But, liek, Cali is too far away! Hey! Look, a butterfly! -easily distracted by butterfly and leaves thread-
Hey there! So, how is everyone? (sorry for not being on the last few days...too amny things have happened.)
xD Nice...okay..I'mma add joos. My status is usually set to "busy" or "invisible."
Hey Spike. How're you doing?
DP...I'mma add joos to MSN, okay?
1 l13k (0ok345. O.o God, my brain hurts, now.
xD I love Uncyclopedia. -dies-
OMG, HI! -tackles LKX- I haven't seen you in forever.
-le licked- Hola? O.o
Heey there. -tacklehugs-
xD It's anyone's guess.
I want to be remembered for who I am, not anything I did, or what I wore. That's just me though.
It's actually Kikyou.
xD I'm good. Been watching Red vs. Blue all day...O.o
I just busted out laughing at that for no apparent reason... O.o
xD What's up?
xD I laughed when Kick-you died.
xD I'm guessing that it's not a very good game?
Wow... O.o
My friend said that Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games was a good one. I would have no idea. I've never played it.