xD Well, I'm planning on staying now. I've got (most) of my life staright. You know, minus the entire "OMFG I'm going to hell in August"
Hey, guys! The insane little sister is back! :D I missed everyone!
OMG CtR! It HAS been forevah. AND I AM ALIVE?! :D I've been pretty good. Been in and out of love, XD Had my first kiss Getting out of middle school You know, the same old.
Yep, I do! Clearly! The last time I saw you that I can remember was in the OC Park thingy. xD
Right. D: I came back like once in January, just to see how everyone was doing.
Agony, by KOTOKO
Oh...Well, hopefully someone will start!
Hey, Nexus. :3 OMG. I HAVE A TICK D: ::runs to pull it out::
:3 Yesh, I am still online. I'm having BBQ Chicken for dinnerzzz. Yumm
Eh, school, MySpace. Normal stoofz. D: I was taking a little break, but it turned into a much bigger break that I thought.
HAI! Nothing much happening. I know! It's been forevah. D:
xD I don't actually... Did you get a name change as well?
xD Hai, Xennex. I'm not too sure that I know you, either. I was here for a while, then left... :3
=D I remember you two. ::glomps::
::cough:: Am I a stranger here? I missed everyone. ;^;
OMFG. I REMEMBER YOU. ^^ I wouldn't have known unless you told me, though, because of name changes. XD
xD VGN. I have been...busy with school and stoofz. And I thought that I should take a tiny break from the site, but my tiny break turned into a huge one. D: Thanks, RvR! <3
xD My post count would be un-imaginably high. Let's leave it at that.
^_^ I hope I'm loved. I don't want anyone to be upset at me...
:P So I am loved. Or hated. One of the two.