Turns out, I am here.
Sooo, there was a bump on my toe. It hurt bad, so mom cut the top off, and sure enough, there was a splinter. She got as much of it out as possible. So yesterday, during computer class I had a sharp pain in my foot. Sure enough, the area where the splinter was was BLACK. I can't have my foot getting infected now, so I call my mom. We go to the doctor, and I get this shot that hurts like a beach. Turns out to be Novacaine. Now, today, my foot is sore, and I know it's not from the shot, it's from the hole the size of the end of my pinky finger. I have to take these inch-long capsules, and I can't swallow pills, so I dump the powder into a spoon and take it that way. Tasted like chicken. Now I'm sad. ._.
34734 Y'know, becuase 4 is the best.
Thanks. :3 Now if only I could keep my hair under control... -stabs-
xD I won't. But I do have a tendancy to die every now and then.
xD I finally got around to taking some picutres. Dun look, the hideousness will ruin your eyes! http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff141/dracoslythe/NovDanceandChristmasParade006.jpg This one was taken under some really crappy gym lighting...xD http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff141/dracoslythe/xD007.jpg This one was taken when I got my new camera...and I didn't know how to use it. O.o http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff141/dracoslythe/xD008.jpg I took this after I figured out how to use my camera. xD
Eh, I don't wear perfume... But I do like cookies.
Sure. Cookies are nice.
I'm glad. :3
xD Not very many people online know. Only when I mention it. :3
Yeah. Type 1. -stabs-
34719 xD Wow, When I was last here the number was like...20-somehting thousand.
O.o I am completely and utterly lost.
Hey there. I'm good. Had a rough morning...my insulin pump fell out while I was sleeping, and then my blood glucose testing kit went missing, but I found it and everything's okay. You?
-pokes in- Hmn... Hi. -runs off-
I've been really bored lately, so is there any ideas on a new book series I should read? Or a specific author? I don't read much, so any suggestion would be helpful. :3
Persoanlly, I say both. Stupid people make the boards, and then the others have enough sense to know that the topic is stupid, but reply anyway.
I LOL'd when I saw that. But yes. People grow up. Things happen.
My favorite boss to fight was probably...the final battle with Xemnas. I have no idea why, but it was..entertaining.
Aww, bye Chaser! I hope you come back very soon! Sorry about all the bad experiences.