I'm even using a close-up picture of my hair as a texture in PSP...xD